A Day in Gotham - Batgirl Begins 01


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"I see that you managed to get your picture in the paper with that little floozy of yours," she said casually, "You looked quite sweet on each other."

"That was Batgirl and you know it Selina!" he snapped back, before finishing falteringly, "It was just ....... just ....... a mistake."

"Whatever," she smiled sweetly back, "..........you really are hopeless with women Bruce aren't you?"

With a little laugh she was gone and Barbara was left fuming in the wardrobe. 'Floozy' indeed! And he'd just dismissed her as a 'mistake'. Aaaaaargh!!

She stared back at Bruce, still sat on the bed, still looking like a Grecian God! She was torn between a desire to dash over and pummel him to death or, even now, to drag him onto her so that he could ravish her like the woman before. She felt a hot flush run through her at the thought and she felt ashamed, almost like a prostitute! What was the matter with her?!

Her inner turmoil was resolved by Bruce finally getting off the bed and heading into the bathroom. After a few minutes she heard the shower turn on.

She recognised that this was the moment to get out, and swung open the door. In a quick, fluid motion she'd stepped into her dress and dragged it over her shoulders, zipping it up as she reached the door. Before leaving she turned and gave the bathroom door a glare that should have set it on fire.

As she reached the staircase, she heard the screech of tyres on gravel as 'that woman' set off in her sports car.

'Pity,' thought Barbara as the anger bubbled up inside her, 'a bit earlier and I could have slashed her tyres!'

At the bottom of the stairs, Alfred appeared as if summoned by some form of telepathy. He was holding a small silver tray with her note on top.

" Ah Miss Gordon, I haven't errr, been able to deliver this to Mr Wayne yet," he apologised.

Barbara picked up the note and tore it slowly into tiny pieces, feeling irrational pleasure in each rip of the paper, before depositing the pieces back on the tray.

"You can bin that now thank you Alfred" she hissed as she began to turn to the door, "And you can bin Bruce Bloody Wayne as well," she added silently under her breath. Then she stopped and looked back at the old retainer.

"Who was that 'woman' with 'Mister' Wayne just now?"

"Miss Selina Kyle," Alfred responded, looking a little unhappy, "She's, aahhh, chief executive of the FF Foundation I believe."

Barbara pursed her lips as she spun round, noting the name, and swept outside and headed for her own car, "She'll be chief exec of the public toilets when I've finished with her!" she muttered nastily.

She made a mental note to check out 'the woman' before she climbed in her car to head back to her flat in town. Then she stopped, literally! It had suddenly dawned on her what the woman had said that had been haunting her. At the moment of climax, hadn't she'd called him 'Batman'!? How could she have known? It was Bruce Wayne's most closely guarded secret! Barbara stared at the steering wheel for long minutes in stunned amazement.

As she finally sped away, her shocked mind in turmoil amid dark thoughts revolving around revenge, she didn't notice the small silver saloon that pulled out and discreetly followed her.

8 - After the Aftermath

When Barbara finally got back into her flat she was positively seething! It had been building all the way home. Any feelings of inadequacy had been pushed into the deepest recess of her mind and replaced by a burning anger, directed solely at 'that woman' - the mysterious Selina Kyle! She'd almost forgiven Batman. Well, perhaps not totally, but he'd clearly been seduced by the brazen siren, and he was only a man after all.

She just needed to do something to vent that anger!

She looked around, instinctively picked up a chair and hurled it across the room. With a crash, and accompanying tinkling it landed on her glass coffee table which simply shattered into a million pieces.

"Oh Fuck!!" she cried in exasperation. That 'woman' really did have something to pay for now!

Suddenly she felt an urgent need to cleanse herself of the morning's events. She marched over to the bedroom, reaching up to the back of her neck and dragging down the dress zipper as she went. In the bedroom, she quickly stepped out of it and threw it disgustedly onto the bed, closely followed by her new, sexy bra. What a waste of money that had been! She didn't even pause in front of the mirror, as she normally would, to admire her beautiful semi-naked figure.

She simply headed almost hypnotically towards the bright, modern shower room, pulling down her panties and kicking them to one side before closing the door behind her. Inside she stepped straight into the stall and switched on the water, full blast, letting the stream of hot water slowly wash away the memories of that traumatic morning!

------- ** --------

Catwoman was in her office, on the top floor of the riverside industrial unit that currently served as the headquarters of her 'business' operation. It was large and spacious with a business-like desk at one end and modern meeting table down the middle. In one corner were a couple of black leather sofas and a small coffee table. She'd just pulled on her jet black costume, standing next to the coffee table and was admiring her reflection in the large wall mirror set up behind her desk.

She marvelled yet again at how the slinky material moulded itself to her body, the way that it seemed to caress her sensitive skin. She smiled back into the wall mirror, checking how it seemed to accentuate her already curvaceous figure. She was covered in the tight, shiny black material from head to toe. Short black boots and gloves added to the sinister look and the small cowl covering her head, with its two, pointed cat's ears completed the main suit. Her 'accessories' were simple as well. Wrapped around her tiny waist was a grey, pocket belt containing various bits and pieces that a lady criminal just couldn't do without! Hanging off her left hip was her 'enforcer', a lethal looking black bull-whip that friends and foe alike had come to view with a healthy respect.

She looked up when there was a knock at the door.

"Catwoman?" came a familiar voice from outside, "Are you in there?"

She smiled warmly as she recognized the voice, "Come on in Catgirl!"

The figure that bounced in was full of energy. She was wearing her new official costume, similar to Catwoman's but flecked with large slashes of pink, startling pink boots and a jewel encrusted waist belt. She was shorter than her mentor by a few inches and her figure was fuller around the hips, but there was no suggestion of fat. She looked as fit and strong as Catwoman herself.

Catwoman almost purred in satisfaction as she congratulated herself on her training regime. After years of careful development, she felt sure that Catgirl would be a worthy addition to her 'team'. It was time to start introducing her to the outside world.

"Been looking for you boss. Didn't know you were going out?" the newcomer announced as she slopped down on the luxurious black leather sofa.

"Oh just had a bit of business to see to with an old errrr....'friend'. It all came up rather suddenly," Catwoman responded carefully as she sat down beside her young protégé, pulling her feet casually under her, "What did you want?"

"It's just that student that I've been seeing. You know, the one doing post grad Chemistry at the University. He seems to have quite a story about the stuff that his father is working on. The tests look good and I think that you'll be interested in it's development. I'm sure that we could use it somehow. Do you think that I should set up a meeting?"

Catwoman pursed her lips and frowned a little, "Well, I know that it seems like it has potential, but it also sounds a bit far-fetched to me. I've got Vixen working on some of the samples that you got. Let's see how that pans out before we get too excited." She paused carefully before continuing, "You seem to be quite taken with him?"

"Oh, he's all right," laughed Catgirl, but seeing the older woman's quizzical stare added quickly, "But it's nothing serious. Just a bit of fun really while I sort out my own post-grad studies, nothing to get excited about."

Catwoman would have liked to probe that statement a bit further but her phone interrupted her.

The caller said something before Catwoman responded.

"She's still at home then?" she listened further and then laughed, "What, Are you serious! She's actually throwing furniture around! Hilarious. Ok, keep watching Vix, talk to you later."

"Who's throwing furniture around?" asked an intrigued Catgirl, but Catwoman wasn't forthcoming and just replied with a smile, "Oh Just someone I'm keeping an eye on for the moment."

Then she added mysteriously, "I haven't decided whether I've finished with her yet."

Catgirl frowned. It wasn't like Catwoman to keep secrets, but she could hardly force the issue.

"Anyway," she continued, lifting herself off the sofa, "I'm off to a University bash tonight with him, but I may pop over and see him this afternoon as well. I'll see what I can set up."


Alfred was in the kitchen when Bruce Wayne, freshly showered and changed, popped his head round the door.

"Has Batgirl, I mean Barbara, gone already?" he asked.

"I'm afraid so Mr Wayne," Alfred responded, "She seemed errr, a little upset about something."

"Oh really, I wonder why? She seemed quite perky in the meeting this morning. In fact, I thought that she looked very attractive in that new dress didn't she?"

"Indeed sir," replied the old retainer, "She's developed into a beautiful young woman whilst she's been with us." Then he added slowly, "She seemed to be concerned about the lady that you were entertaining upstairs sir"

"What? She saw Selina?"

"I believe so sir"

Bruce's eyes narrowed, "Still, she doesn't know anything about her, does she?"

"I imagine that she knows the two of you were upstairs together for some time," responded Alfred with a distinct hint of disapproval.

"Oh, don't start that again Alfred! Selina and I go back a long way. I can handle her when I need to you know."

"If you say so sir. But it was a strange co-incidence that she suddenly phoned yesterday out of the blue to arrange the meeting. That would be just after all that publicity with Batgirl hit the streets wouldn't it?"

"Oh that was just a co-incidence Alfred!" replied Bruce dismissively as he turned to head out, "She always does things on an impulse."

As Alfred watched him disappear he shook his head, muttering to himself, "On the contrary Mister Wayne, Selina Kyle never ever does anything on impulse. She's a very, very dangerous woman!"

9 - Heather's Party Surprise

It was late afternoon when Barbara arrived at her friend Heather's apartment. It was on the top floor of an old block, full of character and ornate carvings, overlooking a small park and, conveniently, just off the University Campus.

They were close enough for her to have a key, but she called on the intercom anyway and was buzzed in.

As she climbed the stairway, breathing in the sweet aroma of freshly polished wood, she consciously gave herself a metaphorical kick up the backside to rid herself of the anger and despair that had plagued her all afternoon. Just because Bruce had disgraced himself earlier with that, that raven haired slut! She was absolutely not going to let it spoil her last evening with Heather!

She took a deep breath and walked up to the apartment door. Tonight was going to be special. They'd both agreed that they were going to enjoy the party tonight come what may. The sadness of their parting would wait until she left on her flight tomorrow afternoon. And anyway, she was intrigued to see what costumes Heather had managed to get hold of!

Heather opened the door with a bright smile. She was shorter than Barbara by a few inches and had the most amazing natural blond hair that cascaded around her face and a long way down her back. She was wearing a knee length silk dressing gown, the thin cream material accentuating her trim figure.

She looked at Barbara's casual, baggy jeans and sloppy red jumper in mock dismay, "Well, Barbara, I know that you like 'casual' but really! It's a good job that I've got us something else to wear for tonight!"

Barbara laughed as she stepped forward and gave her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, dropping her large black shoulder bag onto a nearby chair.

"Heather, if you knew what a day I've had so far you'd not be surprised that I'm not looking so dressy!"

"Oh dear," Heather laughed as she dragged her friend into the living room and pushed her onto a comfy brown sofa, dropping down next to her, "Come on, you poor thing. Tell all!"

Barbara looked across at the honest concern in her friend's eyes, but it wasn't the time to unload this on her. "It's ..............it's ................Oh, hell, It's nothing! Let's just concentrate on tonight. Where are our costumes? I've been looking forward to seeing what you got us!"

There was still some concern in Heather's eyes as she placed a hand on Barbara's knee, "OK, we'll concentrate on having a great time then! But you know that you can always talk if you need to!?"

Barbara smiled back, suddenly almost in tears. She wanted to say, 'Don't go Heather! Stay here in Gotham and we'll sort out that bastard that broke your heart. Stay with me.' She knew that it was too late for that though. They'd had the discussion many times and she knew that Heather was set on leaving. So she forced back the tears and said instead, "Right, let's see these costumes you've hired. I hope that I'm not going as some old biddy!"

"Oh definitely not, I assure you! In fact, I wasn't absolutely sure about them," she gave Barbara a slightly hesitant grin, "but there wasn't much left to choose from. I think that everyone in Gotham must be going tonight!"

She got up and walked over to the table, indicating two small packages.

"They're not very big," said Barbara doubtfully.

" It's not all of it, there are some boots over there," replied Heather casually indicating a pair of long knee length, black leather boots standing next to a chair.

Barbara's eyes narrowed even further as she saw the silver buckles down the back, "They look like an accessory for 'Miss Whiplash' or something!"

"I know, sexy aren't they?" laughed her friend with a devilish grin spreading across her face, "You know what student do's are like though, everyone will be in something a bit risqué! Anyway, there really wasn't much choice and in the end I went for a couple of Super-Heroes!"

Barbara felt a sense of foreboding, but before she could say anything Heather had picked up a package and thrown it to her, "I've always fancied being Supergirl. I used to read all the comics you know. I'm really looking forward to this evening! And I got you ...."

"Batgirl?" interjected a stunned Barbara as she closed her eyes in amazement.

"Yes, how did you know?!" laughed Heather again, "it just seemed so , so ...'you' ...really. What do you think?"

Barbara had finally managed to open the seal on the package and was staring at the contents in disbelief. There wasn't a lot to look at! She picked up a tiny purple bikini set adorned with little yellow bat symbols at the tip of the bra cups and in the centre of the 'v' in the skimpy briefs, then a yellow 'utility' belt that clearly doubled as a suspender belt for the neatly folded, transparent yellow-tinted stockings. She picked out a purple cowl, with a shock of very artificial looking red hair flowing down the back and then, perhaps the biggest item, a small yellow cape that attached to a fake diamond broach at her neck.

"I can't wear this!" she gasped.

"Oh come on Barbara, I know that it's a bit flimsy, but mine's more or less the same, don't be a spoilsport! Oh and there's a couple of black cloaks that we can use to get to the hall without anyone seeing us. Well, not all of us at any rate!"

Heather quickly opened the other package so that Barbara could see that the Supergirl costume was equally minimal, the only significant difference appeared to be the bright red and yellow colour scheme and a tiny red micro mini skirt that didn't look as if it would succeed in reaching the top of her thighs!

Barbara was holding up the tiny purple briefs, still shaking her head, "If we turn out in these we'll be assaulted as soon as we get in!"

"I know," grinned Heather mischievously, "we'll have a great time!"

10 - Catgirl Attempts 'Gentle Persuasion'

Catgirl was sauntering along a bright, modern corridor within the University Senior Staff Accommodation block, bubbling with inner excitement.

She still hadn't quite got used to the stares from inquisitive bystanders that followed her as her suited figure went by, but Catwoman had decided that it was now time for her to 'come out', and there was no doubt that that the slinky cat-suit did make her feel taller and more powerful. And incredibly sexy she thought happily.

She was looking forward to telling Richard that Catwoman was interested in the research that he and his father were doing. She was also looking forward to getting appropriately thanked by her hunky boyfriend in his bedroom apartment. Even now, the thought of his strong hands running riot across her naked body sent a little shiver down her spine before hitting that magic spot just between her legs. Instinctively she increased her pace towards his apartment door.

With a light tap, she twisted the handle and opened the door.

As she'd hoped, he was in. Richard was lying on his side on the large bed, head propped on a folded arm as he studied a large blue text book.

"I hope that's full of interesting new sex positions!" she said huskily as she breezed in.

"Well, knock and come in why don't you!" he blurted out in surprise, any censure quickly lost in the wide grin that spread across his face, "I wasn't expecting to see you 'till tonight at the dance."

He was wearing fawn slacks and a bright orange shirt. If anything the fitted clothing accentuated his strong muscular frame, his long legs flexing as he twisted himself upright. Catgirl drank in the sight of his wide chest, muscles flexing as he reached out for her and the shiver repeated its electric trick down her spine. Star college athlete and rich parents, a perfect combination in Catgirl's materialistic eyes.

She twisted reluctantly away from his grasp, "Hey stud, calm down! A girl doesn't always want to be manhandled as soon as she arrives!"

'Christ, did I really say that?' she wondered as she slipped past him.

"Well, well," he laughed, "but I don't recall you objecting to being 'manhandled' before!"

She sat on the bed, and motioned him to sit next to her. She'd decided to get the 'business' out of the way first before the lust took over. He didn't need any encouragement as he bounced down next to her, putting his big arm around her shoulder and, before she could utter a word, he'd pushed her backwards onto the bed, and rolled on top of her.

"Hey, mmmmmmph!" she protested briefly as his lips covered hers and began to work their magic.

It took long seconds for Catgirl to react!

Her brain told her to push him off, but her lips were busy responding to his and when he pushed the tip of his tongue between them, she gave out a long sigh as her own tongue responded. She'd dragged out her hands from under him and as the passionate kiss developed, she ran them around his broad shoulders before running them through his blond, curly hair. Her hips were writhing under him as he pressed an increasingly hard bulge up against her, the thin cat-suit material not protecting her pussy from the delightful pressure and generating a strong throbbing sensation between her legs.