A Drow's Dilemma Ep. 56: Planning


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Her cousin's words caused Ashyr to sit back up and remove her hand from Caleldir's formerly pale chest where it had begun to stray and caress. Then she let out a regretful sigh. "But he's almost ready again." The ranger complained half-heartedly.

"Yeah, and all that requires is a particularly lusty look in his direction. He's a nymph for Lolth's sake." Selene responded.

Selene's remarks startled Caleldir from his affectionate reverie. He was of half a mind to protest her interruption, but her mention of his nymphen heritage suddenly, and irrationally, offended him. "Hey! That is not..." He stopped. It actually was true, with regards to his body, at least. "I suppose I cannot argue." He muttered. "Although I will say that I have yet to fall to anyone's seduction but Ashyr's." Which was true: Ashyr was the only one with whom his first experience with had been completely consensual. With everyone else it had ranged from dubiously consensual to definitely not. And Selene had very decidedly been in the 'definitely not' category.

The mage ignored Caleldir's objection. "Anyway, back to the important conversation, we could go for the easier falsehood and say that you are the third or fourth generation since the split, and that the Blackdawns didn't know a way back to the Underdark - we didn't know about the entrance nearby until about four hundred years ago. You would still have your slightly antiquated speech pattern since the only undercommon you would speak would be within your own family; there wouldn't be a lot of chance for natural deviation. You would perhaps be a little bit inbred, but it would still be within the acceptable limits. Then all you would need is to look and act the part and the rest of the drow would have little reason to suspect you. The other option - trying to convince everyone you're from the past - would be more difficult to pull off, but it would be equally more impressive and bring more prestige to the union. I would go for the safer option, honestly."

"I suppose that, on the face of it, your idea would be more plausible, Selene. But when other drow want to make contact with Blackdawn again, what should I say to them? What if they try to find the city, and discover it is full of mad ghosts? I think in the longer run, claiming that I am the last of the Blackdawns is more feasible. R.I.S.A. has some of their stuff in storage that I can take to establish lineage." He sighed. "We do not need to decide anything now. If we can come up with a sufficiently good story either way, we should go with that"

As her companions were talking, Ashyr took her time to pull herself off of Caleldir. She then settled down on the other side of her cousin so that the mage was now between the other two. Althaia had said that Selene needed the two of them, and Ashyr hadn't missed the fleeting look of longing on the younger drow's face. So she decided to let the pregnant drow be in the center for once. The past few times it had been Caleldir. Any time before that, if it hadn't been Caleldir, it had been Ashyr. Yes, the ranger was quite certain that it was Selene's turn.

Caleldir angled his body so that he was leaning a bit more into the younger drow. He continued his musings. "Either way, I should probably start having some pretty intense lessons as to how a male from a drow noble house should act. Preferably an extremely old-fashioned one. I recall the drow from that era being slightly less violent and treacherous, mostly because their population was a quarter what I believe it is now? Or was that just what the Blackdawns told me?"

"It would be easy enough to make up a story about the Blackdawns dying out, but not before birthing you. That's more or less the story of a lot of the older Houses, unfortunately." Selene stated. "My sire's included; Lltkahril lost its last female four centuries ago. It's true that our population has experienced considerable growth, but it is mostly among the commoners and the newer houses. Or, more accurately, the newer names that lesser females of Houses earned, as was the case with our Grandmatron. Resources are becoming harder to come by, which has been incentive for increased aggression and expansion for everyone. Our family has been looking toward the surface for about a half-century, hence our various rangers dotted around the surface. I do believe the males have retained that goal, but aim to establish a new order in addition to expansion."

It seemed as if a light went off in Caleldir's mind. "Actually, that makes sense. We will go with that. The Blackdawns were trapped by the cave in and the destruction of their overworld allies, while over the last twelve hundred years their numbers and resourced dwindled. I came at the tail end of the long, slow, decay, and my mother, the last matron, died without female heir a few decades ago. Blackdawn having nothing left but ghosts, I escaped the empty citadel and set to wandering the overworld, where I met you two." He nodded.

"We can have Tsabdrin show Caleldir to act more as our males would." Ashyr suggested. The ranger was very clearly growing bored and wanted to hurry the conversation along.

"Dearest, that would be similar to you trying to teach a female from the surface to act drow." The younger drow told the older with a flat look. "You would just teach them to cause trouble. And give me a headache. I think it would be adequate if you just keep your mouth shut and your eyes down in the presence of females, darling. Then act as you would when you're only in the company of other males." Her violet-flecked eyes met Caleldir's when she said this, indicating that she was speaking to him. "When we get back to the Underdark, we may be able to conscript an instructor under the guise of training you to act like a more modern drow. It would not seem too strange to the rest of society."

"You think Sornamal would do it?" The ranger asked. While Selene was talking, Ashyr's hands were beginning to run across her cousin's flesh. Apparently, Selene's suggestion that they refrain from more sex had only delayed the horny Ashyr.

"That would certainly be fitting: the old Consort teaching the new. But we have no idea where he stands in relation to the rest of the males in the house."

"Ask Tsabdrin, but I can almost guarantee that he is completely against what the males have done. Your sire was always the old-fashioned type."

"If all I need to do is be quiet when around females, and act more or less normal around males, I can probably do that now. Mostly. But I have no objections at all to learning from Ashyr's father. Sornamal is your father, right?" He was not sure if she had implied that or not.

"Sornamal is Selene's sire. And Tsabdrin's and my older brother, Adinyraen's - the guy who's doing the breeding program." Ashyr corrected. "I assume all his other offspring are dead."

"As far as I know." Selene agreed.

"The matron never revealed who my sire was. It wasn't the Consort, Sornamal Lltkahril - she would have said so if he was. All she said was that he was a warrior. She must have liked him, too, since we're pretty sure she used the same male for my younger brother, Ethefein." The ranger explained, though she was far more interested in Selene's body than the subject of her father. "I'm sure Tsabdrin is working to clarify that mess."

Oh. So that was how the family tree worked. Caleldir was used to significantly less complicated family structures. His own, for instance, was composed of him, his mother, his father, and... no one, actually. As far as he knew. His father was a refugee from a destroyed universe - like all the Titans - his mother was an undead faerie lord who had been ancient when the world was young. He had no other family that he was aware of. Until he met Selene and she kindly created another family member for him, of course. "My mistake. It sounds as if the Duskhaven family tree is rather a complicated thing." He did wonder about her apparent disinterest in the subject of her own father, since the identities of both of his parents had consumed a great many sleepless nights and unproductive days before the truth had been revealed to him. After he died, that was.

"It's not all that complicated, really. We generally don't pay attention to sires unless they're the Consort." Selene said as she laid back against the bed. "I'm sure accidental half-sibling unions are the result, but at least we don't have the pathetic, shunned people called bastards that the surface produces regularly. And any responsible female will check for too similar relation before actually breeding; it just takes a priestess or a life mage and a bit of coin."

"Selene, can we please not talk about incest while I'm trying to fuck Caleldir." Ashyr asked, looking almost exasperated.

The mage stretched her arms above her head as a small, wicked smile twitched at the corners of her lips. "Fine."

Caleldir would probably have continued the conversation with Selene about drow and surfacer marriage customs, inbreeding, and whatnot, talking about how the theoreticians had discussed that one possible use of the Geneforge would be to eliminate all negative effects of inbreeding (not that Deusterra was more prone to such than any other group of racially diverse religious zealot mad science types) but Ashyr put the kibosh on that particular topic. Which was almost a pity. Only almost, because Ashyr's 'ideas' were giving him 'ideas' as well. Although, if Selene wanted to discuss the theoreticals at a later date, he would not mind that one bit. He gave the two a half-smile, shaking such thoughts from his mind. He noticed Ashyr's growing boredom with the conversation. She seemed to have her mind on other things... "Well, we have a long day tomorrow. Shall we get some sleep?" Caleldir suggested, hiding his amusement.

"Oh, yes. And I know the perfect way to help us fall asleep."

Selene sighed at her cousin. "There's no stopping you, is there? Fine, then. Just count me out. I can fall asleep well enough on my own, thank you." And then she pulled Ashyr's hands away from her body and shifted away from the two of them.

"Mmh-hmm..." Ashyr said, but her tone was disbelieving. Even still, Ashyr's attention focused back on Caleldir. Ashyr's mouth twisted in thought for a moment. "You know, I think I prefer you as you're meant to look." She mused aloud. "But this could be nice, too. I bet I can throw you around so much better..." Her grin turned almost wicked as she said this. "...And we can finally please each other with our mouths at the same time. You've been wanting to do that, haven't you?"

He gave her another dazzling smile. "This ring does have all sorts of uses. Easier to toss me around, the sixty-nine position is possible... heck, if you are feeling really, really kinky, I could technically be a woman." The color suddenly drained from his face (not that it was very apparent), and his expression was quite comical. "Wait. Walk back that last part. That is just weird." The more he thought about that aspect of the ring, the stranger it became.

The ranger snorted, then devolved into laughter while her younger cousin looked on in bafflement. Ashyr seemed to find Caleldir's words very funny. Selene did not.

Ashyr's laughter embarrassed Caleldir a bit (seriously, he had not been that funny, had he?) but he, like Selene, was able to mostly ignore the drow ranger and her sense of humor. He still flushed as much as one with a drow's coloration could when he thought on the matter, though.

But no matter, Ashyr was clearly interested in experimenting with his new body. He was quite interested as well, both because he was anxious to try out a few new positions, and because of the fact that he just wanted to see how his body looked against hers, now that the two of them were the same shade of black. Also, he wanted to feel her across a greater percentage of his skin than he could have when he was larger. One day, he would be happy to go back to towering over her. Today was not that day.

Ashyr finally calmed herself after several moments, and focused her attention back on what she really wanted to do. "Now, that thing..." She said with a predatory grin.

Caleldir leaned to the side and gave Selene a quick kiss on the cheek, before turning his attention to Ashyr. He gave the lascivious drow a naughty smile. "And what would that thing be?" He asked with fake innocence. He knew quite well, but he loved when she described (or showed) things to him.

"I think you know exactly what I'm talking about." And with that, she pushed him to lie flat on the bed and straddled his head facing the rest of his body. Ashyr refrained from leaning forward just yet - instead she knelt upright with her hairless pussy hovering just above his mouth. "I think you know what to do. Perform well, and I might reward you." Her voice was more playful than it was demanding.

And so, he got into position as Ashyr nudged him, putting his palms on her thighs as she knelt above his head. "I hear and obey." He said solemnly. As usual, Caleldir started out by teasing the edge of her labia with his tongue, slowly making his way in spiraling motions towards her clit. Then, he skipped the teasing and nearly lunged for her clitoris, slurping and sucking on it with enthusiasm.

Ashyr was content to stay put as Caleldir's tongue wandered around the outer perimeters of her sex. But when he suddenly went for her delicate bud of flesh between her folds, she twitched slightly in surprise. That twitch was accompanied by a gasp, directly followed by a low, pleased moan. She was convinced that, even if she had a week of nothing but this, she would never be bored. The older drow took a moment to just enjoy the sensations, but she quickly realized that she wouldn't be able to last forever with his tongue attacking her clit so eagerly. So finally she shifted back just a little before leaning forward across Caleldir's body.

Her motions began just as teasing as her partner's had. She made use of her hands and lips and tongue to fondle and explore his manhood. Ashyr moaned whenever Caleldir did something particularly pleasurable, a sound that vibrated against his member similar to how Risa felt across her entirely body at all times. She ended her teasing by circling her tongue across his cockhead and used the wetness to easily slide his length into her mouth. Her tongue did not end its motions once her mouth was full of him. It undulated against his shaft as she bobbed her head down, and flicked against his glans when only the tip was in her mouth. She picked up in speed when she felt herself edge closer to climax, and the motions of her tongue only suffered slightly as a result. The closer she was, the harder she worked - fully intending on getting the two of them to orgasm simultaneously. Sensing as she began to lick and slurp his cock that her goal was to time their releases to be simultaneous - something that the two of them were actually quite good at - Caleldir pulled back just a little bit on his assault. His dexterous tongue became a bit broader in its motions, its warm, velvety texture savouring her taste like a gourmet meal. Meanwhile, his hands gripped her rear so tightly they would likely have left a mark if her skin had not been so dark.

As she picked up in speed, he did as well. The muffled noises from Ashyr's mouth became more frequent. She was always a fan of verbalizing her pleasure. It was becoming increasingly difficult to concentrate on his oral ministrations, what with her oral ministrations becoming so overwhelmingly pleasurable as his release drew near, but fortunately he no longer had to consciously think about cunninglingus; after all the pussy-eating he had done with these three, it was becoming second nature. Even so, he did not last long against Ashyr's determined assault, and after a few minutes of her efforts he unleashed a typically large burst of hot seed into her mouth. When her orgasm actually came, she went completely silent. Mostly because she didn't want to choke on his seed as he simultaneously erupted into her mouth. The ranger never before let Caleldir cum in her mouth - but this was more due to the two of them never getting that far before Ashyr insisted that his cock go between her legs. The older drow seemed to have no problem at all with swallowing his essence; she only pulled her mouth away when he was done pumping.

After taking a moment to recover, Ashyr turned herself around to snuggle against his chest. Her mouth held a playful smirk, but her eyes were soft and loving. "There." She said, still a little breathless. Her hand came up to brush against the side of his hair affectionately. "Was it everything you dreamed it would be?" Ashyr certainly looked pleased with herself.

Selene just stuck out her tongue in a disgusted expression. The younger drow didn't seem to find sucking cock at all appealing when her cousin was doing it. She'd said before that it was too degrading for the noble drow and matron that Ashyr technically was, but she chose to hold her tongue in this moment.

Caleldir had sufficiently recovered to realize that he had filled Ashyr's mouth with his seed, and he was rather embarrassed. Althaia had swallowed his cum before (two days ago, about halfway through Clachleom, he had awoken to the nymph giving him a blowjob) but never Ashyr. His hand went out to stroke her silky white hair. "Sorry for not warning you before I came." He said sheepishly. "But my mouth was otherwise occupied."

Ashyr shook her head, and he mouth split into a broader grin. "I would have told you beforehand to warn me if it bothered me." The ranger told him in an amused tone. "Though it is true that it might get you into trouble with some females - but not with the three who are currently willing to suck your dick."

Caleldir brightened. "Anyway, to answer your question: about what I expected, really. It was definitely fun and satisfying, but I think I prefer our normal position the most. Brings back good memories of those first wild days back in the druidic town. And of the position I first saw Selene in. It has been a long time since that memory was an unpleasant one." He snuck a glance over at Selene to see how she might take that statement. He could tell that she did not really approve of Ashyr and her fellatio, so he was trying to get her mind on something else.

Ashyr sat up and stretched, very purposefully thrusting out her breasts to give her other bedfellows an entertaining view. It also put her cunt directly above his dick. She rolled her hips against him playfully a couple times before lying back out on his chest. "You're right, this position will always be the best. Probably. It requires constant and rigorous study, don't you agree, Selene?"

The younger drow made a tsking noise with her mouth, and rolled her eyes. But there was a small, lopsided smirk on her face. Ashyr knew that look; Selene agreed, but deigned not to speak it aloud.

"Constant experimentation: with at least two different female variables." Caleldir said with mirthful solemnity. "For that is how science is done." His red eyes glittered with amusement. Somehow, despite the dramatically different color (identical in shade to Ashyr's, actually), they were still recognizably his own eyes. Whether because the pattern of stroma and epithelial cells was identical, or it was just the way that his face tugged at the corners of his eyelids, there was no mistaking Caleldir for anyone else.

Caleldir dropped his voice to a whisper that only Ashyr could hear. "Should we put Selene in the middle tonight? I think it might help her mood to be the center of attention."

The ranger said nothing. She had already planned on doing so, but was currently loath to get off of him. Her recent orgasm had made her quite ready for sleep, just as she'd said it would. It was now or never if they wanted to shift into their sleeping order for the night. With a soft groan, Ashyr pulled herself away and to the other side of Selene. "Now we can sleep, dearest." Ashyr told her cousin.