A Blind Date for the Holidays


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Billie's hand slipped under my top. She didn't quite pinch my nipple, but what she did do sent a charge down my spine and back, setting up some sort of circuit between her touch and my need. The more she caressed my breasts the stronger my need for her grew.

Everything but Billie and what she was doing to me stopped mattering. It felt like time itself became meaningless. I was no longer holding back. I couldn't. No one had ever made me feel this good. No one had even come close, and there was still so much more to come.

I'm not sure how Billie did it without me noticing, but suddenly I realized that I wasn't just leaning against my dark-haired beauty. She'd shifted and I was now resting between her legs. I could feel her inner thighs against my sides, making me feel wanted and safe. I rested a hand on each of her knees, squeezing them gently.

Billie used her free hand to turn my head just enough so that we could kiss. Our lips touched and all my earlier misgivings became unimportant. I guess I'd been forcing them down, but as Billie's mouth opened and our tongues touched, I released them, letting the fears wash over and past me. I moaned again, this time into her mouth.

I was enjoying her touch and kisses so much that I almost didn't notice when her other hand slipped beneath my shirt and on to my stomach. She ran her fingers along the top edge of my spandex and the warmth that has been spreading throughout my body turned into a blaze. I felt something deep inside quiver, but she didn't stop there.

Billie pushed her fingers underneath my spandex and slowly ran them across my mound. Her touch caused an almost agonizing pleasure. Her kisses grew deeper and more insistent, and her hands seemed to know exactly how to touch me to cause the blaze deep within to turn into an all-consuming inferno.

My legs fell open, letting Billie know I was hers to do with as she wanted. Her fingers quickly found my center. I was soaked as they danced along my opening effortlessly. I gasped and actually shuddered. It was in need and not release, at least not yet.

Billie taunted and teased me, driving me mad with desire. I was in a lust filled daze when she finally slipped two of her long, thin fingers inside of me. Her touch was so incredible that my hips jerked up of their own accord, forcing her fingers deeper. I was a normal girl who I admit occasionally took care of herself when the need arose, but this was so much better!

I moaned and our kisses grew more frantic as my release grew closer. Billie was a woman on a mission. One that I couldn't deny even if I wanted to, not that I did. Her fingers had my opening gaping with need. I thought I was soaked before, but I was so wet now that I was sure my spandex would be stained for good.

I couldn't stop my body from thrashing as my orgasm drew near. My movement was so intense that Billie shifted her lips back to my neck. I missed her kisses immediately, but there were surprising benefits of her doing so. The feel of her mouth along my neck was incredible, and now I was free to see as well as feel.

My eyes locked onto the sight of Billie's hands driving me mad. Seeing how stiff her expert touch made my nipples as she caressed my full breasts with one hand had me moaning out loud once more, but even that was nothing compared to how I felt when I looked lower. I watched enthralled as the fingers of her other hand moved in and out of me, teasing my orgasm closer.

The sight was so intense that for a moment it almost seemed like I was watching someone else body response to Billie's touch, but I couldn't deny the feelings that went along with the view. It was a completely surreal moment. The best in my life.

I forced my eyes closed because I wanted what Billie was doing to me to last and I would lose it shortly if I kept watching. Only, she chose that moment to switch from kissing to sucking. Billie locked her lips on my neck. I gasped in surprise and pleasure, tilting my head to give her better access.

I never understood why a person would let someone else mark their necks and bodies with love bites until that moment. I was sure I wouldn't be thrilled later if Billie left a visible sign of what we were doing, but in that moment all I could do was gasp in ecstasy. Well, that and pull my knees up, giving her better access to finish me. I couldn't wait any longer.

Billie took full advantage and added a third finger inside of me while also changing the pace, making it more urgent now that my release was so emanant. The palm of her hand slapped against my mound with each thrust, causing a sting that felt incredible.

My eyes flew open and I watched what Billie was doing to me for as long as I could. The sight was wanton, and frankly, not how I viewed myself. Then again, my vision of myself had already changed significantly since I met Billie, so why not this? It was like nothing I'd ever felt before and I loved every second of it. If that made me wanton, then so be it.

These thoughts and others equally as needful flew through my mind and threatened to overwhelm my senses. I was literally panting in effort as I fought to stave off the inevitable, but it was impossible.

"Kiss me!" I demanded. "Kiss me now!" Billie's lips found mine despite my thrashing. The kiss was short and intense, and exactly what I needed.

My orgasm exploded from me. I think I might have actually screamed. I have a clear memory of being hit by something that felt like a thousand lightning bolts. After that everything got foggy.

I guess my brain shut down, but the memory of that moment would always be with me. It wasn't my first orgasm, but it might as well have been. The intensity was not something I expected or was prepared for. My first time with Billie would be etched deep inside of me forever.

Chapter Eight

I woke up slowly to the sun streaming in through the bedroom window. I had a vague memory of Billie helping me here from the living room and holding me while we slept, but I was alone in her bed now. My thoughts were sluggish, but that didn't stop a content smile from spreading. The sense of post coital euphoria was something new and I sunk into it happily, at least until my brain finally started working again and I realized what I'd done. I closed my eyes and groaned in embarrassment and misery.

"Wow! I literally passed out." That was shocking, but not the part that bothered me. "Oh my God! I passed out on Billie. She must hate me!"

"Hate you? Never." I opened my eyes to see Billie standing by the doorway, holding two cups of coffee and watching me. She was already dressed for the day as she moved to the bed. "You have no idea how big my ego swelled last night." I knew she meant it, but I knew she was also just being kind.

"Still..." I began, blushing badly, still horrified by what I'd done.

"All in good time." Billie actually laughed. I looked at her in shock and shook my head.

"You are so not a guy." The words slipped out. I'd meant them as a joke, but clearly Billie didn't get it so I blushed even more as I added, "Guys aren't nearly as patient and understanding, at least not in my experience."

"Ah," Billie said, finally getting it. "I figured out I liked girls pretty young. I don't have any real experience with guys."

I was tempted to say 'lucky you', but that wouldn't have been fair. I dated some very nice guys over the years. It's not their fault that it didn't work out. Besides, I was not going to be one of those lesbians who hate men. That thought actually made me laugh.

"What' so funny?" Billie asked.

"Nothing." I wanted to leave it at that, but she continued to stare at me and wait. "It really is nothing." Still Billie waited and I gave in, sighing loudly for effect. "Apparently, I've accepted that I'm a lesbian. Now I'm just trying to figure out what kind. Man-hater is out."

"You really do like to over think things and label them, don't you?" Billie had an amused smile as I sat up and took the coffee cup from her hand.

"Yes," I admitted with a shrug. "So, you might as well get used to it." She chose to ignore my comment and kiss me instead. I could live with that. What I couldn't live with was her trying to deepen the kiss. I was so not going to let her do that until I took care of something.

"Um, do you have a toothbrush I could use?" Billie tried to kiss me again, but I refused. "I cannot kiss you with morning breath after passing out on you last night. It would be just too cruel!"

"You definitely think too much." Her voice was a little husky with desire.

I opened my mouth to retort, but Billie caught me off guard and suddenly we were kissing again, deeply. I felt a moment of horror, but my breath clearly wasn't bothering her enough for Billie to stop and the longer she kissed me, the less I cared. It wasn't long before I was kissing her as hungrily as she was me.

I was annoyed when her phone interrupted us, but it's not like it was unexpected. I knew Billie had plans to show a house this morning. She told me the night before. Besides, her being up and dressed already were a dead giveaway. Billie pulled back and took her phone from her pocked.

"I left a tooth brush for you in the bathroom." She pointed toward a door off to one side. I know it sounded silly, but I liked the fact that she left my toothbrush in her bedroom bathroom and not the one off the living room.

I nodded and stood as she left the room to take the call. My body was achy. I'd slept half the night on the couch. Then again, there were parts of me that were achy for a completely different reason. I grinned to myself as I stretched, but that only lasted until I felt a twitch in my shoulder. I rotated my arm in a circle and used the other hand to massage where it hurt the worse. It helped a little.

'We need to make it to her bed first the next time.' I smiled at the thought for a couple of reasons despite the pain in my shoulder. First, because I was already excited about the idea of a next time. And second, because I was comfortable enough with what happened not to feel the least bit of regret. There was a chance that might come later. I hoped not, but I refused to dwell on it now.

I used the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I also did what I could with my hair, frowning when I saw that Billie had left a mark on my neck, but it wasn't that bad and would fade relatively quickly. I could always cover it with some makeup if it wasn't gone by the party tomorrow. I would have to talk to her about that later. I can't deny it felt good, but I was too old for hickeys.

"At least not where they were visible." I was surprise by the words that slipped out, but that didn't stop me from grinning at the thought.

I desperately needed a shower and change of clothes, but I didn't have anything else to wear. Besides, I knew Billie had to leave soon. I did take the time to wash up as best I could.

"I'm ready," I said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Eat first," Billie insisted. She'd made French toast and my stomach growled when I saw it. I was surprised at my hunger.

"I'll take it with me. I don't want to make you late for your house showing."

"We have a little time," she smiled, but then Billie grew serious as she added, "Actually, you can stay here if you want. I should be back in a few hours."

"No," I said quickly. "I need to go home." I didn't actually have anything major that had to be done this morning, but sitting in Billie's house without her here didn't feel right, no yet anyway.

Besides, I did need to get some work done this weekend and with the party tomorrow, today was probably better to focus on it.

"You're not running away, are you?" I wasn't used to seeing Billie unsure of herself. I didn't like it, in this instance mostly because I realized I was the cause of it. I took the few steps that separated us and wrapped my arms around Billie, lifting my chin to her. She took the hint and kissed me.

"I don't know what's going to happen between us," I said slowly, after our kiss was done. I was still holding Billie in my arms, trying to let her know how I really felt. "This is all new to me. The truth is that I'm not sure how I feel about all the changes that are coming to my life, but I can promise you that I'm done running away from you."

"Good." That was followed up with a grin. "Because I may be more patient and understanding than a guy, but I am only human." I couldn't stop the giggle that slipped out.

"Hey, you're the one who has to leave," I joked back.

"Don't tempt me!" Billie stepped back, but I could see how hard it was to do in her eyes. "Now eat your breakfast. We have to leave in ten minutes so I can drop you off on the way. Oh, and we're taking my car this time. It's too cold this morning for Harley."

I was disappointed that we weren't taking her motorcycle, but by the same token I wasn't looking to freeze to death either.

"You can take your leather coat back," I said as we sat together and began eating. "I don't need it any longer."

"So, you like being cold?" Billie was teasing me, but I was pretty sure that she understood what I was trying to say.

"Good point," I laughed, reaching for a second piece of French toast. I was starving. "I meant that metaphorically. Wait, is that the right word?" I paused, realizing my brain wasn't quite fully functioning again yet. It had more to do with the endorphins in my blood than any real sense of tiredness. I was sure that would come later.

"You know what I mean. You don't need me to hold on to your coat to be sure we'll see each other again anymore. After last night, you can expect to be seeing a lot more of me. I couldn't give up you now, even if I wanted to. My God! No one has ever made me feel that way before." I paused, smiled and shook my head. "And I'm rambling again, aren't I?"

"Just a bit," Billie answered kindly, drinking her coffee. "And you might as well keep the coat for now. It's cold out today. Besides, it's not like I'm going to be giving it to anyone else any time soon."

"I'm growing attached to it," I replied in an offhand manner, but there was nothing offhand about what I was feeling. "I may not give it back."

"It's yours." Billie dark eyes shone brightly.

It seemed obvious to me that we weren't talking just about the coat any longer. I opened my mouth to say so, but instead stuffed a piece of French toast between my lips to silence myself. I was more disappointed in my reaction than Billie. She seemed to expect it. That only made me feel worse. So much for my great mood.

The trip to my apartment was uneventful. Billie had a nice car, but I missed the motorcycle. I missed having her wrapped in my arms. I missed a lot of things.

"Are you okay?" Billie asked when we arrived, obviously concerned by my silence.

"I'm fine," I sighed, trying to shake my sudden moodiness. "I think I just need to have another conversation with my mirror." That earned me an odd look, which it turns made me laugh. "Remember, I warned you I was crazy from the beginning." Billie smiled despite probably only understanding half of what I was saying.

"The weather is supposed to warm up tomorrow and be sunny. Samantha and Arlene's Christmas party will be outside so dress accordingly. I'll pick you up at eleven thirty."

"Better make it eleven forty-five. The party starts at noon and it's about twenty-five minutes away. This way we arrive ten minutes after it starts. That's too late to be first and too early to make a grand entrance."

"There you go again, thinking too much." I didn't bother commenting on her observation. What could I say? It's not like it wasn't true. Besides, Billie quickly added, "But what about tonight? Aren't we seeing each other later?" The answer should have been easy, but I hesitated, and then answered the opposite of what I actually wanted.

"I have to do a bunch of work today and I need a good night sleep before the party, especially after last night. You can call me later if you'd like, but let's hold off seeing each other again until tomorrow. This way I'll be ready to face your friends."

"Okay," Billie sighed, clearly not happy with my decision, but accepting it none the less. "I've got to go."

"That's nice," I said, but not moving from her car.

"Um, are you planning on coming with me?" she asked after a pregnant pause.

"Don't be ridiculous. Like I said, I have a lot to do today." Billie looked and me and waited, but once again I remained motionless.

"Well then, what are you..."

For the second time in my life, I took the initiative and kissed Billie, cutting her off. I couldn't resist. She looked so befuddled that it was actually cute. That didn't stop her from returning my kiss. We broke part slowly.

"I so owe Janet," Billie smiled, but then shook her head and added, "Speaking of which, don't you think you've been mad at her long enough? She is your best friend. Its time you forgave her."

"I can't. Not yet." It wasn't that I didn't want to forgive Janet. I couldn't. I was still hurting from what she'd done to me. "She should have talked to me before setting us up." The words were coming slowly, but they were coming which was a plus. "And before you say it, trying to talk to me one time back in college when we were both drunk doesn't count."

"Do you think you would have listened?" It was a fair question. The problem was that I wasn't sure of the answer.

"I don't know. Maybe in time, but that's not really the point." I paused and shook my head, trying to make sense out of my thoughts. "She should have come to me. Friends don't set friends up like she did. Do you have any idea how badly this could have all ended up?"

"But it didn't."

"Again, that's not really the point." I was angry and hurt by what Janet had done and I needed more time to forgive her.

"Isn't it?" Billie asked rhetorically, which caused me to frown. I guess she took that as a victory. Either that or she had to go because she changed the subject. "By the way, I was talking to Janet yesterday and she shared something with me. When were you going to tell me that your birthday is next weekend?"

"Don't remind me," I grimaced. "I've been trying to block it out." There was more truth to that than I wanted to admit. I really had been avoiding thoughts of impending my birthday. It wasn't as hard as it sounded, not with everything else that was going on.

"She said that turning twenty-five was hitting you hard."

"Janet has a big mouth," I snapped in annoyance.

"She cares about you and wanted to make sure you weren't alone on your birthday."

I sighed because that did sound like Janet. She knew me well enough to know that me being by myself on Tuesday wouldn't be good. My best friend was making it hard to stay mad at her.

"I was going to see if you wanted to go out to dinner, but I don't want you to miss your old neighborhood Christmas Block party," I offered lamely, earning a frown.

"You should have told me it was your birthday." Billie was probably right, but I wasn't sure how to broach the subject. Honestly, I wasn't sure I wanted to at first. I was still in denial at the time. After that I was so nervous about our date last night that my birthday didn't seem all that important. Plus, her plans to go home next weekend.

"Yes dear." I went for the joke because I didn't have time to explain all that to her now. Billie was definitely running late for her appointment. She frowned at me which made me grin and add, "Annoying, isn't it?"

"Very funny," Billie said, shaking her head, but I could tell she was going to let the subject drop, for now. "In either case, I'd like to take you out to dinner for your birthday."

"The block party..." I began, but she cut me off.

"I am not missing your birthday." There was no give in her tone, and I have to admit, it made me happy despite the guilt that came with it. "The town's spectacular will always be there next year."
