A Fantasy about Love Pt. 08


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"My love, I wanted it; I wanted to feel you letting go, step away from the control you always show to protect me and taking me as your woman and wife. It hurts, but it's a pleasant pain reminding me of the moments we made love and then, when you took my ass, you possessed me completely. This is for rare moments, my love, and I'll always cherish them!"

I embraced her tenderly, not wanting to increase her pain, but she complained. "I'm not made out of thin glass; I'm your woman and you can hug me and take me whenever you want. So, let's talk about other things -- for example, where is my breakfast?"

This brought me back to reality and I offered two choices: she could try to get up and have it at the table, or I would bring it to her in bed. She chose the bed and it took me only a few minutes to have the tray ready for her: tea and coffee, an egg, toast and marmalade, and a muffin I had heated up in the microwave. She was sitting up in the bed when I arrived and smiled. "Oh Lord and Master, how do you feel to serve your slave?"

She had moved up and was sitting against the headboard, the blanket pulled up to her shoulders, her hair hanging unrestrained around her, sleep still in her eyes and looking absolutely beautiful.

She looked at my efforts and smiled.

"May I offer a move of affectionate appreciation of your labor? You always know what I want and when I want it." She shifted her body to find a more comfortable position and groaned a bit. ¨My love, what did you do to me last night? My poor and fragile body feels pain in muscles I didn't know I possessed! I barely can sit down and..."

She stopped and looked concerned at me. ¨Darling, I'm not complaining. I'm teasing you, but it seems that anything that makes you believe that I was hurt or that you did something without always putting me first, makes you immediately uncomfortable and guilty of something. Put this into your head: I'll always say if I'm bothered with anything; if I don't say anything and remember that yesterday I urged you to take me because I wanted it, you're free to do anything and anywhere with me, and whatever comes to your mind. Darling, smile: what I wanted to tell you in this convoluted manner is that I love you, that I'm happy and even with a well-deserved pain in the lower part of my body I'm more than satisfied with life. Come here, forget your non-existing guilt and give me a kiss!"

She bent forward and the cover fell off her shoulders, baring her firm breasts with the puffy nipples staring at me. She looked down and grinned: "This is what you want, right? You have not kissed them yet this morning, so you did something bad after all!"

I started to smile also and leaned forward to give her an affectionate good morning kiss, and then I went all out to let her breasts know that they were not forgotten. I only stopped when her slowly increasing agitation made her move and a moan escaped her. I looked proudly at her; she was beautiful, and her nipples showed that she was almost prepared for further action, but then she leaned back.

"James, go away! If you continued, we know where it will end up and instead of going to the office tomorrow, I'll have to stay in bed! Remember that we will have Jenny coming soon and you can make her as uncomfortable as I'm today! That will be fun!"

Reluctantly I let her go and put the tray in front of her. She enjoyed breakfast especially since she did not have to prepare it, and after I cleaned up, I helped her to shower. Again, I was forcefully reminded to behave whenever I touched her in certain places, but she allowed me to wash her hair and to dry and brush it. Later we went back to her problem at the office and I confirmed that she should call her mother and request the temporary loan of a driver she could trust and an auditor. She should not inform anybody what she was doing, and the driver could follow the suspect and listen to internal murmurings whether the problem was more widespread, and the auditor would find proof to go to court.

We listened to light music, read the newspaper: the image of a happily married couple. We went back to Luigi's for lunch and knowing what was going to happen, I stayed at the bar with some pretzels and a Gin Tonic, until I was advised what I was going to eat and to drink. The afternoon was as the morning: relaxed. At night we went to bed early, as Allan, Ellen and Jenny were returning the following week. I had arranged for Allan's driver to be at the airport with the Bentley and we got a driver. The Porsche would not hold Jenny and the shopping she had done!

The day went fast and at night I fulfilled my promise to double my attention to my beautiful wife. We went to the Opera House to listen to a Grieg piano convert, played by a young Norwegian pianist who put all her emotions and sentimentality into her play -- it was wonderful. There were phone calls from Eileen, as always complaining that we should have come to Brisbane, and from Jenny telling us the latest news about Ellen. Allan appreciated the stopover in Honolulu; they had changed their plans once more. and the three were looking forward to being home again. They would leave on a UNITED flight on Tuesday at almost noon and arrive in Honolulu at about 8 pm. They would sleep comfortably in the hotel and then take the Qantas flight at 12.45 to arrive on Thursday (James, don't forget the international date line!) at 8 am in Sydney.

On Tuesday night we had our martial art classes; Maureen was getting better, and I had problems finding a partner in the exercises. On Wednesday we ran our five miles.

Chapter 35: Variations on a Theme of Love -- Vivace più mosso

I had taken the day off and on Thursday morning we were at the airport waiting for them. I was very pleased to see them come out early: first class passengers have certain privileges! Ellen looked tired, but she seemed to be better off as when she had left, and she was looking for us. Allan was holding onto her, supporting her slow walking. Then Jenny appeared, dressed in a light top and a comfortable baggy trouser; on her shoulder was a light blue cashmere sweater that I recognized. I turned to Maureen, but she laughed. "I'll explain later."

I took a deep breath and stepped forward. "Ellen, we're so happy that you are back. We'll make certain that you have everything you want, and whatever you need, just call us."

I bent down and kissed her lightly and she smiled faintly. "I saw your face when we arrived. Have I really aged so much?"

I looked at her once more and her face showed the strain of the last weeks, but her eyes had still the same shine and amusement. I did not know what to say and she took my hand.

"Don't lie, James, I know how I look like."

Shaking my head, I said that it did not matter how much the body aged, but it was more important to see into the eyes and soul of a person, and she was the same Ellen we had started to love and admire. She told me to stop this nonsense; she did not have the force anymore to cry, but pulling me down to her, she whispered: "I always wished I had a son, but now I'm happy since I have you. Now come here and give me a hug!"

I obeyed and she embraced me warmly; it was difficult to explain, but I felt her affection and love, like coming from a mother. I had never had that feeling since my mother had died when I was very young. It was strange, but it was wonderful.

"Maureen and I talked a lot about you and when Jenny came, this continued. James, you must be a good man to have two women who love you so much!"

I nodded and before I could compliment Allan, had to wipe my eyes. Germans do not cry and there must have been some pollen in the air. He was looking at me: even at this moment dressed in a dark suit, light blue shirt and a striped tie (military connection?). He was standing straight as if he had not flown for many hours and he had lost some weight, but still he was trim as the athlete he was: almost scratch golfer and runner up in the Sydney Senior tennis championship.

"Welcome back, Sir Allan!"

"James, did you not hear what Ellen said? You're family now, as Maureen and Jenny, so behave like family."

"Welcome back, Allan!"

"That's better, James. Now we'll head home, but I expect you -- all of you -- to be tomorrow at our house at five o' clock for tea and a serious discussion what we'll do. Is this OK?"

My only reply was: "Yes, Sir! " and I smiled. He smiled back and gave me a hug, too.

"James, you don't realize what you've done for us: agreeing that Maureen and Jenny could stay with us, looking after my job so that we could relax, and that improved Ellen's health. Thank you, son, for everything you and your girls have done for us. Well never forget this."

I did not know where this comment had come from, but was proud to hear it.

Finally, I could look at Jenny; she was waiting behind Allan and when she saw me turning to her, a huge smile appeared on her face; she jumped forward, embraced Maureen and then turned to me.

"Hello, Count de Winter, how are you? Did you miss me? A little bit? A lot?" and she flew into my arms. We did not care what people might think -- we just wanted to hold each other and never let go. I believe that Maureen greeted Ellen and Allan, but I did not watch; all I wanted to feel her in my arms. After a moment Maureen called us back to real life.

"James, people are watching us. Stop it: at home you can kiss her all the time you want."

Jenny stepped back reluctantly, but with her eyes sparkling, she hugged me back.

"Wait until we are back home, and I can kiss you properly, my love!"

Reluctantly I let her go, but she stayed glued to me; Ellen looked at us, amused by the open love between us. Her face showed more animation now and perhaps with a few nights good sleep in her home she might recover more. She told us to come and see them the next afternoon, but she also wanted us to come on Saturday afternoon and have tea; Maureen agreed immediately. Allan had his driver take their luggage to his Bentley and I took Jenny's cases to the car we had rented. She had left with one case and came back with three, and a new handbag, too! Maureen had warned me that there might be more luggage than when she went to Cleveland! Then the Bentley left in his stately pace.

I handed my ladies into the limo and when Maureen sat beside me, Jenny pushed her aside.

"Maureen, may I sit with James? Please?" Maureen nodded and when the car started to move, she threw herself into my arms. "My love, I missed you so much! I'll never be away from you again for such a long so find a way to make this happen!"

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Maureen grinning and she winked at me; it was the same complaint she had made a few days ago. Then there was no more time for talk and her lips were glued to mine. She squeezed me with all her force and her tongue invaded my mouth, which I admit quite willingly accepted the invasion. After a while she relaxed and leaned back to look at me.

"James, I didn't know how much I love you! It was horrible to stay in Cleveland, knowing that you were on the other side of the globe. Please don't do this to me again! Please? Promise?"

I had the same problem that I had had with Maureen: how could I promise something that was not certain that I could fulfil?

"I'll try my best, my love, but once in a while I'll have to travel."

She nodded, wiping a tear from her eye. "I know, but when you travel, I've Maureen and we'll support each other, but this time I travelled on my own and I don't want to do again!" She kissed me once more and looked at Maureen. "We've to keep better control. He has not learned yet what is good for him and we'll have to make certain that these things don't happen again!"

Maureen nodded and blew her a kiss. "Together he doesn't have a chance, darling" and I started to believe that I really did not have any against these two!

Maureen wondered what Jenny wanted to do now, and with a mischievous smile asked her: "Jenny, I assume that you want to go home at once, or do you want to stop and have dinner?"

Jenny just stared at her, obviously insulted by that question.

"I assume that this means you want to go home. Yes, Ma'am, at once, Ma'am!"

She told the driver to accelerate and he obeyed immediately: the car accelerated violently. When we arrived at home, I carried Jenny's luggage up to the flat; I moaned about the weight, but she shrugged.

"Women do this, James, when they are on their own and the man they love is far away. Shopping is an excellent therapy!"

Finally, we could close the door and Jenny turned to Maureen. "Darling, can I have five minutes with James? I missed him so much!"

Maureen nodded and Jenny came into my arms, hugging me like she would never let me go. She lifted her face to be kissed and somehow the five minutes passed in a second. When I discovered that I needed to breathe to survive and to be able to kiss again, I stepped back and looked at her. I was surprised about the strength of her emotion since she was normally a rather controlled person. It seemed, however, that this time her control had snapped, and she needed the confirmation that I was really at her side. Maureen smiled and nodded.

"James, do what she wants, and I'll take care of the luggage."

Jenny was tired; even in first class the comfort is relative, and she was still suffering from the stress in Cleveland. One thing had not changed: the love in her eyes. I embraced her once more and then told her to relax; she was home now. I sat down on the couch and she planted herself on my lap.

Maureen had already prepared a light breakfast, but Jenny declined; the food on Qantas was excellent. All she wanted was to shower, change, and get back into my arms again. She looked at me. "James, come along!"

She got up and pulled me to the bathroom and stopped.

"I don't want to work -- undress me, James?" I always loved to see her showing her body to me, but this time it was my turn. I pulled off the top and got re-accustomed with her pert breasts; then I slowly drew down her pants and my lips followed my hands. She had re-done her little heart over her labia and I kissed it reverently. Her arousal was visible; small drops glistened already when I pulled her pussy apart a bit and a strong smell of a woman's excitement filled my nose. She stepped back.

"My love, all I want at this moment is you touching me, but preferably with some soap and water since I haven't had a shower in almost twenty-four hours. Then you can do whatever you want."

I turned on the hot water and took off my clothes also, and we stepped into the steaming water. She closed her eyes and murmured: "Do your duty, my love. Wash me, but don't forget anything!"

I hugged her and set to work: first her beautiful long black hair, then her smiling face, and I must admit that I spent a disproportionate time on her breasts checking every spot to make certain that nothing was forgotten. Her nipples were stiff and when I sucked them into my mouth, she started to tremble and almost fell down; a small orgasm had hit her. When she recovered, she pushed my head down.

"There's one spot that has been waiting for you for a long time, darling. Say hello!"

I followed her lead and when I arrived at her crinkled lips, she moaned. I touched them gently and washed them first with the dutiful attention, but she became impatient.

"Kiss me there, James, I dreamed about this for days; now make the dream come true."

She opened her legs a bit and I dove in, pulling her outer lips into my mouth and pushing my tongue into her. She yelled surprised with my move, but then opened her legs even wider to give me better access to her. It did not last long; she shuddered, and I had to hold her close to keep her from falling down. Slowly she opened her eyes and smiled. "There's only one thing missing..." and she stepped back and knelt in front of me. "Hello, George, I missed you. Did you miss me?"

I was stiff already and she stroked my shaft and then took it into her mouth. Licking and sucking got me close to my release and when she finally pushed it down her throat, it was too much for me: I exploded in her mouth and she swallowed several times to keep my juices in her. She looked up to me. "Now, my love, I can relax. I needed this!"

We stepped away from the water and I dried her off, obviously not without helping myself to some gentle touches on her silky skin that I remembered so well. She was smiling widely and happily and pulled me back to the sitting room. Maureen was waiting for us; she had changed also to a more comfortable little gown, transparent enough to raise hopes of future actions.

"Jenny, you are not dressed yet!"

"Well, neither are you. Any problem?"

Maureen looked up surprised with our attire, or lack thereof. Jenny grinned.

"Maureen, my most dearest friend, I don't want to bother with fabrics between James and myself. Do you mind? Just for a few minutes, please, then I'll behave modestly!"

Maureen laughed. "You, modestly? My dear, modesty is certainly not one of your strong points within this family! Outside you are the very picture of proper behavior, but here? Here, thank God, you are yourself, and we adore this!"

Jenny pushed me down and planted herself back on my lap, placing my hand on her breast and leaning her head against my shoulder. Then she started to tell us what she had done in Cleveland: seriously looking after Ellen and Allan, but it was funny (at least to her, but not to me) when a guy wanted to pick her up at the hotel. She had gone shopping and would show us later what she had bought. She talked and talked, and we listened fascinated.

Suddenly she stopped. "James, my love, you don't have to sit there like a mummy! Maureen told me that she gave you a license to hunt for freckles on her; as far as I'm concerned, I give you one with no limits either on time or on my body."

She took my hand and folded it around her breast. "Do you see this big freckle? If you want to exercise your fingers a bit, this is the right spot! Or you can try going south? Let your finger do the walking!"

She grinned and continued her stories; how her first class flight was, how she was cared for by the stewards, that the car was waiting for her at the airport in Cleveland, that the hotel was fine and the restaurant excellent, but that what really had mattered for her was that she had been able to encourage and lighten Ellen's life a bit.

"You did a wonderful job, Maureen, and I just continued it the next week. I really liked that they treated me like a daughter -- it was so wonderful!"

She cuddled back into me and her voice became a bit strained as I let my fingers do their walking. She stopped for a moment.

"James, this is so nice, but how can I tell you what happened, when you get your fingers into me?"

"That is your problem, darling. Did you not ask me to be more active than a mummy? Did you not tell me to let my fingers do the walking? I obeyed you and now you are complaining? What do you want? What happened to your well-flaunted ability of parallel processing that you're so proud of?"

She looked at Maureen asking for help, but she only laughed and shook her head.

"You asked for it; now bear it."

Jenny looked back at me, but I did not show any mercy and continued to tease her clit.

"Well, if you want this, I'll bear it! " and she closed her eyes, leaned back and pushed my fingers even deeper. She moved her hips up to encounter my hand and putting her hand on mine, forced it into her. A few fast wriggles and she came on my hand, closing her inner walls around my two fingers and rubbing my thumb on her clit. She went rigid and moaned desperately, but then she relaxed and fell back, pulling my hand off her pussy and placing it back on her breast. Opening her eyes, she smiled.
