A Different Punishment - Ending


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I am sure the cops would start piecing the parts together and would get around to me very soon but I wanted to try and get Erica away from Glen's place as fast as I could.

While we were in transit I tried to decide which option would be safest for Erica. Should I help her get an apartment where Glen might or might not find her? Should I take her to a women's shelter? Should I contact her parents and see if they would take her in? Or, should I just take her to our home?

I hadn't voiced my thoughts and I suppose Erica was considering the same options as she didn't speak either. As we neared Glen's apartment Erica became agitated again. I read that as a reluctance to actually enter the place she had shared with her lover these past few months. A small part of me felt vindication as she seemed to be experiencing the fruits of her betrayal of our marriage vows.

When we arrived I paid off the cab driver and we stood there for a moment. I really didn't want to go inside where she and he had been fornicating but she was clinging to my arm and guiding me in. We entered the apartment. Erica grabbed me and faced me directly. "Look for my keys. He hid them somewhere in here. I don't care about the clothes. I just want my car and we can get out of here."

We started searching. They wouldn't be somewhere obvious so we tore through his personal belongings. I found a couple of boxes with pictures of Erica in various stages of undress and also hard-core pictures of her sucking his cock and a few of her tight asshole spread by his cock. I dug all the way to the bottom of the pile of pictures and then came up with her keys, and, lo and behold, her cell phone.

I grabbed the entire box. I had Erica grab his laptop and his digital camera. I suppose he also had pictures on his phone but we didn't have time to worry about that right now.

Erica also grabbed some of her belongings. We then left in her car. I drove us to our house. We could have some time to ourselves while we worked through the day's events.

When we got in Erica gave me a sad smile and went down the hallway to the bathroom and then took over the guest bedroom. When she came back out I was sitting at the table drinking a beer. She grabbed another one and sat down opposite me.

"Stan, for the near future I would like to stay here with you. I thought about this and I feel I will be safest here. If I live alone Glen might try to force me back with him. If I go to my parents he might threaten them. You know my dad is a blowhard, all bark and no bite. He couldn't stand up to Glen like you just did."

I had basically come to the same conclusion. "You need to change jobs. You are too easy of a target if you stay there at the convenience store." I called my boss and he said we had some openings in the telephone center for customer representatives and that Erica should immediately apply.

I felt her job situation was now dealt with. Even if Glen could find where she was working the security protocols at the insurance company would deter him from attacking her there. Staying with me would help deter him from attacking here. That would leave shopping and travel to and from work where she might be most vulnerable. We would just have to see.

Chapter Four-Aftermath

For the next few days there was no hint that Glen might be out looking for her. She quit the store without notice. Her boss wasn't too upset. If it meant that Glen Rogers would quit coming in then that was all right with her. I retrieved my pickup.

A cop finally came by and took our statements. So far they seemed to be taking the injuries that Glen sustained as a strange accident since no one admitted seeing anything happen. Erica admitted to having an affair with Glen and that she had been living with him for the past few months but that their relationship had ended before his "accident" and that she had moved home and we were trying to work out our problems. I told the cop that Erica and I had been out to lunch and had just returned when the "accident" had occurred and that we had observed Glen falling. This of course is only a partial truth as we didn't tell him about Glen attempting to hit Erica before his fall.

I am sure the cop didn't believe we were telling the whole story but he didn't have anything to use to try and get us to change or expand on our stories. He did tell Erica that Glen suffered a serious head injury from the fall as well as a punctured lung but that he was improving. Erica showed the cop to the door after commenting that she didn't love Glen but didn't want to see him come to any harm.

Erica started her new job and said that she really liked it. She helped both with questions from policy holders as well as claims. She felt this job meant more to people than being a cashier. I tried to remind her that every customer in the store felt she had helped them in some way but she obviously didn't feel that her job had been that important.

No, for those who are asking, we were not yet sleeping together. I am sure that Erica was ready to move back across the hallway but I wasn't. I suppose it really shouldn't matter. She was clean. She went and had herself tested to make sure that there would not be any surprises once we did start having marital relationships again.

I know if I was still a callow youth that it would not have bothered me to have sex with a woman who was active with others. As a matter of fact, it had been one of my many fantasies as a youth to find a woman who was very active sexually. She could be my mentor and guide me into being a true Cassanova.

But now I was more mature. I had gone into this arrangement, our marriage, with the full intention that I was going to resist temptation and would not cheat on my wife. I had the same expectation of Erica. If I didn't have that expectation then I would not be bothered by her fucking another man. I would just go and find a friend with benefits and get a little pussy on the side myself. I think that might be what hurt more, the fact that Erica betrayed our vows and my trust.

I was not ready to resume a close intimate, even non-sexual, relationship with someone I could no longer trust. That lack of trust was the crux of the matter. Erica trusted me. That was probably why she didn't understand why she wasn't sharing every part of my life again. No one had betrayed her.

To her it seemed all she had to do was just mouth the words that she was contrite and I was just supposed to forgive her and welcome her back with open arms and a hard cock. I am sure that she would feel different if I had gone out and fucked someone else and then came home and acted like she should just forgive and forget.

We shared meals, usually breakfast and supper. She was taking a sack lunch to work and I was packing my cooler when I had to go out and adjust a claim. Since it was getting later in the growing season, there were fewer claims to adjust so I was home more. I was spending time getting ready for school to start and doing some chores around the house. I had harvested the beans and the tomatoes were almost ready.

I talked with Erica's parents when I took fresh veggies over and dropped them off. Her dad would say hello and goodbye but otherwise didn't want to talk to me. Her mother would ask if everything was going all right since Erica had moved home. I didn't stop by with Erica and I certainly didn't monitor her phone calls so I had no clue what she was telling her mother about our marital problems. I just kept telling them both that Erica and I were working on our difficulties.

In the evenings we might watch a sitcom or drama on television and discuss the day's events before turning in. There was no touching or kissing at any time. It was like we were brother and sister more than a married couple.

Erica tried at times to entice me but she had never really practiced to seduce. She tried heavier makeup, especially eye makeup to make her look sultry, I suppose, but it failed. She actually looked like she had two black eyes.

She went and bought some sexy nighties and bras and panties. It was kind of comical to have her excuse herself after supper and then try to slink into the living room in a sheer babydoll outfit or skimpy panties and bra. She doesn't slink very well especially when she tried high heels.

I did try to not smirk or laugh at her attempts at seduction as she was serious about resuming a physical relationship. I should let everyone know that since she moved out I had not really had a lustful thought. I guess my male ego was too fragile to withstand her betrayal.

I also started going out for walks in the evening so I didn't have to be there all the time. I lost a couple of pounds and toned up a little. I was contemplating joining a gym to build up a little muscle and maybe do a little mixed martial arts to increase my stamina and maybe my coordination. I wasn't going to try and become a fighter.

One evening I returned from my walk a little early and Glen's car was in my drive. That fucking pink bumper sticker made me mad. Maybe the fuck thinks he is a "Porn Star" and needs a lesson in humility.

I didn't burst in the door. I decided to do a little recon and came in the back door by the kitchen as quietly as possible. Shit, I hoped Erica wasn't fucking him again.

I should have had more faith in her. As I snuck up to the opening to the living room I could hear them talking. Actually it was Erica and she was almost yelling. "Glen, I moved home because I don't love you and I don't want to be associated with you anymore. I love Stan. What part of that do you not understand?"

"You're mine, Bitch! I will drag you kicking and screaming out of here if you don't come with me right now."

"Glen, I know you could hurt me but I think Stan will be back in a few minutes. Your last encounter with Stan didn't go very well. And you just got out of the hospital and probably are still a little weak. Do you really want to confront him?"

"Oh, I brought an equalizer. See this." I couldn't see him yet but I imagined he had a gun.

I debated on whether to attack him but decided that he had no intent to shoot Erica. I decided to sneak back outside and call the cops on Stupid. It was a quick call and the dispatcher promised that there would not be any warning sirens.

I went back into the house and got to where I could see Erica seated on the couch. Glen must have been standing but I still couldn't see him. I motioned to her and she took a quick look and stopped talking for a moment but then shook her head.

Glen was clearly delusional as he started to talk about how they were destined to be together. He talked about when he had first started to flirt with her and how she seemed to really be into him.

I decided to call her on her phone. When it rang she hurriedly told him that it was me. He became quiet as she answered. "Hello, Stan, where are you?" She paused like I was telling her then continued. "Will you be home soon?" She paused again as though I was talking. She seemed sad. "That long? Well, take care of your ankle and I will see you when you get home. Do you want to go to the hospital and get it looked at?"

I quickly told her about the cops coming. I asked her to see if he would let her go to the kitchen and get some coffee or beer for him. She wisely didn't answer and hung up.

"That was Stan, Glen. He turned his ankle walking and will be about thirty minutes until he gets here. Since I want you two to meet, would you like something to drink, maybe a beer or coffee?"

He finally agreed. Erica got up and started for the kitchen. Just as she was next to me she stopped. "Glen, could you check out the front window and see if Stan is getting close? If he is down the block maybe we could go and get him and bring him back here."

The idiot actually took his eyes off her and went to the window. I grabbed her and hustled her out the back door and made sure she was safe. There were a couple of cops there watching the back door so we made sure she was safely away from the house

A few minutes later a bullhorn was used to call for him to come out unarmed. God, what an idiot. He shot out our front window at the cops. Since we all knew that Glen was alone in the house, the cops returned fire. I think they hit him in the first fusillade. He was screaming that he was hit and wanted to give up when they ran inside.

Soon he was handcuffed and the paramedics went in and took care of him. He came out and was screaming that he was going to kill us both. I hope the body cameras got his whole diatribe as it showed intent to commit murder.

Glen was now out of our lives as the idiot couldn't make bail and didn't even have a job so he was considered a flight risk.

Over the next few days I patched all the holes in the walls and got a new window installed. They hadn't had to break down the front door as the idiot never even attempted to lock the door.

It was strange for a while. We each took a couple of days off. Even though Erica had just started her new job, I knew her supervisor and let him in on what had happened. I think he was thankful that the house was not damaged any more than it was as I insured us through our company.

Erica would just sit most of the day and stare at the spot where her lover had confronted her and then just burst out in tears. I just felt continued anger that shithead had come to my house and threatened my wife.

The next weekend we took off for a couple of days. We went to a concert, had a great meal before and a little bar hopping afterwards then slept in the same bed for the first time in months. No sex yet. I still wasn't back to where I could get horny but we both needed to hug and cuddle. Erica was so clingy I almost had to slap her hands away just to get up to drain the lizard.

That was such a chore to be so loved and needed.

When we got back home after a good relaxing weekend it seemed that we were destined to continue as before. On Monday evening Erica made a delicious meal and we cleaned up the table and all the pans afterward, just like we had done for years.

Erica then went and tried again to entice me. Her makeup was awful and she just can't vamp worth a damn. Finally I stopped her. "Erica, I am so close to just bursting out in belly grabbing laughter at you and I don't want to do that since it would probably just destroy you. Instead of heavy makeup and trashy lingerie why don't you just wipe that crap off and just put on one of my long sleeve button shirts with a little cleavage showing and no panties and come back and sit in my lap? We can cuddle and see what develops from there."

She gave me one of her brightest smiles and zoomed out of the living room. I moved to the couch from my easy chair so we could have some more room.

It only took about five minutes and she was back. No heels and no makeup. The shirt was long enough that she had to roll up the sleeves and the tails covered her ass and pussy. She came over and gingerly sat on my lap and tucked her head under my chin.

The top couple of buttons were undone and she was showing a hint of her upper breast before she put her arms around me. We kissed. We kissed again. I ran my hand up her bare leg to her nether cheek. She shivered. I did it again. She shivered again. She broke the kiss and whispered in my ear. "I need you, Stan, like I have never needed you before. I want and crave your full forgiveness for my stupidity. Make love to me. Fuck me blind. Hold me. Stroke me and drive me crazy but just love me again."

Of course her whispering in my ear drove me nuts. My cock, which had just been a way to void urine for so long, was just about as hard as when I used to pop erections in my early teens. For you guys, you remember that. You had never been harder. Your cock straining and you just knew everyone knew.

The shirt got unbuttoned somehow. Maybe I was a little rough and popped a couple of buttons while trying to get to her tits. I know they looked a little worse for wear later with the bite marks and hickeys. She said later that her nipples were so tender after I got done that she almost couldn't put on a bra. Damn, I hated to do that to her. Yeah, right.

We wrestled trying to get my jeans and shirt off. Actually we were both trying so hard that we kept getting in each other's way. Finally my cock was free and her pussy was close so they made friends again that night. There were multiple positions on the couch. Each one concluded with my cock in her pussy, making it weep with joy. Erica did too. I had to stop a few times so she could blow her nose (not sexy) before we could continue.

I know I shot my load at least three times and only stopped when my balls were screaming in pain at being so empty. Actually they just ached but it sounds better if I were writhing in pain from all the pleasure of having that many great orgasms.

How many times did Erica cum, you ask? Damned if I know. Sometime in the evening we moved to the bedroom. It is very hard to walk while trying to fuck your wife from behind at the same time but we didn't want to be disconnected long enough to get to the comfort of the bed.

I do know that Erica claimed to have been royally screwed and left fully satisfied. Maybe she is lying to me again but I will accept that little white lie, if she did lie that is. She even rolled over onto her tummy at one point and stuck her ample ass into the air. She then grabbed those substantial nether cheeks and pulled them apart and showed off her tiny rectal opening. She then begged me to lube her up and take her final hole and completely exorcise Glen forever.

Are we well again? It is a work in progress. I think she learned a lesson. I also think I needed to make sure she was always assured of my love and respect. We are talking kids now and having a great time practicing making babies.

Oh, yes, I can't forget about Glen. It seems he just couldn't shut up, even in jail awaiting his trial. He was found in an otherwise empty cell with his underwear stuffed down his throat. The case is still open as there are no clues and the camera was mysteriously covered for a while that particular night. It might have been a suicide for all we know. Did I have something to do with it? Remember I am just a crop adjuster in the summer and an Ag instructor in the fall. But, a couple of my former students are with the sheriff's department. Who can say for sure if a comment made during a donut stop might have influenced something?

You can bet that I will never admit to anyone, especially to Erica, if I had anything to do with his demise. Erica now believes I have stones for gonads and will protect what is mine. After she sucks my cock to completion she then gets me hard again and demands that I fuck some sense into her pussy or ass, she doesn't care which.

Also, now understanding her submissiveness, I ask for her input on issues then tell her how it will be done. I know she understands that most of the time I take her idea and run with it but she lets me say that I am the boss this way.

Will we survive as a couple? Since no one can predict the future we cannot say for sure. We will just work at our relationship as though it is fragile and then hope for the best. And I still have her signed paper outlining how a settlement will go in a divorce. I keep that little document in case she fails again.

There will be no third chance.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

No. Just no. I’m a reconciliation guy but this slut did nothing to deserve forgiveness. We don’t even know why she decided to cheat in the first place. Awful story. Awful.

mathur_nkmathur_nk2 months ago
misleading title.

there is no lesson for wife. she enjoyed cheating then had a free fuck fest for more than 6 months (pain she enjoyed) and then when she finds her husband has got balls and hidden it only as a good gentle man, she came back to her husband. She may find another bigger dom any day to cheat her husband again. Husband is getting sloppy secons of Glen for life!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Wow, this is pretty bad. Don't like either character.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Opowieść o kolejnym masochiscie. Ciężko się czyta . Im dłuśza opowieść tym głupsza.

Harvey8910Harvey89104 months ago

This was a great story. I was sure that Erica and Stan would not reconcile because it is hard to take a wife back who fuck another man and has not contrition in her heart about cheating on him. But Stan learned about Erica’s submissive side and caters to that. They are back to having sex often too. She seems to have learned her lesson and she seems to cherish her marriage to Stan now. Let’s hope this is the case in this story as Stan has said that there will be no third chance if she cheats on him again. Great story. Five stars!!!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Iffy at best. doubt she will remain faithful.

WargamerWargamer7 months ago

A cuck tale. But in fairness l read it. Assigned a score based on content.


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I suppose such low self esteem could make a woman vulnerble, married or single. That she didn't even realize how much trouble she was in with her lover until much later is a little hard to comprehend. It would have been like kicking a puppy to leave her to her fate. Maybe rescung her and getting her some help with therapy would have been the thing to do.

chasbo38chasbo388 months ago

Erica made a choice to move out and play wife to Glen. She provided sex to Glen that she never gave to her husband. This makes her a slut. She is heavily punished by Glen but never by her husband. Her behavior makes her a bimbo without any idea of what she is really doing. We never get any idea of why she started with Glen in the first place. Too many loose ends in this story to make it a good read.

dob092095dob0920958 months ago

Seriously a cocky man. Who would take her back? Not me for sure.

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