A Cuckold's Diary Pt. 01


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I could feel my cock stirring as I made a show of thinking about what she had demanded, then I made the promise. She insisted that I promise again, as there was no going back afterwards. So I did.

Having got my repeated promise she seemed content and had me continue working on her feet until she was so sleepy that she went off to bed.

After she had gone I poured myself a nice whisky, and sat in my chair to think. The idea that was running through my head was that she had stopped suggesting that she didn't want to make out with another guy, and was now sounding as though she wanted to, and didn't want me stopping her.

That made me so excited!

Well, we had a mini adventure on Friday evening, but first some news on our Jolling night out. We had an invitation to a party a few weeks ago, but there was no definite date, but on Thursday we got the date and it was the following Saturday, the 27th.

Sarah told Carol and asked whether or not she wanted to go to the party, as her heart was set on them going clubbing, but, after some thought, Carol said that she would like to go to the party, and put the clubbing night back a week. So, I would have to be even more patient, although it was possible that something might happen at the party. The couple hosting it spent time with Sarah and Carol a few weeks ago, when I went to my college re-union, and by the time I met up with them they were all a little drunk, and Ian was flirting with my wife, and she wasn't stopping him. He seemed disappointed when I turned up.

Sarah sensed that Carol was a bit disappointed about postponing the clubbing trip, so she suggested we meet up for dinner at Cafe Rouge in Canary Wharf the following evening. They would stop there on their way home from work, and I could join them.

At about 6:30 I got a text from Sarah to say they would both arrive at about 7, and that they would have a drink at one of the bars as that was too early for dinner. Now this development gave me an idea. The bars at Canary Wharf get packed early on a Friday evening, as all the workers in the international banks go for a drink after their last day of the week. There are groups of girls, mixed groups, but mostly groups of men who are all well dressed, well educated, and mostly good looking.

I text back to say that I was tied up with an urgent work project and couldn't get there until 8:30ish, but that they should go ahead and have a drink or two and text me to tell me where they were, and I would join them as soon as I could.

Sarah sent back to say that was fine, and a bit later she text me to say which bar they were at, and it was All Bar One, which I thought was ideal for my plan. I set off at 8pm, and was there near the bar by 8:10, and I approached it cautiously, not wanting to be spotted, and eventually I found them in the middle of a lot of people, chatting to a couple of guys.

I got myself a drink then managed to position myself so I was close enough to see what was going on, but behind both girls, so they wouldn't know I was there. I sipped my drink and watched, feeling very excited, and thrilled that they were clearly being chatted up.

Obviously, not a lot could happen in a crowded bar, but, it was clear that the guys had decided which lady they were targeting, and each was concentrating mostly on his own lady. Both the men were doing a lot of arm touching, and leaning in to talk, and I was struck by the fact that my wife wasn't objecting in any way.

I repositioned myself to get a better view of Sarah, as I didn't care what Carol was doing. The guy talking to her kept putting his arm around her waist to pull her in so he could whisper in her ear. Whatever he was saying must have been amusing because she kept laughing. After about five minutes of watching he stopped removing his arm between comments, which made me even more excited. My wife was in a bar with a stranger's arm around her waist!

Presumably encouraged by the fact that Sarah didn't remove his arm, her guy slid his hand steadily lower, until he was holding her left bum cheek, but she reached behind her and pulled it back up to her waist. I was as disappointed as he was, and I was pleased to see him try again, but again she moved his arm back up. I was willing him not to give up, and I'm glad to say he didn't. My wife started to look around, obviously worried that I would show up and be angry.

I sent her a text saying that I was setting off from home and would be with her in about ten minutes, and, as I watched her read it, she visibly relaxed, and spoke to her guy, presumably telling him that he needed to depart soon. He tried to pull her around to face him, but she wasn't having any of it, and he soon gave up and kissed her on the cheek and moved away. Carol had her phone out, I think giving her guy her number, he kissed her on the lips, then also departed.

I backed away, circled round and at the predicted time walked straight towards the two innocent ladies.

Sarah kissed me quite passionately, and was very affectionate all evening, and the next morning, before we got up to go shopping, she gave me a very enjoyable hand job, which didn't take long, as I was thinking about the show she had given me the night before. I returned the favour and found her wet and eager, and she didn't take long to satisfy either. I wondered what she had been thinking about?

I thought it was quite a significant and positive step.

There was another small step ahead of the party. Sarah was in the Czech Republic, and on Wednesday evening something odd happened. She didn't ring me on Facetime, she always rings me, then really late she sent a curt message saying 'I went out to dinner' with no kisses.

This was most odd, but in the small hours of the morning she rang me, and was all sweetness and loving, so I dismissed the whole thing as stress.

When she was back home, however, the three of us were sitting on the balcony of our apartment, enjoying the sunshine, and chatting. Sarah started to tell us about an excellent dinner she had on Wednesday evening, at a nearby hotel. I asked her if she went alone, and she said that no, she went with Vatslav, her GM, and that they had a plan to go out at least once each time she's there in order to assess the competition.

Now I didn't think for a minute that she would have a fling with someone she employs, after all, she might have to fire him one day. Nonetheless, a few months ago she would never have contemplated going out to dinner with another guy on a regular basis. The small steps were happening quite fast!

Finally, what happened that made her so blunt and uncommunicative Wednesday night, and then so loving Thursday morning. It made me think that something had happened. I decided to get my spy working on it.

Out of the blue, the Sunday before she next went to Austria, Sarah asked for a 'serious' conversation, so, with a heavy heart I followed her into our bedroom, shutting the door behind me. She immediately told me that I could cancel our night out, she really didn't want me to be bullied into something I didn't want to do by Carol.

My mind was racing, trying to decide how to reply. I desperately wanted it to happen, but I couldn't let her know why. Eventually I decided on a strategy. I told her that I wasn't being bullied into it, and that she should lighten up a bit, and that we were just going out to have some fun, and that, if it became too intense for her, she could just put a stop to it.

She insisted that it wasn't her ability to stop the action which worried her, but rather that I would feel reluctant to stop things because of a worry about letting Carol down. I reassured her that I wouldn't let anything happen which I wasn't happy with, which was a complete contradiction of what she had demanded only a few days previously.

She seemed a bit reassured, but then tried to find out how far I would be willing to allow her to go, so that she had some idea of what was acceptable to me. This was a tricky question. I told her that I wouldn't be happy with her having sex with a stranger who she'd never met before, which sounded as though it would be fine if she'd met him before, but she didn't pick up on that. I went on to say that I wouldn't be upset by a bit of kissing and cuddling, maybe even some groping, so long as she was happy with it. I explained that I'm not the jealous type, and that she should try to have some fun and not get so stressed about my reaction.

She seemed completely reassured by my response, so we went back into the lounge and I massaged her feet as we watched TV.

A little while later she went to bed, as she was falling asleep on the sofa, and within a few minutes Carol appeared at the lounge door and beckoned me into her bedroom. Obviously she wanted to know what we had talked about and I told her everything. She was very happy, especially when she heard that Sarah was mostly concerned about me being upset, and seemed to have dropped her previous blanket objection to having fun with other men.

Carol then asked me how far I was actually planning to let Sarah go, as Carol was convinced that once we got her sister drunk, all her inhibitions would disappear. I reiterated that I had no intention of letting her go off for sex, but if the guy felt her breasts, and arse and kissed her passionately I would be perfectly happy. She pressed me further for the exact action that would cause me to jump in.

I gave it some thought, then told her that if a guy got his hand up her skirt, and therefore inside her knickers, I would intervene. She thought that I was being mean to my wife, as a drunk Sarah would really enjoy having a guy she didn't know playing with her wet pussy, so, I agreed to give him a little time playing inside her panties, and then move in. Carol seemed happy with that compromise and I made to leave her room, but she stopped me.

She insisted that I be completely frank and honest, and then asked me if it was still my hope that eventually my wife would have sex with another man, or maybe men. I had promised to be honest, so I confessed that my hope was definitely that Sarah would have sex with a string of different men, in fact, that it would become our normal lifestyle. That was a big confession for me, apart from her I've never told anyone else.

She was very pleased, and said that she was glad that we were both 'working off the same hymn sheet' which I thought was a bit inappropriate, but slipped away while I could.

The question which bothered me later, was, why did Carol want that. I thought she just wanted her sister to go out clubbing with her, but it seemed to be far more than that, and I had no idea why.

The following days leading up to our clubbing night seemed to drag on forever, but, finally Sarah was back from her trip and it was Saturday.

The evening really began in the late afternoon, when the girls started discussing what they were going to wear. Carol went first, hoping to set a precedent perhaps, by choosing a very clingy long black dress, which showed off all her modest curves, a lacy bra, which pushed her medium sized breasts up a bit, and some high heeled shoes. Sarah asked her which panties she was planning to wear, and Carol announced that she had no intention of wearing any, and with that comment, she laid down the gauntlet.

Sarah made no comment about the lack of panties, but she had a determined look on her face that told me that she had absolutely no intention of going out clubbing wearing no panties. My mind started racing, trying to think of some compromise which would stop her wearing great big granny knickers like Bridget Jones, but nothing sprang to mind.

We moved through to our room and Sarah pulled a dress out of her wardrobe which she had chosen online and not worn so far. It wasn't overly sexy, having a top which looked like a short sleeved thin jumper, but was actually part of the dress, then a long black skirt section in a thin black cotton. I could tell Carol was disappointed, but I shook my head at her when she looked my way, as it would be too easy to get the whole thing called off by battling too much early on.

Next Sarah got out a lacy bra, which was fine, followed by the big granny panties which I was expecting. Carol groaned and announced that she wouldn't go out with Sarah if she was wearing such awful underwear, and Sarah started to get upset, hissing that she wasn't going out with no panties like some common slut, and a thong would make her bulges stick out. This was crisis time, so I lunged for her knicker drawer and pulled out a black lacy pair of panties which were full in style but were entirely lace, except for a tiny thong portion, which was black cotton.

Sarah said 'oh, okay, I could wear those' and Carol said, 'they're great, very sexy, but not slutty'.

With that deal we were done and Sarah gave me the dress to iron (I do all our ironing), and as I ironed the dress I discovered something about it which I hadn't previously noticed. It was split up both sides, to at least the middle of her hips. No-one would notice normally, but anyone trying to get his hands on her pussy would find it much easier than he anticipated. I looked at Sarah but couldn't tell whether that was part of her plan, or something she hadn't thought about.

Having ironed the dress, I left the girls to their hours of getting ready and poured myself a stiff drink. I relaxed back in my chair and congratulated myself on getting us through the first battle with only minor casualties. Carol popped her head round the door and whispered 'well done' and I whispered back, 'have you seen the skirt of the dress, it's slit up both sides' and she slid away to check it out. In a few moments she was back and came over and whispered in my ear.

"It's fantastic, do you think she knows?"

I told her that she must know.

An hour later and I was changed into skinny jeans and a smart shirt, and both the girls looked gorgeous. The fact that I knew Carol wasn't wearing any panties caused feelings in me which I don't normally have, she is so off limits, but I confess that as I walked behind them both, down towards the station, the sight of her tight little arse in the clingy dress was really turning me on, then the wind caught Sarah's dress and revealed her legs, and my attention switched immediately.

'I didn't realise these slits went so far up' she told Carol, who reassured her that no-one could see anything they shouldn't, and then looked round to me and winked.

We went to a nice restaurant near Covent Garden, and had an uneventful dinner talking about work etc. I ordered the girls a bottle of Prosecco between them, then later an additional glass each, and Carol managed to let Sarah drink most of the bottle. At about nine we paid and left the restaurant and strolled towards the club.

It was still fairly quiet when we arrived, so the sisters found a table with a view of the dance floor, and I went to the bar to buy them another bottle of Prosecco and a beer for myself. We sat and chatted for a while, watched people coming in and the girls commented on the guys arriving, while they worked their way through the Prosecco. Sarah and I danced for a little while and I was struck by how affectionate she was getting, confirming that the fizz was doing it's job very effectively.

Around ten Carol suggested that it was time to split up, so they both got up and headed for the dance floor, while I sat at the table watching them, hoping that something exciting was going to happen. I must confess, I was quite nervous, more because of my worry that nothing would happen after I'd built it up so much in my mind, than any jealous feelings.

I needn't have worried, as two men approached them and started dancing after only about ten minutes, however, after a couple of dances Carol said something to the guy she was dancing with and pulled Sarah off towards the bar. The men didn't pursue the sexy sisters, Carol can be very cutting if she doesn't like you. Once they reached the bar I realised that I couldn't see them at all, so I abandoned my table and found a spot at the bar where I could see them clearly, but Sarah couldn't see me, and perched myself on a bar stool to wait. Nothing happened for a while, so I ordered myself another beer, but when I turned back to look at them there were two guys talking to them.

Both men were dressed quite smartly, and seemed young and good looking, as far as I could tell. One of them was monopolizing my wife, and he kept leaning in to talk into her ear, although what he was saying, I couldn't possibly tell, but he was probably telling her how attractive she is. Each time he leaned in, he put his arm a little round her waist, to pull her closer in to his body, which she didn't seem to mind.

After a while, all four moved to the dance floor, and they bopped around, enjoying themselves. Sarah looked around occasionally, trying to get a glimpse of me, but I kept myself out of sight, determined that she should go a lot further before she quit the game. That was for my sake as much as for Carol, of course.

About half an hour of dancing was obviously enough, as all four moved back to the bar, and more drinks were ordered, which must surely be about Sarah's limit, but she seemed to be ok, perhaps the dancing helped. I readjusted my location to get a view of them, whilst out of my wife's line of sight, and, in fact, since I was sure Sarah must be getting fairly drunk I risked getting a lot closer. She had completely stopped looking around for me and was concentrating on the pearls of wisdom coming from her suitors lips.

Sarah held her Prosecco in both hands, but the guy who was hoping to bed her, put his drink on the bar, leaving his hands free most of the time. The next time he wanted to speak into my wife's ear, he held her waist with both hands and pulled her in tight, and I wondered if he had an erection, pressing into her, but, of course, I couldn't tell.

Later still, the bar was emptying a little, and slower music was playing, so the two couples once more headed over to dance. Both guys took their potential lovers in their arms, and pulled them in tight to dance in that slow, rocking, sexy way, which they hope will lead inexorably to bed. They hadn't been there very long when Carol's guy started pulling her towards the exit, and as they left she looked over at me and winked.

The man with my wife also pulled her towards the exit, and for a moment I thought I was going to have to intervene or let her get fucked by a stranger on her first night of clubbing, but, as they neared the door Sarah stopped and I could see her shaking her head. He wasn't to be cheated so easily, and he pulled her into his arms again and started kissing her passionately, backing her to the wall, so she had no escape.

It was soon obvious to me that she wasn't even trying to escape, as she was giving as good as she got in the kissing, and he soon started to explore her body, taking advantage of the darkness in the lobby, forcing me to get quite close in to really see the action.

He started massaging one of her breasts while keeping his other hand on her bum, and I knew it wouldn't be long before he attempted to get his fingers into her pussy. I decided it was time to intervene, so I tried to close in, but there was such a throng of people, that I kept being obstructed, and when I finally got free I could see his hand slipping into the slit on the side of her dress.

I got within reach of the two of them, not sure whether his hand had reached her pussy or not, but I could clearly see that his hand was inside the side slit of her dress.

The man was horrified when I put my hand on his shoulder and politely asked him to get his hand out of my wife's knickers, but he then shrugged his shoulders and moved off towards the exit, sniffing the fingers of his right hand as he went.