A Casual Pick Up


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For a minute or so Paul stood in front of Jasper, his hands resting on the younger man's shoulders, just soaking up the sensation, but then he reached down to take hold of Jasper's cock also, so that they each fondled the other's cock while looking directly into each others eyes.

From that position it was predictable what happened next. Paul leaned forward and placed his mouth over Jasper's, his tongue probing for admission between Jasper's lips. Briefly Jasper baulked at the thought of a full-on man to man kiss and kept his mouth closed, but Paul's tongue was persistent and finally Jasper relented, parting his lips and allowing him access. Once he had accepted the idea Jasper found that kissing Paul was little different to kissing one of his infrequent girlfriends and he let himself enjoy it.

The two men stood kissing and fondling for several minutes, hands running along cocks or reaching lower to cup each other's balls, and each occasionally groaning their pleasure or gasping from a suddenly intense feeling. Jasper's inhibitions had almost completely gone, he was fully involved now, taking and giving pleasure as willingly as Paul. He was eager too, wanting to know where it might lead, and what things would be like, waiting for Paul to lead him.

Paul was only to willing to lead, he had seen Jasper in the toilets and, besides taking a fancy to the waiflike young man, he had realised that here was someone who, given the chance, would respond to his advances. Now, having confirmed his belief, it was down to him to make the running. He backed away just slightly and pressed down with the hand still resting on Jasper's shoulder, making Jasper look at him in confused uncertainty.

"Kneel down." He told him quietly, waiting silently until Jasper was on his knees before continuing. "Suck me, please Jaz."

Jasper had expected this moment, but he hadn't been too sure how he would cope with it. Now it had come he realised that he didn't mind at all, he wanted to try a cock in his mouth. He looked at the erect cock in front of him, reached out with one hand to hold it steady and then leaned forward, opening his mouth and putting out his tongue to lick the end, his first taste of 'man meat'. Paul sighed with satisfaction as Jasper's tongue licked around the head of his cock.

Jasper had sometimes wondered what a cock would be like to taste. He hadn't known what to expect, but Paul's cock was 'nice'. That was the only way to describe it. It was warm, firm, and tasteless, not at all wet or unpleasant, just 'nice'. He opened his mouth further and leaned forward a little more to engulf the head, his inexperience making him cautious.

There was no way Jasper could take the entire length of Paul's cock, even the head seemed to fill his mouth completely, but he pushed his lips down the shaft as far as he could without gagging, sucking hard and running his tongue all over the tip and glans, and at the same time began wanking Paul with his hand. Paul placed a restraining hand at the back of Jasper's head and groaned loudly, hoping and praying that Jasper would not pull away when he came. He didn't know, but that decision had just been made.

Jasper already knew what cum tasted like, he had wanked into his own hand on more than one occasion and then licked up his own spunk, so his only reservation was about his ability to swallow Paul's entire load. He guessed, quite rightly, that Paul had been feeling horny all day and was likely to shoot a very large wad. In one way that excited him, but he didn't want to let Paul down by choking on it. He would just do the best he could.

He could tell it was not likely to be long either, because Paul was already trying to control the instinctive and involuntary little thrusts that often precede a climax, and his breathing was turning into quick little breaths. Jasper stopped moving his lips along Paul's shaft and just held the head in his mouth, running his tongue over and round, tasting the first drops of pre-cum while his hand pumped more vigorously in his effort to make Paul cum.

"Oh God, you're fucking good." Paul gasped, suddenly changing his mind. "For Christ's sake stop before I shoot my load."

Jasper stopped and looked up, bewildered, his hand still wrapped around Paul's shaft. He had expected to wank and suck Paul until he had cum in his mouth, and this sudden stop had thrown him.

"I want to get more comfortable before we go too far." Paul explained, not really clarifying things at all.

Jasper still looked mystified at the abrupt change of events, until Paul pulled away and moved towards the bed, signalling for Jasper to join him. They settled side by side and Jasper made to carry on from where he left off, assuming that was what was wanted, but Paul pushed him firmly onto his back, his hand going out to Jasper's cock.

"My turn, don't you think?" The question was clearly rhetorical.

Paul's touch was much firmer than Jasper's had been, a steady up and down pumping along the whole length of his cock, pushing down into the root of his shaft as well as stretching his foreskin right over the very tip. Jasper wondered if he was being shown how Paul liked it and told himself to remember for next time. Perhaps, he thought, that is why Paul had taken over.

Whichever way Paul liked to be touched, Jasper would settle for what was being done to him at that moment. Jasper took a long easy breath in and sighed with contentment, letting himself relax back and enjoy Paul's attentions, the feel of a stranger's hand wrapped around him beginning to feel almost normal. Never in a million years when he left home that night would he have expected to be lying on the most sumptuous bed being wanked by another man, but it just goes to show, he told himself.

He hoped vaguely that Paul might suck him too, as he had been asked to do. He had never yet had a mouth around his cock, male or female, and it was high on his 'to do' list, but Paul had propped himself on one elbow looking down at him, and seemed content to play. Not that Jasper minded, the feel of Paul's fingers around his shaft and those long, milking strokes were beginning to have their effect. He could feel his cock beginning to throb with arousal and his balls begin to tighten.

Paul shuffled down the bed slightly, still gazing down at Jasper, and slid his hand lower, over the base of his cock and onto Jasper's balls, gently squeezing and rolling them in his palm. Jasper sighed happily once more and raised his knees, opening his legs wide to admit Paul's hand.

"Nice?" Paul asked after a short while.

Jasper nodded, letting his eyes close and hanging a happy arm over Paul's shoulder.

"Wait a minute then."

Jasper felt Paul's weight lift from the bed and listened as the man padded quietly around the bed, only opening his eyes at the sound of a drawer. Paul was at his bedside cabinet, taking out what looked to Jasper like a tube of toothpaste, even although he knew it couldn't be.

"What is it?" He asked.

"You'll see. Don't worry, you'll like it."

Jasper felt his earlier anxieties return, his brain knew what the tube must be, but his mind wouldn't allow him to admit it. Lube could only mean one thing, and he didn't feel ready for that.

"You're not going to....? Jasper couldn't vocalise his concerns.

"We're not going to do anything you don't want to." It was not a very satisfactory reassurance.

It would have taken considerable nerve for Jasper to have got up from the bed at that late point and left, and one thing that Jasper lacked was nerve. He lay there wondering what to do, his erection wilting under his worries, and let Paul climb back alongside him.

"I can't turn my back for minute, can I?" Paul laughed, looking meaningfully at Jasper's shrinking cock. "Never mind, we'll soon get that back in working order."

Paul had settled himself with his head roughly level with Jasper's waist and this time he reached under the raised thigh to take hold of his cock from below. Jasper thought this a little strange, but at least Paul wasn't climbing on top, and that's all he was really worried about. He allowed the contact to continue, pushing his doubts to the back of his mind and enjoying the feel of fingers touching and stroking his cock. It wasn't many minutes before the cock responded and began expanding back to full erection.

"See, I told you we'd sort it."

Paul smiled, moving his hand down to rest back on Jasper's balls and shuffling a little closer. Jasper made a little throaty noise, enjoying the touch but still wary.

"There's something I want to do." Paul told Jasper. "I know you'll like it."

Jasper tensed, but Paul just chuckled.

"Have faith, I'm only teasing."

Letting go his balls, he took hold of Jasper's cock again instead, and then leaned over to take it into his mouth. Jasper gasped with pleased surprise, inwardly grinning at his own caginess.

The feel of Paul's mouth on his cock was both new and wonderful. Paul had obviously done this before. He ran his tongue around Jasper's helmet, sucked him in deeper, then withdrew, letting his tongue slide along under his cock. Soon Jasper was squirming with pleasure at the host of new sensations that flooded through him, especially when Paul's hand returned to cupping and squeezing his scrotum.

"I said you'd like it." Paul grinned around the head of Jasper's cock.

Jasper couldn't answer properly; he was enjoying it too much to speak. Paul had the trick of taking Jasper deep into his mouth and then breathing out through his nose as he pulled away, his cool breath playing on the wet coated shaft, and all of this while gently rolling Jasper's balls in his palm. Jasper managed a groan of agreement.

Paul's fingers soon began playing very gently with his ball's, stroking them so lightly that Jasper could feel them only as butterfly wings softly flickering over the hairy pouch, stroking up, down, and around, occasionally straying onto his perineum and creating little stabs of delight. Jasper hardly noticed when the emphasis moved from his balls to his perineum, both felt marvellous to him, and it was only when the wandering fingertips began to play around his anus that he became aware of it, and by then it was far too nice to worry.

"All right?" Paul was seeking consent for more than roaming fingertips, but Jasper didn't fully understand.

"Oh yes." He answered.

He was loving every moment of what Paul was currently doing, even when the fingertips probed and wriggled, pushing slightly at his back door. He even felt a pang of disappointment when Paul's hand was moved away, but he sensed that it would soon return.

Paul's finger was cold when it touched him again, the temperature shock disguising for a moment the fact that it was also very wet and slippery. Jasper jerked away, but then settled back as Paul sucked harder and more intently on his cock. The contrast of the cold lube and the warmth of Paul's mouth was actually quite pleasant as the fingertip ran around in his crack, lubricating his entrance and making it ready for exploration. Jasper knew what was happening because his brain understood what his mind rejected, and he allowed Paul to continue, hiding the possibilities from his own consciousness.

At first Paul's finger merely stroked and caressed Jasper's anus, lightly probing the entrance without penetrating, letting Jasper get accustomed to the sensations and to begin to enjoy them properly. All the time his mouth was rising and falling on Jasper's cock, taking as much of the shaft inside his mouth as possible, giving Jasper his first blow job. Only when he felt Jasper begin to move under him and heard his breathing change did he slowly start to insinuate his fingertip into his arse.

For Jasper the sensations were overwhelming. He'd never had oral sex before, and the fact that it was a man's mouth mattered little. The combined sensation of Paul's mouth and the finger knocking at his back door had sent him to heaven, lighting the fuse of a longed-for climax. Jasper groaned his pleasure and tried to open his legs even wider, pulling them back to give more room to the hand threaded beneath his thigh. Paul smiled around Jasper's cock and wriggled his finger further inside the younger man's rectum, a second finger seeking entry alongside it.

Jasper was quickly clenching his fists and rolling his head at the intensity of the it, feeling an climax building rapidly, and hoping that Paul would let him cum in his mouth. God, if only he would do that! Two fingers had now found their way inside him, stretching his anus a little but not uncomfortably, and were pistoning in and out more and more rapidly, keeping pace with the mouth that rose and fell over his cock. He was close to cumming, he could feel his balls tightening and his hips were beginning to twitch. The fingers pushed themselves full depth inside him, and they felt so damn good, taking him even closer to his climax. He felt sure that Paul knew what was happening, but in case he didn't....

"Be careful." He warned Paul, feeling the climax looming. "I'm going to cum very soon."

Paul nodded without taking his mouth away and redoubled his efforts, letting his mouth slide up and down Jasper's cock as rapidly as possible and swirling his tongue all around the helmet with each stroke. His two fingers now were pumping in and out of Jasper's arse in imitation of an anal fucking, giving Jasper the sensation of a cock in miniature.

"Jesus! It's too late, I'm cumming."

Paul slammed his fingers right up inside Jasper's rectum as his balls exploded, sending the first of half a dozen thick and creamy jets of cum spurting into Paul's waiting mouth. He was, he knew, the first man to taste Jasper's spunk and he made the most of it, swallowing every drop each time the cock in his mouth convulsed to release more of that lovely cream. He loved the taste of a man's cum, for some unexplained reason especially that of a gay virgin.

Soon Jasper's climax was over and the young man slumped back onto the bed, his muscles, formally tensed from the power of his ejaculation, relaxed to leave him spent and exhausted on the bed, his chest heaving and his body trembling. Paul let Jasper's empty cock slip from his mouth and withdrew his fingers gently, saying nothing for a few minutes until Jasper had the chance to regain his breath.

"Was that good?" He asked eventually.

"God, yes." Jasper gasped out.

"I told you that you'd enjoy what we did, didn't I?"

Jasper nodded.

"Kneel down then, because I know you'll enjoy this too."

Jasper knew what Paul intended, and he no longer minded. In fact he had known it was coming ever since Paul had pushed a second finger inside him, and in a bizarre way he was even looking forward to it now. He rolled over and raised himself onto his hands and knees, waiting for Paul to fuck him and just hoping that it wouldn't hurt.

He felt the bed move as Paul moved around into position behind him, and he tensed himself ready for the invasion, an invasion that didn't immediately come. Instead Paul's hand was placed on the middle of his back, between his shoulder blades, pushing down firmly. It took a moment or two before Jasper understood what was wanted, but finally he did, folding his arms and resting his head on them, his bottom now high in the air.

Paul shuffled closer, pulling Jasper's cheeks apart with his hands, revealing his anus, exposed and vulnerable. Jasper's heart was once again pounding with worried anticipation and his breathing was reduced to nervous little gasps, still awaiting the assault on his bottom.

Paul made him wait what seemed like ages, but was in reality only a few seconds, as he lubricated his own cock, making it as slippery and cold as his fingers had been. It touched Jasper's crack, making him gasp and shudder involuntarily, his arse tensing automatically.

"Loosen up, it won't hurt."

Jasper wasn't sure about that, but he tried to do as he was advised, consciously trying to make his sphincter relax in readiness. He felt the cool hardness of Paul's cock slide along his crack, looking for his entrance and then finding it, resting with the tip just touching Jasper's puckered star.

Paul didn't thrust at him, he just gently leaned towards Jasper, his weight pressing the tip of his cock against the tightness of his sphincter. Jasper pushed back, gasping slightly from the magnitude of what he was doing, trying to help a man to enter him. He could feel his ring expanding gradually, giving way to the pressure and slowly but surely granting the invader admittance, until, with an almost audible pop, his sphincter gave way and the head of Paul's cock slid inside.

The feeling was incredible. There had been no pain, only a very slight discomfort as Paul had first penetrated, and if he had been asked to, Jasper could not have described the exquisite sensation of having a man's cock inside his arse, apart from saying that he felt taken and filled up in the most strange and wonderful way. He pressed backwards, amazed at himself but wanting Paul to drive deeper, wanting to have a man as deep inside him as he could possibly get. Paul obliged, his slippery cock easily penetrating his rectum, sliding in until Jasper could feel Paul's pubic nest tickling his bottom.

Paul began to fuck him, thrusting deep into him and then withdrawing until the head barely stayed inside, before plunging back inside once again. At first the thrusts were slow and steady, but as Paul became more aroused and as he sensed that Jasper was getting accustomed to it, he sped up until he was ramming himself in as hard and fast as he could.

Jasper was glad that he was kneeling with his head on his arms, because he was sure that otherwise he would now have been pushed over, rammed forward until he could no longer withstand the barrage and collapsed flat onto the bed. He could feel Paul's cock sliding in and out and his body slamming up against his bottom, the thrusts becoming more disjointed and irregular as Paul's climax rapidly approached. It was by far the most exciting experience he had ever had.

Suddenly Paul grunted and pushed himself hard against Jasper, his cock jerking as he came, flooding Jasper's rectum with his spunk. Jasper felt cum spraying into him in hot and heavy spurts one after the other, with Paul groaning and pushing with each one. Jasper wanted it to go on and on, wanting his body to be the receptacle for Paul's semen, and he felt strangely frustrated when the spurts decreased and Paul's thrusts became less forceful In the end, his load spent, Paul slumped forward, leaning on Jasper's back and breathing heavily in his ear.

Finally Paul pulled away, rolling onto his back, panting and sweating, his cock shining wet and slick from a mixture of lube and his own cum. Jasper turned onto his side and gazed at Paul, bewildered at his own behaviour but not in the least dismayed. Paul stared at Jasper, trying to make out the young man's thoughts.

"I enjoyed that, did you?"

Jasper nodded, smiling as the irrelevant thought flashed through his mind that he had wanted a fuck tonight, but had not actually intended being on the receiving end.

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BlueEyes1969BlueEyes1969about 1 year ago

Beautifully crafted story of a gentle male seduction and the powerful emotions of a first time experience for a young man. Powerfully arousing for me and wishing my first time had been so amazing! Thanks!

InchesInchesover 1 year ago

Beautiful story. made hard , and wishing some would take my cum .

Sounding22Sounding22over 1 year ago

Taken for the first time and became a man to.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very erotic and arousing. I have fantasized about doing that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Compelling, erotic, and wonderfully written. It finished far, far, too soon for my liking; I felt there could have been another few pages of delicious discovery for the boy.


danielzrdanielzrabout 5 years ago

Please write a sequel with the same characters

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
To be fucked just once.

I've fantasized being taken anally for years now but I've never had it happen to me. Actually my biggest fantasy is being taken anally and orally at the same time,repeatedly by a group of men while blindfolded and bent over with my hands tied behind my back .

sober71sober71over 6 years ago
Loved it

So very sensual and erotic. More please

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

A wonderful story about a first experience. This should be continued with these two getting together for more m2m sex. Jazz seems a lot like me in that he will be a cock sucker and a bottom and I truly love being both.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
oh god yes....

Please please please someone make luv to me like this I've been curious for so long now I want a gorgeous man like this to make me feel like Jas. I love this story so hot.

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