A Costly Mistake

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What will a wife sacrifice for her man.
6.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/14/2021
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Hope you enjoy it, not meant to be taken too seriously, constructive comments welcomed.

Shit, shit, shit... Matt knew he had made the biggest mistake of his life and now the owner of the facilities firm he worked for wanted to see him immediately.

He stood and proceeded towards Dan Connors' office. His mind was racing; there was no way Dan could have found out. As the Accountant and General Manager only Matt ever looked at the detail within the companies transactions and at month end all the accounts balanced.

Matt was sweating and feeling sick as he reluctantly knocked at the door. He reminded himself there was no way Dan ever checked the detailed accounts unless there was an obviously discrepancy in the balance sheets. He was always more concerned about his designer suits, fast cars and chasing women.

Dan looked serious and nodded at the seat as Matt entered. Matt's illusion of safety was shattered immediately:

"So I guess the question I need to ask is just how long have you been stealing from me?"

Matt head began spinning:

"What, I have no idea what you are talking about!"

His denials continued, until Dan produced the transaction logs proving a significant amount of money had spent some time in one of Matt's personal accounts before being paid back into the company. He knew the façade was over, he was caught red handed.

"I'm really sorry Dan, I just needed a short term loan until the bridging company came through, otherwise we would have lost the new house Susan had set her heart on. I never stole it, I paid it back as soon as I could and before month end."

"I don't what they will class it as Matt, theft I guess or fraud but you could be looking at jail. Even without that you're looking at losing you job; I can't possibly trust you after this."

"Please give me a chance, it was a moment of madness, I've worked for the company almost twenty years and have never thought of doing anything like this before and wouldn't do it again."

Dan stood and looked out the window seemingly in deep contemplation:

"You and Susan have been my friends for a long time; I guess that makes this all the more disappointing, did Susan know you did this?"

Matt was surprised by the question. He thought back... it was actually Susan's idea. She was so desperate not to lose the house she suggested it convincing Matt no one could ever find out. Matt thought involving Susan might mean Dan didn't report it to the police but he didn't want to implicate her, after a long pause he said:

"No she didn't, it was my idea."

Dan seemed surprised by Matt's response but let it pass:

"I need time to think this through Matt; I'm not sure what to do for the best. Go home, don't come back in the rest of the week, I'll make a decision on Friday.

All the way home, Matt couldn't figure how Dan had found out, no ever looked at the transactions and Dan certainly didn't do detail. His primary concern was about which option Dan would choose. None of them were very appealing, but the shame of a court case and time in prison left him in a blind panic.

He knew Susan wouldn't be expecting him; he looked at their new home as he approached deeply regretting buying the bloody thing in the first place. He suddenly recalled all those stories where a guy comes home early to find his wife having an affair, wouldn't that just cap off a perfect day.

Thankfully Susan was her usually bright sunny and fully clothed self as he walked into the kitchen. He marvelled again at her beauty, just shy of her 40th Birthday her long curly brown hair was pinned up her fringe resting over a set of deep brown eyes. He preferred her figure now which provided a few more curves and a lot more cleavage than when they were first married. Most of all he loved her smile, a smile he was about to remove for the foreseeable future.

Matt updated Susan with the account of his discussions with Dan and the damning evidence he had.

Susan responded: "Oh my God Hunny I'm so sorry this is all my fault, it was my idea and all for this stupid house."

Matt shrugged: "I told Dan you didn't know anything, pointless getting us both into trouble."

Susan: "Maybe if I spoke to him and pleaded."

Matt thought about it and suggested they just wait. He knew it was going to be the longest three days of his life; they could try the pleading if Dan chose the destruction option. He wondered what he would do in Dan's shoes, they were friends outside of work, often going out and attending parties together, maybe that give him a slim chance.

Dan texted to say he would come to their home at 7pm on Friday. Both Matt and Susan were sick with anticipation.

Dan's Aston Martin pulled onto the drive exactly on time, 'the man with everything mused' Matt, good looks, money, the ability to charm and now the power to destroy him. He let Dan with a few strained greetings and Susan offering him a beer as usual. Before he could say anything Matt dove in.

"I just want to say how very sorry I am Dan. I let you and myself down badly, I understand I've put you in an impossible position and I'll cope with whatever you decide."

Dan gave a strange smile: "I do hope that is true Matt."

The following silence stretched onwards becoming unbearable, before Dan finally continued.

"You know I'm a bit jealous of you Matt, your relationship with Susan, I miss that in my life."

Matt was surprised, he always thought Dan had it all including an endless line of hot girlfriends, maybe heading edging towards thirty he was looking to settle down.

"So it's with that in mind, I have a proposal, neither of you will like it but it's the only scenario where you can avoid a prison sentence Matt and remember there is a risk to Susan as well, as it was joint account and used to secure the house in both your names. Also I know you wouldn't have done this without her approval. "

Matt panicked at the thought of Susan being held accountable; he had no idea what the proposal could possibly involve.

Dan let a slow long breath: "There's no easy way to say this, but my proposal is involves me spending time with Susan."

There was stunned silence:

Dan went on: "No police, no court cases or prison, you stay employed and you two stay together, but I get to spend every Friday night with her."

"You can't possibly be serious" whispered Matt.

Dan: "I'm deadly serious, I've desired Susan for all these years and this is an opportunity I just can't resist."

Susan: "There must be another option; we can pay more back, anything but..."

Dan: "This is my only offer. I'm told I'm not a bad looking guy, hopefully it isn't too much of a hard ship for you, maybe once things settle down the arrangement won't be too uncomfortable for any of us."

Susan:" We need time to consider it, we can't decide something like this quickly.

Matt's head spun around: "You can't be thinking of agreeing to this babe, are you crazy?"

Susan: "I don't see any alternatives Hun and we've been trying to think of them all week."

Matt seethed as he looked at Dan: "You miserable low life scum, it's a sick idea."

Dan smiled in return: that may be true Matt, but I'm not a thief, you are though."

Dan turned to Susan: "If we are doing this we need to start now, no time for you to think of a way to squirm out of it."

After 15 minutes of shouting and accusations. Dan stood up:

"Its decision time, I'm either walking out to my car or upstairs with Susan. He smiled and held out his hand towards Susan.

After a hesitation Susan took it. Matt was literally staggered and sat back harshly on the chair.

Susan: "There is no alternative Matt, it will be ok."

She then led Dan through the living room and up the stairs.

Time seemed to stand still for Matt, the room was silent, did that conversation really just happen? His mind jumped to what was happening upstairs. He could hear them moving around and a muffled conversation and then the unmistakable sound of someone sitting on the bed. Long minutes passed in silence, then he heard the first squeak of the bed, the unmistakable sound of two people beginning to have sex. More movement and more noises continued. Then it got to a point where the squeaking was regular and combined with muffled groans, it got quicker and louder again. There seemed no end to it and Matt thought he might be going insane. Finally a loud "fuck yes" and moan suggested Dan had achieved his goal.

Matt felt shame and guilt, he dried his cheeks and eyes expecting Dan and Susan to return downstairs, again there was muffled conversations and some movement.

After a long silence, Matt stood thinking he should check if Susan was ok when he heard something again... the bed squeaking. He went to the foot of the stairs and could hear more, including snippets from Dan:

"That's it baby; you're doing the riding this time"

"Those tits are fucking awesome, stick them in my face.

However the most disconcerting noise was a fairly constant whimpering from Susan which occasionally was interspace with a "yes" and "mmhmm."

Matt had to get out the house; he rushed out and walked aimlessly. Was Susan actually enjoying it or was she putting on a show for Dan. He started wondering how vigorously she had argued against the idea. The fact Dan was 10 years his junior and handsome wasn't lost on him. By the time he reached the park his thoughts had changed, Susan was doing this to keep him out of jail; he needed to get back to the house and as much as possible make sure she was ok.

The Aston was still there, but the house was quiet as he entered. He went through to the kitchen and grabbed a beer. Turning he saw Susan behind him in a short robe.

They looked at each other both embarrassed before Matt managed:

"Are you ok?"

Susan gave a flicker of a smile:

"I am, thanks for checking" then continued:

"He's being ok, nothing rough or weird, just regular sex. I'm sorry if you could hear things."

Matt shrugged "At least it's over."

Susan looked awkward, replying "ermm actually he wants to go again, he was thirsty so I came for a beer and I wanted to check on you."

"Jesus, he must have been saving this up for you."

Susan "Why don't you go in the Den, it might be easier for you...quieter maybe, see if you can think of a way out of this."

Matt had been in the Den for another hour and was no further forward with a solution when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He went out to the hall and caught Dan stifling a smile before he broke the awkward silence:

Listen I know this isn't easy for you Matt. I promise to treat Susan with complete respect and I really can't thank you enough for allowing me to spend time with her. I hope this gets easier for you and obviously the work issues will remain between us."

Raging inside Matt replied "Don't thank me; you gave us no choice at all."

Dan and Susan both looked awkward; it was clearly time for him to go. To Matt's amazement, as Dan said goodbye Susan kissed him. It wasn't a smouldering kiss but it was on the lips and lingered a second. Before Matt could say anything Dan had left. He looked at Susan:

"What the fuck was that?"

Susan knew she had made a mistake: "What...oh, it was just a kiss goodbye."

"No it wasn't, it was a sign of affection. I guess you had a nice time after all and I shouldn't have been so worried."

Susan fumed: "I can't believe your boss just fucked me three times, due to your actions I might add and you're bothered about a goodbye kiss.

Matt: "It's supposed to be a transaction... an arrangement..., just sex, were you kissing him upstairs?"

Susan: "Some I guess, not a lot."

Matt: "Great, first of all its multiples times, then I hear you enjoying it and now its affection."

Susan raged in response: "It's not like that! Everything I am doing is to keep us out of jail. I'm going to have to show willing and make sure he enjoys it. Plus I can't not moan if he's busy doing that to me, it's not exactly a voluntary reaction I can control. We're both going to have to get used to this. If I can put myself through this, then you need to find a way to cope with it."

The last comment took all the energy out of Matt. Despite his doubts at her actions, Susan was making the sacrifice, not him. She could just walk away and where would he be then, jail probably.

Matt couldn't face the Master bedroom knowing what had happened there. So they slept in the guest room, cuddling into each other. Susan was quickly asleep no doubt exhausted; Matt didn't sleep a wink, his mind in constant turmoil desperately trying to thinking of a way out of this hell.

It felt like the barely talked the following week, the only conversation was how to get out of their predicament. Matt devised various plots, most of which were useless. Even when he did think of a viable solution Dan seemed to pre-empt him. One of these included the idea of destroying all of the evidence, only to find out Dan had removed his access to the backups and stated he'd backed up all the financials to a new secure cloud system.

Eventually the following Friday loomed, confirmed when Dan texted to say he intended taking Susan out for a meal, under the pretext that it might be an easier scenario to cope with. Matt wasn't sure if it was easier, on one hand a date felt more like a relationship, on the other it meant less time in bed with Susan. As it turned out he got the worst of both options.

Susan seemed very subdued about the date idea, but got ready. Matt thought she made a little too much effort and looked a little too good when Dan arrived to pick her up. Watching her in a little black dress and sling back heels, being assisted into Dan's Aston Martin was heart-breaking. The evening that followed was worse. He sent multiple texts to Susan asking if she was ok. Each time he got a short response, saying she was fine just having a meal or just having drinks.

They eventually returned at 10pm. Dan had his arm around Susan as they entered; they were both laughing and seemed in a good mood.

Matt glared; again Susan seemed to be having all too good a time and was quite drunk:

"We never agreed this would be dates."

Dan replied; "Relax Matt, it was just dinner and drinks between friends. If this is going to be awkward maybe we'd better go straight on up"

Matt seethed: "What do you mean straight up."

Dan's smile returned: "The deal was every Friday Matt, so I'll be sleeping with Susan tonight, I'm sure you can manage in the spare room."

Drunk or not Susan recognised the tension, thinking Matt was going to go attack Dan she guided him into the Kitchen, whispering:

"It will be ok Hun, I'll quickly sort him out and then pretend to go to sleep drunk. Remember we don't have any choices."

Matt retreated to the Den, with an overwhelming sense of impotence. He heard them go upstairs, Susan giggling which he hoped was an act for Dan, but he couldn't help but wonder if the acting was for Dan or for him.

Exhausted Matt finally went to sleep in the spare room. Every time he woke he heard the bed squeaking down the hall, so much for quickly sorting him out.

When he went downstairs in the morning, Dan was already sitting at the table and Susan was making breakfast, he'd had enough:

"Fuck off Dan, it's not Friday and your time is up."

Susan started with: "There's no need Matt, we can be civil, it's just..."

Matt interrupted: "You've got 10 seconds to get the fuck out of my house."

Dan looked like he was about to argue but stood to leave, as he went out the door he reminded Matt.

"Don't forgot what you have riding on this Matt."

Matt turned to Susan: "Making him breakfast, really! You have got to be kidding! Why don't you just move him in, you're more his wife than mine now. "He stormed out before she could even think about a reply.

For the third Friday, Dan suggested they spend the night at a hotel to prevent any further confrontation with Matt. Susan left at 6pm dressed casually, which again she thought would be easier on Matt. The plan was to change at the hotel room and Dan would meet her in the restaurant. She was a little taken aback by the opulence of the hotel; her casual clothing didn't fit in. She collected a key for the pre booked room, only to find upon entering it was suite. There were flowers of the side table and two gift wrapped boxes on the bed. She opened the larger box to reveal a very expensive and glamorous silver satin full length dress with a halter neck and thigh split. The second box contained a red satin basque, matching thong and luxurious black seamed stockings.

She hesitated but thought there was no harm in trying them on. Amazingly they all fitted perfectly and she had to admit to feeling really good in them. She made a decision to keep them on and went down to the restaurant.

Dan met her, his mouth agape at how stunning Susan looked. The following dinner and wine were exquisite, the atmosphere highly charged, knowing what was to follow. Susan was now more relaxed in Dan's company and had decided to go with the whole scenario rather than fighting against it. When they returned to the suite, the way Dan slowly undressed her was sensuous, she enjoyed his reaction to her lingerie. His hands glided all over her body, she loved the way the basque accentuated her breasts and hips and the stockings felt so sumptuous and exquisitely silky. She had to admit Dan was an attentive and considerate lover, with an element of confidence and danger she had never encountered with her husband.

The next morning after another bout of sex, Susan dressed in her casual clothes. She explained to Dan that should couldn't risk taking the dress or lingerie home. Dan agreed to keep them at his house for Susan's future use. Susan sighed remembering this was going to be a long term arrangement; her emotions were in turmoil, not sure how she felt about things any more. There was certainly plenty of guilt, but she couldn't deny a feeling of excitement and fulfilment.

Matt lay awake most of Friday night, by Saturday morning at 10am Susan hadn't returned, yet again this seemed to be beyond the agreement. He doubted if Dan would have resisted taking Susan again this morning and he wasn't convinced she would even try to avoid it. As much as he tried to resist it, he was losing trust in Susan and if that happened it could spell the end of his marriage. He had never felt so distant from Susan or so alone.


That kiss was such a bad move, it had upset Matt more than anything else and then the breakfast for Dan... what on earth was I thinking of. In fact she was starting to think the whole arrangement was a terrible idea.

From her point of view her time with Dan was easier than she thought, he was respectful handsome and exciting, the money and cars certainly helped, she always yearned for the finer things. Her dilemma was the sex with him was hot, really hot. It was a constant struggle not to scream and shout and ask for more.

She hoped Matt would get used to things and come around but it had been three weeks and he remained morose, they also hadn't made love which she desperately wanted to put right, she loved him so much and regretted the position they were now in.

She'd tried telling Matt that she was coping and he shouldn't feel guilty. Then she said that Dan treated her well, it's just sex not making love and he wasn't looking to break them up, but it had no effect. Matt seemed defeated and lost, his steady reassuring presence in her life was becoming a distant memory.

When he arrived at work on Monday, Dan informed Matt he was needed to cover an out of town training event on Wednesday and Thursday of that week. Matt was immediately suspicious but given his precarious work position had no alternative but to cover it:

"Ok I can cover it, but this doesn't impact our personal arrangement, you can't visit when I'm away."