A Dragon's Tail Ch. 04-05


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As soon as the initial base station was set up, its detectors showed activity towards Toyko. As soon as the first van was equipped, a scientist, two technicians, an interpreter, and two members of the Japanese Self-Defense Force, were dispatched to investigate. As the van neared the location, the energy readings spiked and went out. The crew in the van went to the apartment building, and asked the apartment manager if they would be allowed to do inquiries at each apartment. When the crew could not get an answer from an apartment of a Hikikomori, a shut in, the apartment manager let them it. The crew recovered the body of the victim.

The victim had dropped out of college, and was living off a small stipend from her parents. The interpreter helped look through the books that were on the shelves and all first year textbooks were vacuumed for dust. The dust sample, containing skin cells from five years earlier was brought to the van, along with samples from the least charred part of the victim's body, a finger. The genetic sequencers showed an 11% reduction in genetic material, and case FY6136 was logged.

The Japanese Police force gave consent to non-invasive testing of the body at Yokota Air Base, but required that at least two members of the Japanese Self-Defense Force be present until the body was delivered to the morgue at Aiiku Hospital. The body was taken to the Air Base, and a CAT scan performed to look for anomalies.

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For a brief period of time, maybe only two minutes, a small signal was detected to the north. The base station in Misawa was not set up to help triangulate the position.

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A message was received from the U.S.S. Greywhale. "We have been able to translate humpback greeting number 5. The rough translation is: I'm willing and available. Come and take me, lover boy! We suggest that it NOT be used in future encounters with humpbacks. We have sustained damage, but are continuing the mission."

The male humpback had ripped the outer layer of ship, trying to mate with the articulated submarine. The outer hull was dented, and two of the power cords to the superconducting capacitors were damaged, taking them off line. This left the U.S.S. Greywhale with only four weeks of available energy to complete its mission.

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Thank You, for reading my story. This is part two out of four. More to come...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

hmmm i dont feel that the creatures that you were telling are too out of my grasp, since the story of supranatural creature are so common in my part of the world. So i get a good start to understand them. I just hope you can keep up your pace till the end - n

OldHidekiOldHidekiover 13 years agoAuthor
I agree, with it being a bit choppy.

I am writing this like a catastrophe story, with several story lines that will converge. I am also trying to slowly (that’s why there are four parts) introduce the pseudo-physics that I am using to describe this world. In this world, Werewolves, Vampires, Angels, and other creatures do exist, in human and in ghost form.

Example: A vampire: A person with a blood defect after a rebirth. The Vampire must replace their blood after a rebirth by drinking, and having it pass through the stomach lining. Actually, a mother passes immunities to a newborn child this way through breastfeeding, so this idea is that that far fetched. If Robert (Ahiko) was a vampire, she would have to repeat this process after every rebirth. He (she) is actually something else.

This is the genesis story for the series, where things have to be explained. The mechanics of the supernatural will be assumed in later stories.

bigguy323bigguy323over 13 years ago
Well, this is really different. So far it's a bit hard to grasp but I'm hanging in there.

Very original. Keep on writing....

catman71catman71over 13 years ago
odd and jumpy

but interesting

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