A Cougar Totally Turned Ch. 06


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"Anything else?" He (the name plate said Stack) asked the question, his face an impassive, stoic mask.

"I heard, through channels, that early the next morning she was fired, for cause, and escorted from the building. My boss filled me in. A week, maybe two weeks later, I got an email from a law firm that she was filing a lawsuit. I had it sent to my boss. He told me soon after to forget about it. Our legal people deemed it baseless. Not a word since." I shrugged.

Stack said, gently, "My partner and I are primaries, Ms. Simpson. We'll want to go through this with you again. We'll be interviewing others on the scene. May I have your boss's name please?" Oh God. I gave it to him.

I looked at Renee. "When can I see my Sheri?" My eyes pleaded with her.

"I don't know yet Julia. Let me get an update. Are you okay?"

"Better, yes, thank you." She got up to leave. I looked at the policeman. "Is that helpful? I want the bitch locked up for good. She's fucking crazy."

He nodded his head. The smile was empathetic. "You've been very helpful Ms. Simpson. We'll be speaking to others. Oh, what is your friend's name, the one who interacted with this Cindy? I gave him Sue's name and told him she lived and worked in Charlotte. He added it to his notes. "This is a good head start. Where can I contact you when we need to speak with you?" I gave him my cell number.

"I'm going to be here at the hospital a lot. I suppose we can do this here but I don't want to do it in front of Sheri."

He nodded. "I understand. When she's able we'll need a statement from her, of course." Fuck! I nodded. Renee came back. I looked; she was smiling. My God, the tears started again. He looked at Renee and back at me. He stood, offered his hand. "I'm going to go. Thank you for your help. Good luck to your friend. We'll be in touch. Try and have a good one." Jesus God, I know he meant well. He nodded to Renee on his way out. She looked at me and rolled her eyes.

I stood. "Tell me please." She came and sat in the chair. I took the hint and sat.

"Okay. Right now, looks like they'll take her to O.R." My eyes filled. She held up her hand. "Julia, it's more to make sure that nothing major has been nicked. If not, they'll look for and repair what they can. We'll know more after all that. They've got her on I.V. pain meds. They've got her listed as serious but stable." My eyes begged. "They'll let me know when, Julia. I know it's tough; try to be patient." She squeezed my hand. I couldn't help it. I leaned, lay my head on her shoulder and sobbed. Desperate, aching, fearful, grateful, wracking sobs. Renee put her arms around me and let me cry. She talked through my sobs. "She's young Julia, in good physical shape. It'll help. Does she play sports?" Oh Jesus, I have to get to Nikki, tell her, find Sheri's parents and tell them.

I sat up and wiped my eyes. "She's on her college softball team."

Renee nodded, "It'll help her a lot honey." She stayed with me a while longer. I wasn't the only one in E.R. She had to go. In fact, I had to go. Renee had an aide take me to a surgical waiting room. "I'll make sure the aide tells the nurses who you are and why you're there." She hugged me briefly. "Good luck to you both Julia."

I'm not sure I've met many as nice, especially for the shitty circumstances. I grabbed our purses. The aide took me to an elevator. We got off and she led me to the waiting room. She, Tanisha, asked that I take a seat. She would be right back. I took out my phone and called Lin.

She answered, nearly screaming, "Is she okay, Julia? Will Sheri be okay?" Lord, everyone has to be worried half to death.

"Yes, thankfully, I think so. They're going to take her to an operating room but it seems to be more about making sure she's okay. It's very early but they seem to think she'll be fine. That's all I know right now."

Poor thing was crying. "Oh lord, I'm so glad. I called Kat; she was frantic." I didn't hear the rest. Should I call Sue?

"Linda!" I interrupted her. "I can't talk long. Please don't sayanything more than I told you!! I'll let you know when I know more. Did the police talk to you?"

"They asked a lot of questions. They said they'll be back later for more. What earth is wrong with that moron?"

"I don't know honey. I honestly don't." I told her I had to go. She begged for an update. I promised and said goodbye.

Tanisha came back. She'd told the nursing staff who I was and who Sheri was. They'd update me. I thanked her. The crash came down hard on me. The adrenaline was gone. I was limp. I wanted to sleep. I wouldn't do anything until I had seen Sheri with my own eyes. I walked to the nurse's station. When asked, I practically begged for a cup of coffee. Maybe it was my eyes; the nurse nodded, stood, and came back with a cup of liquid gold. She told me where I could find more. I wanted to hug her. I gushed my appreciation, went back to my chair, and gratefully drank the piping hot, black coffee.

Oh God! I had to call Teresa and Randi. I called Randi first; my god, it was already 4 pm. She answered. I cried. I told her, haltingly. She was shocked. She told me, over my protestations, to call when I was ready to go home, regardless of what time. Thank you sweetie. Teresa: Silence, then she cried. I cried. I promised to call with an update when I had one. I had no idea when I'd be home. Poor thing. I was so moved. While I was on the phone with Teresa, a nurse and another lady, not a nurse, came to the waiting room. The nurse (one who'd gotten me coffee) spoke to the other woman, and left.

When I ended the call with Teresa the lady began to walk in my direction. I held the phone and her gaze. She smiled. "Ms. Simpson?" I nodded. "My name is Catherine Roberts. I'm a Chaplain here at the hospital. I understand that someone close to you was injured badly today. The nurses thought you might want some company and maybe a little support." She offered to get me another cup of coffee. An angel! She brought it to me with a smile. I tried to will myself not to cry while I told Catherine about my Sheri. It started with today, but I wound up sharing much more. I guess people like Catherine are trained to be good listeners, but a part of my mind told me this woman, and maybe others like her, was drawn, or called, to work like this. Her eyes conveyed interest and concern; they never left mine.

Someone in scrubs appeared. Oh good; finally, news. The young man came, pulled a chair in front of me, and gave me the news. "Ms. Simpson is it?" I nodded. "Ms. Williams is out of O.R. I'll leave out a lot of the mumbo jumbo, but basically, she's very lucky. Nothing major." As he talked all I could think of was he looked to be the same age as my Sheri. "We had to put in few stitches, and after checking there was no leakage, we closed the wound. She'll be in a fair amount of pain when she wakes up. Her recovery won't be quick. This is only a guess but I don't anticipate any loss of range of motion. The nurses will tell you when she's out of recovery and being taken to her room." He asked if I had any questions. I was numb with relief; I didn't know what the hell to ask anyway. I said no and thanked him. He shook my hand, wished us both good luck, and left. Catherine was beaming when I looked at her. She held me while I sobbed again.

Once I had collected myself a little, I explained that Sheri was on her college softball team – thus the reference to her range of motion. Catherine nodded. She asked if I'd eaten anything. For the first time in hours I realized how hungry I was. I started to say I didn't want to leave. She smiled and nodded. "May I call you Julia?" Lady, I've just told you the story of the woman I love. You can call me Chuckles the Clown if you want. I nodded. "Julia, it's important that you take care of yourself. You've been through major trauma today, probably shock." I nodded. "You need fuel. It will carry you through the night, until they bring Sheri to her room. It's not unusual for that to take at least an hour. They'll keep her in recovery as she comes out of anesthesia and they'll keep her till they know she's okay. Then she'll go to whatever floor has an open bed. The nurses will come for you and take you there. Please, dear, let me take you to the cafeteria. I'll leave you there. You can come back when you've finished." She was right.

I grabbed the purses and we headed to the elevator. "You'll come back to the surgical waiting room on this floor." An angel. She led me to the cafeteria. The scent of food called to me. I thanked Catherine profusely for all she'd done and hugged her briefly. She smiled, squeezed my hands, turned and left. I headed to food! It wasn't Teresa's. I ate every bit of it. I needed more coffee. I filled the cup, headed to the elevator and back to the floor. I stopped at the nurse's station. No, not yet. I glanced at a clock as I returned to the waiting area. 7 pm. I found a chair. I took stock of things. I hope you can relate when I tell you this: I needed a new coat. I shook my head at myself – ridiculous. I debated about Sue and Georgia. If I waited until after I'd seen Sheri it might be too late. No, Sue would be furious if I didn't call them. I will.

I had a thought that tore at my soul. All of this because of a kiss. A spur of the moment decision to come out of the closet and tell the world about the girl in my life was nearly the death of her. I will carry that with me forever. I thought of this morning. I am so grateful we finally had that conversation!! If – no, don't even think it. We had it; that's what matters.

A voice called my name. I jerked my head up. The nurse said, "Follow me please." My heart pounded. I felt tears. I willnot cry. I followed her to an elevator then down a hallway. Before we entered the room she spoke to me. "We have her on her side for now with pillows for support behind her neck and hip. She's awake, on pain meds, so she'll be sleepy. I know you want more, but I can't let you stay long. She needs to rest." I wanted to bargain with her: Get me a bed, a couple of chairs, anything!! I donot want to leave my honey. She waited. I nodded my agreement and understanding. No tears. She led me in.

Sheri was in the near bed, facing away from me. "Ms. Williams, someone here to see you." I came around the bed. My Sheri!! Her eyes were open. Oh lord, she was in pain; the greens were dull. She was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. I wanted to climb in bed and hold her. I never wanted to leave. Iwill marry her as soon as she got better. I smiled; she smiled. I leaned over and kissed her. Her lips were dry but she kissed me.

I whispered, "I was so worried."

She nodded. "I didn't have a very good day either." I had to laugh. I took her hand in mine. She squeezed it hard. Good! "It hurts Julia." I fought back tears. "I'm sleepy. I want you to stay." I looked over my shoulder; a frown. Fuck!

"Honey, the nurses tell me you need to rest. We have a few minutes. I'll do what I can to come back one more time." I heard the throat clear behind me. "You need, we need, to let them help you heal." I told Sheri that I'd called Linda, Randi and Teresa and that I planned on calling Sue and Georgia. She nodded sleepily. I ran my fingers through her hair, leaned over, and whispered "I love you so much," and kissed her. "I'll be back in the morning. Please rest."

Sheri smiled as she looked at me. "I love you too pet." BANG!That's my girl. I smiled, gave her one last kiss, and left.

I stopped. Before I spoke, the nurse did. "Not tonight. I'm sure you desperately want to but not tonight. You won't do her much good here. She'll sleep. We'll check on her of course. But she needs sleep; she will sleep. You need sleep. Sure as we're standing here now I know you'll be keeping vigil day and night starting tomorrow. Please, for her – go home."

I hate when they do that; logic me into something I don't want to do. She was right of course. I agreed and thanked her for bringing me to my honey. She squeezed my shoulder and turned; patients to be seen. I'm not being a bitch but I only care about one: mine. I sighed. I called Randi. I had to laugh. When I'd called earlier I told her where we were. She was 'lurking' nearby – ten minutes. I smiled; my girl! I would call Sue from the privacy of the car. I stopped and thanked the nurses for their kindness. Little touch maybe but it's the new me. I headed to the elevator. I waited near the doors for Randi to pull up. I realized I was bone tired. I had no idea if I would sleep.

The car appeared. Randi pulled me to her in a giant hug. She kissed me lightly and I climbed in. I apologized but told her I had to call friends who would want to know. I told her she could listen for the update. She smiled and nodded. I called; Sue's voice was sleepy. I told her all of it. She sobbed; I heard Georgia whisper and Sue whisper. I heard Georgia's howl of agony; my eyes filled. I told her I was heading home. The car pulled up to my place; Randi held the door. I asked Sue to hold on a minute and I thanked Randi. I asked for an 8 am pickup; she rolled her eyes and nodded. We hugged again.

I headed in, talking to Sue. Teresa was in the door. We hugged as I talked. I handed her the purses as I shrugged out of my coat. The dining room lights were on. A bottle of wine and a glass waited. I smiled, mouthed 'thank you' and sat down. She poured a glass; her eyebrow lifted in a question. I lifted a finger to ask her to stay. Sue made me promise to call tomorrow. I smiled and agreed. She told me both of them loved us. I smiled, thanked her, and told her to mark Memorial Day weekend for their visit. She was overjoyed. I thought she might cry again. She vowed they would be there. I said good night and hung up. We'd see about the date later. Everything was different now. Five life changing words.

Teresa had heard most of it. What she'd heard was the update. I recounted seeing Sheri. "She's in a lot of pain, she's on pain meds, and she was sleepy." I smiled at the thought. "She called me pet." We both smiled. "I'll be back tomorrow and stay late." I asked Teresa to wake me at 7; Randi would be here at 8. I don't think she thought that a good idea. "I'm only going to have one, two glasses tops. I ate at the hospital. Thank you, Teresa. Please try and get some rest."

"Ja, and you too Miss." The weight of it took down cathedral ceilings. She kissed me on the cheek and left for the night.

I sat in the chair as the house screamed in its emptiness. The weight of the day hung like a thick fog. I had a thought that left me smiling. This day was among the very worst of my life. My life was full. There were people in it that cared about me; I cared about them as well. The richness of it comforted me tonight. There were others I had to speak to. I would. I did pour a second glass. I lifted it in a silent toast to all who made my life – our lives – so rich and full. I gave thanks.

I headed upstairs. Every stitch of my clothing went in the laundry. Most of it would wind up in the garbage – blood stains. In the bathroom, after I washed my hands and splashed water on my face and swollen eyes, we looked at each other. Her eyes were hollow with exhaustion and agony. She had cried with me. She managed a wan smile. She hoped, as well, that Sheri would be back soon – home, where she belonged. I gave her a kiss; she blushed and smiled. In the bedroom, I fell to my knees and gave thanks to God that my Sheri had survived. I cried out my agony for my part in it and begged for her health. I climbed into bed. I didn't curse her absence. I hugged her, grateful. Sleep took me eventually and fitfully.

* * After * *

A hand on my shoulder woke me. I reached for Sheri. Damn; it was Teresa. I felt like I'd been run over by a truck. I didn't even know what day it was – oh yeah, it was the day after Sheri got stabbed. I rolled over. Teresa's eyes held concern. I squeezed her hand and told her thank you, I'd be down shortly. I didn't do the sexy, stretchy, languid thing. I knew if I closed my eyes I wouldn't wake up till mid-afternoon. I yearned for my lover; the burn in my soul tore at me.

I headed downstairs to breakfast after my shower and dressing. I looked at the food. I need my girl, not eggs and thick sausage. Let me hold her, not the coffee cup. Please, soon. The greens burned at me; yes Ma'am. I ate. I will bring her home, shewill get well, and we will be married. I was on a mission now. I would not tell anyone what I was thinking. When Teresa brought me more coffee I told her – again. Her eyes twinkled with pleasure. I squeezed her hand. I looked at the clock. Soon honey.

Randi greeted me warmly. We hurried. I told her I had no idea what time I would head home. I hated the thought of her waiting endlessly for me; I begged her to let me take a cab. She needed to get her rest as well. Her eyes told me she was upset. Okay, okay. She loves us. If she wants to be part of this who am I to say no. I called the office. I gave Linda the update. She cried with joy. She asked if she could come by later. I said, truthfully, I didn't know. I would let her know when I did. She asked what room – I told her. She made me promise to give Sheri a kiss from her. I smiled and promised.

I asked at the nurse's station; the nurse beamed and walked me down the hall to her room. I walked in and skidded to a stop. What on earth? Sheri was sitting up in bed. Her hair was washed – heaven. Her eyes were still cloudy from the medicine but the smile was bright and warm. I cried. I'm sorry, I just did. I think it's the Irish who have the joke that women's tear ducts are too close to their bladders. Whatever!! Sheri held her arms out to me and winced. Fuck! I moved close and kissed her. She hugged me with her left arm. Oh lord. She forced my mouth open; my heart soared. She tastes heavenly. My girl! Sheri whispered, "If you cry I'm going to call you pet." Yes Ma'am. I kissed her. I turned. The nurse, Erica, beamed. "We had her up this morning for a little walk around the room." WHAT? I paled. I turned; Sheri's eyes rolled. "We do try to get them ambulatory as quickly as we can, as much as they can tolerate. It helps immensely."

I looked at Sheri again. "The rehab Nazis are on the warpath" she said as she shrugged. "I was up and walked for a few minutes. It's okay honey. They asked if I thought I could sit up in bed for a little while. I thought I would try – it would be a nice surprise for you. I knew you'd be here early."

I turned to Erica and hugged her. She smiled and said, "We won't have her up for too long. Physical therapy will be in later for an eval." Hmm. "I have to make rounds; back in a few." She left; I turned. Look at her!! Sheri looked healthy. No more deathly pale. I was wide awake, full of energy. I almost sat on the bed – almost. I pulled up a chair, set it so that I could look at Sheri, and sat. We held hands. I told her of my call to Sue and Georgia. I left out Georgia's anguish, spoke of Memorial Day and Sue's guarantee. She smiled and nodded.

I reached for and handed Sheri her purse. I asked if she wanted to call her family. I mentioned the sorority and school. Life. Sheri frowned about her family. Okay. We talked about the sorority. She called what was, apparently, a main number. Sheri told whoever it was that she was in the hospital. I heard the screams through the phone. She assured whoever it was that she was fine without details. "Have someone tell coach." Sheri looked at me. Eyeroll. I just had to. I kissed her again. Her cheek was warm under my fingers. Thank you God. When I tried to pull away her fingers went to my hair. Bitch! I smiled. We kissed. I am a puddle, you melt me. The throat clear ended the kiss.

"Sorry Sheri, we need you to lie down." Yum. Erica looked at me. "You can help here – is it Julia?" I beamed and nodded. She had Sheri swing her legs over the edge of the bed and stand. They lowered the bed a little, had her sit, turn and lay back. I helped – not. They left her head up a little with a pillow beneath it and folded blankets at her shoulders to keep her back off the bed. Sheri was being the brave soldier girl but I saw her wince, grimace, and her hands go to fists through it all. I nodded; she would be okay. Sports. Erica smiled at both of us. "We won't do too much too soon, honey." Good plan! "I'll be back in a little while to get you on your side. The two of you make nice." She winked at me.