A Conspiracy to Commit...


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"I moved off of his lap and went down on my knees between his legs. 'Now suck the cum out of my balls, Fuck Slut! And you'd better swallow every last drop!' I had my orders and once again I obeyed my Master's command. I stroked his cock while my lips and tongue massaged the shaft. I felt his cock swell up and I knew that his seed was about to explode into my mouth. There was one long stream of semen pumping into my mouth as I swallowed as fast as I could. I can't remember you ever giving me that much cum to swallow. It seemed that he was never going to stop cumming into my mouth."

That distant look seemed to fade from Carol's eyes as she neared the end of her detailed narration.

"That was just the beginning of a two day fuck-fest for us. I don't know if Sir was taking any type of erection enhancement drugs, but he had an eternal hard on for most of those two days. I was never so deeply fucked so many times in every conceivable position as I was by him during that weekend."

Carol paused in her monologue. It seemed that as she relayed those memories of that first sex session, those thoughts brought waves of enjoyment to her. Then, as if to remember where she was and who she was with, she looked hard at me and asked,

"Is that descriptive enough for you?" There was heavy sarcasm in her voice.

"That would surely make a great script for a porn movie, but I haven't heard anything that would resemble a justification for your becoming another man's fuck slut." My face matched my hard words as I looked coldly into her eyes.

"If you wanted to have an affair why didn't you just keep it a secret from me? You had ample opportunities to find one or more lovers to satisfy your primal lust. Why was the video necessary? Why rub my nose into the slime of your adultery?"

Carol's eyes flared up as my accusatory words slammed against her defensive position. She must have had some notion in her mind that she could shift the blame for her actions to me, and then announce that she enjoyed her sexual excursion so much that I would now have to accept it as part of our marriage.

Maybe Jack's analysis of her actions was correct. It very well could have been that a flip-flop switch had snapped in her mind and now her infidelity was fully justified. She certainly did not want to hear me attack or criticize her actions.

"Maybe the justification was simply that he made me feel like a complete woman!" She snapped back at me, trying to gain higher ground again.

"Oh, so you're pregnant by him are you?" I knew that those words would cut her to the quick. If she answered yes to that question, I would have been dumbfounded. But the look on her face told me that his swimmers weren't any better than mine at getting to her eggs.

"You goddamn bastard! Do you think that all I care about now is getting a baby to grow in my belly?" Carol's face was now contorted into an angry scowl. Her eyes were burning with rage.

"The last time we had a serious discussion about your wants and desires, making a baby was on the top of the list. So, are you now telling me that it's just the slutty fucking that you're interested in?" No way was I going to let her off the hook. She rubbed my nose in it and whether it was PTR or not, I was going to keep shoving her adultery back in her face.

"Maybe that's true. Maybe it is just that he fucks me so well that I can't get enough of it. Does that justify my actions?" Again her face scowled at me. There was no loving wife staring at me at that moment.

"Is it the fucking you like or do you just like to be treated like trailer park trash? He calls you a fuck slut. That must turn you on. He makes you crawl on the floor like some farm animal. Do you know if he got his start fucking sheep on his grandpa's farm?" Another salvo slamming home. Carol's defences were taking a heavy beating.

The truth be known, Carol was never very good at the Art of Verbal Self-Defence. She always expected the people she dealt with to be civil and considerate toward her. My attacks were not being blunted by her self-righteousness. They hit their marks and left gaping holes in her psyche.

"All you seem to be able to do is attack my lover and call him names. He is quite a man, in addition to knowing how to arouse my emotions to the highest level. Long pause. I think that this conversation is over. I wanted to convince you that I have found happiness having sex with another man, but that I still loved you and wanted to remain your wife. It seems that you don't want to be convinced of that. So, I'll be leaving now." Carol had realized that her defences were battered down and her only option was to retreat. She started to get out of her chair.

"If you want to convince me that you still love me and want us to remain married, then come home with me right now." My voice was now harder and more demanding. Those hard words stunned Carol and she sat back down in her chair. Her face was all screwed up in confusion and then she said.

"I can't come home with you, Barry. Sir hasn't given me his permission just yet. He said I still have more training to do before he will send me back home."

"Fuck him! I am your husband and I'm telling you to come home right now."

Tears began to well up in her eyes and in a very soft contrite voice she simply said,

"I can't."

"Let me make this perfectly clear to you, my loving wife. If you leave here to go back to him, you then have till midnight tonight, to come home and begin to try to put our lives back together. Or...just don't come back at all.

"When the clock strikes twelve, your dreams of a marriage with me will evaporate. Tomorrow I will call my lawyer and he will begin the divorce proceedings."

Tears were now gushing out of Carol's eyes. The final ultimatum had just been delivered to her. The vision of how her life would now be with two men to satisfy all of her needs was being blown apart.

The irony of this scene was the fact that while she sat there telling me her adulterous story, her lover was going to jail. She was going back to an empty house in Elmwood. I knew this, but she did not.

Yet, there was still a wild card in this new situation. Phil Bogan. With Les in jail, how would he be able to manipulate Carol? There wasn't a third male that Josh or Felix had identified in this conspiracy. Just Les and Phil. Could Phil pull off this covert operation by himself? Interesting question...no good answer.

Carol would now be a basket case, knowing that I had used the 'D' word loud and clear. She had been trying to work out some scenario in her mind that would allow her to maintain the two worlds that she had constructed in her mind.

When she got to the house and found it empty, what would she do? Would she think that her lover had abandoned her? Would she just think it was another test her lover was putting her through? Does she have Phil's number? What were her instructions about Phil? More questions...more blank answers.

"Well, the choice is now yours, my dear. I'm leaving and heading back home. You're welcome to come along with me. I'll be there all night. I truly hope that you will come to your senses and come home before midnight rolls around."

This time it was me who stood up while she was still firmly planted in her chair. Her pitiful eyes gave me that sorrowful little puppy dog look which was intended to melt my cold heart and let her have her way. I turned and walked away.


Chapter 15: The Aftermath of the Meeting

When I got in my car, I hit the speed dial on my cell phone and in a second I heard Josh's voice come on the line.

"Hello, Josh. How did the takedown go? Is Les in jail right now?"

"It went down smooth as glass. The arrest warrant was a complete surprise for him. I think he had convinced himself that he had put that Vegas scam behind him. He's in jail right now trying to lawyer up, but I don't think that has worked so far. No judge will let him out on bail with an extradition proceeding in the works." Josh sounded upbeat.

"He won't be going anywhere for a long time once the Nevada folks get a hold of him." There was a pause as he shifted topics.

"How did your meeting with Carol go?" His voice did not sound as if he expected a positive response.

"About like we expected. She is still under his control. It doesn't look like drugs or hypnosis is keeping her tied to him. I left her sitting there with the midnight deadline staring her in the face. She did the tear-gushing scene, trying to get me to accept her new situation and to remain married to me." A deep breath and sigh. Then Josh spoke up.

"After they hauled Les' ass off to the slammer, I planted a couple of hidden cameras in the house where Carol won't find them and yet, it will give us a visual and audio transmission of what happens inside the house. I'm very interested in what Carol will do in that empty house while she has no idea of where Les is at this time." Josh, the ultimate cop.

"Maybe his absence will shock Carol into coming home before the midnight deadline. I can't imagine what will be going through her head when she finds herself all alone this evening." My words didn't even convince me that she would have the courage to do that when she hadn't talked to her lover. Josh continued his thoughts.

"But, we need to keep an eye out for Phil. He's still the ring-leader in this whole mess. I don't know if and when he'll find that Les is out of commission. It will be very interesting to see what he does when he finds that Carol's master isn't there to keep her on a tight leash. It might just make him play his hand earlier than he planned."

Josh and I talked on the phone as I drove away from Lincoln Park and back to my house. It seems that the crisis is at its final level. There was no way that Les and Phil could have put together a plan that would counter all the moves that Josh, Felix and I had initiated. Now the pieces of Phil's plan are scattered around the board. He could not have an immediate counter Plan B.

Even though my marital crisis had not been resolved with the face-to-face meeting with Carol, there was a sudden wave of relief that washed over me and made me feel really good for a change. There was one villain down and one more to go.


Chapter 16: Sunday Evening

The house was empty for me as well. Josh and Felix would continue their covert surveillance of Phil and of the house in Elmwood. Carol was now the true pawn in this mess. She was seduced into a conspiracy that she was unaware even existed. And now, she was going to be set adrift all alone without any direction or anyone to help.

Down deep in my heart I truly felt sorry for her. How she would react to this bewildering abandonment was a mystery to me. What Phil would do with her now was a big question.

It was almost 10:00 that evening when Josh called me to give me an update. He first told me that Carol came home expecting to find Les waiting for her.

"When she saw that he wasn't there, she sat down and cried. She didn't make any phone calls. I think that she thought that this might be a test that Les was putting her through. I'm sure that she thought he would walk through the door at any minute. As time dragged by, I could see that she was getting quite upset and agitated.

"It was around 8:00 that the phone rang. It was Phil on the other end. He told her that Les had been called out of town for an emergency and that he had left orders for her to remain in the house until he returns or until Phil would come by and give her new instructions.

"He then asked Carol about her meeting with you. He wanted to know the major details of the conversation. Carol told him about the different person she saw in you. A hard aggrieved person who extended no kindness or compassion toward her. She also told him about the midnight deadline that you had imposed upon her and the fact that you would file for divorce tomorrow if she did not return home.

"Carol tried to get more information from Phil, but he told her to shut up and listen. 'Stay put. Don't make any phone calls. Don't talk to anyone.' Were the instructions he gave her and then he hung up." Josh stopped for a few seconds and then continued.

"I guess that Carol is in for the night. I would be very surprised if she had the nerve to disobey the orders Phil gave her. Why don't you get some sleep. Tomorrow you need to get to work as if nothing happened. You might give Steven a download, but try and be your old happy self. Maybe our friend Phil will tip his hand tomorrow. I'll call Felix and see what's happening at his end. Have a good night's sleep."

We hung up knowing that Phil's plan had taken a torpedo to the midship. Nothing more to do for this evening, I had a glass of warm milk to help put me to sleep. Walking into the master bedroom, an ugly thought just flashed across my mind as I visualized Carol and her lover having sex in this room. Her words were so explicit that I could almost see the two of them fucking on the bed. I turned around and walked into the guest bedroom. I would sleep easier in an'unsoiled' bed.

The phone rang. It was Felix. He had just gotten off the phone with Josh and he thought that he needed to update me. Without having an inside bug or a tap on Phil's phone, all Felix could do was to stake out Phil's house. "After they attended church, Phil and his wife returned to the house, accompanied by a couple of friends. Those friends stayed through supper and left the house a little before 8:00. Nothing else went in or out of the Bogan residence.

"One other thing, Barry. I want to stop by tonight and give you a camera briefcase for you to use this week at work. It might just be the thing for you to have around if Phil makes his move while you're at work. I could be there in about a half hour, does that work for you?"

I told Felix that I would be waiting for him. We hung up and I walked back into the kitchen area to wait. It took him about twenty minutes to get to my house. We exchanged the normal greetings and then he showed me the fancy briefcase that he had brought with him. There was a small hole in the side of the case for the hidden camera. He demonstrated how to aim the case and where the 'On' switch was concealed near the carry handle.

Felix left right after he delivered the briefcase. I went back to bed. When the midnight hour rolled around, I was sound asleep. There were no expectations that Carol would call or show up. That would have been a very long shot. Neither happened. And I got a full night's sleep.


Chapter 17: Monday at Work

The alarm went off at 7:30 and I was out of bed and ready to roll. I showered, dressed and had a quick cereal breakfast with coffee before I left the house at 8:30.

Monday traffic was its usual mess. It took me almost half an hour to make a normal fifteen minute drive. I strolled into my office like a conquering warrior. My smile and demeanor masked the crisis that I have been living since last Monday night. After checking the messages on my desk, I went down the hall to Mr. Chase's office.

Rita was sitting at her guard station as I approached. I smiled a big smile at her and then asked her if Mr. Chase was available. Her stiff persona jumped to the forefront.

It was customary for anyone wanting to see Mr. Chase to call Rita first and have her schedule an appointment for a meeting. My direct approach did not sit well with her highness. She made motions as if she were checking the schedule book while her face was making frowning expressions.

I stood there like a truant schoolboy in the principal's office. Rita was taking her sweet time. While I stood there, I started to take in all the physical attributes of this self-appointed St. Peter.

She was dressed very conservatively and business-like. Nothing feminine or sexy about her dress. Her hair was shoulder length and straight without any curls or frosting. There was very little makeup on her face. A light red blush lipstick and a hint of eye-liner. Nothing more. I would guess her age to be anywhere from mid-forties to early-fifties.

All in all she wasn't a bad package of a woman. No wedding ring on her finger. No family pictures on her desk. I secretly guessed that it had been a long time since she shared her bed with a man.

As I continued to stand there, taking mental notes about this 'Iron Maiden', the door to Mr. Chase's office opened and he looked up at me in surprise.

"Oh, Barry. I'm surprised to see you. I thought that the Boise trip would take another day or so." Rita looked up as the boss talked directly to me. "Don't stand there, come in and tell me about your trip." His voice was very cordial as I turned and walked into his office.

"Rita, please hold all my calls and see to it that Mr. Knoll and I are not disturbed."

A quick glance over my shoulder told me that the 'Iron Maiden' didn't take my end around maneuver very well. I could see that she would do her best to get even with me. But, there was a lot going on that she didn't have the slightest clue about. Steven closed the door and we both sat down across from each other.

"Fill me in on everything that's been happening since we had dinner on Thursday, Barry."

It took about fifteen minutes to cover all the things that had transpired since the four of us met at the Bold Knight. He was especially interested in all the information I had on Phil Bogan. I told him about the dummy corporations and that there wasn't much out of the ordinary except for the phone call to Carol last night after Phil found out that Les had been arrested.

"Josh has a notion that Phil just might push his plan into action earlier than he originally planned. We can't imagine how Phil will keep Carol under control and still execute what must be a detailed plan all by himself. There's no indication that Phil has a back up guy to take Les' place. But, that's just a wild guess." Steven's mind was working hard to digest and codify all the information he now had.

"There is a secret operation underway in the corporation. On Friday I called the head of corporate security, the VP of Personnel and the Chairman of the Board together for a strategy meeting on how to thwart this subversive attempt at a hostile takeover. I can't tell you all the details just yet, Barry. But, everything that Phil does at this office and when he's away from his home will be carefully monitored. Keep me informed if anything new develops with your marital situation." Steven stood up and our meeting was over for now.

As Steven opened the door and I stepped out into the foyer, Steven turned to Rita and said. "If Mr. Knoll calls to speak with me or he stops by to see me, pass him through immediately, Rita."

She smiled a cool smile and replied. "Yes, Mr. Chase. I'll make sure he has your immediate attention." It was obvious to me that Rita was now further bent out of shape.

I just smiled back and walked past her down the hall. This might get to be an interesting game of one-upmanship to play with the 'Iron Maiden' before this mess is completely resolved.

Organizing my desk and dealing with other pending projects took the next three hours. Without warning the phone rang. I expected it to be Josh or Felix on the other end. It was Phil Bogan. All the bells and alarms went off in my head. This could be the start of the next phase of Phil's plan.

Phil called to ask me to go to lunch with him. I told him that I would have to take a rain check because I had too much catching up to do. I told him that we could have lunch later on this week. It was evident that he was irritated with my refusal for lunch.

Still, I wanted to keep him interested in so I told him he could stop by my office this afternoon. I would be glad to chat with him. Phil said he would think about it and if he could find the time he might just stop by. We said our goodbyes and I sat back wondering if this afternoon would be the start of something new or the end of this sorry mess.