A Day in the Life of a PI

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A snooping PI gets a big surprise.
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This one is a short one. There is very little sex. I thank you for reading my story, I hope it provides some entertainment.

It's a rainy Monday afternoon. I'm sitting in my shitty little office playing solitaire on my laptop, and I'm losing. My door opens and a lady steps in. She is about 45, dyed blond, 5'5" and maybe 120 pounds. Too skinny for my taste, but still pretty nicely put together. Her designer handbag and diamond ear rings hint at money.

"Are you Jack Masters, the detective?"

"I am, and you are?"

She walks up to my crappy little desk and extends a dainty hand, "Sharon Stevens."

I stand, shake her hand and gesture to a chair, "Please have a seat Miss Stevens."

"Thank you, but it's MRS. Stevens, I'm married, at least for the time being. I believe my husband is cheating on me and I need you to find out if he really is. ... You do that sort of thing, don't you? Take photos of them together, all that kind of stuff?"

I sigh, I hate this crap. I spent 25 years on the force as a detective. I put away a lot of bad guys. It took one fucking ricochet bullet to my left knee to end my career. Now I'm a private investigator, running around peeping into motel windows, taking pictures of cheating assholes, so their spouses can sue them for divorce. I truly hate this crap, but it pays the bills.

"Yes, Mrs Stevens, I do those sorts of things. Why don't you tell me about your situation."

"James, my husband of 22 years, is a VP at Mega Insurance Co. I think he is having an affair with a women who works in his building. I think she meets him at the Crown Plaza, or one of the other downtown hotels near his office."

"Okay, why do you think he is meeting up with a women? Do you have any kind of proof that he is cheating?"

"No, not really. He has been very distant and acting strangely. We seldom ever have sex, and that's not like him. Then two weeks ago I found a receipt from a jewelry store in his shirt pocket. It was for a nice bracelet, but he hasn't given me any type of bracelet. After that, I got suspicious and checked his credit card statements. He has a hotel charge for each of the last 3 Wednesdays. Now, why would that be? He can't be seeing clients, he has a company card for that. He is home every Wednesday evening, so why the hotel charges?" "Okay, so you think he might be meeting up with some lady every Wednesday afternoon, right? And you want me to get pictures of him cheating?"

"Yes, we have a prenup and if I have proof of his cheating, I'll wipe him out, he'll be out on his ass, living on the street!"

"Alright Mrs Stevens, I will follow him this Wednesday and see what he's up to. If there is another woman, I'll get you the proof you need to nail him."

She smiles brightly at me and stands. I rise as well, our meeting completed.

"I brought $1000. cash to get you started, will that be enough to begin your investigation?"

"Sure, That's fine for today. I'll call you Thursday with a preliminary report."

She placed the cash on my desk, turned and strutted out of my office, exaggerating the sway in her hips. Hey, maybe she didn't see the gold band on my finger, or maybe she doesn't care anymore. Maybe she is just practicing for when her divorce is final. Who knows?

On Wednesday, I got to the Crown Plaza at 11:30. I picked the Crown because it was the closest hotel to his building and it was raining, again. I slipped a fifty into the counter girl's hand and asked what room my "brother," James Stevens, had booked. She eyed me hard for a moment, looked down at the fifty and sighed. She picked up a pad, wrote "room 704", tore it off and handed it to me. I smiled, tipped my head and walked across the lobby to the complimentary coffee stand.

I studied the photo that Mrs Stevens had given me, while I sipped my coffee. I had set up in the lobby with a clear view of the elevators. At 12:10 James Stevens strolled in and walked directly to the elevators. That told me his lady friend must have gotten the key earlier and was already in the room.

I watched the elevator doors close and then studied the the Floor Indicator to insure Stevens got off on the 7th floor. I waited five minutes, gathered up my small duffle bag, then rode the elevator up to the 8th floor. I got off and walked to the stairwell door and down to the 7th floor. I cautiously opened the door a few inches and peeked down the hall. Finding the hallway empty, I walked to the door of room 704.

Leaning my head to the door, I could hear muffled voices through the heavy door. As quietly as possible, I pulled out my Snake Camera and tried to feed it under the door. SHIT! it wouldn't fit under the door! I grabbed my pry bar and carefully slid it under the door. Using my knee, I applied some pressure to fractionally lift the door. Bingo! the camera slid under the door and into the room.

I studied the viewer as I snaked the camera farther into the room. It took a few moments for the auto focus to show a clear picture of the bed. I was concentrating on capturing Stevens' face in my video and once I was sure I had a clear shot of him, I focused on his companion as she rode him cowgirl.

My stomach clinched and I nearly dropped the equipment. The viewer perfectly displayed the little butterfly tattoo on her shoulder, leaving little doubt as to the identity of the cheating bitch.

Fuck! How could she do this? I have loved this woman for nearly 20 years! The betrayal was like a knife in my gut! I fought down the bile that threatened to erupt from my throat. I took several deep breaths and tried to steady my hand. Fucking Cunt!

I steeled my self, I have a fucking job to do! I knew I had to get enough video to satisfy Mrs Stevens' requirements to enforce her prenup. I forced myself to look again at the cheating cunt as she bounced up and down on Stevens' cock. She whipped her long dark hair back and forth as she arched her back and slammed up and down on Stevens.

Her gyrations allowed a quick glimpse of her face, shattering any remaining doubts about her identity and crushing my soul. I fought back the rage, the nearly overwhelming urge to stand up, kick the fucking door down and put an end to this nightmare.

I slowly pulled the Snake Camera back into the hall and lifted my knee from the pry bar. I packed all my gear and walked back to the stairwell door. I stuck a small wedge in the door to hold it open just enough for me to see down the hall.

I leaned into the door frame, too drained to hold my head up. A cascade of emotions swirled through me: the red hot, intense anger, the disabling pain, the soul crushing disgust. Then haunting unanswered questions repeated themselves in my head: Why? How could she do this? How long has this been going on? I shook my head, I'm a professional, I got a job to finish! I forced myself to concentrate on Stevens and gathering the proof Sharon needed to nail his slimy ass to the wall.

Fifteen minutes later a smiling James Stevens stepped out of room 704. He looked up and down the hall, straightened his tie and walked to the elevators. As soon as the elevator began to descend, I hustled down the hall and stopped in front of room 704. I raised my hand to knock, then thought better of it and just leaned against the wall across from the door.

A few minutes latter the adulterous slut pulled open the door. She looked up and saw me, screamed and slammed the door shut.

I pounded on the door. "Gail! Open the fucking door!"

After a few moments, she slowly pulled the door open. Her face was streaked with tears.

"Jack, Oh my god, Jack, what are you doing here?"

"I think the better question is what in hell are you doing here!"

"Jack, it's not what you think. I can explain this, It was just ..."

"CAN IT, GAIL! I don't want to hear a bunch of lies from you!"

Gail crumpled to the flood sobbing. She wrapped her arms across her chest and rocked back and forth.

"Oh my god, Jack. Does he know? Did he send you? Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck."

I looked down at her, she was a pitiful mess, but I felt no sympathy for her. I saw the video feed, she was certainly not raped. No, the bitch was having a grand time with her lover.

I pulled her up and sat her in a chair. "Gail, Rich didn't send me, I was hired by Stevens' wife. She knew he was fucking around and asked me to get the proof. I about puked when I saw it's you he was fucking!"

"Oh god, Oh god, Jack what are you going to do? If you tell Rich, he'll be crushed. Please Jack, you can't tell him, you just can't!"

"Gail, I love you with all my heart. You've been the little sister I never had. When my brother married you, I was thrilled to welcome you into our family. You two have been a big part of my life for almost 20 years! Jesus Gail, you're God Mother to my children! How the hell could you throw that all away for a romp with some fucktard like Stevens?"

"No Jack, No! Please, you can't tell him. Please Jack, I'm begging you, please don't tell him."

"No Gail, I'm not going to tell him, ... you are! And you're going to do it before the weekend is over. If you haven't told him by Monday, I will show him the damn video."

"Oh my god, Jack, he can't see me like that, no please, Jack I promise I'll tell him. Please don't ever let him see me with Stevens, please Jack, please."

I gathered up Gail and walked her to her car. She said she was going to call off work and go home to wait for Rich to arrive. She promised she'd tell my little brother what she'd done and I promised he would never see the video.

I went back to my office and looked over the "evidence" I had procured for Sharon Stevens. I used a special app I'd purchased to blur the brief glimpse of Gail's face. Sharon just needed to prove James was fucking around, she didn't have to identify his paramour to invoke the prenup.

Late Sunday afternoon I got a text from Rich asking if we could talk. I called him.

"Hey Little Brother, what's up?"

"Hey Jackie, I was wondering if it would be ok if I crashed at your place for a few days?"

"UH...Sure, little brother, what's going on?"

"Gail confessed to having a brief fling with some guy. She says it's over and vows it will never happen again. I want to believe her, but fuck man, I don't know if I can ever forgive her."

"Rich, You know I love you and I love Gail too. I'm here for you no matter what you decide to do."

"Thanks Jack. Shit, what would you do, if it was Amy?"

"Rich, I pray to god, I'll never have to make that decision. I love Amy with all my heart, just as I'm sure you love Gail, but I don't know what I'd do if she cheated."

"Yeah, I still love Gail and I truly believe she still loves me. I just don't know what to do."

"Rich, I'm your big brother, but I'm not going to tell you what to do. You have to look deep into your heart and do what is best for yourself in the long run."

"Thanks Bro, I promised Gail I'd talk to her again this evening. I'll call you if I'm coming over."

I didn't get a call that evening. I guess Rich and Gail decided to try to work things out. I make no judgements about my brothers decision. It's his life, his decision. I'm pretty sure that would not have been my decision, but that's easy to say when it hasn't actually happened to me.

That night in bed, as I wrapped an arm around Amy, I asked her if she was happy with our life.

"Jack, I love you with all my heart. I love the life we've made together. Is there a reason you're asking me this?"

"No, I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything. I want you to be happy with me because I can't imagine me being any happier than I am with you."

"Ooh, Good answer! I think you get smarter every day! Now shut up and kiss me."

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Didn’t see that coming. 5 stars. It’s hard to get everything in in a short story, but it was done well here.

Bill S.

Pinto931Pinto93111 months ago

Part 2 is here.https://www.literotica.com/s/jack-masters-pi-the-betrayal

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Blur no. Give her money back. She paid for it not for your editing.

As others

First time affair. How long more affairs?

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

You absolutely tell him. Wouldn't you want to know in his shoes? I think most people are wise enough not to shoot the messenger. I would have forced more details from Gail however. We, and the brothers, don't know if she's been fucking him once or for 12 years. Doesn't that matter?

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Wow, ambivalence, do you intervene, hurt your kid brother, probably beyond repair, so he knows or do you say nothing and let him find out for himself, he will probably hate you either way, so.. go nuclear show him the video lend him a baseball bat, and burn the bitch

GardenshedGardenshed12 months ago

Good story, great twist that is was his Sister in law . Jack did the right decision not telling his brother what to do.Thanks for writing, 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Wait a minute. Why is he supposed to show the video? He got her to confess. Maybe she lightened the duration of the affair. But otherwise what facts was he supposes to relay to his brother. He coerced Gail to come clean. There is no obvious info communicates that it was a long affair or more than just rutting.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Wow, you really make him out as someone who hates his brother by not giving him the facts

fredbrownfredbrownabout 1 year ago

Coincidences are hell, eh? Everyone has an opinion on this one but if you loved them would you should you make the both of them miserable? I don't think I would. I'd for sure tell her how disappointed I was but .......

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I agree with a comment below: he should have showed his brother the video. Infidelity breaks any marriage vow. Unless it's a sexual assault, there is no excuse and no going back. Once and done.

Though not pertinent in this case, I can't believe some people actually believe"I was drunk" is a rationale for why it happened and should be overlooked by their spouses.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great! Just too good to end!

jlg07jlg07over 1 year ago

He should have showed his brother the video.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesover 1 year ago

A Good short story. Well planned out. Thanks for your writing.

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