A Desperate Mom Takes Charge Ch. 04


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Bikinis and bathing suits was the attire. Blankets and towels the cargo. Beverages and snacks the fuel. When we were done the van was packed. Matt guided me as we headed down the coast, pointing me to a turn off. The sign said clothing optional beach. I smiled at the thought of it.

Sandy didn't see the sign so you can imagine the look on her face when she saw the first set of sunbathers. Kit, Dawn and Heather wasted no time shedding their tops and heading down to the edge of the water. Matt and I set up the large blankets one it the shade.

Steve and Matt dropped their trunks after about a fifteen minutes, I think only because their arousal had finally been kept in check. That left just Sandy and I setting on the blankets something I'm sure didn't go unnoticed by Kit.

I knew Heather was a bit of an exhibitionist. I was surprised that Kit and Dawn removed their tops so quickly. When Matt and Steve did it I knew how much of a prude I really was. Then I remembered they had been here a few days ago. Still I was self-conscious. Kit was walking back. I tried not to look, ok stare, but her tits are perfect. She seemed happy I was checking her out. She moved to the cooler the behind mom.

Kit caught her at just the right moment, no one was close as they were all at the water's edge. I noticed Heather was plying water Frisbee with the other three.

Sandy was looking for help with sunscreen. Kit offered and when Sandy was holding the sunscreen and had just put a dollop in her other hand. Kit released the clasp and removed the band style top Sandy was wearing.

"Kristen give that back!" Sandy hissed so she wouldn't be heard.

"Mom, chill! Everyone is doing it, relax, if you make a scene everyone will look. Here let me put some sun screen on you." Kit laughed.

Taking the bottle she coated her back first. Sandy nervously scanned the beach. Then Kit moved so tight against Sandy's back Kit's tits touched her shoulder blades. Kit reached around liberally and coated Sandy's tits also. Sandy's nipples stiffened as Kit worked her magic.

"Don't want to get these puppies sunburned do we?" Kit whispered in her ear. She winked at me.

"Kit, Matt will see my breasts!" Sandy moaned. She leaned her head back resting it on Kit's shoulder.

"Well if you are going to let Mark touch and suck them the least you could do is let Matt see them!" Mom was shocked by her suggestion. Kit looked at me. Our eyes met I realized then she knew about us. Kit also knew we had watched her and Matt.

"Drop your trunks!" Kit ordered.

"That may not be a good idea?" I replied. Kit was looking at the tent forming in my trunks by her little display with mom. I looked around, the coast was still clear.

"Drop them, you have seen Matt's and you have seen all of me, now drop them." Kit held firm.

Kit made it clear she knew about last night.

I stood and lowered my swim trunks. The scene with Matt and Kit last night had started to arouse me even more, my cock was semi hard dangling between my legs.

Kit still behind mom leaned close to Sandy's ear. She looked at my cock clearly impressed with what she saw.

"That must feel so good going in when it's hard! If he tried to fuck me with that monster he would split me in two. I think I better stay with Matt's." I could see her move and kiss Sandy on the cheek. One hand was on Sandy's tit the other moved down her side. "Tell me mom how does it feel in your pussy?"

Kit's hand slipped inside Sandy's bottoms. Sandy resisted at first but then opened her legs slightly. I could see Kit's fingers slip into Sandy's pussy. Her head back against Kit, Sandy moaned.

"Tell me mom, does your sons cock feel good in your pussssssyyyyyyy" Kit was teasing her unmercifully. "Did you enjoy the show last night?"

"Kit don't!" Sandy begged. I could see mom lift her hips to let Kit go deeper.

"Ok, I just want to get you warmed up for when we get back." Kit slipped the slimy fingers from Sandy's bottoms and licked them clean. "You owe me one!" Kit said to her. Kit stood up leaving Sandy to lie back on the blanket.

"Owe you one what?" Sandy asked. She was left frustrated and shaken.

"Watching Mark fuck you! It's only fair." Kit bent down and kissed mom on the lips. "You watched your other son fuck me!"

Sandy was so shocked by Kit's vulgar talk she turned red with embarrassment.

Kit threw a towel at me.

"You better cover that up or you will have the whole beach over here trying to ride that thing!"

I looked down I was almost hard.

Upon returning I went to the condo the kids occupied and gave them a little speech I had prepared about smoking in the condo. No threats just asked them to respect the fact we were renting and the consequences of their actions. I made it clear if they were going to continue they should take it off site. Steve seemed a bit defensive but Kit put a damper on that.

I thanked them for their time explained that I was the only one that knew and the subject wouldn't be discussed again as long as my wishes were observed. I went out to the van and started to unload from the day's adventure. Kit walked out as I pulled the first blanket from the back.

"Here let me help you with that!" Kit took one end and we started to shake the sand from the blanket."Matt and I are not into that, it's Steve."

"I am glad to hear that." I replied happily. We both looked at each other. She wanted to say something else but was holding back. I knew it was about last night.

"No babies between you two!" I let her know I wasn't preaching just concerned. We were folding the blanket she moved closer handing me the corners.

"I knew it was you!" She smiled.

"Kit I am serious I know the desire is there but I have lived that life and you don't want to go there. Promise me." I said.

"And you are ok with this otherwise?" Kit looked for my approval.

"Could I stop you if I wanted too?" I quizzed her back.

"Do you want to?" She asked.

"I want you both to be happy! This is no game, Matt isn't strong like you. He could get hurt..."

"I won't let that happen!" Kit shot back.

"Promise me then!" I insisted. She was avoiding my point and I wasn't going to let her.

"But what if..."

"There are other ways, you're smart, figure it out. You can deny many things but there are tests." I could see she had considered it. "Promise me!"

"I promise but it isn't fair!" Kit pouted. We finished the first blanket and moved to the second. "So how much did you see?"

"Enough." I blushed.

"Heather and Sandy too?" Kit asked. I nodded.

"I thought so." She grinned

"Is she always so vocal?" Kit asked. She was turning the screws to me, that and she wanted me to know she heard mom orgasm.

"Matt?" I asked.

"Nah, he's kind of got just one thing on his mind right now." We both laughed at the inference.

"I could see how that can happen! Pun intended!" I complimented her. We closed to fold the second blanket again. Kit tilted her head and gave me a serious look. I had seen that look before. Sandy had that same look when we played our games in the basement. Kit was trying to seduce me?

"Pervert!" She said seeing I saw through her.

"Exhibitionist!" I replied.

"Guilty." She confessed.

"What about mom?" Kit asked. She turned the tables as I pulled the last blanket from the van.

"She's concerned. Just keep it casual around her for now. Don't rub it in her face, keep it behind closed doors if you can. It will take time but she will come around." I tried to assure her.

"Did you before? You know, Hank and all." Kit asked seriously.


"Never?" Kit was surprised by my answer.

"Not once, not until she moved out." I was proud I could say that honestly.

"Why not?" Kit pressed on.

"Out of respect for Hank." I replied. It was partially true.

"You're a good man." Kit said. "Jerry would be proud of you Mark."

"He should be proud of his sister, she is a special woman!" I said showing some emotion.

"So you really do?" Kit questioned. She looked at me, I could see she was scared of the answer.

"What love her? We both do, completely." I felt best to be honest, she deserved to know the truth.

"So Heather and you? Mom and you, mom and Heather?" Kit was more thinking out loud than asking. "The three of you? How is that going to work?"

"Yes we have but not as much as you think. Not sure, but we'll work it out." I answered all her questions as she moved handing me the corners of the last blanket. "Whatever happens it will be discrete, drawing attention is a recipe for disaster."

"Point taken." Kit let me know she understood what I was telling her.

"And Kit no more nude beaches. That was dangerous, exciting but dangerous. There is only so much some guys can take!" I looked at her perfect body.

"And some girls!" She looked down at my shorts.

"Not going to happen!" I shook my head.

"Well at least you didn't say never, a girl can dream can't she?" Kit teased. I could see the disappointment in her eyes. There was no way I was going to go there and she needed to know it.

"We're done here. Remember your promise Kit. I take that very seriously." I replied.

"I know Mark, so do I, I promise." Kit was walking back to the condo when she turned to me.

"Thank you. It means a lot that you trust me." Kit pulled her bikini top aside and flashed me one more time. Matt walked out just before she got to the door. He looked at me then at Kit, he didn't say anything just kind of took a moment then followed her in.

I turned to see Heather walk out to check on me. Clearly she saw Kit flash me before she went inside.

"What was that all about?" She was teasing me.

"That was her being a brat!" I kidded her.

"Do I need to worry about her now too?" Heather winked.

"Not as long as Matt's around, they are pretty serious right now." I let Heather know.

"Are you ok with that?" Heather asked seriously.

"Like the pot calling the kettle black? They'll be fine, she is smart enough for the both of them." I looked back in the direction of their condo. "She knows about us?"

"Mark they were at the wedding, how could they not know?" She was trying to be cute.

"Funny. No seriously, she knows all of it."

"I know. Sandy told me what she did at the beach." Heather said with a gleam in her eye.

"I think she needs you and Sandy to talk to her. She needs to know we see her as an adult. Matt doesn't know but she does." I suggested. "Kit needs someone to talk to. It's easy to get scared and confused at that age. She is alone with these secrets. Kit needs someone that she can trust." I continued pulling Heather to me.

"Let her know she can come to you without judgment." I was looking in the direction Kit headed as I said it.

"Mark. I love you! You are such a good man!" Heather embraced me and we kissed. "I will make sure she is looked after." Heather kissed me again.

"Now come with me your mother and I need your help!" I closed the van, picked up the remainder of the beach things and followed Heather back to our condo.

Heather held the door as we entered the condo. Setting the rest of the stuff down she led me to the master bedroom. Mom was naked on the bed her eyes closed, legs spread, and two fingers in her pussy.

"She has been waiting for you since we got back from the beach." Heather whispered. She slipped my suit off as I pulled of my tee shirt.

Sandy opened her eyes when she felt me get on the bed. She moved her hand to show me her swollen clit and dripping pussy.

"Fuck me Mark!" Sandy begged. "I need you in me!"

Already hard, I hate to say this, but I mounted her. There was no love in the, act just animal instinct. I drove in deep and hard with the first stroke, Sandy wrapped her legs around me and pulled me deeper.

I noticed Heather left as I started to drill mom. Sandy moaned beneath me, she was still slippery from the sun tan lotion. I pressed my chest against hers and slid over her tits, her hard nipples stroked my chest.

"Harder!" Sandy urged. I stuffed my cock deep in her pussy. "Mark our baby knows!" Sandy moaned. She thrust up desperate to allow my cock deeper. "She knows we're fucking!"

"Yes my love she does." I whispered. "Does that get you excited?" I teased.

"I let her finger me!" Sandy quivered in ecstasy.

Shadows changed in the room I knew Heather was back. I dare not look as mom's eyes bore into mine. "I am such a slut!"

"No mom you are anything but!" I replied.

"Oh Mark, I was naked on a public beach!" Sandy protested. I knew she was excited by the very thought of it. She thrust up hard against me I could feel her juices flow.

"Just your tit's you bad girl." I teased, she thrust again.

"I wanted you! I wanted you to make love to me!" Sandy hissed. "Oh Mark I wanted you on the beach just like Kit said."

Now I was getting excited! My mom just told me she wanted to fuck on the beach. She wanted to do it in broad daylight. Our bodies slapped I could smell the sweat and lotion in the air. Sandy's nostrils flared she was still fixed on my eyes. She wanted me to know how wanton she felt, and it turned her on.

"I need you to come!" Sandy moaned. She pressed her head against the mattress and arched her back. "Oh god I need you to cum in me!"

Our bodies were a blur we both looked down and watched as her angry clit rubbed my slick cock.

"I would have Mark I would have fucked you on the beach! I would have fucked you to show the world how much I love you!" Sandy was rambling on.

"I would have mom! I would show them!" We were both right on the edge.

"When Kit said she wanted to watch I wanted her to! I wanted her to see you fuck me Mark!" Sandy was gasping for air. "I want her ...to ..see .. how much ...we ...are in ...love..."

"Show me now mom! Cum for me!" Kit said clearly. She startled us both. Kit approached us quickly still in her bathing suit.

"No Baby!" Sandy whimpered. I knew they both wanted this. I slammed hard into mom her clit raised and mashed against my cock.


Sandy reached out her hand. Kit grasped it and held on as I filled mom with my seed.

"MMAARRRRKKK! YESSSSS!" Sandy squealed. She pulled my ass tight with her legs forcing me to fuck her deeper.

"MOM! Kit is watching!" I said. Her body jerked again as I reminded her of what she already knew.

"Yes darling! I'm cumming for her!" Sandy cooed. She was flushed with her afterglow and the realization of what Kit just witnessed.

"Again!" Kit whispered. "Don't stop! Fuck her again!"

"No baby! Please?" Sandy pleaded. Her pussy clenched my cock begging it to stay.

"Do it Mark!" Heather shouted. She walked to the other side. "Slowly this time so we can watch!"

Heather sat on one side holding mom's hand Kit held her hand on the other side. All but spread eagle mom opened her legs and let me make love to her pussy. I was so aroused by having Kit watching it was a wonder I didn't come again right there. Heather leaned over near me.

"Pull out and let her see Sandy's clit!" She whispered.

I couldn't help but do as she said.

"Oh mom, it's just like mine!" Kit squealed. My cock was red and angry, our excitement dripped from the end. Sandy's pussy was gaping open. "Mom he's so big!"

"Yeeess!" Sandy moaned as I slipped back in. "So good baby!"

"I know Matt feels the same way!" Kit whispered in her ear. "He isn't as big but he fits in my pussy just right!"

Sandy's pussy contracted as she thrust up hearing all about her other son. Heather removed her top and played with her nipples. Kit slipped her hand inside her suit to rub her pussy.

"Does he make you happy?" Sandy groaned as I pressed against her cervix.

"He is wonderful mom! Your sons make wonderful lovers!" Kit was starting to pant with mom. "I love him mom we are one!"

"Oh baby, I feel the same about Mark!" Sandy wiggled beneath me, she was ready to cum again.

"Does Heather make you feel that way?" Kit asked. She was slipping off her top to squeeze her tit. Sandy looked at Heather.

"She does baby, she completes me!" Sandy looked at me her eyes begged me to understand. "She completes us, right Mark?"

I looked at them both they kissed passionately Sandy's pussy contracted again. I looked at Kit she moved closer and kissed me deeply on the lips. This was no meaningless kiss, this was passionate. I knew she wished I was fucking her. I needed to cum

"Cum on her! I want to see your love cover our mother!" Kit begged me. "Please Mark just this once. If we can't make love... please"

See, she said it! She did want me to make love to her. Kit's hand was still inside her suit working her pussy. I felt Heather turn my face to kiss her.

"It's ok I will look after her!" Heather reminded me of our earlier talk. She touched my hip and lifted me gently out of mom. Gripping my cock she stroked the slippery snake as she kissed me. "Now cum!"

I looked into her loving eyes and knew she wanted this for Kit as well. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Heathers hand expertly stroking me like only she knew how to do. The first surge left my cock to places unknown.

"OH!" Kit gasped. Each successive surge left with less force and volume but Kit acknowledged each one.

"Thank you honey!" Heather whispered as she pulled me to her side of mom.

"KIT!" Mom screeched.

I opened my eyes Kit was naked now, her fingers in her pussy. She had moved on top of mom who had strings of my cum from her tit's to her pussy.

"I love you mom!" Kit lay down on top of Sandy and started kissing her. Cum pushed out in places as she locked lips with her. Sandy tried to push her away at first, but soon she was pulling her close. I watched as Kit worked her leg between moms she started to hump her pussy. "Cum for me Sandy!"

"Oh Baby no, you're my daughter!" Sandy started to protest.

"Just this once mom? Please? I want you to know!" Kit was getting excited herself.

I kissed Heather and moved from the bed. Heather leaned over Sandy.

"Show her how you make me feel!" Heather kissed Sandy "Cum for us!"

I watched from the door as they worked themselves into a frenzy. Mom and Kit came at the same time, well almost the same time. It was hard to tell who was coming and when, their cries were so loud and so close together.

"Does your brother know?" Sandy asked Kit.

"No mom, he has no clue." Kit explained.

"Promise me you will not tell him?" Mom asked Kit. "I think I have corrupted enough of my kids."

"I promise, as long as he can still fuck me?" Kit blackmailed her.

"You young lady are a very bad girl." Mom teased. "Heather come lay with us I think we have a problem on our hands."

I went to shower in the spare bathroom, they were still together as I took a nap on the couch.

To be continued...

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aalmost 3 years ago

I find the erotic intimacy between Sandy, Heather, Kim and/or Mark respectively to be honest, sincere and respectful. There is no emotional abandonment or power play. Unfortunately, Matt, like most males does not have a clue and probably never will. Hopefully, Kim can teach.

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