A Fantasy about Love Pt. 18 - Final!


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We glanced at each other, and I had to laugh since they were completely messed up with hair going each direction, and red marks on their breasts showing where I had enthusiastically admired them. There might have been some marks on my back also, when their nails pushed into my skin, but they were beautiful, glowing with joy and with very satisfied smiles on their faces;

Hugging us, Maureen said: "We'll remember this night forever, when we were one." There was a mysterious smile when she said this and I wondered why, but she gave Jenny a wink and continued to smile. I knew that one day I would receive an explanation.

Jenny was the practical one: she got up, very slowly I must say, and got two large towels to cover the linen showing abundant proof of our lovemaking. When she was done and we were back in bed, I wanted to kiss them goodnight, but they were gone already.

The next morning, they were moaning and groaning, and a discussion who would get up first. I declined: I was their Lord and Master and additionally the Master of this castle! Maureen put her foot down. "I'm wife number one, you're number two. You get up and see what the children are doing! End of discussion!"

More moaning and Jenny obeyed only when I whispered that the next morning it would be her turn. Maureen turned to me. "My love, I need strength to survive this day!" and had her early protein. Jenny waited for a decent interval before she brought our children into our bedroom. They were used to see us nude and jumped all over us. Breakfast time was coming up and we discovered where their priorities lay: food first, parents second -- but that was life.

Our stay was very satisfying: to see how the city had woken up and had come back to life again, humming with activity. The Mayor told me that there had been a lot of requests for investment opportunities, including some from big companies in Germany and some even asking to buy a property for infrastructure projects. It made me happy and satisfied to see the castle in its splendor, to see people cheerful, to see them intending to study to be successful, and giving them those opportunities to grow. Even the trucking company had come along and started to be successful; people had left, and some involuntarily, and new ones had joined. The Mayor was a good guy and competent; he would be successful with us and one day he would have a good career in bigger politics. A dream had become reality.

Before we went home, I had a long discussion with Mr. Bronislaw. We had observed how fast our children had become attached to Krystyna and I made an offer.

"Mr. Bronislaw, your niece is intelligent and caring, and we need someone who'll help us care for our children, because we're rather busy most of the time. Would you agree that we would get her a visa to Australia and take her with us? We would care for her and you've seen how Maureen and Jenny like her, and the children love her. We would make certain that she'd study and give her whatever education she wanted. For us, there'd be an additional advantage: the children and we would have someone who would speak Polish with us, and we would not forget what we have learned. She could visit you whenever she wanted, and we would pay for her education and a handsome salary. If you agreed, we would like to talk to her. And by the way if you were ever interested to see the other side of the world, just advise us and the tickets will be in your hands!¨

He smiled. "Count, when I suggested Krystyna to stay with you, I hoped that this would be the result. Obviously, I agree." We called her, and her face lit up. "Yes, Count, I accept. When can I go?"

It took a few phone calls to the Embassy in Warsaw and the problem was resolved. A visitor´s visa was issued, and we would get a permanent one in Sydney.

Finally we had to leave and as requested, we did pass through Berlin. The meeting was already arranged from Elk and when we walked through the door to the magnificent office of the Foreign Minister, a bunch of flunkies were waiting for us. He came forward and shook my hand.

"Count de Winter, you've done wonderful work in Poland and I can say that we've today a much better relationship with the Polish government, at least this government; as you know, things can change rapidly. We wanted to thank you for your efforts as we have done this already for Miss Parker, but politically, it would have been inconvenient to do it for you in Poland. So please step forward."

I did and one of his aides handed him a beautiful little box. "Count de Winter, the German Government and I as its representative want to thank you for your work, binding two people closer, showing that the cooperation between our two people can and will be fortuitous for all of us."

He took out a golden square with the black eagle on golden backing, fastened to a red, black and golden ribbon, and hang it around my neck.

"Count de Winter, you are hereby invested as a Grosskomptur in the Verdienstorden of the Republik of Germany. Wear it with pride and honor, and in the name of the German Government, we thank you."

He shook my hand and stepped back. I was told that there would be a formal dinner, and that all were invited (but I would not have to wear the cross, thank God; they had also given me a small replica to fix on my label). It was an honor (as a Knight Commander it was one of the highest orders a civilian could receive and I was in august company) and if I may say so, deserved, but it was reserved for special occasions. The dinner was excellent, there were a few short speeches, and we were allowed to travel home.

Suddenly and to my surprise, I realized that even considering all the sentiments I had for my family and our tradition, Australia was my home now.

Work was good and rewarding, and our days were filled up with meetings, decisions, and discussions, and lots of loving. Krystyna was a God-given present, and everyone was happy.

When I came home about five weeks after our trip, Maureen turned around, surprised with my early arrival. I liked how she was dressed: a short, nearly transparent, white baby-doll top, high-heel slippers that stretched and shaped her tanned legs, and nothing else, so when she moved a flash of her butt or pussy could be seen. When I walked into the living room, I saw Jenny, similarly dressed, but in pink, kneeling on the floor. "Welcome Lord," she said, smiling at me, her blue eyes bright and happy.

Maureen came in after me. "Darling, we were both supposed to be kneeling here and looking beautiful and sexy for you and say 'Welcome Lord' together. You came early..."

There was something afoot, and racing through the last days, tried to remember whether I had done anything wrong. Or did they?

I laughed, entering their game. "Don't worry about it. Let's try it again."

I waited in the entryway a few moments, then walked back into the living room. "Welcome Lord" both women said in unison, arching their backs, smiling at him.

"What a wonderful surprise, my Ladies. You look lovely and so tempting!" I pulled them up and into my arms. I kissed Jenny first, her body tight to me, her tongue caressing me. Then Maureen was pressing her lush body into me, her firm breasts against my chest, purring soft, inarticulate sounds and teasing my mouth with her soft lips.

That was a welcome I never would get used to! Jenny slipped from my arm to go into the kitchen, returning with a tray holding a bottle with an old man smoking a cigar on its label, and three tumblers.

Maureen and I were sitting on the couch now, her full breasts against my arm, kissing me and invading my mouth. Jenny coughed "Maureen darling, please reserve these activities for later!" She poured the Bourbon, and lifting her tumbler, toasted "To our love...". It was soft and exquisite.

Something was going to happen, and I was waiting for a explosion to happen. I was told to have a shower and change, and when I came back, the wonderful smell of the dinner they had prepared was wafting into the sitting room. They pulled me up and led me to the dining room. There were candles lit, a bottle of Great Western in a cooler, and oysters in front of me on my plate.

The suspense deepened: If I had done something wrong, the reception would have been quite different. So it was them.

The oysters were piquant and the bubble softened their hot impact in my mouth. The veal was accompanied by a wonderful Bindi Original Pinot Noir, which Maureen told me was produced from 30-year-old vines. It was certainly fresh and complex, and accompanied the veal perfectly. There was a mixture of ice-creams to finish, and instead of cleaning up, they led me back to the sitting room.

The suspense was crushing.

They sat beside me and offered me another sip of the Bourbon. I looked at the bottle: ´Pappy Van Winkle's Family Reserve 23 Year Old'. I had never heard of it since I was more into wines, but tried it again; to my surprise, it was completely different from whisky and was oaky, smooth and elegant, with, buttery flavors of honey and toffee. I wondered whether I might become accustomed to this.

"Maureen, it's nice, but why this suspense?"

Maureen looked at Jenny. "Nice? He still has to learn a lot. James, this bourbon costs US$ 3,000 a bottle!"

I sipped a bit more and asked again: "Well, I like the Bourbon, but that does not explain the suspense. Why are you sitting here as if something serious had happened? And why this bourbon? Thank you for introducing me to Mr. Van Winkle, but again, why now? To anesthetize the pain?"

Considering the intensity in their eyes faces, something had happened, and it was something serious.

¨Did you crash my Porsche? Are you injured? ¨

Maureen turned to Jenny. "Do you see? His first thought is his car, and only then we come up in his thoughts. Hah! The loving husband! Hah!"

I was waiting for them to calm down and tell me what had happened.

"James, Jenny and I had decided earlier on an action but did not want to say anything before we were certain; now we are and want to tell you."

Not the Porsche or the BMW.... I waited.

"James, remember what we had agreed on about having children? First me, then Jenny? Well, before we went to Elk for the inauguration, we decided that our children should be conceived there, so we both became pregnant. Remember the delay you were upset about? We had to get the dates right for us two.... So what will we do? Remember that we said you'll never sleep alone? What now? We'll have the babies at the same time, and you cannot travel on your own? Will you forgive us?"

Well, that was a different type of accident than I had feared. I went over to them, knelt and embraced them. "First, I'm very happy to become a father again. Very, very happy. Extremely happy! Second, we'll find a solution to this little administrative problem when the time comes up. Perhaps I'll hire a pretty assistant?"

This time it hurt when they hit me, but when the fun was over, I told them how happy I was; I also remembered the smile and the wink when we were at the castle that night: they had planned everything! They were laughing, at each other and with me.

Maureen asked coyly "Do you remember that pregnant wives need special care?" They looked at each other. "Pregnant wives, plural?"

I remembered and led them to our bedroom; the gowns disappeared, and they looked expectantly at me. Maureen grinned.

"Oh Lord and Master, what do you want to do now? Do me first? Do Jenny? Do both? Anywhere and anyhow?"

Jenny added "There are so many options, my love -- what do you want? We want to be taken, first with force and then with love." She thought for a moment. "That was wrong, darling. We want to be taken with force and love, as only you can do it, and we want to give ourselves to you, the man we love."

She started to smile. "Maureen. I concede first turn to you, Wife Number One!"

They exchanged a soft kiss and Maureen turned to me.

"Husband, you have two wives before you, eager to please and be pleased. We are all yours, anywhere and anyhow ..."

Somehow my t-shirt and Bermudas vanished, and two faces looked at me expectantly.

Maureen moved forward and held my head in her hands. "My love, you know that I love my children and will love them always, but you know also that there is only one center of my life.... Please accept my love, my heart, my soul and my body." I nodded -- there was never any doubt in my heart about my and her priorities.

She knelt at the side of the bed, her knees spread, her hands on her knees. As I looked at her, admiring her seductive offer, she looked back at me, her eyes sparkling, a small, secret smile turning up the corners of her mouth.

As I moved closer, I became aware of the scent of her arousal, and reaching out to Maureen, I whispered "You're so beautiful..."

She leaned forward. "This is for you," she answered. "All for you, my love." We kissed, long and deep, our tongues meeting, dancing together, our arms around each other.

Finally my hands moved downwards to caress and squeeze her firm breasts and gently pinch her already hardening nipples. She sighed even more deeply as I moved one hand down to caress her labia, slick with her arousal.

Maureen moved away, knelt, and her fingers squeezed my shaft, watching the thick precum sliding out. She licked it, clearly savoring the musky flavor.

"George, you taste so good!", and looking up at me before opening wide her mouth, she slid her lips over my hard penis.

She was making soft sounds in the back of her throat as she sucked me, her tongue caressing me. I guided her movements with my hands while she sucked me, prepared to receive an explosion of my cum into her mouth and throat. Maureen moaned as she tasted again my pre-come, and as I edged past the point of no return, she seemed to be able to sense the pressure building within me, slowing her pace slightly while increasing the intensity of her sucking and tongue swirling. One final touch to my balls, and then, as I couldn't hold it anymore, I gasped and released my seeds. She took as much of me into her mouth as she could; even so, there was so much, she couldn't keep up, and some dribbled from her lips and down her chin.

A naughty smile was spreading across her face. She continued to stare straight at me as she cleaned the last of my cum off of her chin and sucked it off her finger.

"Mmm ... you taste so great... But this was hors d'oeuvres, my love. Now I want the main course!"

She pushed me on my back, grabbed my shaft and guided it toward her opening. Dragging the tip along her warm moistness caused a shudder to run down my legs. I held her hips as she slowly lowered herself onto me, engulfing the head, but stopping there. She let go of my shaft and brought her hand to my head, caressing the side of my face. She had changed from a teasing funny girl to a loving woman.

"Darling, it's never the same and it's always better...." she said. I was about to respond with the same when she lowered herself completely, fully wrapping my cock in her tight sleeve. I closed my eyes, arched forward and stifled a moan as pleasure surged through my body. When she was fully seated, I opened my eyes to her smiling expression. As she began to move her hips, she watched my face, and I hers. My face must have shown my love and passion with each downstroke, because her eyes stared into mine, showing the same intensity. Every move increased our desire and the intense pleasure was growing at each moment. I reached up, pushing her hair behind her neck and pulled her lips back to mine. We fit so well together, and as she shifted to grinding her pelvis into me, I heard her grunt and felt my cock shift back and forth inside her. Our eyes were only inches away from each other. The heavenly sensation began to build, my breathing becoming stronger.

"Wait for me..." she whispered. I felt her back stiffen and I pulled into myself, tightening my legs, holding back. Her green eyes were boring into me, coaxing me forward, begging me to release, but also to wait for the right moment. I was on the verge of losing it when her movements lost tempo and became an offbeat staccato. Each surge of her hips was followed by a deep grunt. I could feel her body began to shudder. Her face flushed and her stomach curled in. I exploded into her, and our eyes never left each other's. Maureen's blissful face driving me further into nirvana. I held her as she shook, her pussy gripping and releasing. She collapsed onto me and began laughing softly.

"I told you that it's never the same!"

Jenny had been watching us, holding Maureen's hand and happy to see our love, but now impatient to have her turn. She was becoming impatient, but one look at me calmed her down and a smile appeared, enhancing the laughter in her eyes.

She grinned: "Wife Number Two begs permission to hop aboard!"

Maureen took a deep breath, kissed me and then turned to her.

"Jenny, I'm afraid that you'll have to wait for a moment. I'm afraid that I drained George..."

Jenny, however, was determined. "George is my best friend, and he has not forgotten me!"

She pulled me over to her side and offered her lips. "James, my love, do you remember when you made love to me the first time? My love has only deepened..." and she lay back onto the bed.

The smile on her face grew, and she looked delicious lying on the bed, her right leg slightly cocked, and there was desire in her eyes. I ran my hand softly along her thigh and caressed her gently.

I slowly explored her curves, remembering what generated moans and where she was ticklish. If I barely touched the back of her knees, a soft feathery caress, I could generate the most wonderful giggle. She loved the attention I gave her breasts. My lips found a wonderful home there, climbing from the valley and conquering the peaks. She lightly guided my lips and cooed when I found what excited her most. I knew exactly where to touch, exactly what to kiss and nibble. I tried to increase the caresses every time, keeping them fresh and exciting, growing in intensity. Jenny struggled to gain some control, but soft laughter and the proper pressure melted her back to my will. The power I had to bring her joy was amazing; I could feel her body respond to me, my lips and fingers playing her like a precious instrument. Her scent, her movements, and her sounds were music to my senses.

Her control faltered, however, when my hand traveled between her legs. I loved how I could make her arch her back, her moans caressing my ears and exciting my mind. I closed my eyes and remembered the feelings I had when we made love the first time. I found her lips and joined them with mine. Her breathing came in gasps, adding a fever to our kiss.

I moved between her thighs and felt her smile against my lips. Her hand guided me, teasingly I slowly withdrew, then entered her, enjoying the wonderful feel of her wet folds. She wrapped her legs around me and drew me in deeper, and our tongues danced as our hips moved in that age-old rhythm. Every muscle of hers seemed to know what mine wanted and moved in harmony. Deliberate passion replaced the impetuous movements of only a moment ago, when I found her entrance. It caused me to groan louder than I intended.

"Yes, my love..." She was so proud at the response she had caused, that I silently laughed into her lips, causing us to lose our rhythm. She giggled as one mood was replaced by another. Both so enjoyable, I wasn't sure which I preferred.

When we joined, humor was replaced by pure pleasure. Jenny wrapped her legs around me and pulled me tight. The closeness was intoxicating. My body wanted to move yet my mind found comfort in her arms. I framed her head with my hands, and our lips millimeters apart, I looked into the most beautiful blue eyes. I couldn't believe I held her there; our bodies joined and she wanting it as much as I.

"Heaven...." I whispered. It came unbidden and without thought. It was the only word that made sense. Jenny's smile in the dim light exploded in my eyes. Passion and limitless love replaced thought as our lips met again. Our bodies found a rhythm, our song. It was so much more than the longing I had felt in the past. It was deeper, more intense, always on the verge of perfection but each peak showed me another, something higher to climb.

Her body began to shake as she pulled me closer. Her lips a hair's width from my ear, she whispered, "Together......" When her lips closed on my ear, I reached the end of my endurance. Something primal supplanted reality as we shared a perfect togetherness. An unexplainable moment that only we could understand completely. I held her; she cradled me as our bodies strained in unison.

I collapsed onto her as reality slowly returned. "Yes, my love..." I chuckled, kissing across her forehead. I was still trembling, trying not to crush her as my muscles struggled to regain control.

"Every time it's better!" Jenny murmured. I tried to relieve her of my weight, but she held me tight, not wanting to separate. It was rather nice, so I stayed.
