A Fantasy about Love Pt. 10


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Maureen started to laugh, and I joined her. Eileen looked surprised and asked: "What do you mean? I've been alone for all these weeks and do you believe that I did not miss you?"

I took her hand and led her to the bedroom where she stood still, waiting for my actions. I turned her around looking for any buttons that would release the dress, but it was not easy: everything was hidden below drapes. Finally, she sighed "Men", touched one spot and the dress slowly glided downwards. First her breasts appeared, a bit fuller than Maureen's, but still proudly standing upwards. Her large areolae were looking for action and I bent forward to kiss them. Then she wiggled her hips and the dress slipped to the floor. "You see, James, local rules extended: no underwear!" There was the mixture of her perfume and her own musky arousal and I sank down to kiss her labia, smelling that heavenly scent. She opened her legs, but Maureen coughed. "And I, Oh Lord and Master? Am I to be forgotten?"

Eileen glanced at her with evil intents, but she did not care. I led Eileen to our bed and helped her lie down, then turned to Maureen. Her dress was easier to open: two laces at the back and it came down. She was not as adventurous as her mother and there was a wisp of a g-string almost hiding her lower lips. Without hesitating, she stepped out of it. "I know, local rules..." and offered me her body. I cupped her breasts and nibbled on her nipples, then went south and let my tongue invade her labia.

This time it was Eileen who protested. "Oh Lord and Master, you started with me, so finish me first!"

She was right, so I lay beside her and started to stroke her long and elegant curves with her silky skin; when she became restless, I teased and nipped at her lovely breasts. My hand moved across her stomach, finding her legs opening wide for my attention and my finger invaded her pussy. It did not take long and with her fluids seeping out of her, she came quietly, not in her normal explosive yell. "Thank you, James. I needed this, but don't expect to get away so easily tomorrow night!"

Maureen mumbled something and I inquired what was her problem. "That is very easy to explain. I am lying beside my husband, naked, willing to do whatever he wants with me, and he makes love to my mother! Hah! Mother, this is not fair!"

Eileen smirked; after all, she had received what she wanted or at least a small portion of it.

"Life, my dear, is not always fair, so live with it. If anybody could say this, it would be me! You sleep with him every night and all I get is a phone call! Do you hear me complain? No!"

Actually, we heard her complain every time we talked to her, but I did not believe that this was the right moment to open a discussion and I kept quiet. Male superior intelligence mixed with a good portion of cowardice.

Maureen was still a bit upset. "Well, ignored by my lover and abandoned by my mother, what can I do? Go to sleep and pray for a better day tomorrow!" she complained, but when she leaned over to kiss me, she started to smile. "At least local rules exist, and you cannot avoid them, my love! " and offering her breasts for my kisses, she enjoyed my undivided attention. When I remembered to breathe, she lay down and Eileen repeated the offering. Peace was reestablished and they were asleep.

Chapter 42: A complicated situation, again

When I woke up, I felt that Eileen was already awake, and it seemed that she knew that I had woken up. She whispered: "Did you sleep well?" I grumbled something and she assumed that this was a yes. "Are you still tired?" I grumbled yes. "May I re-acquaint myself with an old friend?" I nodded.

She slowly was sliding down until she reached my penis. "Oh, George, you're still asleep. Let me tell you that if you are interested, we might have some fun. Are you?" She took him in her hands and kissed the tip. He decided that this was better than sleeping and showed his appreciation. "Let's see how serious you are, my friend."

She swallowed him deep into her mouth and her tongue started to tease him. Then she let him come out and started to lick him from bottom to the tip, with some occasional twists and slight sucks. Now he was awake and tried to get even deeper in her mouth, but she did not want this. "Darling, I'm interested at this moment in another possibility, so wait just a moment. She came back up and saw that Maureen was awake, looking at her.

"Hi, darling. Did you sleep well?" and without waiting for an answer, pushed herself away from me and quickly knelt so she could straddle me. With all her weight, she sank down on me with a vengeance. All I could do was fall back on the bed and watch as she descended, her face showing my progress in filling her up. Her hands on my stomach supported her, her breasts bouncing slightly as she started her movements. It was such a thrilling picture that I did not want to finish it, but waited for her to climb higher and higher in her arousal.

Her smile of sexual pleasure was slowly changing into a face of stress, trying to come to a finish. There was a surprised grunt when my hips came up to crash into hers. Nodding, she increased the force she was driving down with. My hands were cupping her breasts and each time our bodies met, a deep husky grunt escaped her. I felt that the end was close; the rolling pressure steadily got more intense until it finally erupted in a shuddering flash of total release. The last thing I saw before my eyes slammed shut, was Eileen's mouth wide open in a large smile. My hands found her hips and stopped her as I pumped my cum as deep as I could into her. Jet after jet filled her and when I was finished, I pulled her down by her hair to wrap her in a bear hug and kissed her sweaty cheek. Her eyes were slowly focusing, and she looked at me.

"That is the way to wake up, my love. This was very nice, but could we try tonight to improve on it, please?" She let herself fall down on me and I kept her on me, enjoying the weight of her body and her breasts pushing into me.

She looked over to Maureen. "Darling, please forgive me waking you up, but I needed this very much. The only thing missing now is a little cuddle, so could you please make breakfast and call us?"

She put her head on my shoulders and shut her eyes. Maureen looked surprised; making love with me in front of her and then asking for breakfast?

I shrugged, as I could not move with Eileen lying on top of me. She sighed and got up, but I had to remind her about local rules. After a while she came back (and her face showed that she was not very happy) reminding us that she was almost ready and that they had to leave in an hour. Eileen went to one bathroom and I to the other. Maureen had done her usual outstanding job and everything we could want was available - except time to enjoy it.

They took their time to dress and were the perfect power business women: white blouses, one dark blue, the other a dark green skirt, high heels, discreet but elegant jewelry, and a face that would convince anybody that it was his duty to sign a contract with them. I walked them to the car she had hired, and they drove off. Then it was my time to change and go to my meeting.

I had prepared a presentation that showed their current organization, the main problems I had seen, the ones they had told me about, and a plan for the future. It included buying out one son, signing contracts with the daughters, and preparing the younger son for his position as the future CEO. This way the succession would have far fewer problems. The Aberdeen brothers heard me out, complimented me on the thoroughness of the presentation and asked for some time to think about it. It was strange that they had asked me to bring my service bill and after we finished, Thomas took out his wallet and signed a cheque for the whole amount. They invited me for lunch in their club (fish and chips again), shook my hand, said that it was a pleasure working with me and that they had learned a lot. Then they were gone.

I called Allan and asked him whether I could see him, then drove over to his house. Ellen was sitting in the main room and lifted her face to be kissed. "How are my girls? And how is the delectable Mrs. Monahan?"

Her words were friendly, but her eyes were serious. "James, sit here with me, please. And Allan, please get a glass of port, but take your time."

Allan shrugged his shoulders, left and I sat beside her.

"James, let me ask you something which is quite serious for me. Your mother-in-law is quite a woman; intelligent, aggressive, beautiful, charming. I remember what she did to Frank and I saw Allan almost falling into the same trap. I don't think that she does it intentionally, but the result is the same: men fall for her. I don't have much time to live and I don't want my life upset because of her. Tell me, what can you do to avoid this?"

I was surprised, but not very much so. I had seen the same scene. What could I say?

"Ellen, first of all, she's not out to steal your husband. Full stop! She is everything you said, but she's not evil. What happened with Frank was that he thought there was something, but which she never offered. Ellen, it was his imagination! She is this way with everyone and part of the reason that she is survived in a man's world, is that she uses her charm. I've seen her in action, and it is marvelous to observe, but she never follows on and whenever a man tries, she finds a way to let him cool down."

Ellen looked at me, with lots of doubts in her eyes.

"Don't misunderstand me and she can be quite ruthless, but she is not evil. I saw Allan looking at her, but Ellen, there is not a man in this world who would not look at her. Allan, however, is different; he enjoys beauty and intellect, but he is yours, Ellen: line, hook and sinker1 Let him have some fun, please. I promise you that if I ever saw anything different happening, I reign in whoever stepped out of place. I'm safe since I have Maureen and Jenny, and with all the respect I have for Eileen, both has my heart and soul. And if I were to step out of line, I am certain that both would pull me in quite fast! And you would not be far behind!"

She nodded, satisfied with my answer.

Allan looked in curious whether he could come back, and Ellen waved him in. "We're finished and everything is resolved, dear. Now have some port and go and discuss boring business."

Allan looked at me, but I did not respond. He led me to his office and asked me what the problem was. I told him about my meeting with the Aberdeen brothers and the suspicions I had about any progress.

"James, this was to be expected. They have reached a stage where a radical decision is very difficult, almost impossible. They will not accept a professional manager and they don't have the courage to talk to their children. I believe that they expected you to come up with a miracle: nobody's pride would be hurt, all problems would be resolved, the company would grow, and the family would be happy. You showed them the real world and they will decide not to decide, but just wait and hope for the problem to go away. I give them another three to five years and they'll be bought off. A sad ending, but they'll not do anything to change it. I suspected this would happen, but I wanted for you to do your part, give them a solution and then? This is what will happen to you too often, James, and you'll be disappointed every time. Perhaps if you had Accenture or KMPG behind you, it might be different, but I doubt it."

He looked into his port, took a deep breath and looked at me.

"So, your question will be: do I want to do this kind of work, get a lot of money and be bored to death after a while, or do I decide that I want to run my own life, make my own decisions and be responsible just to myself? You needed this experience, but I know what you will decide, and you will be very successful, James - trust me."

It took me some time to digest his words, but slowly it sank in. There was only one real alternative.

"Allan, say hello to the new CEO of NT! I, however, will need you all the way to survive the company, the industry and principally, Eileen. She will hand me the company gladly, but almost immediately she'll question my decisions and that can only bring a bad ending. I've discussed with her to increase the Board and I want you on it. I will be her Executive Assistant for a period and then she retires to the Board; there I'll need you to balance her attempts to take over again and principally, to give me part of the business acumen you have accumulated during these years. Will you accept this, please?"

He smiled. "James, you know that you can always count on me. You would be successful without me, but I know this country better than you, and this will help. Yes, I accept. And on top of it, I'll be the target of the beautiful Mrs. Monahan - this will be fun!"

"Just be careful how far you go with Eileen, as she occasionally doesn't know her limits!"

"James, my son, I do know mine and I have Ellen to remind me of them!"

We raised our glasses and toasted to my future. When we told Ellen, she was not surprised; she had seen this coming for a long time. When she kissed me goodbye, she whispered: "Just remember what I asked you!" and I nodded.

At home I prepared dinner; Maureen had assured that there was always enough food to feed multitudes. I set the table, took out a bottle of champagne, lit some candles, placed a Mozart piano concerto on the CD player, called Jenny and waited for the ladies to appear. It was strange how well I could feel that Maureen was close even before I saw her, and with a fainter shadow, the same happened with Eileen. This time I even heard them before the opened the door.

"James, we did well. Mom really rolled them over and we have promises of a few new contracts in the near future. This branch is doing well!"

She kissed me, all excited and Eileen did the same, but with more emphasis. Maureen saw this. "Hey, Mom, he is my husband. Control yourself!" All she did was ask "Why?" and stayed glued to me. When Maureen saw the dinner already set, she thanked me, and Eileen was forced to step back.

I opened and poured the champagne, and we sat at the table. They continued to give me details of how well the visits had gone, and only when I opened the second bottle, Maureen finally asked me how my day had gone, and whether the AT proposal had been accepted.

"It was disappointing. They accepted the proposal, praised it, paid me and probably will not do anything. I went over to Allan and he commented that he had foreseen it; they were not ready for the drastic change that was necessary to save their company. They would discuss my proposal, love it, and do nothing. So this ends my career as a business consultant."

Maureen came over to kiss me. "This is just the first try; remember that there will be others and you will be very successful, my love."

Eileen stared at me and finally asked: "What do you mean 'ended my consultant career'?"

"It means that I don't believe that consulting is something that will satisfy me for a long or even short time, and Allan agrees. I have to make my own decisions, build up my company, and guide it through good and bad times. This is what I want to do."

Eileen got up and stood in front of me. "There is one company that needs a young and aggressive CEO. May I offer this company to you?"

I got up, too, and led her back to her seat. "Eileen, darling, I will accept your offer, but only under certain conditions." I went through all the terms I had discussed with Allan and added that this would mean that we would have to move to Brisbane. We would train Jenny to take over from Maureen, Allan would come onto the Board and the relationship between her and me would be detailed - and in writing.

"Eileen, you know that I respect and love you, but this is a move that changes our lives completely. There cannot be any doubts who'll do what, and who will have the final decision. If you agree to this, I'll come."

She only asked when I would start.

We decided that it would not be tonight, for tonight there were other priorities. We finished our dinner and went to the sitting room; i.e. I went to the sitting room and they changed. There were cookies on the table, a good Muscat Liqueur and a violin concerto on the stereo. First Eileen arrived, dressed (or undressed) in one of her long grey slinky gowns that hid everything and showed everything. Then Maureen came through the door and she had chosen my favorite that followed her curves but let her breasts bare.

They turned around. "Satisfied, Oh Lord and Master?" I nodded and padded the couch, offering a seat on each side. This was the night I wanted before everything went back to stress and overtime: having two beautiful women at my side, a good dinner, good wines, and a weekend of fun to expect. They lay down and put their heads on my lap; grinning, Eileen wriggled around until her hand could slowly extract my penis (still asleep, but willing to reconsider). Maureen placed my hand on her breast and Eileen followed suit.

"James, why did you decide this today?"

I explained what had happened, my thought processes and Allan comments and recommendations. Eileen was surprised. "James, why did Allan guide you this way? I thought that he would have preferred for you to get more experience in other companies, but I'm quite pleased that he helped you make up your mind. But why so fast?"

This showed that Eileen did not really understand me; what Allan had seen in few weeks she had not perceived in as many months.

"Eileen, I cannot run from job to job, from proposal to proposal, from disappointment to the occasional success. I want to run my own business and be judged by what I had decided, what I had done, and not what others would do with my ideas and hard work."

She nodded, but I knew that there was a long and bumpy road ahead. We discussed what should happen next, how Jenny would fit in, how to fight for market share without losing profit, how to handle personnel in NT. Some would stay, others would prefer to leave. She suddenly leaped up. "James, now I can transfer my gift to you!"

I stared at her: what gift? She whispered to Maureen: "Don't tell him, but occasionally he's rather slow" and said "Hello, darling. Do you remember Christmas? 16 percent of the shares of NT? You don't seem to care for money!"

Now I did remember, but it had completely slipped my mind.

"Eileen, thank you, but how will I get the shares without paying a bucket of income tax?"

She was proud of her work.

"I investigated this with our lawyers and there's a way to reduce taxes, but, unfortunately, not to eliminate them. You will need a private investment company - Winter Investments Ltd - and I invest in that company with the shares. You will contribute with your labor and business acumen. As the CEO, you'll receive a decent salary, but the main part of your income will come from dividends, which that company will receive. On this income you will pay capital gains tax, which is much lower. It is complex: you will probably need preferred shares, not voting one, to start the procedures, but that we´ll clear up later. Trust me - we've done the research and you'll have the documents to sign as soon as you come to Brisbane."

I still did not understand how this would work, but she had excellent lawyers and I was certain that she had done the best deal for me. Suddenly, I was rich!

"James, we make about 15% profit after tax; a wonderful result, but which is based on the procedures you had sold us. That means that with current results, and I hope that you will improve them dramatically and taking the last three months' annualized results, we'll make over a hundred million dollars for the year and you over fifteen million. How do you feel, darling?"
