A Dragon's Tale Ch. 16


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Taloni was sure that half her blood must be in her cheeks. She must've looked like that 'Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer' character that he had explained the previous day. Part of her embarrassment was because she didn't mind the idea of being naked around Alana either, she just couldn't bring herself to do it... yet.

"It doesn't bother me either." Ethan said, then turned to the Fey. "But it's perfectly fine if it bothers you. We-" He gave Alana a look. "-won't pressure you either way. Do what you're comfortable with."

She nodded.

Alana sat up, holding the sheet so it didn't reveal her small but shapely breasts. "So, I think we can agree that it's best if we sent our husband off to meet this necromancer with as clear a head as possible, right?"

Taloni nodded.

"So that means we both need to take care of him, and I haven't had this man inside of me in nearly two days." She looked at him mournfully before looking back at the Fey. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable, so how about this? How about you use your lips and then I'll use my hips."

The wood elf gave Ethan a smoldering grin before turning back to the Fey. "And you don't need to stay for the hip action if you don't want to, or if it'll make you uncomfortable."

She nodded, wanting to stay but realizing that she was too embarrassed to stay. She knew she would be able to eventually - and soon - but not yet. A part of her wanted to though.

It wanted to very much.

* * *

Agent Selene Dawson breathed a sigh of relief. The clearing in which the crime had taken place was pretty, but there wasn't any shade and she'd been working all day. It was midafternoon and they had just finished processing the crime scene.


They'd taken so many pictures you could've reconstructed a complete 3D model. They'd also made molds of all the footprints which were intact enough to be useful. It had been a long two days and she was looking forward to getting out of the heat.

The late summer air was too warm for comfort even in the shade. It was miserably hot in the full sun of a cloudless sky. She stood up, pulled off her agency issued FBI ball cap and wiped her brow. She desperately needed a shower.

"You guys done?" The local sheriff - Anderson - asked with a slight southern accent.

"Pretty much." She nodded.

"Okay, we'll start packing up." He said and turned. He stopped, then turned back. "Keep your eyes out for suits."


Sheriff Anderson nodded. "Every time we get one of these cases, a couple government types in expensive suits always show up. They don't make a fuss and don't interfere, but they're always here and I suspect up to no good. I'd keep an eye out ma'am."

"I will, thank you."

"Ma'am." He tipped his hat and walked away.

"Boot, get a move on; we don't have all day." Mason barked. He had been right there working until the very last moment. He had a reputation as a hard ass, but he certainly didn't have a problem with hard work either.

"Coming." She called, dearly whishing that she could spell that with a 'u' instead of an 'o'. Sadly, she probably wouldn't get a chance for a few days because this case was taking all of her time. Her trusty vibrator was stowed in the bottom of her luggage where there was no chance of it accidentally falling out.

She sighed.

They hiked to the SUV in slience. Once there, she climbed into the passenger side and flopped down on the seat.

"Seatbelt." Mason said tersely.

She buckled herself in and turned the AC up as high as the dial would go.

"What did you learn?" He asked once they were underway.

"There's something strange with this case. I know it's my first field assignment, but something doesn't feel right."


She adjusted the car vents so they blew on her face and chest before turning the fan up to its highest setting. "The tracks for one, and that strange semicircle for another. I still can't imagine what made that."

"Helicopter." He grunted. "There's nothing else that could get them out without leaving a trace like that."

"Yeah, maybe." Selene replied. It did make logical sense, but it didn't fit.

"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - no matter how improbable - must be the truth." He quoted.

"Sherlock Holmes?"

He nodded. "It's impossible for anything else on this world to get them out of there; therefore - despite the strange looking skid marks - it must have been a helicopter."

"Yeah, I suppose..." She still wasn't convinced, but he was right. Of course, the famous quote from Sherlock Holmes assumed you were capable of coming up with every possible scenario and then eliminating the impossible ones.

"When we get back, rest up." Mason said. "We're going through the evidence tomorrow and from all the previous cases. Day after that, I want you to start doing interviews with the previous victim's families. Listen for anything that stands out in their testimonies."

"I will." She said.

They talked about the case most of the rest of the drive and Selene learned a lot about how to look at a crime scene. When they got back to the hotel, she ambled to her hotel room, took a cold shower - which didn't help alleviate the tension between her legs - and flopped down on the bed, finally feeling somewhat human. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the soft feeling of the comforter...


Selene jolted awake. Her clock told her that she'd drifted off for about twenty minutes. Almost on autopilot, she answered her phone. "Agent Dawson."

"Selene, is that anyway to greet your mother?" Her mom said, the usual disapproving tone in her voice being the last thing she wanted to hear right now.

"Hi mom." She sighed.

"You sound tired, are you getting enough sleep?"

"Yup." She lied. "I just worked all afternoon."

"You know, you wouldn't need to work so hard if-"

"Mom, let me stop you right there; I don't need a man."

"Of course you don'tneed a man, but-"

"I don't want a man right now either." Selene sat up, letting the towel remain on the bed. "We've talked about this remember? My career is important to me."

There was a long silence, then: "Well, okay. I just want to make sure you're happy."

"I am." Selene said as she stifled a yawn.

For the next fifteen minutes, she listened to her mother relay innumerable inane things, mostly concerning her new dog. It was a yellow lab mix that she had literally no idea how to train, and she was complaining that it kept wanting to eat the furniture.

"Hey, is that our daughter?" She heard her father's voice in the background.

"Hey mom, can you put dad on?"

Her mother reluctantly let go of the phone while trying to finish a story about how the neighbors weren't being considerate for not wanting to put up with her dog's constant barking. Eventually, she did give the phone over though.

"Hi angel." Her dad said in his deep, calming voice.

"Hi dad, I missed you."

"You too angel, you too." He chuckled. "Has your mother got you married off yet?"

Selene groaned. "Not for lack of trying."

"If you are interested, I do have a thought on that. Only if you're interested."

Selene considered. Her dad had never pushed like her mom and had mostly stayed out of her love life. When he shared an opinion, it was usually worth listening to.

"Go ahead." She said.

"I'm glad you became an FBI agent." He said. "You've been working toward that since... well, sinceit happened. I'm glad you made it."


"No buts angel; just an 'and'.And don't forget that you fully planned out your wedding every other week since you were four. I'm proud of my little FBI agent. I'm not saying you should quit your job, like mom does. I'm saying keep an eye out; you don't want to miss Mr. Right when he crosses your path."

"I won't miss him; I scored expert in marksmanship remember?" She said tongue firmly planted in cheek.

Her dad laughed.

It was a deep from-the-heart kind of laugh that you couldn't help laughing along with, which she did.

"I understand what you're saying, and you're probably right." She admitted. "But I need to do this job because it's more than a job to me. It's more than a career. I need to do it because... well, you know why."

"I do baby girl, I do." He replied with undeniable sadness as her reasons assuredly dredged up some painful memories. "Wanting to get justice for others is a noble goal, and I'm proud of you for it."


"No buts. Just don't get so buried in your career and giving happiness to others that you forget to find some of your own."

"I won't daddy." She said.

"Good." He replied. "Now tell me about your first case."

They talked about it for a while as she explained a few of the things that made it unique. Eventually, he had to go as her mother was putting dinner on the table.

After they hung up, Selene caught a glimpse of herself in the full-length mirror in the bathroom. She once again thanked her lucky stars for her Japanese mother, Brazilian father, and fondness for fitness.

One of her girlfriends had once said that Selene had 'won the genetic lottery'. She thought that was going a bit far, but she didn't want for male attention. In fact, she usually 'dressed down' to avoid emphasizing her looks. She'd learned that from her mother, who was pushing fifty and could easily pass for thirty. Her mother even sometimes got carded when she replenished her impressive wine collection.

She thought about what her dad had said and couldn't deny he made a good point.

Despite her youthful looks, her ovaries aged at the same rate as every other woman. She still had plenty of time at twenty three, but in a mere ten years she would be getting up there for children. Sadly, her biological clock didn't adjust to her life choices.

Putting that out of her mind, she settled down with the files for the witnesses she needed to interview the day after tomorrow. The first on the list was a Jason Stiles and Melinda Estelo. They had filed the missing person's report on their friend Hailey Oswald almost four years ago. According to the file, they had been very persistent in lobbying for movement on the case.

She looked through the files and made a route based on their locations in the city. Jason and Melinda were up first, and she figured she would visit bright and early at nine the day after tomorrow. Her father always said never visit someone earlier than nine unless it was an emergency, and he was rarely wrong.

That made her mind swing back to his earlier comments about men.

What if he was right?

* * *

Ethan grabbed the satchel with a dozen of the wooden grenades and slung it over his shoulder. He took a deep breath and exhaled deeply, wondering if he was making a huge mistake.

Anthiel - with Taloni eagerly watching - had just expertly piloted The Argo up to a large earthen ramp that was obviously created to allow larger airships to dock. Beyond the earthen ramp he could see the necromancer's slave camp. It wasn't large, but even a glance left you in no doubt as to its purpose.

He took another deep breath.

"Problem?" Rachel asked while Serif and Raklan threw mooring lines over the bollards to secure the Argo to the dock.

"The necromancer." He replied with a grimace. "We're going to be worlds away and if he decides not to reopen the portal, or attacks while we're gone, or even won't let us use the portal..."

Rachel nodded. "It's a risk, but it also seems like the only way to get Beth back."

Ethan nodded. "That makes it worth the risk, but that's another thing. How are we going to explain carrying Beth through the camp? We're planning on raising her from the dead. I think a necromancer would be interested."

"Good point." Rachel admitted.

Ethen shook his head. The more he thought about this the less he liked it. He supposed that this first excursion into the camp should probably be more of a fact finding mission. He needed to know who he was dealing with and decided not to tip his hand about what they were doing. The right information in the wrong hands could be devastating.

Everyone else gathered near the gangplank where he and the redhead were talking. He activated his disguise gem and looked around at the crew of the Argo. They all looked a little trepidacious.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Alright, let's go meet a necromancer."


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skippersdadskippersdad5 months ago

Still a Great story.

BarryAllen888BarryAllen8888 months ago

I’m burning through the chapters at quite the pace. The premise of the story is fantastic, but this is another chapter that suffers. I appreciate the focus on consent, if it’s intended, but nearly all of page one is a back-and-forth conversation that gets PAINFULLY tedious:

-Are you ok with me having other wives?


-Are you really ok with me having other wives?


-Are you ok with me fucking the other wives?


-Are you sure you’re ok with me having other wives?


I predict that iterations of this conversation will happen EVERY chapter with EVERY prospective female.

The action, the sex and the direction of the chapters get horrendously bogged down by this unending loop.

DruggoDruggoover 1 year ago

Okay. Making my way through your wonderful tale.

Grammar errors don't bug me.

Understanding how difficult it is to create and then write and edit while living a life.

Amazing tale

Living it

Good cast, excellent fight scenes, use of modern tech in a magical world.

Love it

Good luck and many many many wonderful words put to paper

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 1 year ago

Earth Idioms: Are they really speaking English on this Magical world, or is the magic facilitating their communication, ... and dragons breathing fire, either Ethan's young Dragon body hasn't matured enough for pyro-exhalations, ... or (my favorite) one of the most common ways dragons enhance themselves with mana besides size, strength, resilience and speed, is for the breathing of fire. ;-) TTFN

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great work! You might want to tone down the Earth cultural references somewhat. The explanations become a bit tedious tbh ;).

Other than that, excellent reading!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago
At this point i have to ask.....

Ethan is a DRAGON, right? Then why in the heck is he using weapons to fight when he oh i dunno BREATHE FIRE! Better question, why has this NOT occurred to them by now? Anywho, good story but you get the girls mixed up a few times which messes with the flow and spelling errors and wrong words used (damn instead of dam for instance) so plz get an editor mate.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Amazing story. please keep it going, you certainly have the knack of story telling.

One observation - now that Ethan is bonded and spending time with 2 women, why is he not using the manna to enchant himself especially that he has figures out he can do it easily.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The one suggestion I have is to watch out for 'Earth' idioms. In a previous chapter, one of the alternate world's characters had the thought she was so tired, she felt like she'd run a marathon. Unless, you give the world the necessary background, a character from a pre-industrial world is not going to have a clue what a marathon is.

There was another, similar type analogy usd in this chapter, I can't recall it, specifically. It reminded me of the marathon thought, which I couldn't comment on, because this beta UI is crap. It fails most of the time, preventing me from rating stories, or making comments.

This is a rare occasion when I've been able to do both.

In the same vein as the idioms is the comment about 'Dad jokes'; you tried to qualify it by having the character say 'on both worlds', but unfortunately, that doesn't work. The term 'Dad jokes' IS an Earth idiom, and a stupid one, at that.

There's no conceivable way the concept of a social media spawned put down about non-discimanatory, non-sexual, no expletive jokes iis in the zeitgeist of a barely in the iron age, magic based world.

Your Earth characters can make Earth related comments, and be not understood, and/or they can make them between themselves, but having your magic world characters dropping references to Earth concepts seriously detracts from your otherwise good narration.

It comes off as laziness in your writing; instead of working to think of a descriptive phrase or relevant comment appropriate to the alternative world, you rely on idioms, then compound the issue by having non-Earth characters using Earth based idioms.

Using idioms & metaphors is typically considered weak writing, and I generally agree. Strong writers work hard to create descriptive phrases, sentences and paragraphs which don't rely on 'catch phrases'.


ArcTalyxArcTalyxover 3 years ago

This is such a good story, the only complaint I have is that the chapter ends. I just want to binge read to my hearts content.

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