A Caged Bird Never Flies


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Janice hesitated for a moment. I knew she was wondering who I would be meeting, "I love you too. Goodbye."

I spent the remainder of the trip to Stacy's house arranging plane tickets. By the time we arrived I had made the arrangements and forwarded the itinerary to Janice. We exited the car in front of a meticulously well-kept modest two-story home. Stacy led me up on the front porch and pulled the door open. We walked inside and I heard a child's voice happily calling out, "Mommy!" He ran down the hallway and jumped into his mom's arms, "Goodness Steven! You're getting too big to jump on mommy!"

She set him on his feet and he grinned up at her. I knew in an instant that he was my son. Not that I questioned Stacy's veracity, but it was such a shock to see him in the flesh. There was no doubt in my mind that he was our child.

She knelt down to his level, "Steven, I would like you to meet David. David, this is Steven."

I fully understood her hesitance to say, "this is your father". It was way too soon, and he was way too young to need that piece of information at this point.

He looked up at me, "Hi! I'm six going on seven!"

I wanted to pick him up and hug him as tight as I could. Instead, I squatted down and smiled, "Wow! You're old!" He giggled in response.

Stacy walked us down the hall to the living room where she introduced me to her parents. Will and Joan were very welcoming. I had no idea how much, if anything, they knew about Stacy and me. After some small talk Stacy turned to me, "Would you mind playing with Steven for a little bit while I talk to Mom and Dad?"

I was more than happy to do it. I followed Steven as he ran down the hall to his room. He showed me his favorite toys and we played with them on his bed. I was totally entranced by him. He was a beautiful and happy little boy. I promised myself right then that I would never let my problems cause him pain. His happiness was the most important thing in the world.

I lost track of time and was caught by surprise when Stacy walked into the room. I don't know how long that she stood and watched as the two of us played on the bed. She finally spoke, "Steven, come here please." He hopped off the bed and ran over to her, "I'm going to be away for a few days, and I want you to be a good boy for Grandma and Grandpa. Will you do that for me?"

The smile left his face, "Where are you going?"

"Just to see an old friend. I will be back in no time. OK?"

He shrugged his little shoulders, "OK Mom." Then he turned and ran back to the bed. He picked up right where he left off playing.

Stacy looked at me and smiled, "I need to pack some things and then we'll need to go if we want to catch the flight. Do you mind staying here with Steven while I do that?"

I returned her smile, "I would love to stay here while you do that. Come and get us when you're ready."

Half an hour later Steven gave his mom a big hug. Then he gave me one and I didn't want to let him go. I struggled to keep my eyes dry when we left the house. On the way to my hotel, I told Stacy about my marriage to Janice and her ultimatum. I pointed out that I was on a quest to prove my love for my wife and to reach some sort of resolution with her. I gave her time to think about that while she waited for me to gather my stuff and check out of the hotel.

We spent most of the drive to the airport in silence. Something that Janice had said suddenly lit up in my mind, "Stacy, did you know before you left that Janice was in love with both of us?"

Her face went pale, "She was in love with me? I... I never knew. Oh my god! I never knew."

I had to know, "What would you have done if you had known?"

She had managed to get her color back, "I don't know. You and I were so in love, and I couldn't imagine being with anyone else. If I had known? I would have been torn. I have never been with a woman, but there were many times that I wanted to be intimate with Janice. She was more than a friend to me, but I never told her.

"I felt like I was being greedy wanting to be closer to her while being with you. I hid my feelings and did my best to stay just her friend. I thought if I ever told her I was attracted to her she might take it badly and I would lose my friend. I didn't want to take that chance."

I took a moment to take that in, "Knowing what you know now would you have told her how you felt?"

She didn't hesitate, "I would have told you both. I would have hoped that you would understand that I didn't love you any less, and I would have asked that you let me explore my relationship with Janice."

I took all that in for a moment, "I think you and Janice have a lot to talk about. Maybe it's time to explore those feelings. I can tell that you still have feelings for her, and I am sure she still has feelings for you. I don't think I am the only one that has to deal with being in love with two people."

A few minutes later we arrived at the airport. We checked in and had dinner at an airport restaurant before boarding the plane. Two hours later we were standing at the door to what used to be my home.


Janice opened the door when I rang the bell. Stacy was standing in front of me and she immediately flew into Janice's open arms. They stood there and cried while holding each other fiercely. They finally separated enough to look at each other face to face. Through her tears Janice looked at Stacy, "I've missed you so much!"

Stacy leaned forward and kissed Janice softly on the lips, "I've missed you too."

A look of wonder came over Janice's face as the two separated. I gave her a moment and she looked over at me. I took the two steps between us and pulled her into my arms. I kissed her deeply then told her, "I love you Janice."

She smiled up at me, "I love you too."

She turned and grabbed Stacy's hand, "Come on. I'll show you your room and the rest of the house."

I went to the car and got Stacy's bag. I brought it in and dropped it off in the guest room. Having done my duty, I kicked back on the couch and watched the tv for a while. I figured that the two of them would be talking for a bit and I wasn't disappointed. They were gone for over an hour before I saw the two of them enter the living room arm in arm. I turned off the tv and stood. I felt like I was awaiting a verdict.

Janice and Stacy looked at each other and kissed. It wasn't some passionate swapping of tongues. It was a sweetly romantic kiss that lasted just a few seconds but said so much. It was obvious to me that they were finally going to explore the feelings they had for each other. I turned toward the door and smiled at them, "Please know that I am happy for both of you. It's getting late so I'll leave you two alone. Please call me when you want to talk."

Janice reached out and put her hand on my arm, "Please don't go David. This is about the three of us, not any two of us. It always has been. We just didn't know it."

I turned back and Stacy reached for me. She put her arms around my neck and kissed me. God! To kiss her again after all this time. It was sweet and passionate and seemingly endless. I couldn't get enough. When she finally pulled her lips from mine, I felt Janice turn me toward her. She kissed me with just as much sweetness and passion, but in a way uniquely hers. When our lips finally separated, she pulled Stacy into the same ardent kiss. My heart was pounding at the sight of them.

Janice released Stacy, "Why don't we all go to the bedroom and make love?"

The two women turned toward the hallway and began walking to the bedroom. I followed close behind. I wanted to make love to both of them more than anything I could imagine. I also knew that Stacy and Janice needed time to discover each other. I was more than willing to stand back and let that happen. This wasn't about me. This was about us.

In the bedroom the two women stood nestled against each other. They kissed, then separated. Both looked at me and I smiled, "You two go ahead. I'll join you in a little while."

That was all the reassurance they needed before they became totally focused on each other. There was no rush as they kissed and touched. They tenderly undressed each other, touching and caressing skin as it was revealed. When they climbed onto the bed, they were fully nude. Kisses and touches became more erotic as their arousal grew. Hands found each other's centers and both women panted out their arousal. They brought each other to their first orgasm as a couple with their hands. They were just getting started.

Janice kissed her way down Stacy's body until her mouth enveloped Stacy's mons. She soon had Stacy writhing on the bed. It wasn't long until her hands pulled Janice's head hard against her. I could tell that the orgasm that followed was earth shattering for Stacy. Janice moved back up her body and held her close in the afterglow.

Stacy nestled against Janice while she got her breath back. Soon enough she began to kiss Janice with more and more passion. Stacy kissed her way to Janice's center and tasted her for the first time. It became apparent to me that Stacy was enjoying herself almost as much as Janice was. I realized that I was smiling so hard my face was beginning to hurt.

Janice experienced her first orgasm with a woman, and it was wonderful to witness. I finally took off my clothes and joined them on the bed. Janice looked at me, then pointedly looked at Stacy. I took the hint and took Stacy into my arms. The feel of her naked body against mine was euphoric. I piece of me that had been gone was now returned. We made slow passionate love and it was as if we had never parted. I paced myself so that I wouldn't orgasm, but I did manage to get two orgasms out of her before she asked me to let her rest for a while.

I moved from her arms to Janice's. She hugged me as hard as she could before we began to make love. I wasn't holding back with Janice and after ensuring that she orgasmed, I allowed myself that wonderful release deep within her. I kissed her deeply until I went soft and slid from her.

I got to my knees and looked at both of them lying there looking so beautiful, "I love you both and I can't imagine life without either of you."

Janice and Stacy looked at each other and nearly simultaneously said, "I love you."

Then they looked up at me and told me the same. I have never been happier in my life. I knew that we had all we needed. The rest was just details and obstacles to be overcome.

Stacy transferred to our local hospital in less than a month. She and Steven moved in with us and Janice canceled the separation. I couldn't marry Stacy too, but that didn't matter to the three of us. I established trusts for Stacy and Steven to ensure they were taken care of in case something happened to Janice and me. My will would make for some interesting reading if it were ever made public.

Stacy had ensured that Steven's birth certificate had my surname. While I couldn't marry Stacy, there was no restriction on her changing her name. She adopted my surname, and I was deeply touched. We ended up with a household that included a Mrs. Thomson and a Ms. Thomson, which sowed no end of confusion. We had fun with it and never bothered to tell the curious how that came to be. A little over a year after the three of us got together we were overjoyed when Janice announced that she was pregnant.

Twelve wonderful years went by, and Steven has graduated from high school. His sister Rebecca is a sophomore. We have explained our relationship to them, and they have no problem with it. Janice, Stacy, and I are more in love than ever. Now we fly together.

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HighpikeHighpike4 months ago

Well, I for one loved it; though I agree a bit short.

inka2222inka22225 months ago

Bleh. How can someone manage to screw up what could have been an amazing MFF story? Let's see, Stacy has committed a MAJOR moral/ethical crime by hiding a son from the guy, ON TOP of hurting him like hell for no good reason whatsoever. Janice "loved" him, but was very happy to hide the fact that she knew why Stacy left and that she was in contact with her, while he was suffering. So, neither one was a decent person and neither one ACTUALLY loved him.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Nice story perhaps too short.

More details of the mechanics of being in a loving throuple would help to make it interesting as to how it actually works longer term.

And how did it work sexually when Janice was pregnant? Was Stacy able to contribute to Janice's maternity care, emotionally and physically?

What State does David and Janice live in? What State did Stephen and Stacy live in? How do Rebecca and Stephen relate? Have Stephen and David found a way to bond?

A longer story with their combined adventures would be worth reading.

Lass Lover

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Six years. He was forced to miss six years of his son's life, but it's cool because he gets to bang them both and she "did it for him". Right. What a mess, and what thoroughly unlikable, unstable characters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was way too short. It's almost like a concept document or an extended outline. Idiots on this site write stories of 20K, 30K, and up to 50K, which are way over-explained and filled with minutiae and extraneous details. This story? It could easily fill 30-40 thousand words. Rewrite it!

OvercriticalOvercriticalover 1 year ago

I find this story to be absolutely ridiculous and fully worthy of the 2* I rated it. I always feel that the author is the owner of the story and the plot and all attendant details and what he/she wants to write is fully his/her responsibility. As a reader I'm responsible for reading as much of it as I want and disliking it as much as I want. I can always stop reading. Since this was only two pages long I read it to the end, but I find that I dislike all the characters and am not rooting for any of them. I'm not a big fan of the homosexual life although a family member is of that persuasion. What homosexuals want to do is fine with me, but i don't find their relationships interesting or provocative. I have never read or heard of what it is that lesbians or gay men feel or like or do so I do not read about what their relationships are. This so-called polyamory life is a mystery to me and I'm quite happy to leave it at that. I do wish the author had warned the readers of this possibility in the story and I would have avoided reading it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago
Polyamory Fantasy. Sure, OK, Why Not?

I guess its fun to write about? Maybe I'm nit picking, but after 4 years he has become a distant roommate to someone he claims to love, hasn't made love to in over a year, and doesn't even realize it till Janice confronts him? That does not sound like polyamory, its sounds like a consolation marriage that has failed. But presto changeo they're all just back to fucking again, even though Stacy and him have unrequited love plus a son to share, and Janice does not feel like a third wheel? OK, so Stacy is fucking Janice, does that make up for David no longer fucking her? But were supposed to assume that now that Stacy is fucking Janice that David wants to too? Yeah, polyamory can be kind of confusing. But thanks for the effort.

James G 5James G 5over 1 year ago

She stole 6 years of his son's life from him and he's just OK with it?

Top notch dad material there.

shadrachtshadrachtover 1 year ago

Nice, although a little sad to me for reasons I cannot explain.

One note / correction however - Steven is seven when we meet him. A year after they all get together, his child with Janice is born or conceived. That makes Steven eight years (at least) older than Rebecca. The last paragraph makes it seem like Steven just graduated when Rebecca was a sophomore. The timing there doesn't work. Further, the timing of a twelve year old being a sophomore in high school doesn't work, either. High school sophomores are usually 15-16.

teedeedubteedeedubalmost 2 years ago

An interesting story line. Well written. It's a nice fairy tale.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Enjoyable read - a tale of unusual, romantic relationships which can be lived by all parties. I’d have liked the outcome to have been a little less obvious at the earlier stages to keep the suspense, but it all worked. I love the fact that readers have filters in place to avoid lesbian relationships - I suppose they are ok living in their fantasy world where homosexuality doesn’t exist, but why?

MainboyMainboyabout 2 years ago

Now.... That was well done. Short, sweet and complete. Not to be written into this but I cannot help but think how close to nuclear a domestic squabble between these characters can be. ;-))

Thanks. Enjoyed it a lot but I refuse to accept a $Million a month to live with two women. Believable plot and well written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

There was a lot of unconditional love in this story. Both women had it from the start then, finally the clueless man got it.

JH4FunJH4Funabout 2 years ago
Excellent Story (5 Stars)

While I really enjoyed your story I have to acknowledge I do not read the warning at the beginning of stories as they are generally the same with most of the same tags. I do always read all of the comments and that sparked me to go back and read your intro. That being said even if you added the tags I still would have read your story.

I believe you wrote a story that was excellent in detail and intrigue. It had the elements that brought out thought and insight-fullness into relationships that reach across most norms. However, it showed depth in a potential relationship that had fallen apart from lack of nurturing and simple acknowledgement of the partner in the relationship. This really happens more than people care to reveal to others. Some suffer through. While other just throw them away (This happens more often).

I enjoyed looking at the potential in your story and where your took it. While I don't think I would have go this path, it was good to see it in your story.

Keep Writing


Bh76Bh76about 2 years ago

Great outline, now give us the story. Could’ve been amazing if it detailed the loves they had and lost in college, for all of them. The marriage losing its luster. Then the reconnecting.

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