A Cold Night in Old London Town

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A wife takes liberties.
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A cold rainy night in old London town

It was a freezing, damp October night walking along the pavement towards Trafalgar Square. The pathway shone with reflective light from the lamp posts and the wind cut through me like a knife. The bar was just a hundred yards away but it was a struggle in this wind, the glow from the windows looked inviting and warm.

I clicked the latch and pushed open the big old oak entrance door to a wall of sound. The place was buzzing, full of London bankers blowing off steam on a Friday night. A big log fire was blazing in the corner, the heat from it after the wind and rain outside felt comforting. There was a coat rack to the side of the fireplace, it was steaming from the heat from the open fire. I hung my overcoat and made my way through the crowd to the bar.

This was not my usual haunt, I didn't tend to mix with these types but tonight I was to meet a lady here. The place was full of white shirts and bright braces, the archetypal London wide boy banker types. Each had a glass of brandy in hand trying to outdo the other with outlandish stories, I didn't much like them. But this was the place she had asked me to meet her in, so here I am.

The barman handed me my rum and coke as I surveyed the room looking for her. It was now 8.30pm, she had told me to be there for 9. I was early because I wanted to gauge the atmosphere of the pub, I like to know my surroundings and to feel comfortable especially in a strange place.

It was a loud, rowdy pub. The men outnumbering the women probably by about 7 or 8 to1. 90% of the males were posturing peacocks. They seemed to think that the louder and more brash they were, the more it impressed the women in the bar. I sat back on my barstool and just watched the scenes play out before me. I glanced at the clock, then to the door. It was 8.50, still no sign of her.

I was into my second rum and coke when I was approached by the barman asking if I was waiting for someone and would I like to book a table in the restaurant upstairs. I declined but told him, "yes, I am waiting for my date, she said she would be here by 9pm. She is running a bit late."

I kept glancing at the clock as he spoke to me it was 9.25 now. I was starting to think I had been stood up. The fire was blazing hard and I left my stood to go sit in one of the comfy chairs either side of the hearth.

It was 9.38 and still no sign, I was well into my third drink and was feeling nice and cosy by the fireside. I took my out my phone to see if there was any message, there was nothing.

I was resigned to an early night and midway through a text to her when I glanced up at the door again, she was there.

She stood out from every woman in the place like a Hollywood starlet amongst plain Janes. It was like time stopped as nearly every eye in the house was trained on that doorway. She had had blond hair last time I saw her, tonight it was long curly locks of brunette. It suited her, she looked stunning.

She glanced my way to see me sitting, staring in her direction. She smiled and nodded acknowledging me. I raised my glass to her as I made to stand. She removed her raincoat and the gasps were audible from the wolves gathered around. She stood in a tight floral patterned, cotton dress with matching heels. It clung to every perfect curve of her body, she oozed sexiness and sensuality.

The nearest man to her took her coat and helped her to hang it on the rack near the door, he spoke something to her and she smiled. He smiled also and put his hand to the small of her back guiding her through the crowded pub towards the bar.

I sat back in my armchair intrigued as to what was she thought she was doing, was she about to let this stranger buy her a drink?

The man guided her to the barstool that I had vacated earlier, about ten feet from my location. She again glanced for no more than a fleeting second at me, she knew full well I was there but continued to act like I was not. It felt weird and yet strangely quite erotic.

Her position was such that she was seated a few feet higher than me so I was looking up at her. Her legs, which were by far and away her best attribute were at my eyelevel and she wore a fine mesh flesh coloured stocking tonight. They went perfectly with the pale pink high heels on her feet, her anklet shone and twinkled from the firelight. She raised the hem of her skirt slightly to allow the crossing of her legs, she was an amazing woman.

I still sat there wondering what her game was when the man leaned in and whispered something to her. She laughed and for all intents and purposes it looked like they knew each other, they seemed to definitely not to be strangers. I was puzzled but I let the play continue, for now.

I found I was getting very jealous, this was MY Friday night.

We met every last Friday of the month in a different bar, sometimes getting a room, sometimes not. But every Friday she was mine. This stranger was infringing on my territory, but for the life of me I found I was rooted to the spot taking in the scene playing out before me.

She lightly traced her scarlet painted nails up his white shirt sleeve, the contrast of the red on white was stark. He closed the gap between them and she stroked her foot on his leg. I placed my glass on the table in front of me and stood to confront them, she looked my way giving me a glare as if to say, "Sit, don't you dare!"

It was unnerving, she had fire in her eyes as she gave me her silent directive. I was stunned and wasn't quite sure what to do, it was obvious from her look to me that she wanted this to play out. I picked my glass up and stood the other side of her nodding to the barman to get his attention.

While I was waiting for my fourth rum I felt her hand on my leg, she squeezed. I stood patiently and her hand crept higher, she traced her fingers over my rapidly hardening crotch. I could hear her talking with this stranger while her left hand was fondling my cock between us through my trousers. It was the most erotic thing I have ever had done to me, I did not want the barman to ever come back with my drink.

I was more aroused than I think I had ever been in my life when he placed my drink in front of me. I touched her hand with mine as I reached into my pocket for my card, she squeezed my fingers then her hand left mine.

I stood there for another minute hoping her caress would resume but she was otherwise engaged. I returned to the fireside armchair a bit deflated but more turned on than I can ever recall. The stranger was standing close to her now, her legs had opened to invite him in. He was standing between them as they talked intently. My jealousy was building again and I wanted to either punch him or walk out, I wasn't sure which.

She looked at me intently when he was talking to the barman and gave me an air kiss, her eyes were alive with excitement. She ran a hand up her hemline dragging her red nails up and into the welt of her stocking. Her eyes never leaving contact with mine as she seductively stroked her thigh.

I was confused, did she want me or him, both?

She rose from her stool, kissed his cheek and walked to the other side of the bar and into the ladies. What the fuck was she playing at?

Two minutes later, "Ping" my phone gave me a text notification.

"Go with it and I will fuck you so bad tonight, do this for me and I will let you take my ass."

I was shocked and had to read it again, as I read it a second time she reappeared to take her seat with him. She grinned at me as she passed, I frowned back at her but nodded my approval. I wanted her perfect ass.

I opened my phone again and scrolled through local hotels, the prices were horrendous. £300+ a night, for one fucking night and that was without breakfast! But for £300, I would get her ass. Was it worth £300? Shit while I was thinking the room went, the next available was £375. Fuck it, I cursed under my breath. I glanced up, they were close now, far too close. I was sure he had his hand on her thigh.

I clicked yes to the room and looked up again, his hand WAS on her thigh. To be exact between her thighs, on the inside of her thigh moving slightly. Her eyes were trained in my direction as he touched her. She rested her forehead on his shoulder and whispered something to him. He removed his hand and sucked his finger. I had had enough of this. I stood to confront them ready to rip his head from his shoulders but he walked away.

"Quick, before he comes back, get our coats!" she said hastily.

Again I was totally confused but she grabbed my arm dragging me toward the door. She clutched her coat and ran out of the pub leaving me to get my coat.

I met her outside to fits of laughter from her. I was fucking fuming at her behaviour but she was screaming with laughter.

"Oh God, that was such a turn on. It was so funny watching your face," She beamed. "Feel me, I am soaking."

She grabbed my wrist, plunging my hand between her thighs.

"See, I am dripping!"

"Fuck off Danni, that was horrible!"

"Don't tell me you hated it, I saw the look in your face when he had his hand up my dress."

"Fuck off, don't ever do that again, EVER!"

She pulled me into a side alley and kissed me with a passion we had never shared together.

"Take me to a hotel now and fuck me like my husband cant." She breathed into my ear as her tongue snaked around the ridges of my earlobe.

"God Danni, you are insatiable."

I ran my fingers around her pussy lips, she was right. She was dripping her juices down her legs.

"Come on, lets get out of here before he comes out looking for me." She squealed in fits of laughter.

We ran hand in hand up the wet street until we were both completely out of breath, the headlights of a bus was coming toward us and we jumped on not caring were it was going. Sitting on the top level at the back, both soaked through I started to see the funny side of what had happened.

"Seriously though Danni, please don't put me in that situation again. I nearly, and would've killed him."

"Ohh I like this jealous side of you," she whispered as her hand squeezed my hardening cock again.

"I wish my husband could see us now, he might be just as jealous as you are." She laughed.

The bus travelled down past the parliament buildings and on towards Pimlico, our hotel was in Chelsea so by more luck than judgement we were going the right way. She fished my cock out and ducked under the seat swallowing me. The bus was quite crowded but all were looking forwards as she continued to suck me off. Another first, she had never done this in public and I used all my willpower not to come quickly.

Our destination was coming up and she kept on sucking doing her level best to get my sperm before our stop. I am not sure how I held on, but I did. I wanted her ass.

I tucked myself back into place and we ran laughing like schoolkids from the bus to the hotel foyer. Once inside the lift she tried to get my cock out again, "Give me that spunk." I held her off until we got to the room.

We both fell into the hotel room and wrestled around on the floor ripping the clothes from each-others backs. Our mouths never left the others until we were both naked. I pushed her onto the bed backwards and dove headfirst into her pussy.

God, she was wet. She was like a river down there. I could've rammed my fist into her and she wouldn't have felt a thing she was so wet. I drank as much of her juices as I could possibly swallow before the feelings of desire overtook me and I had to get inside her. I crawled up and sunk into her hot cunt, she wrapped herself around me like a limpet clinging on as I rutted like a dog.

It took all of one minute before I unloaded into her, it was like no other orgasm I had ever had. It felt like my stomach was travelling up and exploding out of my cock. My arms and legs were jellified, my speech was gibberish. She just held on tightly as my spunk flew from me to her.

Eventually she said, "Phew, that was fucking hot, I never knew you had that kind of passion in you."

"Fuck off you bitch." I replied with a smile on my face. She laid there looking at me slowly toying with her clit as I slowly arose from the bed.

"But what about me, I never came." She said with a pouty look on her face. Her tongue came out licking her lips seductively wiggling he finger to me beckoning me to get back on the bed.

"Go down on me, make me come and you can have my ass tonight. You know I do not let my hubby have that so it will only be for you."

Oh fuck!

She was laying there, my spunk oozing from her pussy and toying with it. Asking me to lick her, clean her for her ass. I hesitated all of three seconds before I sucked my spunk from her, she thrashed about beneath me as I ate her to the biggest orgasm of her life.

An hour later after a drink from the mini bar and an make-do enema from a shower hose, I was buried balls deep in her asshole. We did it doggy style and I had never felt tightness like it, it was like sliding into a furness of elastic bands.

Hot does not do anal justice, she was like a fire in there. The noises she made as I slid in were sounds that will go with me to the grave. How I stopped from popping off as my balls hit her ass cheeks I will never know. She gripped the bed sheets telling me to go slow, I did everything as she instructed not wanting to hurt or spoil the mood.

She made soft sighs with ooh's and ahh's like a porn star as I slowly slid in and out. The sight from behind as I slipped in and out of her perfect peachy asshole was something I will never forget. Everything that had happened in that pub was worth this 100 times over. Her hand came below us and she feverishly rubbed her clit as I started to build up momentum.

"Harder," she gasped. "Fuck my ass harder."

I didn't want to hurt her but I did as she asked, I couldn't take much more and felt myself start to get that feeling.

"Harder!" she screamed.

I was jack-hammering into her now, holding her hips as I drove my cock into her hot asshole. She had never behaved before like she had this night and I loved it, I loved her.

I rammed my cock in as far as it would go and held it there as I let stream after stream of hot spunk flood into her bowels.

She squirmed beneath me as her orgasm hit simultaneously with mine, I pushed her forwards and collapsed onto her sweaty back still embedded inside of her.

We laid like that for what seemed like hours until I softened and slipped from her ass. I turned onto my back absolutely knackered leaving her face down on the bed beside me.

"Fuck me Danni, that was a date-night and a half."

She raised her head from the mattress, with drool hanging from her mouth and slurred,

"I am not sure I can wait another month for my husband to fuck me like that again. I'll get your sister to have the kids and we can have a date nigh every week?"

The End.

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OlFrog14xOlFrog14x10 months ago

If she walked into that bar with an anklet on, he is lucky to ONLY have to suck his own ejaculate!!

RocketMan12RocketMan1212 months ago

Nice twist but to be fair I saw it coming

HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 year ago

Femdom agitprop, but the kind I love, they are hot and love each other.

1959richard21959richard2about 1 year ago

🥱 It's alright.







Regguy69Regguy69about 1 year ago

Role-playing can be great fun and a real turn-on, but once actual touching occurs, they are no longer "playing." I recall watching my girlfriend verbally fending off guys that approached her as she sat in a bar. It was quite the ego trip for her. I let it go until one guy tried to get handsy with her and then I snatched her up and we left. She wasn't about to let a stranger get into her panties, that would not be part of the game, ever!

OPrimeOPrimeabout 1 year ago

Why would anyone married, think that was okay. He is a cuck in the making. What is next, him watching her, suck some stranger's dick?

Goodlookingman1979Goodlookingman1979about 1 year ago

It started and now she will end up fucking a guy in front of him and divorce

pink4bbcpink4bbcabout 1 year ago

Brilliant these role plays dates are a great way to discover each others kinks

It was on these occasions me and my now ex wife discovered y heat we both enjoyed sph this was discovered by compote accident

Ple tell a us more

lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 1 year ago

Good role playing carried a little further by the wife. Loved it

GrendelpuppyGrendelpuppyabout 1 year ago

i dont like anal but given the contrxt of the story ivcan ignore it.

five stars

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerabout 1 year ago

If my "date" was 45 minutes late, I'd have been out of there! Even if (with hindsight) it was a "role play" game, I would be done. When she ignored me and allowed another guy to chat her up, obviously without us having discussed that scenario, I'd simply get up, ghost her, and leave, without making any fuss. She would be done!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 1 year ago

So he spends 375 pounds for a hotel room to fuck his own wife?

kirei8kirei8about 1 year ago

Dumbass! It's only a matter of time, bubba, before it turns real.

DessertmanDessertmanabout 1 year ago

That scenario has been done to death.

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