A Daemon-Horn Blade Ch. 10


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Even with Gwenda finding another culkar tree, the chewed tree bark this time provided them with little extra energy, but it did alleviate the pangs of hunger and eased a little bit off of the pain that they both felt. They tried to use the bark sparingly, but they were increasingly exhausted each evening.


After two days of slow walking, often in the rain and only very little rest at night, they thought that they had made it back somewhere near to, but a good ways south of the Boar-Man camp on Dead Tree Island. Occasionally now, they could hear horns at some considerable distance to their north, and sometimes answering horns called back from an even greater distance to the northwest. It appeared that the hunting parties were now returning home and that the search for them was over.

At first they were encouraged that the southern riverbank might be deserted for now, but as they headed more northerly towards the riverbank, hoping to meet some of Rowan's friends, they instead nearly ran blindly into a large Boar-man patrol. Fortunately, they were downwind of them and the keen-nosed warriors didn't catch their scent as they hid in the swamp barely thirty yards away. Reluctantly, they again returned to a more south-eastern heading to be well away from their normal patrols.


As they slowly travelled east, the swampy ground was becoming dryer, even turning into grass and forestland here in parts. They risked taking longer daytime breaks and they decided to even dare to take a long rest for that night, as they felt that they were now too weak and tired to fight, even if they ran in any further patrols. This area, although a good ways now south-east from the island was not quite entirely safe they feared, and they although their wounds were clearly beginning to fester from ill-treatment, they didn't quite dare take the risk of running into an Eorfleode war-band at night, when the Boar-Men would have the keener eyes.

Although they saw no traces of any of the night-goers that day, twice they crossed grass paths where the leather boots of many hundreds of Eorfleode had traveled further south. Clearly this was not just a localized series of raids by just a few tribes, but that something or someone had united all of the Brittle Mountain tribes under a single banner or cause.

If the Duke didn't realize now that he had a real war on his hands, then soon he'd find an entire army of Boar-men camped outside of his castle and the entire Duchy left in ruins!


When darkness fell, the pair was so exhausted and ill from their throbbing inflamed wounded, that they just dropped behind the first large tree that offered a slight umbrella from the ongoing rain, and where the grassy ground was on enough of a hill to keep them out of rain puddles during their rest, but sleep would not come.

"I haven't been this weary since I was a young apprentice just learning how to beat iron with a hammer from dawn until dusk!" Rowan quietly laughed and tried to find a position where he could place his throbbing wounded thigh where it wouldn't quite hurt as much, but to little avail.

"I've never been this tired before at all... I'm so tired that I can't get comfortable enough to rest, let along sleep. If you don't object, may I snuggle up close in your arms? For the warmth, such as there is for our bare wet bodies and perhaps a bit of comfort. Even now days later, I have not yet quite lost the terror and dread that I felt while waiting to become a sacrifice to their bloodthirsty God."

Rowan lifted up his arm so that she could scoot over against him and he gently placed his arm around her bare hip and waist to gently hold her, careful not to touch near her wounded and now quite angry and swollen looking left shoulder. There was no treatment comfort for it that he could offer, and in fact his own thigh wound looked even more inflamed and unhealthy. She wiggled up even closer against him, her full breasts and elongated nipples now fully pressed against his chest. Oddly, for the first time since her rescue, his mind now started to think of her as a woman, a young beautiful and very sexually attractive one. Their noses were now nearly pressed together and oddly all that Rowan could think of now was that he wanted to kiss her, to comfort and reassure her, but he thought this would only be taking advantage of her, not the proper thing that a would-be hero should do... debauching a maiden that he had just barely rescued, and not even quite restored to safety yet.

His penis had a different opinion, and when he felt her left hand slowly caress up his upper thigh to rest underneath his ragged wet loincloth, her hands gently found and caressed his balls. Then to her amusement she found that his cock was already at least half erect. When she then wrapped her hand tightly around his shaft, and it soon became quite fully engorged in her fingers.

With a little peck on his check, Gwenda giggled. "Well, neither one of us will get any sleep with that poking against me! I do certainly owe you a great rescue-debt, and this little service would be but an extremely trivial repayment!"

At first Rowan thought that Gwenda would just masturbate him, but in fact her wounded shoulder gave her hand little strength for that sort of erotic task. Instead she just slunk her head down upon his stomach and inched her way down slowly so that soon she could finally lick his cockhead, but she didn't stop there. Further and further down she crept, taking him now fully into her mouth. With each little adjustment downwards she was able to take another inch of two of him deeper into her mouth. Soon, her lips and nose were nearly right against his public hair and with a single adjustment of her jaws and a clearing of her throat, she slid his cock all the way into her throat until her mouth was pressed fully against the base of the shaft and her tongue wiggled for a moment against his balls, then she began to suck him in earnest.

Neither Cedany or Arila had ever taken all of his cock completely into their mouths ever before, but Gwenda had managed this feat with but little effort, and with a single try. Clearly her throat opening was quite a match for the length and width of this cock and she had no trouble whatsoever taking his cock there as deeply as it would go, even deeper and well into her throat. With two hands gently wrapped around his balls, she now repeatedly took his entirely shaft from its very tip to the very base, far past her lips and tongue, and loudly and wetly sucked him a way that no other lover had done for him before.

When he grunted that he was about to cum, she just forced him ever deeper into her throat and that is where he ejaculated his load, with her nose pressed flat against his pubic bone, and her lips, tongue and fingers all caressing his balls, as she gently coaxed and squeezed every drop of cum out of them. Holding her breath seemingly forever, she just quietly held him there deeply inside of her, until the very last semen drops had oozed out of him into her throat, and his shaft began to slowly relax and shrink until she could caress his cockhead with her tongue once more. Once finally out of her mouth, she took to the time to make sure that she'd licked every final drop of cum from his cockhead, and his balls too, to make sure nothing had been missed anywhere.

"There! Now that should relax you enough to sleep! If I might say so, you're a good bit larger than any of my former playmates, and there are more than a few other rather fun things that we ought to be doing, if we were in but a bit better shape to enjoy or appreciate the encounter! I also think that your poor ragged loincloth was quite reached the end of its useful service, and I would not be in the least offended to watch just a bit more of you on display on the morrow!"

Their noses now quite together, the kiss that followed was unavoidable and yet utterly delicious to Rowan. Cedany had been a wonderful kisser, tender and full of genuine affection, but this kiss, and the rather many that followed, were passionate and boldly erotic and warmed him to his very toes. He had certainly never kissed Arila with sort of passion and by the time their mouths and tongues disengaged after what seemed to be an hour of more of fervent kissing, he found that his cock was once again rock hard solid. With an aggressive hold, Gwenda gently rolled Rowan onto his back and very carefully climbed onto this stomach so that she could more easily stoke him with her uninjured right arm.

"I don't think either my shoulder or your leg are quite up to you taking me in any other more intimate or interesting place, so let's try this!" With that, she gently stroked him with her good hand until he was nicely hard again, and then she began to lick around the sensitive underside of his cockhead with her tongue while she stoked his shaft increasingly firmly and swiftly with skill and enthusiasm that none of his previous sexual partners could even begin to replicate. Sooner than he ever thought was possible, he was quite ready to cum again, and with a surprising intensity that astonished him.

Gwenda took his first spurt of milky semen just inside of her mouth so that it could cover her tongue, but she quickly then popped him out of her mouth so that the remainder of his still copious discharge splattered all over her mouth, lips, nose and cheeks. Ensuring that every single drop would be hers, she gently then rubbed his softening penis across her face so that the final seeping flow of his ejaculation met her skin, and she was in no hurry at all to either lick it all off or to rub it instead into her smooth skin. Instead she just gave his spent shaft a kiss and snuggled up closer to Rowan's side.

Still sleep would not come to either of them, and slowly they began to talk, as now both old friends and lovers.


During the long night, Rowan began to tell Gwenda of his life in Swanford and of the terrible day by the pavilion that had changed his life forever. He mentioned the quest that he and his companions were now on, and he spoke of his rather peculiar relationship with the troublesome ducal daughter, the Lady Ayleth. She in turn, told him of her former life with her father and slightly younger brother, in their holding at Skeling Meadows, still a few days upriver and to the north in a mountain valley in the Great Yarmouth Pass. Both had fallen when their small keep had been overrun, but not before Gwenda had ridden off to safety along with several of the female servants. They had arrived at Silana barely a day before it in turn was sacked, her servants were now all casualties of the Boar-Man. She was now alone and without any immediate family or protectors. She had an uncle in Corælyn that she though she could appeal to for assistance, and at once Rowan offered her his protection-vow, until they reached there.

At length, and little before the first light of dawn in an otherwise miserable, cloudy and rain soggy sky, Gwenda by use of her experienced and rather talented fingers alone, brought Rowan to yet another orgasm. This time she let his discharge run over and coat her slender but muscular fingers, and she loudly licked and cleaned each one with noisy enthusiasm. She had masturbated herself a few times during the night, giving herself couple of smaller orgasms. Twice she refused his offer to either use his own fingers, or better yet his tongue, to bring her pleasure, but she gently declined. This was not the time or the place she wanted for their first proper bout of lovemaking.

Otherwise, she kept herself aroused while rubbing her rather large sized clit against him during their long night intertwined together, and he quite clearly got the distinct impression that under better circumstances she would have greatly preferred a yet more intimate intertwining together.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Love ths want more

wow this story is so good. Can't wait for more. thank you for sharing Mechmanas

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