A Dream Shared

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Clara is willing to seek strange magic for an erotic body.
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Hey all, been writing smut fic for a while elsewhere, and finally got around to something with fully original characters. Might turn this into an ongoing thing I can work on when I feel like it, but mostly I just wanted to write a thing I would find hot, so expect breast expansion (just generally a LOT of focus on tits), lactation, a female harem, and one really really hot guy with an enormous cock. Enjoy~~


Sometimes Clara worries that there's something wrong with her. Physically, she's the same as any other elf in her village- slender, elegant, with a sense of poise as natural to their kind as it is coveted by others. Her pale green hair waves and curls around her heart-shaped face and long, pointed ears, down to her collarbones, punctuated by an utterly and completely flat chest. And that's exactly the problem. She doesn't want to look like any other elf. Smooth-chested and slight of build, Clara has begun to feel a pang of disappointment at every glimpse in the mirror or passing shop window.

Perhaps her recent holiday to the nearby human city was to blame; surrounded by those women with their fuller forms and bolder attitudes, she'd first felt the writhing jealousy in her gut. But perhaps this was simply an easy solution, a scapegoat on which to blame the fact that she had simply always longed for bigger breasts. Breasts that would shame and scandalize any other respectable elf. Yet in the privacy of her bedroom, Clara pictured it. She imagined the plush weight of them resting on her chest. She imagined cupping them in her hands, the way they'd push back into her palms, the way they'd jiggle as she walked. Closing her eyes with a guilty whimper, her fingers pulsed tentatively but steadily between her thighs as she imagined her modest pair swelling out against her tunic, pulling the fabric tighter, tighter, squished against her torso as they fought for freedom.

This fantasy had become a nightly routine- one she couldn't endure much longer. She had to act, and she knew exactly who to turn to.

The stories were vague; whispered tales of untethered debauchery deep in the woods at the hand of one powerful mage, always curtailed with a hushed, "that's what I've heard, anyway." Clara only had a general direction, a few sparse landmarks, and an imagination full of tantalizing possibilities to drive her forward. They said the sorcerer was half-elven, possessed of all the beauty of the most exquisite elven man, but with the animal appetites of a human. They said he was hundreds of years old- not strange for an elf, but notable for a helf-elf -and that he retained a youthful, virile appearance. They said he lived in a sprawling villa concealed to all but those who shared his zealous desire for pleasure, among those who had sought him out prior. His harem of lovers- more like pets -kept by some magical means at the height of fitness and desirability, their idealized self maintained so long as they satisfied their master.

These lurid fantasies and more spun in Clara's mind no matter how hard she tried to focus on the dull tedium of the barely-maintained dirt road through the deeper woods. For hours upon hours, all she saw was green and brown and gray and more green- until-

At a fork in the path, the left branch seemed desolate and forgotten, nearly entirely overgrown. She had no reason to pursue that path- and yet, she felt a pull. She was meant to be here, and to follow that path, through overcrowded underbrush, tugging her clothes from thorns and brambles along the way. Then, at last, she passed through into a clearing. A ray of sunlight through the heavy canopy nearly blinded her, but as she blinked her eyes back into focus, she caught her breath in awe. Evidently, Clara's desire had been deemed satisfactory. A veritable mansion laid before her, deep within the woods and cradled amongst overgrown branches and winding roots. A worn old stone wall decorated with moss and wild flowers circled the perimeter of a lush and well-kept garden, which in turn surrounded the manor- itself clearly old, but carefully maintained. The building was a harmony of wood and stone that showed influence from the delicate flourishes of elven architecture, but with the attractive practicality of the humans. But she could hardly focus on the building itself for long.

A young woman with girlish pink pigtails caught sight of her from the gardens which she'd seemingly been tending to. On seeing Clara, she gasped with audible delight, dropping her watering can to the wayside before half-skipping over to see her. As she approached, the overwhelmed elf did her best to take in the sight of the woman before her, though her body warmed despite herself.

She- perhaps an ordinary human woman once -now wore some tiny, laced mockery of a maid's uniform; a daringly short frilled skirt fluttered so high around her thighs that what lay between them was only barely covered. A corset bodice outlined the hourglass shape of her wide and womanly hips, in towards a slender waist, then out once more at the bust. And gods- that bust. Clara could hardly look away. Her breasts were enormous, but perky, as though full- they had to be, as she doubted the nearly translucent white fabric stretched thin across them could offer any significant support. The points of her prominent nipples accented the look, altogether a scandalously lewd display which would never be accepted in polite society- elven or otherwise. Each bounding step the maid took towards her set those breasts hypnotically bouncing and jiggling, drawing Clara's eyes directly to them with the unbearable tension of wondering just how long the overtaxed fabric could continue to contain them.

"It's you!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around Clara in a sudden embrace. With those heaving breasts squished between them, Clara felt her face burn hot and her heart flutter- yet she managed to stammer out,

"Pa- Pardon?"

"The Master used his scrying magic to foretell your coming," the buxom maid replied, pulling away enough to smile brightly at her, "Oh, he'll be so thrilled to meet you! Goodness, you're so cute- it will be such a pleasure to have you."

For the briefest of moments, the human leaned towards her, and Clara's heart skipped as pink, pouty lips drew near.

"Oh," she seemed to return to her senses, pulling away and fussing at the frilled skirt that barely concealed anything, "Master will be cross with me if I start getting to know you without bringing you to him for approval first."

Cheering up immediately, she took the elf's hand.

"Well, I'll just have to bring you to him straight away!"

With a single nod of her head, Clara was pulled along down the garden pathway and towards the sprawling manor before her.

Clara wasn't certain what she'd expected- the rumors and legends had said that this was a place of untethered debauchery. But this was a shock to the senses.

The bubbly maid who had greeted her, now introduced to her as Shayley, led her through lavish rooms and corridors bustling with activity. Everywhere she looked, she saw indescribably beautiful women, all clad in the same scanty maid attire, and all practically bursting from it. Breasts jiggled and strained against thin white fabric as these maids cleaned, tidied, cooked, and- most notably of all -pleasured one another. Sometimes it was merely playful; one gave another's backside a pat as they passed in the hall. One even snuck up from behind a fellow maid and grabbed two greedy handfuls of her oversized boobs, causing her victim to squeal with surprise and delight as her nipples were flicked and pinched. Other times, their "play" was far more involved. At least one pair were against the wall, chests squeezed between their bodies and tongues entangled, hands searching out what little flesh was concealed under their frilly uniforms. Clara found her own body warm with envy and arousal as she looked on, occasionally needing to be urged forward by Shayley when the sight of two or more lustful maids touching and kissing and caressing each other became too enthralling to ignore. What's more, if Clara's own woefully small breasts had been a disappointment to her before, now they felt downright shameful.

She couldn't have imagined that she would encounter something even more hypnotizing in mere moments' time.

At the end of the hall lined with fine art and jiggling, moaning maids, she was led to what looked like a study. Walls were lined with towering bookcases full of tomes of all sorts- ancient, dusty volumes, recent coveted books of advanced magic, and everything in between. Desks laden with magical instruments dotted the room, but what drew Clara's immediate attention was a singular sight that caused her breath to catch.

In a far corner of the study, finely upholstered couches and cushions were arranged into a cozy little huddle. And at the center of it all sat a single man, flanked by two maids. At first, Clara noted that, while clothed, the two women pressed themselves shamelessly against his body. One with straight and modest brown hair and striking long eyelashes straddled his thigh, subtly shifting her hips just enough to grant her some friction against her visibly dampened pussy lips. The other, a redhead with long wavy tresses cascading down towards her awe-inspiring breasts, sat beside him, her hands running along his chest, sometimes wandering down to his unoccupied thigh. She kissed his neck and jawline, her gaze adoring and lips oh-so tender as she lavished him with attention.

And yet through all of this, the man himself was, of all things, reading a book.

As Clara approached, a step behind Shayley, she took him in. He was handsome, that much she could tell at a glance. His hair was a rich, reddish-brown, framing his face in that carefully unruly way that implied that, either it was charmingly wavy and roguishly untidy naturally, or he went through great pains to ensure that it appeared that effortless. His shoulders were broad and his figure impeccably fit, sculpted with refined muscle yet overall lean and elegant. Fine and perfectly tailored clothes left an unbuttoned window to his toned chest, and as Clara's eyes traveled downward, she let out a soft "Oh..!" that drew the man's bright blue eyes up to her.

Clearly visible straining within those fitted breeches, the largest cock she'd ever witnessed or heard of bulged down his leg, reaching easily half way to his knee. Her body ran hot in an instant, and as he observed her all-too-obvious response to him, the corner of those perfect lips curled. He put his book to the side and leveled his gaze on her, relaxed and at-ease on the couch before her.

"There you are," he said, his voice velvet smooth, "I've been waiting for you. We all have, in fact- the girls always get so excited when they meet a new friend to play with."

Images of the maids touching, teasing, giggling with one another flashed through Clara's mind. She would be like them soon- she knew that's what he meant to imply. It was a dream, a distant and exquisite fantasy, now just barely out of reach.

"I'm, uh, Clara. It's, uh, go- good to meet you, sir," she said meekly, her voice wavering as she bowed her head slightly to him. His grin widened.

"My, but you are polite. That's good. You'll fit right in."

"She's super sweet and super cute!" Shayley chimed in, coming to Clara's side and taking her by the arm with her plump breasts conspicuously pressed to her, "I could help initiate her if you wanted, Master!"

"Generous of you, Shayley. I'll consider your offer," without another thought to her bouncy companion, the Master turned his piercing gaze back to Clara, "Tell me- what urges brought you here? What fantasy was so compelling to you that you went through the trouble of seeking me out?"

"Well, uh..." she trailed off, her elven ears burning red. Looking at the scene around her, she knew there was nothing so lewd she could say that he would be shocked or affronted. The maid on his lap had created a visible damp spot on the fabric of his breeches from rutting herself against him even as they spoke. The other at his side trailed delicate fingers up and down the length of the bulge she'd glimpsed through his clothing. Still, his eyes fixed on her. He expected an answer- an honest one.

"I... I've always dreamt of having bigger breasts."

"Go on," he prompted, his tone gentle.

"I want to- to play with them, and feel how heavy they'd be, how they'd... jiggle around when I walk or move," by now, Clara's fair features were glowing pink, but something about this man compelled her to lay her erotic wants at his feet, "I... want people to stare at them, envy them, lust for them and touch them, and- and-" she glanced to Shayley at her side, who was watching her with eager attention, "I- I just... want to feel what it's like to have an incredibly lewd body, and now that I've met some of the other girls, I... want to do things with them, too."

At first, it seemed she was done. But then, she glanced back over at the man before her, with all of his commanding beauty, and she murmured only just loud enough to be heard,

"And... with you as well, sir. If you'll have me."

He very nearly chuckled at this.

"Oh, I will. In due time, of course."

The maid beside him with her hand on his manhood pressed herself more firmly to him, her chest creating plush pillows around his arm. It was difficult to tell at a glance, but Clara thought this woman might have the largest chest in this whole manor- an impressive feat, to be certain. He continued to pay her little mind as his eyes scanned Clara's slender frame.

"We'll have quite a bit of work to do, but... with high quality materials. You have immense potential- I find myself quite eager to get started with you."

"Master," the redhead at his side vied for his attention with her full lips pouting and her luscious body pressed to him, "My boobies feel so big and heavy today, and it's been so long since you milked me. You can worry about her later, right?"

Clara didn't like the way she said 'her,' but she wasn't about to step into social dynamics of which she was ignorant. What's more- did she say milk?

As she watched, the Master brought a hand to the needy maid's chest and cupped one of her impossibly large and plump breasts, hefting it as though gauging its mass. He groped it, gently at first, his fingers sinking into flesh and causing her to bulge slightly against her already strained clothes. Then, when his touch became firmer, squeezing her heavy tit in hand, Clara saw the maid squirm and softly whine as a dark, wet spot began to spread at her taut nipple. Given the thin white fabric of her uniform, it was translucent in an instant, and the rosy pink bud was clearly visible poking up against its prison as it leaked milk until it dripped down the curve of her massive breast.

"See, Master? They're so full." the maid squirmed beside him, her big, bouncy melons swaying back and forth, evidently in an effort to provoke the man before her. He remained unmoved; with a patient smile, he ran a gentle finger down her jaw and said,

"Don't be greedy, Sienna. I have to attend to our new friend tonight, or she'll be behind on all the progress she needs to make. Go ask one of the others to milk you- it would help them too. With my magic and all of that milk you're producing," he gives a fond look down at her boobs, massive yet perky and barely contained in her now slightly dampened maid uniform, "anyone who drinks from you is sure to have an impressive growth spurt."

With a barely contained sigh, the woman Clara now knew as Sienna pried herself from her master's side and sauntered towards the door to the hall, awe-inspiring chest wobbling with each step. As she passed near, Clara felt her eyes on her body, scanning her with a clear sense of derisive superiority. And why shouldn't she? With those incredibly massive breasts swaying before her, each easily twice the size of her head, with nipples straining hard atop flawlessly plump, quivering mounds- it was hard not to feel inferior in comparison. The young elf's face warmed self-consciously, but she couldn't dwell on this for too long.

"Shayley," the master said, and the woman in question stood at attention, "I think I'll take you up on your offer. Come here- both of you -you will help our new friend begin her journey of... self improvement."

The master waved away the other girl who had remained silently rubbing herself on his thigh until this very moment. Clearly disappointed but obedient, she stood and departed, though Clara noted the darkened wet spot on her barely visible panties as she left. Yet before long, Shayley began to pull her towards the couch by the wrist.

"Come on Clara, you're going to love this!"

The elegantly flawless man before them repositioned himself so that he sat with his back against the arm of the couch, and gestured for the two girls. Shayley nodded, and dutifully guided Clara to sit between the man's legs with her back at his chest. She tensed, flustered at the prospect of such intimacy with a stranger, let alone one so alluring. But her new friend gave her a reassuring smile as she positioned herself on her knees facing her.

"Relax," she said as she drew nearer, "this will be really nice, I promise."

With that, Clara found herself nestled warm between these two exceptional bodies. The master's breath was warm at the shell of her ear, his muscled body firm behind her, though he didn't touch her- not yet. Shayley embraced her from the front, their bodies flush so that her enormous breasts rested against Clara's shamefully flat chest. For a moment, the elf thought to object- how could these two be so familiar with her so suddenly? Weren't they embarrassed? But the thought of maids petting and kissing publicly in the hall nearby dashed such thoughts. She was no longer in the ordinary world she knew- she was in a place of open and exquisite sexual pleasure, and she would learn to embrace it.

When the man behind her spoke, his voice was like silk gliding across her skin, and she shivered though her body burned hot,

"We're going to begin your transformation, Miss Clara," his hands trailed slowly up her sides, and she had to fight not to tense up in response, "All of my darling maids have achieved their bodies through a combination of my magic, the latent magic within them, and their own earnest desires. Well, that and a little encouragement from the nutrients courtesy of those of them who have progressed far enough to produce milk."

Clara nodded, but remained silent. His voice, Shayley's soft and beautiful body against her, this new and wonderfully lewd information- it was a lot to take in.

"So Master will give you a little magic boost to start," Shayley said with a smile, "Then you'll drink from my boobies, and we'll let our bodies and the magic do the rest to give you that bit of encouragement you need for your first growth spurt!"

This time, Clara was about to respond, when instead a small gasp passed her lips. The master's hands reached her chest, his touch warm and firm, and his fingers gently circled her nipples. Her heart pounded as they stiffened eagerly.

"My, so responsive," the master mused behind her, "I'm looking forward to your progress, Miss Clara. You're going to make for a delicious little pet- I can tell."

As he spoke, she felt the rush of his power seeping into her skin, emitting a subtle kind of glow- and then-

"Oh..!" Clara's body arched slightly as she began to feel it. Her chest swelled, just a little at first, plumping very gradually as his fingers continued to caress her, rubbing in a slow, rhythmic motion as though he were massaging the magic into her. Perhaps he was.

Shayley pulled away just far enough to watch, her arms drawn in around her own heaving breasts with their conspicuously hardened nipples, and her big, shining eyes openly glued to Clara's growing chest. What had before been smooth and svelte now bulged out into two apple-sized tits, accented with puffy little nipples, easily as stiff as Shayley's- though they felt unbearably tense, as though they were nearly quivering with the strain of her sudden growth. With a low, satisfied hum, the master took her hands in his own and guided them to her newly blossomed breasts.