A Different Way Ch. 08: Michele

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A volcanic afternoon tea.
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Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/28/2021
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Back home, Jenn greeted us with a grin.

"Can I come with you to the Club tomorrow? Please, please, please?"

When she was like that it was hard to resist her entreaties; to tell the truth, it was always hard for me to resist her.

Kasia smiled.

"Well, little one, as I may be busy with Erica and Serrada, I think Em may need the company,'" she said, turning to me and smiling, "you agree my dear?"

When Kasia spoke in that tone of voice there was only one answer, and I gave it:

"Yes, of course."

At that, Kasia and Jenn headed off for her room.

I had a lot to ponder that evening.

The plans for the future of the "Enterprise" as I had taken to calling it, filled much of my mind. Lady M and Mags were happy to help underwrite the new developments, and even then, I was convinced that they would be the success they would become. It mattered to me that we did not just indulge ourselves. Mags always looked oddly at me when I said that, but there was something more in the whole thing for me. I had, unlike her, seen the lives led by women like Jenn and her mother, and if I could help, in my own peculiar way, I would.

But of course, part of my mind dwelt on that other side - the self-indulgence. One of the reasons for my doubts about introducing Jenn to the Club was that I did not want to be thought to be pushing her in a direction where she would feel she had no choice but to be an escort. But seeing the way she had reacted to Kasia, and to the games we played, I could see that I was in danger of taking away her agency. She knew, now, that there was no pressure to become an escort - and yet she wanted to go to the Club. I had no doubt that she would be a popular - and successful - escort.

And that left me wondering about me.

It was clear to me that I had been right about Kasia, she was a woman of immense dynamism, charm, and sexual charisma. I could see why she was such a successful escort; but there was more to her than that - much more.

Our relationship - for that is what it was, of course - was far more complex than that of Mistress and Maid. It was not just the ease with which she reversed our roles - and the delight I took in that; there was something protean in her. Seeing her with Erica and with Serrada I had thought, at first, that I was seeing a new woman, but on reflection I realised I was simply seeing a more rounded version of the one I knew so well.

In another world, Kasia would have been a great actress. By that I did not mean that she was dissembling when she played a part, just that she invested herself in whatever role she took to the point at which she came to define it. Whether as submissive to me, my Mistress, Jenn's lover, Erica's lover, whatever the role, she brought to it something which made it uniquely hers. That, I suspected, was what charisma did.

I awoke to Jenn bringing me some tea.

"Good morning, my lady," she smiled sweetly, "hope you slept well."

"I did, thank you. And you?"

She giggled so disarmingly.

"After helping Miss Kasia with her needs."

That, I thought, figured; she was insatiable.

Lunch with Mags and Lady M confirmed the details of the new Enterprise, and it was a delight that Michele was there to help. Afterwards, I suggested to Michele that if she were free, she might like to take late afternoon tea with me and meet Kasia and Jenn. She smiled.

"I should love to see your place, my dear. I am sure that we shall be more than business partners."

That smile, oh my! Well, I had no doubt that was what I wanted, so was delighted when she agreed.

Jenn answered the door and I introduced her. She blushed becomingly, to Michele's delight.

"She's a pretty little thing, Em, rather reminds me of you!"

"Not you too!" I giggled.

"What do you mean?" Michele was clearly worried she had offended me, so I put her mind at rest:

"Just that Kasia thinks the same."

"Ah, the delightful Kasia. Your maid is the famous escort?"

"Yes, and here, on cue, she is!"

Kasia was descending the stairs - I saw her eyes lock with Michele's. The latter whispered to me:

"I can see why she's a success, she's a knockout, that figure!"

I introduced them.

"Oh ho, so you are the famous Michele. I can see such evidence of your Italian ancestry. You seem like one of those Renaissance princesses. Love that black hair."

The full blast of a Kasia compliment was apt to do what it did to Michele, who blushed and stammered:

"You are quite the charmer - and I see another reason you are so popular."

"Oh Madam, there are at least two big reasons," she smiled, pushing her bosom out. She was utterly shameless, as well as intoxicatingly sexy when she was in this mood - and knew it.

Michele smiled.

"At least two!"

"Tea for you, Michele?"

"That was what Lady Emily brought me here for," she winked.

"Well, tea it must be then. Em, will you and Jenn get it for us?"

Michele looked surprised, but seeing Kasia's smile, winked at me.

"Of course," I said.

As we prepared the tea and scones, Jenn grinned at me.

"Do you like her treating you like this?"

Buttering a scone, I looked at her:


She leaned over and kissed me.

"And me?"

"Sometimes," I grinned.

"We'd better take the food in - like good maids," she grinned back at me.

We had made enough for all four of us, as that seemed the sensible thing.

Michele was in the middle of telling Kasia about the work she had been doing with refugees from the Revolution.

As we sat, Kasia commented:

"Well, Michele, we have no need of such revolts here, look how biddable our Lady Em is. She is the best of mistresses!"

"She sure is," Michele replied, taking a sip of tea.

"We are going to the Club tonight, Michele, introducing Jenn, but that is no reason why before then, we might not get better acquainted."

"How do you feel about that, Lady Emily?" Michele asked, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Kasia usually has very good instincts," I responded.

"You would, of course, Em, help us, and Jenn could watch and learn much. Let us do that after tea!"

And with that, it was settled.

We chatted about the plans for the Enterprise, and Jenn showed a real interest in what I was planning on the educational side.

"I'd love to learn how to read and write properly," she said, "and of course, I'd be really interested in being an escort, preferably just for the ladies if that is okay?"

"Oh darling, that would be ideal," I said, "and naturally, I will help in any way I can."

"That," said Kasia swiftly, "is why it would be such a good idea if Jenn came with us now. Em, can I trust you to clear away the tea things? Join us in your bedroom when you are done!"

Sometimes she pushed things, but it was as though she had a hundred percent accurate insight into my mood at any given moment. There were times when such treatment at her hands would have produced a sharp rebuke; but this was not one such. Indeed, the opposite was the case.

I was beginning to recognise patterns. Was it that Kasia's fluidity transmitted itself to me, or was everyone like this? Or was this part of what drew me to Kasia and her to me, that we were alike? I realised I had so little experience of others that, as the mathematicians would have put it, I had insufficient date.

I was impatient to join them, and at one level almost resentful. I was, after all, the Lady of the house, and I paid both Kasia and Jenn, so there was almost a pout on my lips as I felt resentful - they had gone off to the bedroom with Michele when I wanted to be there. No sooner had that emotion pulsed through me than it was replaced by another.

I was suddenly very conscious of a tingling between my legs; my drawers felt wet. What, I wondered, not for the first time, was wrong with me? That first, primal emotion was, surely, the more "natural" one. And yet the one that was making me tingle and wetting my drawers was stronger; but what on earth was it?

I tidied away the tea things, deciding to throw myself into that as a distraction. It did not take long.

Kasia's words, and her teasing smile came strongly into my mind as I mounted the stairs: that mischievous light in her eyes when she knew she was teasing me and that I would not only endure it, but enjoy it; the slight lick of her lips as she dismissed me with an invitation to come back to my own bedroom; and as I got closer, the thought of what I would see; these filled my mind - and made me wetter.

I could hear noises. Of course I could. Did I imagine they had been discussing the weather?

Breathing heavily, I opened the door. The scene that greeted me would have done justice to an orgy from the late days of the Roman Empire or a sapphic Sodom and Gomorrah.

Whatever I had expected, I had not anticipated what I witnessed.

Michele was only a little taller than I was, and, undressed as she was, I could see that her breasts were only a little larger. But she was a pocket Venus, radiating erotic magnetism. Her dark eyes flashed in my direction, and she motioned me to sit; she did not need to say a word. I sat, trying to take it all in.

Michele was naked, squatting over Kasia's face and telling her to lick her pussy. From the way Kasia was writhing, it was obvious she needed no encouragement. Jenn was on all fours, naked, her arse facing Michele as she licked Kasia. There was no doubting who was in charge.

Jenn looked up at me, her face wet.

"Hello Mith", she lisped, before plunging her face back into the wet mess that was Kasia's swollen pussy.

"Fuck, yes, yes, you do that so well Kasia!"

Michele was riding Kasia's face hard.

"Jenn, turn round so you are available to Lady Em."

Almost without losing a lick, Jenn shifted herself so she was between Kasia's legs. As she moved, I could see her dark little hole exposed, and her glistening wetness.

"Lady Em, I think she would benefit from your tongue, but strip first!"

Mesmerised by the scene before my eyes, and aroused by the scent as well as the sight, I needed no second bidding.

With Michele watching and pressing back on Kasia, who was showing every sign of being close to her orgasm as Jenn's tongue pleasured her, I gripped Jenn's backside and ran my tongue down her cleft, until I reached her leaking lips; she shivered as I teased her dark hole, and pressed into Kasia as I licked her nectar.

Jenn was so wet. Her clit was swollen, and she was clearly close; that hair trigger of hers had been activated. Looking over the horizon of her backside, I could see Michele massaging her own breasts as she pushed, bending forward to allow Kasia some air. Looking down and ahead, I could see Jenn's face deep in Kasia's gooey mess; her lips were red.

It was little surprise then that within minutes of my ministering to Jenn's pussy that she came hard, with Michele and Kasia being triggered by that. Her backside pushed back against my face, then I lost it, as she fell forward, propelled by the force of her orgasm. Michele fell forward onto her, and I heard Kasia's groans more clearly as a result.

For a few moments the room was quiet except for the sighs of exhausted passion, and then Michele raised herself from Kasia's face.

"Lady Emily, how unforgivable, I think, ladies," she said, speaking sternly to Kasia and Jenn, that your Mistress needs some attention. Come here darling."

Her warmth, her charisma acted on my mood as the sun does on the early morning mist, dispersing it and making things clear and bright.

Kasia rolled over and hugged Jenn to her.

Michele took me into her arms, and I felt her lips against mine. The tip of her tongue ran along my lower lip until I responded by opening a little. I felt her enter me, and sucked gently on the invader.

For a moment I was dead to the rest of the world, as it was to me. Jenn and Kasia were doing something, for sure, but all I could feel was the presence of Michele's tongue, and her nipples pressing against mine. Opening my mouth to give a little moan allowed Michele to press in further.

I felt hands on my backside, and then kisses. Another hand parted my legs. Michele was kissing me passionately. It was as though I had passed into another realm. From high above I could see this diminutive figure in the arms of Michele, with Kasia and Jenn feeling my arse and pussy. From inside I could just feel sensations which overwhelmed me. As Jenn probed my dark hole, the nerve endings there seemed connected to my clit, which Kasia was licking; and all the while, Michele was sucking on my small, hard nipples, which send shivers down to my pussy which seemed to have become the focus of all feeling in me.

At some indeterminate point it was as though all the feelings fused into a gigantic explosion, and as my eyes lost focus, it ripped through every fibre of my being.

"Are you there, Lady Em?" I heard a voice asking. I felt arms under my head as though I was being cradled. As I opened them, Kasia's breasts dominated my view.

"Ah she is awake!"

Jenn was wiping my face with a wet cloth.

"You had us worried my Lady."

As my senses returned to me, I let out a little laugh.

"I had YOU worried? I have never felt anything like that - ever!"

Nor had I.

"Jenn, why don't you take Lady Em to your room for a rest, I think Michele and I have unfinished business?"

Kasia's tone was firm. I could see that she and Michele were looking at each other as though they both wanted some privacy. Michele mouthed the word "later" to me. I smiled and nodded.

"Yes, of course, Jenn, let's go."

I felt unsteady on my feet. The intensity of the orgasm had knocked me for six, and I was grateful that Jenn was there to help me back to her room.

We sat on her bed.

"Oh Miss, are you really okay? I was so worried when you passed out. Do you think you will still be able to take me to the Club tonight?"

"Yes, darling, I really am alright, I just need time to recover. And of course, my darling, we shall take you to the Club. Are you determined to try being an escort?"

Jenn looked a mite embarrassed.

"You know I love you, Miss, but yes, I would so like to try - as long as it does not make you angry. You know you are my Mistress, but, well..."

Her voice trailed off. I think she knew she was digging herself a hole.

It was hard enough to explain to myself why I got pleasure from watching a lover with another woman, so how poor Jenn was meant to understand, God alone knew!

I was coming to terms with my own complicated relationship with what seemed to be a very complex sexuality.

As Lady Emily Hervey, I had a place in Society. It was as best middling in terms of the aristocracy, but it put me miles above women like Kasia and Jenn, whose natural social instinct was to defer to me. But in the bedroom things changed.

Kasia could, it seemed, read me like a book - one of those "dirty" books my Papa had hidden away. She seemed attuned to my moods. I wished I understood them, but I seemed to be able to pass from Mistress to Maid, so to say, in moments. This suited Kasia, who was equally mercurial, though, I suspected she had more control over her moods than I seemed to have. As she enjoyed other lovers, my fetish for seeing my woman with another, suited us both; the same was not (yet) true for Jenn.

I could sense in her a puzzlement, and so, as I recovered my strength, we talked about our feelings.

Jenn confessed that what she loved most was to serve, sexually. Taking any sort of control, as she had we with me, was something she did because she loved me, but it was not her natural metier. She luxuriated in the treatment Kasia meted out to her, and confessed that she wondered what it would be liked to be "used" more severely? When I asked what she had in mind, the poor thing went as red as I did when I was embarrassed by my own secret thoughts.

"I, I have wondered what it would be like to be in chains, Miss, and even to be whipped like those thieves you see sometimes."

From what I knew of Serrada, it seemed as though she and Jenn needed to meet.

It must have been an hour later that Kasia knocked on the door. To say she looked dishevelled would have been the half of it.

"Finished now, my Lady. Jenn if you tidy up, then we can prepare for tonight!"

Jenn smiled.

"You really think Miss Serrada would do what I said Miss?"

"What was that?" Kasia asked.

"Mind your own business," I giggled.

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PixiehoffPixiehoff4 months agoAuthor

Thank you, Cupid xxxxx

SweetBaybeeGirlSweetBaybeeGirl4 months ago

Jenn is so fortunate in meeting up with them! She gets to satisfy her nearly insatiable lust. And now it appears she may satisfy her curiosity in experimenting with bondage and a little pain. We are all fortunate to be able to explore our curiosities at Emily’s


CupidCupidCupidCupid5 months ago

Sorry I was meant to say that 'Harlots ', is not nearly as erotic, as your story!!

PixiehoffPixiehoff5 months agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Cupid xxxxx

CupidCupidCupidCupid5 months ago

What made this story erotic and sensual, was down to a very good plot line and I thought Pixiehoff that you caught the essence of what 18 century Britain was like. The Mollys and the general carefree attitude to sex that existed in the upper classes, before the Victoria's came along.

I recommend to anyone to watch 'Harlots' which is currently streaming on BBC i-Player, nearly as bad as this story, but, not quite!!

PixiehoffPixiehoff6 months agoAuthor

So glad you have enjoyed it, darling xxxxxx

GayKatGayKat6 months ago

Wow, Hot And Sexy!


Hallo Pixie!


I'll bet Jenn was a big hit with the ladies at the club, with that sweet innocent smile and her soft young body!


Thank you Love, it's just as hot and sexy as always... 5&5, 5-Stars and 5-Yummy Wet Orgasms,,, Yes!


From your two hot and kinky dikes friends,

The Black Queen 👩🏿 and Gay kat 👩🏼‍!

💋 💋 💋🌹🌹💝💝💝🌹🌹💋 💋 💋🌹🌹

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Well I am glad that it has been stimulating, Reading xxxxx

Reading_is4funReading_is4funover 1 year ago

Thank you very much Pixie for this wonderful story...you are an amazing talent...Lady Em is a truly inspirational persona being strong, independent, intelligent and emphatic...I truly love this character you created and hope to read more of her in the future...would love to see her mood dominating her business partners and sister...hmm my wicked mind..naughty me...

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

It is, and there will be more to come soon, woodseaves xxxxx

woodseaveswoodseavesover 1 year ago

With every page, Lady Em becomes increasingly enigmatic. I'm pleased this saga is continuing.

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you my dear French reader, I an so glad that you are enjoying it xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you Jeff. No this is is not over yet. xxxxx

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A marvelous story, so erotic !

You are a real talented writer......please more more......xxxxx

From France

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much Caralac, and yes, there will be more to come xxxxx

Catalac2022Catalac2022about 2 years ago

Oh my goodness..... I can't get over how well this story reads and thank you so much for the time and thought you have put into it, but I do have to say... I DO HOPE there are alot more chapters to come soon!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago
Update on Mom & Have You Ended This Story Series Pixie?

Dear Pixie,

Thank-you so much for your kind words about my Mom, in your The End of Things Ch. 11: Missions comment reply.

Sadly, my Sister sent me this text, after she visited my Mom yesterday (Tuesday): “She was fine until I told her that I had to leave. She almost cried which was so hard to see. The Licensed Nursing Assistant (LNA) was really patient and nice to her. Getting old really sucks.”

On Thursday, my Sister, my Wife, and I will participate in Mom’s Physical Therapy (PT) session. The PT staff will teach us how to assist Mom getting in and out of bed, in and out of a chair, assisting Mom with climbing up and down stairs, and with assisting Mom entering and exiting an automobile.

It will be either Thursday or Friday when Mom’s Case Worker will tell us their recommendations for Mom moving forward. We all know Mom wants to go home, but we are all ready to accept permanent residence, at a memory care facility, as their recommendation.

I know your illness affects your life and your abilities in multiple ways, but I am so glad, Pixie, that your illness does not cause you restrictions on where you live, your job, and, most important, your illness does not affect your social life..

Your probably curious, Pixie why I am writing my reply in your A Different Way, story series? I chose this story series, because you mentioned in your comment reply: “I don't think either of the current ones will be done by then.” So, I assume that you completed this “A Different Way,” story series.

I know you can restart a story series, at any time, by a simple muse and by the stroke of the pen. However, if you currently ended this story series, do you want to review the series’ statistical data, on slides / pdf pages 47 thru 52, in your April presentation?

Please, Enjoy Your Day, Pixie and Stay Healthy & Safe.


Your Literotica Bookkeeper 📚📕📗📘📙

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you, Smudgelady - and there is more to come xxxxx

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

An excellent series. Very erotic and well written . Have you thought of expanding it into a short novel?

Smudgelady (forgotten the log in )

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you, Eileen, and I hope you will enjoy the stories xx

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