A Fantasy about Love Pt. 05


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"Maureen, stop this. If you really feel uncomfortable in your nether regions, you better get a robe, and forget the transparent one. You know that I get excited when I see you this way, and after last night I feel that I've to compensate the roughness with tender love. I want you, but not if it hurts."

"My love, my body is yours. Do you want me now? I'll take you anywhere you want to have me, and a little bit of pain is not important. You remember what was said when we made love the first time? I'm yours to take anytime and anywhere, and if you need me now, I'm happy and willing and eager to satisfy every need."

"Maureen, I don't know whether I liked last night. It was rough and that I don't want to have with you. Also you don´t serve me: we make love! Perhaps you're right that you will need it once in a while and I'll even enjoy it at the moment, but afterwards I need you in my arms, loving you."

She got up and sat on my lap.

"James, I love you from deep in my heart and I'll never disappoint you. Tell me what you want, and I'll follow."

"I want what we both want. Maureen, so go and get a robe so that we can talk like normal people and I can actually follow a line of thought. Looking at your breasts and pussy deviate my attention pretty fast!"

She laughed happily, kissed me, got a robe and complained that the pancakes were now cold. "Men!... " was the only word I understood form her mumblings. She did them again, and with the other food on the table and the champagne in our glasses, we finished our breakfast in high spirits. We planned the following days and decided that she would have to return to Brisbane on Sunday to be at her house when Eileen returned. The rest of the day was very pleasant, and we took the Porsche for a run; that is Maureen did this! I still had to tell her that the happy smile had not worked on the traffic guy: the fine was high, and it was in my name! Later we had lunch at a restaurant at the quay and at night we finished a half bottle of a nice red Shiraz and after making delicious love, fell asleep early. She had to go back rather early and I drove her to the airport: a kiss, a wave, and she was gone.

When I entered the office, the reception was a bit different: somehow more formal, more distant. It seemed that everyone knew about the promotion and thought a director had to be treated differently from a mere manager. Fools! Mary Ann was the same helpful assistant as always; she had my mail on my desk, my emails sorted and prioritized, and a cup of tea on my desk.

"Mr. Winter, may I talk to you for a moment?"

I told her to come in and sit down.

"Mr. Winter, there will be changes with your promotion and selections have to be made. I would like to put my name in as your secretary and assistant in your new job. I know that Frank's secretary will probably leave and that you can select from a lot of competent people in this company. I just would like to jump the queue and let you know that I like to work with you, and I assume that during the time you've been here I've not disappointed you. So keep me in mind when you make your decision. Back to business: Frank wants to meet you immediately, and you have a meeting with Mr. Smythe-Jones at 11:00 and Sir Allan invites you for lunch. I have accepted the meeting with the prospect; can I accept the lunch also?"

I agreed and looked through my mail; there was nothing really important and easily resolved. Mary Ann was a treasure. The meeting with Frank was a bit strange; he knew that he was moved laterally, and I was promoted, and for both of us the reason was the same case, but he took it like a professional and started to hand over his files on customers and prospects. He had much more interesting and unused information than I suspected, and I was wondering whether the NT case was the only reason to move him. He also told me that his secretary had decided to retire and move to Perth, so I had a free hand to select my secretary.

I left to meet my prospect, but was advised that he had cancelled the meeting, so I had enough time to call our HR department and see whether there were any reasons that would prohibit me from selecting my secretary. There were none and the lady told me that Mary Ann had had excellent evaluations throughout her career in the company and in her opinion, she was probably the best candidate. She would get a promotion and a significant increase in her salary.

This convinced me to call her in and tell her that if she wanted the job it was hers. She smiled, closed the door and came around my desk and gave me a little kiss.

"Mr. Winter, you've been an outstanding boss and I'd love to continue to work with you. This was just my way of saying thank you. By the way, you look nice when you blush this way -- I'm also that kind of person that tries not to show her emotions. Irene has told you that you should be a bit more flexible and attainable in your new job, since the distant and efficient German won't be sufficient anymore. You've improved a lot since you got engaged and Maureen has asked me to look out for you, so don't be afraid: this was a onetime kiss for the gentleman you are."

She smiled again and left grinning widely. I called her back: "You have spoken to Maureen?"

"No, she called me, told me about your engagement and asked me to make certain that you would not be allowed to do anything foolish because you did not know our peculiar Australian habits. She also told me that she had spoken to Peter and that he had told her that she could trust me; after all, I am engaged, too."

"Under these circumstances, call me James when we are alone or just among friends. I would feel uncomfortable to be too intimate in front of customers, but the rest goes."

"Yes, James. You seem to have been taught well..."

The lunch with Sir Allan went well. We discussed business, people and eventual changes I wanted to do. He told me that I had a free hand as long as I advised him beforehand about any serious change, especially if I wanted to promote people.

Then he came back to heraldry. "I knew I had seen that coat of arms before. Are you related to the de Winters that lived for a long time in the eastern part of Germany? If yes, we might be even related somehow in a very remote way since one of my ancestors once married to a de Winter."

I told him the story and asked him not to comment on this with anybody since I wanted to keep a surprise for my Maureen. He smiled and promised to keep his mouth shut, but he could not promise that his wife would not find out: MI6 was an amateur compared to her.

The rest of the week was filled with meetings and more meetings, and the occasional contact with my previous customers. Frank had been over his bad mood and it was an excellent handover.

Maureen called me every night and said that her mother was a different person -- quiet, supporting, completely involved in our wedding, handling her job as CEO of NT very competently and even more important, her loving mother. Eileen called me also and said that she wanted to talk to me; was she allowed coming to Sydney one weekend so that we had enough time to resolve our problems? Her voice was quiet and firm, and it seemed that she had come back to be the woman I had loved. I told her that the coming two weekends I was very busy, but that the following weekend was fine and that I was looking forward seeing her.

The time flew by and with the handover and my forthcoming trip to HQ, I could not even see Maureen. We spoke often on the phone, but this was not a substitution for looking at her and holding her in my arms. I told her about Eileen's forthcoming visit, and she was enthusiastically in favor of it.

"James, please be nice to her. She's the mother I always wanted and she loves you -- I know this. When she talks about you, there is that shine and need in her eyes that I know well from my own experience. Please love her!"

I had started to make some changes in the marketing department, and everyone was up and running. Sir Allan had agreed to the promotions and there was a different mood in my area: aggressiveness, drive, competitiveness, and best of all, total cooperation. The NT project group was well ahead of our expectation and their counterparts seemed to have been contaminated by the same spirit. I was advised that the first NT computers were on a ship and estimated to arrive in Brisbane within ten days. This would cause more work for our system engineers; thank God, that was not my problem!

The only bad news was that Mary Ann came in one morning very upset. I asked what happened and she grimaced -- she had fought with her boyfriend. Apparently, he wanted more from her than she wanted to give, and he became upset, yelled at her and left. I told her that if she wanted to talk to me or Maureen, we were always ready for her to listen and help if possible. She got better during the day and at the end, she almost smiled once.

I had not forgotten that Eileen would come in this weekend and even went shopping for food and more wines. I asked Peter for help and he suggested some reds and whites and they were rather expensive, but he knew they were for Maureen. She had to stay in Brisbane as the wedding ceremony seemed to get out of control!

I tried to go home early, but as always recently, work was never finished. At the end, I pulled myself away and went home.

I knew Eileen was there: my capacity to feel Maureen's presence and to a lesser degree, Eileen's nearness had not been diminished. When I opened the door, I was again surprised how beautiful she was.

She was sitting on the couch, but got up and gave me a little kiss -- very unassuming and hesitant. I took her in my arms and kissed her and not hesitant at all, but with love. She pulled her head back, looked at me and returned the kiss with passion, hugged me and put her head on my shoulder.

"You don't know how much I missed this!"

Then she said that she had prepared dinner for us and whether I wanted to have a shower first. I agreed and looking at her, still dressed in a formal white shirt and a black short skirt, I suggested that she also changed into something more comfortable; after all, she was at home. I was prepared to make matters as easy as possible for her to avoid future problems and I remembered more the good moments than the bad ones. She smiled, kissed me once more and I had to smile: she went to the guest room to change. She was really leaving all initiatives to me. I showered and changed into t-shirt and slacks to show respect for my future mother-in-law.

She was already in the kitchen taking two veal steaks off a saucepan. I could only repeat that she was a beautiful woman; now dressed in a long and slinky gown, modestly closed at the front, but when she turned around with almost no back at all. She did not have to show her breasts: the silk was so thin that her areolae and nipples were clearly visible.

A nice opening hand for our game of poker to follow.

She had set the table with candles and a bottle of red wine; she said that for this dish a Pinot Noir was perfect. We sat down and as always, she had prepared the food marvelously well. A perfect match with the wine and when I toasted her to thank for this gift, I said: "To Eileen, a perfect meal and a perfect woman."

I had put my bid on the table to see what she would do.

"I could agree that it was a perfect meal, but I'm not courageous enough to accept the perfect woman. James, I want to talk to you about what happened and what I want for me, for Maureen and for you. I was in Paradise for a while and slipped into pure hell, and now I am in limbo. Where can I go? I know what I want, but it depends on you and on Maureen. I have made my peace with Maureen and she's happy to accept whatever we'll agree tonight."

I smiled and said that first we should clear the table, and thanking her once more for the wonderful meal, we retired to the sitting room. I set down on the couch and she opposite to me on a lazy chair.

"Eileen, when we talked before you were always much closer to me. Do you need to be distant for this conversation? Come and sit here beside me!"

She got up immediately, obviously waiting for the invitation, and sat down beside me; close, but still keeping her distance. I thought for a moment and decided that I had to make the first steps because she was frightened to do something wrong. I adjusted myself on the couch and lifted my leg to give her some support and then turned her around so that she was leaning against my knee, looking at me. She was smiling hopefully, and I gave her a kiss on the tip of her nose. "Now we can talk."

She nestled herself into a comfortable position and took a deep breath.

"James, I'm not here to apologize -- well, this, too -- but first to explain what I think and then to hear what you want to do with me. I'll accept whatever your decision will be."

She took a deep breath and watched me intently.

"Remember that when you called me about my abuse of your colleague, I told you that I didn't understand your point, and that I thought it was normal that I used my position to get the best for my company. If the other part was not able to control himself, that was his problem, not mine. When you were very angry with me, I didn't understand it. You were supposed to be at me side whatever happened, not against me. Somehow I flipped and thought that you had abandoned me. We've been through this already and I just mention it to set the background of my thinking. I was mad -- very mad and acted in fury, not thinking at all. I just wanted to hurt you, as I thought you had hurt me. Well, you know what happened. I started to realize what I had done when the three of us were together after the meeting and I felt this immense void in me. I agreed to go to the spa to force myself to think, think deeply about what I wanted, what I feared, and about what I was going to lose."

She started to cry, and I leaned forward to wipe her tears off her face.

"James, I cried all the time until I met a woman, a professional who was in the spa to give emotional support to cases like me; there were more women crying, not just me, and I spilled it out. I did not mention names or our relationship and even in my despair I was careful enough to avoid this, but I opened up and she helped me. She made me realize that I had to be me, not another person's image or what I projected into them. When we finished, I could look into my mirror and did not have to look away: I had accepted that I had done something wrong and that I had to live with it. It wasn't your fault: it was my fault. So when I came home, I sat down with Maureen and we agreed to go back in time and start from zero, trusting ourselves that we would love each other like a mother and a daughter should. And it worked, James. We live together well, we love each other, we tease each other, we are family."

She looked at me for a long time.

"And this brings me to you and us. James, I love you as I have never loved another man before, but I can understand that you might not want to have a relationship with me anymore -- I might have hurt you too much. On the other side, you would get back a woman who loves you unconditionally with no more divided priorities between business and private life, and who'll do anything to guard your and Maureen's interests, to fill your sexual fantasies, to protect your children, and to make you happy. This is what I offer, darling, and I can only hope that you accept it."

I looked at her and saw the longing in her eyes, the hope, the willingness to accept my decision, and the will to go forward. It had taken an enormous effort to come to me and offer herself, and I respected that. I leaned forward, took her face into my hands and kissed her gently.

"Eileen, what has happened is in the past. As with Maureen, let's remember only the good parts of our past together, and let's love each other."

She started to cry with relief and offered her lips for a long, long kiss. Then she pushed her body into mine and started to kiss my face all over, laughing and crying at the same time.

"I missed you so much, my darling. My body missed your caresses, my pussy missed your penis deep inside filling me up with your cum, and my heart and soul missed your holding me in your arms, safe and sound."

Her hands held my face and she looked at me, her eyes wide open and full of joy.

"There is something else that missed you" and she reached back and untied the bow at her neck. Her gown fell down and her breasts were at my disposal, ready to be kissed and sucked.

"I know that you love them, and they definitively love you, your mouth and your hands."

She suddenly grinned and said: " Woof, Woof " and placed my hands on her breasts. They were a bit bigger than Maureen's, with wider areolae and thick nipples standing up solid and waiting to be kissed. They were firmly pointing upwards and Eileen presented them proudly to me. "They're yours, my darling. Do what you want to do; kiss them, suckle them, bite them, but please, please don't abandon them again!"

I did not hesitate to accept that invitation and spent my time feasting on them. Eileen was as sensitive as Maureen and her moaning showed rapidly that she enjoyed it immensely and I must admit, I did, too. When I let my hand wander slowly to her pussy, her moaning increased and she pushed her gown upwards to give me access to her lower lips. When I pushed one finger into her and at the same time bit her nipple gently, she came. It was not an explosion, but it seemed to be quite satisfactory. She slowly came back and looking at me, got up and asked me to take her to my bed and take her; she needed me to be close and inside her to realize that our bond was back to our former happiness.

She shook her body and the gown fell down, presenting her body to my eyes and hands. She was somewhat more rounded than before as perhaps the weeks had been too much for to continue her exercises, but she was still sensual and with her slender waist and narrow hips, she was utterly tempting. Her pussy was shaved, and her long legs still well turned from many hours of running. For me, Maureen would always be the most beautiful woman in this world, but Eileen was in a different way a very sensual and tempting woman.

"You like?"

I liked and led her to the bedroom and gently placed her on my bed. She smiled at me and slowly opened her legs, inviting me to look and touch. I took off my clothes and lay down beside her, to admire her and to please my eyes and hands. I started to kiss the brilliant red long hair smelling her perfume; I asked her what she used, and she said that it was always Opium, heavy and sensual, and then I slid down from her forehead to her nose and lips. There I stayed a while, enjoying her lips and battling her tongue; my hands had already taken their path to her breasts and pussy. When my mouth followed, she started to moan again and when I sucked her nipple and twisted her other one, she started to become vocal. She shifted around and murmured something I did not understand, but the urgency in her voice was obvious.

Her legs opened wider still, and her hand pushed my head down to her pussy. She was wet already, and the smell of her arousal was strong as her hands forced my mouth onto her pussy. She was different from Maureen; while Maureen had an almost closed pussy with two lips like half shells that I had to open to enjoy them and tease her clitoris out, Eileen had a wrinkled brown protuberance over her pussy that was easily sucked and the way inside was more accessible. I teased it with my mouth, and she opened her legs still wider and pushed me down. Her pussy started to leak and I swallowed all the fluids coming out; she tasted more concentrated, darker, but it was addictive like a strong drug.
