A Fantasy about Love Pt. 08


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"My love, Jenny is right. Once in a while you seem to live in a different world, dark and somber. How can you doubt that you're worth our love? Actually, how can you dare to doubt this, after all the proof we've given you? And how can you question that we might not be happy? James, I've never been so happy in my life as these days, and I can speak for Jenny: she feels the same way. So get out of these shadows and come back to our life, where the sun is shining every day!"

She pulled me close and kissed me with all the emotion she could show. I responded with my own emotions and at the end, she was satisfied that I was her James again. I tried to explain myself, however.

"Maureen, we all have our idiosyncrasies. We Germans, and especially we from the north of the country, are often introvert and questioning ourselves all the time. We're never satisfied, never content, always looking to improve. I've learned from you that I can be happy, and Jenny confirmed this; but even so ... There'll be moments and at that time, I'll need your love, open and visible, to tell myself that I'm not alone anymore."

She hugged me once more. "Darling, I'll show you my love always, open and visible, even and especially when you are in a funk. Wait for tonight: we want to receive the 'boon of your pleasure'! But enough of this: we have to get up and do our duty, Count de Winter."

We had breakfast and off we went, Maureen to her office and I to see whether Allan had left a message for me. Irene told me that he had called already and spoken to HR about Jenny; he wanted them to find a way that those days were not counted against her holidays.

He would be in the office later this morning and wanted that I should continue as usual. I checked once more our official results; the last year had been a record year in sales and profits. There was a call from Bill Cunningham congratulating me once more on our success and that he was looking forward to seeing me in Honolulu. Peter caught me before I could get to my office. "Do you know what will happen now? There are all kinds of rumors floating around: you will be the new President, Sir Allan will stay, somebody from NY will take over ... what is happening?"

Peter was my friend and I decided to tell him what I knew, basically that Sir Allan would retire and that very probably someone from HQ would come in. He was revolted. "James, you've been doing such an outstanding job, why would they give it someone else? That's not fair!"

I reminded him that life is rarely fair and that we would go on with our jobs. I also told him that I had been in this country for less than a year; how could I get that position so fast?

He was rather annoyed. "James, we all stand behind you! You took this company out of a rut and made it proud again! That must count for something?" I told him to wait and see what would happen; I was used that circumstances could change rather fast.

He looked at me with a doubt in his eyes. "James, is something wrong with Mary Ann? I saw her move with difficulties and apparent pain. Remember that on your wedding day the same happened; she seemed to have some pains moving around. Do you believe that she needs a checkup? She is so efficient that our company would slip if she were to become ill for a longer period, especially right now."

I almost smiled remembering the reason for her seemingly painful moves but promised Peter that I would talk to her and recommend a checkup. I did not tell him, however, that I would do this personally at night at our home!

Walking to my office, I saw Jenny sitting at her desk talking to the temp. She smiled when she saw me and tried to hand me my mail. A groan escaped her and I asked politely: "Good morning, Miss Parker. Anything wrong, Mary Ann? Do you feel alright? Do you feel any pain? Should we call the doctor?"

Her smile vanished and she snapped at me. "No, I'm alright. I did some exercises last night and I abused my body. I should've stopped after the first one, but stupidly I repeated it, and now I pay the consequences. Is that all, Count de Winter?"

I stepped back and told her in my most polite voice: "Perhaps you should ask yourself occasionally whether moderation and humility might not a good idea..."

Her eyes closed and her face hardened; I realized that I had said something quite stupid, but did not know how to apologize in front of the temp, who was looking at us with her eyes wide open. She turned away, but I knew that I would have to pay for this later.

I put my mail on my desk and looked out and there were dark clouds over the harbor and violent gusts of wind were blowing past the window. Jenny had turned on my computer already and I looked first at the mail (just one problem) and then at my messages. Nothing serious, considering that it was holiday time in Australia and many people were traveling. The temp walked in and told me that Sir Allan would like to see me.

Funny ... normally Jenny would do this. I got the briefs I had prepared for Allen and walked out. When I passed her desk, I started to say something, but she glared at me, daring me to stop. I just thanked them for their work and went to see my boss. Irene was sitting at her desk and a big smile welcomed me.

"James, Sir Allan already told me how well they were treated by Maureen and Mary Ann. Can I thank you also? I've been working with him for such a long time that I care for them. Go straight in, as he is waiting for you."

Allan was sitting at his desk looking at the pile of mail asking for his time. He was pleased to see me, but frowned when he saw another pile in my hands. "More work, James?"

I calmed him down and said that this was just for him to read to keep informed what was happening at this moment; there were no major problems to resolve at this moment. He asked me to close the door and came to sit beside me.

"James, I already spoke with Bill Cunningham and it has been decided that Jeffrey Bush will be the new President of this company. They'll offer you a special share option bonus and a position in HQ as worldwide Director of Long-range Strategies. I don't know what this means -- it's a new position and apparently invented just for you to stay in the company. You could also stay in your present job and report to Mr. Bush, but from all I have heard about his management style, that might not be a good choice; he seems to be an overbearing and glory seeking manager. It's only because of his family connections that he got so far. You told me already that you want to stay in Australia, but you know that you have choices. Bill is anxious to keep you in the company! You can always count on me, but I know that you'll make the right choice, son!"

A warm feeling passed through my body and my heart: here was someone who I respected, appreciated and even loved telling me that he cared and that he would back me up if necessary!

I swallowed and thanked him for his concern and getting up, hugged him for a moment.

"Thank you, Allan, for your support. I was always fighting my battles on my own and now I have you, Maureen and Jenny. And don't forget Ellen! My life has changed so much for the better! Thank you!"

I turned away before I got emotional and went back to my office. Jenny was still angry, but I asked her to come into my office and closed the door.

"Jenny, I apologize for my comment, but it seems to me that your reaction is vastly exaggerated. Maureen and you tease me all the time and I have to bear it; why can't you take it? Please think about it: if you prefer, I could always be polite and careful with my words when I'm around you, but is this what you want? I apologize once more, but for me you have to take the next step."

I picked up my things and went to the lunch with Mr. Fuller. He had asked me to submit a proposal; he was interested in what we could do for him. When I was back in the office, I wanted to make my peace with Jenny, but she still turned away. She was really upset about my careless words. Perhaps tender teasing was not my strong point?

I called my staff and told them that work had not stopped: another big company had to be conquered! They moaned and Jim was openly mumbling about Germans and whips and slaves, but he mumbled it with a smile. There was open support for him, but when that moment had passed, he came forward.

"We'll do it, James. Again and again. This company has become interesting and rewarding. Let's have fun!" I heard the "hear, hear" from the others and was certain that the team would continue to be united.

I went over to HR to inquire about Jenny's situation. He was conversing with Legal Counsel and I was told that they had found a solution: she had been on detached duty as the Personal Assistant to the President. They conveniently forgot that Allan was on leave and the funny part was that now Jenny would receive a daily stipend. I tried to avoid this, but it was a clear choice: detached duty with all consequences or holiday.

After the Legal Counsel left, the HR manager suggested that the expense account she would have to submit should be checked carefully in advance; a purchase of a Prada handbag should not be included, and obviously all drinks in the hotel would be on her own account. There went the reimbursement for the Dom Perignon! This offer showed how much Allan was respected in this company, and that they appreciated Jenny's gesture to stay with Ellen. Irene told me to go home, too; I wondered about the smile in her eyes; did she suspect something?

Chapter 36: A Happy Moment in a Different World

I smelled faint incense when I left the elevator and when I opened the door, I just stood still. There they were, the two kneeling before me, touching their foreheads to the floor as soon as I entered and closed the door. I knew that I was forgiven.

They were dressed in a kind of harem costume, a short little blouse knotted under their breasts, a lot of tight stomach and then transparent baggy trousers: a picture out of the Tales of 1001 nights! The smell of the incense became stronger, and candles were lit all the way to the bedroom.

Maureen glanced up at me and whispered: "I suggest most respectfully that you close your mouth, oh Lord and Master."

I asked them to get up and they did this slowly, presenting their bodies to me. Both had their hair in ponytails, one tumbling down on her right side, the other on her left one. The opal pendant was between their breasts and both had the opal ring on their fingers, showing that they were mine. Their eyes were sparkling, and Jenny said: "Kneeling on the floor: check. Dressed in an appropriate fashion: check. Offer ourselves to your desires: check."

They took my hands and led me to the bedroom.

There was some Arab music in the background and they slowly undressed me. There were lips to be kissed, nipples to be touched, and at the end, I was standing in front of them, nude, but they were still dressed, at least partially.

Maureen repeated: "Offer ourselves to your desires: double check."

Jenny added: "Here is what we offer, oh Lord and Master?" She slowly loosened the knot of her top and following the music, swayed from one side to the other. Maureen followed suit and suddenly their breasts were not hidden anymore. The music moved faster, and their hands glided to the trousers and another knot was undone, and they fell down, showing both in their magnificent nudity. Both knelt down once more and Maureen asked: "We offer us, oh Lord and Master. Do you want us?"

I stepped forward, lifted them up and put their heads on my shoulders. My response was simple. "I will always want you."

When I bent down to kiss them, they stepped back.

"We're not finished yet, oh Lord and Master! " and Jenny said with a smirk: "Dinner is served: check!" and even while I was protesting, they led me back to the dining room. They had put a robe on me, but did not dress themselves. There were more candles, the smell of a light dinner, champagne in the cooler, and two naked beauties serving me. It was wonderful, and the teasing continued; even ganging up on me, I enjoyed it. I tried to give back as I received, but it was not a fair match. Maureen had been trained for this in her family, and Jenny had picked up rather quickly that she could tease me and Maureen without any hesitation.

We finished, and they took my hands again.

"Boon of your pleasure: triple check! We are waiting with trepidation, oh Lord and Master!"

I was led back to the bedroom and they lay on their backs, with their hands behind their heads and their legs opened a bit to show me that they were ready for whatever I wanted. Jenny was the first to say something.

"Oh Lord and Master, you abandoned me in a strange city, nobody to help me, in cruel defiance of your vows that you would always be at my side. I cried every night and wandered helplessly the streets of that city, enduring loneliness and disenchantment. Please do not do this again, oh Lord and Master! Only now, when finally I was allowed to come back, I can serve you as you deserve. I do await the boon of your pleasure!"

I stared at her: where had this come from? Maureen was also surprised, but she winked at me.

"Oh Lord and Master, this poor lass needs tender and loving care to come back and enjoy life again. I pray, grant her this wish!"

Now both had gone overboard and needed a response.

"Am I not your Master? Alas, can I not do whatever I want? If I felt loneliness and regret, is this not a lesson for you to appreciate the care you have at home? Does this not tell you that careless remarks about my life and actions, and constantly ordering me around made me do this? Have you learned your lesson, lass?"

She fluttered her eyelashes.

"Oh Lord and Master, you're rightfully claiming what is yours, and I will not dispute this. I promise that never again -- well, almost never -- I will cause your pure soul harm by not agreeing with you in whatever you want."

This was too much, and we burst out laughing.

"That would be the day when you would not speak up, and I'd be very disappointed if you neglected your duty to keep me straight, darling, but tell me, where did you find theses costumes?"

Maureen told me that she had gone to the Opera House and rented them for a week "If you want some more fun, oh Lord and Master, just tell us and we'll be back at the door on our knees. Just don't go back to the 'boon of your pleasure'; that is really ridiculous."

I agreed and Jenny looked at me, "My love, can we now make love? I missed you so much! And I apologize: I was wrong snapping at you!"

They saw me starting to smile and asked why. I told them about Peter's comment about her discomfort and that I should recommend to her a checkup. Jenny was all for it.

¨James, you can start right now and don't you forget on inch of my body! ¨

I nodded and turned to her side, kissing her, and then dedicated myself to rediscover her beautiful body. Her hair was loose now, and her Balenciaga perfume drifted up to me. Her lips were soft and inviting, and when her tongue came out to say hello, we forgot the world. I slowly kissed my way southwards, staying a while on her pointed peaks, and then arriving at her wet labia. She lifted her bottom to give me easy access and I looked at her; she had gone back to her little heart shaped pubic hair grooming, but below it was now completely shaved and soft as silk. Her lower lips were shining with her arousal, and I bent down to kiss it tenderly. I found her light citron taste (I would never forget this) and I licked her labia slowly, appreciating the feel and the taste. Jenny was moaning softly as my tongue traced the outline of her pussy; the sound encouraged me further and I parted her lips, as she trembled slightly. I took her mound entirely into my mouth while pressing my tongue deeply into her, concentrated on her inner lips and on sucking the fluids that flowed from her. Her enticing taste enthralled me, and the little sounds she made, deep in her throat, were music to my ears. When I passed over her emerging clitoris, Jenny pressed my head down lightly.

"Oh, yesssss, right there, James!" she extolled me, as she began to gently quiver continuously.

I increased my efforts on her emerging clit, inserted a finger deep inside her searching for her special spot, and her excitement mounted, as did the intensity of her trembling. Her hips bucked as she forced herself against my mouth and tongue, wave after wave of ecstasy gripped her body, and when at last she calmed down, she was panting heavily. I continued to kiss her beautiful lips, but withdrew my fingers so she could recover. She slowly relaxed and looked up at me with her face slightly dreamy.

"That was almost perfect, darling, but I really think I'm going to have you do it again and again, until you get it right..." she giggled. It was funny hearing Jenny giggling, but even this was nice on her. Her breasts and her tight stomach bounced lightly with her mirth.

I slid up beside her, and we embraced each other tightly. Her eyes were laughing, and her tongue slipped past her lips and sought mine. We kissed for a long moment, and then she pulled back slightly to gaze at me.

She winked as she said, "We can also try something different."

She pulled me over her and opened her legs wide. "My love, I want you deep inside me; I want to feel you filling me and taking me; I want to be completely yours. Please, my love."

She guided my shaft into her, and I saw her joy on her face as I slowly sank deeper and deeper, until finally, I hit bottom. She hugged me. "Yes, my love, do me now." She wriggled around a bit and I felt her inner walls caressing my penis, our urgency building up and knew I wasn't going to last long like this. She gripped me tightly with her vaginal muscles and her hips rocked wildly, making me slamming into her velvety pussy in very short, repetitive strokes. The intensity of her sudden and tumultuous peak was dangerously close to pushing me also over the edge. "James, come in me! I want to feel you!"

The throaty pleading of her soft voice, coupled with her continued gyrations, took me over the edge. Jet after jet burst from me, and I was lost in her eyes as my emotions slowly subsided.

"Now I'm whole again, darling, and now I'm content."

I lifted myself from her and lay beside her. She kissed me and smiling, whispered "Thank you for the boon of your pleasure, but here's another maid well ... not exactly a maid ... who awaits her turn and please make her happy, too, my love."

I kissed her tenderly: this was Jenny, and after having loved and being loved, she still remembered her sister. Then I turned to the other side where Maureen was looking at me. Her hand crept to my soft penis and caressed it slowly.

¨George needs a moment to recover, but I can wait. ¨

She continued her touch, but slowly increased the velocity of her strokes, and George responded valiantly. Maureen smiled, satisfied that she had made me ready again.

"James, there's nothing more wonderful than to see you making love to Jenny, knowing that I will not be forgotten. As she said so eloquently, please do me now!" She opened her arms and I made my journey down her body, kissing every inch and slowly feeling her arousal getting more and more pronounced. Her pussy opened to my lips and my tongue, and her fluids started to flow. When I took her engorged clit into my mouth and gently sucked on it, she climaxed and pushing herself into my mouth, a jet of her tasty liquid came bursting out. I swallowed it happily, knowing that I had made her come.

I continued to lick more gently, as her orgasm slowly subsided. Now it was Jenny who had taken my penis in her hand and was stroking it gently.

"Hi, George. May I have a little more fun, too?"

George was quite content with the assistance and started to show interest in a continuation of the game, and by the time Maureen had calmed, my shaft was proudly showing its renewed strength. I kissed Jenny, but then I concentrated on Maureen. Moving over her and looking into her beautiful emerald green eyes, I slowly inserted myself into her welcoming labia. Her eyes flashed as I began to rhythmically withdraw and insert and gazing at one another, I built up momentum. My arms held by body above her while our bodies impacted against each other, and after a few minutes, Maureen closed her eyes, letting herself get lost in the sensations. I continued that pace unabated, for what felt like a long time, and Maureen finally began to crest.