A Fantasy about Love Pt. 12


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She jumped back. "Are you crazy? No, they're mine and nobody will take them back, but you can get me the flowers, too..." She jumped on my lap and kissed me, whispering "You know, my love, that I'm yours with or without presents!" I nodded; we knew that without a doubt.

Then it was Eileen's turn. "Jenny, you've walked into our family and into our heart. I wondered what I could give you: you have your apartment; then I thought about a new car, but you love that little Mazda, and then I realized that you don't have a comfortable cash flow yet. So this is a little present for you not to worry when you want to purchase the Hermès handbag or those silly Jimmy Choo sandals. Take it with the pleasure it was for me to present it to you."

She handed her an envelope and when she opened it, she was absolutely quiet for a minute.

"Eileen, I cannot accept this. A year ago, I was a lonely young woman without any joy in her life, and today I have my own flat, my own car, I do love that Mazda, much nicer than that BMW that Maureen has, and I'll have a decent salary. I appreciate it, Eileen, but I cannot accept it." and she tried to hand the envelope back to her.

Eileen smiled. "I saw this coming and to avoid long discussions, had it all signed and notarized." Jenny gave me the document: it was a transfer of 2.3% of preferential NT shares to the name of Mary Ann Parker.

Eileen grinned. "You know that I'm a control freak. Maureen has 15% and James 16%, and you have 2.3% and that leaves me with 66.7% and in control! When James and Maureen take over, I'll transfer more shares and they can do whatever they want to do with them as long as they stay in the family, and you are family! Bye the way, this would have meant that last year you would have received almost two million dollars. Darling, go out and get yourself a new outfit, a fancy bag and lots of shoes. And if everything goes well this year, and you're one of the key players, this will easily double!"

Jenny sat there for a long time without saying a word; then she got up and embraced Eileen. She laid her head on her shoulder and started to cry. Eileen looked down at her and shook her head. "Jenny, I did not expect you to cry when you received a present!"

Jenny sniffled and came back up again. "Eileen, it's not the money and it is not the jewelry. You've shown me so much love, protected me when I needed it, and challenged me professionally when it was necessary. I'm a different person now, and I know that I'm a better person thanks to you three. I'm not looking anymore only at the past, I'm looking now forward because the future will bring me success, satisfaction and principally joy - joy to be with you for the rest of my life."

Eileen smiled and repeated. "Jenny darling, you are family."

Jenny sniffled a bit more and then took a deep breath. "Maureen, it's your turn now to surprise me. From James I received an adornment to make me prettier; from Eileen I received shares to make me rich, and from you?"

Maureen gave her an envelope and when she opened it, she was confused. "Maureen, this is a voucher for a hotel. What does this mean?"

Maureen grinned. "Jenny, next week has a public holiday on Thursday and nobody will work on Friday and you know this." Jenny nodded. "I have to go to Brisbane to talk with Mom about a lot of things: the HAY proposal, how to handle the NSW staff who worked in a completely different work ethic, more relaxed, not as competitive as we are used to, how to integrate the two organizations and not lose control, all great stuff and fascinating. On top of all this, I have to agree with Mom on our trip to Germany. Just imagine what dresses we'll have to take, formal and informal, matching handbags and shoes, and then I've to confirm the airline tickets and the hotel reservation and to make certain that a car is available ... Lots of work." Jenny nodded again, not knowing where this would lead to.

"You would be very welcome to accompany me; in fact, I would love it." Jenny was still nodding.

"But there is another option. I know that James would be bored to death listening to all this talk about dresses, shoes and bags and he'll stay in Sydney."

Now I was confused. I would stay in Sydney when company business would be discussed in Brisbane? Maureen glanced at me and winked.

"Jenny, you wouldn't want to have dear James sitting here on his own, reading boring books on international economics, being led to play golf that he doesn't know how to do properly and you know our James: he either does it perfectly or he walks away. And having to make his own dinner! And nobody to be kissed in the morning?"

She told us that she had heard about this fabulous very private, very exclusive resort in the Blue Mountains and had checked it out for our eventual future use. There were just six chalets with three rooms, separate but connected, an ofuro on the terrace, but well hidden from any possible view, a two-star restaurant with a fabulous wine list, and a service defined as 'invisible'.

"You get up in the morning, tell them when and what you want for breakfast, and they'll serve it in the dining room. A bell will ring when it's served, and you go to that room. While you have breakfast, your bedroom will be cleaned and arranged. Another bell when they leave. Etc., etc., for the other meals. You'll never see them, nor will they see you. You can walk around in the nude all day..."

We all stared at her. "So, Jenny, you either come with me and let this poor guy survive on his own, or you sacrifice yourself and stay in Sydney to hold his hand - and eventually other parts, too? The voucher is from Wednesday afternoon to Monday morning, with all expenses paid. You could take anyone you want: a friend perhaps?"

Jenny shook her head vigorously. "A business colleague?" More shaking, with her hair flying from one side to the other. "Or James?" the shaking changed immediately to enthusiastic nodding. "Can I take this that you'll go with him?"

More nodding and she flew into my arms. I held her at arm's length. "Just wait a moment: there's that new book about international logistics that I..."

She hit me, and it was not a slight touch. "You're my Lord and Master and I'll reward you handsomely, but you better shut up right now!"

I accepted my fate and nodded. She hugged me and whispered: "Just imagine: I'll have you for my own for four days! And you can have me for four days! Anywhere and anyhow! Wow!" and she hugged me once more; then she ran to Maureen and embraced her.

"Maureen, darling, I've received presents that make me pretty and rich; you, however, gave me a present that will make me happy. Thank you so much!" and she kissed her, this time not on the cheek, but straight on her lips, and I believe I saw a little tongue come out and play. Maureen looked at her, then embraced her back and now there was definitively tongues playing around. I wonder how this would develop?

Eileen looked a bit upset that she had given Jenny shares worth millions, and Jenny was happier about a long weekend with me? Jenny perceived this and went over to her.

"Eileen, it only dawned on me now what you've given me. I'm not used to these amounts of money and I always was worried to live from day to day, and now from month to month. Now I can think for years ahead and I thank you very, very much, darling."

She kissed her and again I saw tongues moving around. Where were my ladies going to? Eileen was satisfied and a predatory grin came into her face. "Well, remember the voucher I have for a week's holidays in Bali? I have not selected a partner yet, but I would definitively want you to come with me! Do you agree? It would be after we come back from Germany."

Jenny was surprised, as were we and she looked first at Maureen, then at me. We nodded and she turned back to Eileen. "It'll be a pleasure to come with you, Eileen. But beware: I'm not as easy as some people think."

Eileen smiled. "I know that, but I want to get to know you better, away from these two who always seem to protect you. I don't think this is necessary and considering that you are family and will have access to everything we have, I just want to know you better - only that. Tell me, however, I never saw any disagreements between you. How do you do this?"

Jenny laughed. "Eileen dear, you see us only when we have to behave. When we are alone, there are often disagreements, but we found a solution: Everything that refers to James and our emotional relationships, Maureen handles; everything that is more material I handle; and when there are differences of opinion we cannot decide, James steps in; after all, he's our Lord and Master..." and she looked at me, still laughing. "But we make certain that he doesn't have to step in very often..." and now both laughed. I didn't know whether this was a compliment or not but decided to clear this up later.

I reminded them that we had not started breakfast yet and that I at least, was hungry. They agreed and Jenny stated to grin. "You see? He tells us that he wants breakfast, and we will obey! I had my morning proteins already."

They hustled around, one making waffles, the other toast and Maureen was looking after coffee and tea; I was responsible for the champagne. It was fun and the conversation was easy: stories about how Jenny had joined us, how I had fallen in love with Maureen on my second day with her, and how Eileen had overcome her nightmares through tender and loving care, and a lot of lovemaking. It was fun and when we finished, it was almost noon.

Jenny looked around. "Anybody interested in lunch? Please remember that we go and see Allan and Ellen in the afternoon, and she makes that absolutely fabulous chocolate cake! I want to reserve some space for that delicacy!"

We nodded and after cleaning up Eileen turned to me. "Darling, I believe we girls need some time among ourselves to give Jenny the proper orientation how she should spend those four days with you. She's such a nice person that perhaps a little bit of naughty advice will liven up your stay..."

Maureen added: "Didn't you tell us that you had that fascinating book about international logistics? Have fun! Before you go, please open another bottle of champagne!"

I did and went to the sitting room, put the Mozart Piano Concerto 20 on the stereo and got my book. It was more interesting than the title indicated, but I could not concentrate; there was so much noise coming from the kitchen; laughter, Jenny protesting, Eileen telling her about Kama Sutra: it was disturbing, to say the least. When I returned to get more ice for my Macallan, I heard Eileen (and I heard the grin in her voice) say: "When Brad finished successfully an important negotiation, we always ended up in bed and he really used me, eating me and taking me in my pussy, and finishing in my ass. He wore me out, and I loved it!"

That was too much information for me, and I turned back to my book, without the ice.

Occasionally either Jenny or Maureen appeared to look whether I wanted something, and I saw in Jenny's eyes that she was confused and a bit disturbed. She was blushing furiously, and the next time Maureen appeared, I asked her to stop this. The conversation stopped and all three appeared. Eileen was a bit red herself and wanted to lie down before going out. She kissed me with that look that asked to join her, but I needed to talk to Maureen. She walked away slowly, again disappointed, but Jenny hurried after her and stayed with her for almost half an hour. During this time, I wanted to know from Maureen what had happened, and she replied it was girl talk, and that I should not worry. I insisted, however, saying that Jenny was obviously disturbed and why she had not looked out for her. Maureen looked down.

"James, it was fun in the beginning; Jenny is enthusiastic but really innocent in sexual matters and Mom is an expert, so she went into details what to do and how to do it. I tried to calm her down, but you know Mom; when she gets going, it's difficult to stop her. When you told me to stop it, I told Mom that she had better lie down, because with all that champagne she would have problems meeting Ellen. I didn't say that Ellen is only waiting for the opportunity to take her down a bit, but she must have realized this by now. She agreed, but it appeared that she was disappointed to go to her bed alone, so I sent Jenny off with her."

I sat on the couch and Maureen lay beside me, with her head in my lap.

"Darling, it'll be a busy two days and we've to plan what we are going to do..." and she grinned "...and you'll have to store up forces for the long weekend!"

We separated our jobs: she would go to Mr. Gage to start the handover and prepare a meeting with all employees for the following week on Monday; Jenny would accompany her to NSW Trucks and stay there for the day. On Tuesday she would look after our company and Jenny would stay at NSW: she would either drown or win. I would finish my plans and presentations for her to take to Brisbane. On Wednesday morning, we would check everything and then we were off: she to work and I to enjoy Jenny.

At this moment Jenny appeared. Seeing Maureen lying on the couch, she also lay down, just on the other side with her head in my lap also. This was fun: two beautiful women beside me, with my fingers wandering on her bodies, and their shining eyes looking at me. I told Jenny what we had decided, but the only part that interested her was the Wednesday afternoon part.

"So you'll enjoy me? Most definitively you will, but it'll not be a one-way street, my love, as I'll enjoy you, too!"

After a while Maureen warned me. "James, I've told you before: don't start something you cannot finish. We have to be at Ellen's place in an hour's time. There's no way you can make love to us in that short period so stop it. Jenny, let's get up and start the proceedings!"

She raised herself, but Jenny stayed. "Maureen, perhaps there is no time to make love to us, but there is time to make love to me! After all, it's my birthday! And I'm his wife and have privileges!"

Maureen laughed. "No way, my dear. If I have to get up, you get up. And remember: you're wife number two and I'm wife number one. Remember also that I gave you already four days to be alone with James!"

She protested that nobody loved her, but when Maureen and I started to laugh aloud, she gave in and smiled. Maureen looked at her. "Get up. Please!"

She got, mumbling something about slave drivers and spoilsports, but she got up and led us to the bedroom. When I offered to help them get dressed, I got the same message. "Get out and get changed. You can have your fun tonight with Mom, but now behave. You can pass Mom, but speak to her from the door; if you go in, we'll be late!" Now I mumbled something about slave drivers and spoilsports and Jenny smirked. "What is good for the goose..."

I knocked on Eileen's door and she called me in, but I refused. "I have an order from your daughter that under no circumstances am I allowed to enter. If I did, we might never leave, she said. You know that I obey orders; after all, I'm a good German..."

It was funny; she also mentioned spoilsports and a Lord and Master theory but waved me off. I did change to a casual sports attire, black blazer with black shirt and slacks, and waited for them.

Eileen was first, dressed in a moderately conservative dark blue dress reaching to her knees, and only the ruby brooch I had given her. She looked at me and turned around, making the skirt flaring out. "Satisfied?" I agreed and kissed her lightly and before it could become serious, stepped back. "You are lovely as always, darling."

The other two were next and they had chosen similar dresses, only in different colors and a more audacious décolleté, showing off her opal pendants. Jenny wore her diamond earrings, the ring and the bracelet I had given her, Maureen the opal earrings and our family signet ring. They were lovely to look at and they were mine.

When we arrived at Allan's house, they were waiting for us. Allan again in his impeccable English landed gentry outfit with university tie and all that, and Ellen was sitting in her chair since it was difficult now for her to get up; her conditions had not improved and in reality, it slowly deteriorated. She smiled happily when she saw us coming in and asked Jenny to come first. She kneed before her and Ellen took her face in her hands.

"Jenny, my daughter, I wish you happiness and health, success and satisfaction in all your life. May you always be as cheerful as you are today, and may you always please me with your presence, as long as I'm still here." She kissed her gently on her forehead and reaching back, handed her a little box. "This is a brooch I received from Allan when we married, and it gave me love and happiness. I want you to wear it so that you receive the same protection I had throughout my life."

Jenny opened the box and there was a beautiful red-gold trinity knot brooch.

"Let me explain the significance of the knot, Jenny, and you'll understand why it'll protect you. It's an interwoven loop with neither a beginning nor an end, and their endless interwoven curves perfectly represent never-ending faith, love, and unity. You are protected by the love that Maureen and James have for you, and you for them. With this gift, I add our love to you and pray that you'll never have pain and sorrow, only happiness in your life."

She bent forward and kissed Jenny once more.

Suddenly Jenny hugged Ellen and started to cry, not just a little sob, but from the bottom of her heart. It took some time for her to calm down and when she stopped, she looked at Ellen.

"May I call you mother? Please? I never had a mother until I met you and the love I have for you is as a daughter, caring and being cared for." Ellen started to sniffle also but nodded.

"I would be honored and pleased, my daughter."

I admit we all were a bit emotional, but Ellen was the first to recover. "Come on, this is a happy moment, not a sad one. James, pin the brooch over her heart where it belongs." I did this and somehow I felt Ellen's love embedded in her gift. Allan kissed her also, wishing her health and happiness, and then he took out the champagne. Giovanna brought out the hors d'oeuvres and we talked about everything in the world for the next hours. There was a moment when we touched on business and Ellen participated with her advice; she was a very sharp lady and we listened carefully. I saw that she observed Eileen discreetly, but she behaved wonderfully, being charming to Allan and Ellen, showing why she had become the person she was and the position she had. I was proud of her.

Jenny told her about the presents she had received, and Ellen was impressed by Eileen's generosity, but she seemed to share Jenny's feeling that the most important one was the long weekend with me. She said nothing, however, but looking at her when she heard about the gifts, I saw satisfaction in her eyes and she nodded to me, smiling. In the end, Ellen was tired, and we said goodbye.

It was late when we came home, and Maureen said that she would change and had to discuss the next day's agenda with Jenny. She nodded to me.

"Darling, I believe that you still have to give Mom your last days' work; she will need it in Brisbane." Jenny glanced at her, but Maureen silenced her with a look that said that the explanation would follow.

We went to our bedrooms and then I joined Eileen with my laptop and all my folders. I knew what Maureen wanted: it was Eileen's last night in Sydney and then we would be separated again for weeks. As she had given Jenny a gift, she was now giving her mother this night. I knew that they loved me, but occasionally I wondered whether I was worth all that love I received? I tried my best and would sacrifice my life for them, but could anyone be as good as they thought I was? Would they wake up one day deciding that I was just a normal human being with all the inherent flaws? Would they still love me then? I decided to discuss this with Maureen, our emotional anchor.
