A Festive Affair Ch. 21-24


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"Shall we club together for a gift?" Kelly suggested.

Shelly nodded. "Yes, that might be a good idea, do you want to be in charge of the buying though -- because I am not sure I will get the chance between now and then?"

"Yes, I can do that."

Brian sighed regretfully. "I'll be happy to put into the kitty, but I am afraid I will not be able to make next Saturday -- so please can one of you give her my love and apologies."

They both nodded their understanding and then they all fell to discussing the budget and then handed their agreed amount to Kelly.

"Well, I guess that's everything now," Kelly said, with satisfaction. "So how about a last drink and then Shelly here can tell is all about what's going on between her and that nice man, Dean."

"My nice boss, Dean -- you mean." Brian stated a little grumpily. The girls both looked at him in surprise, and he gave a little apologetic smile. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so snide about it all."

"Do you have a problem with my seeing Dean?" Shelly asked him sadly.

Brian sighed and touched her hand briefly. "No... not really, Shelly... I am happy for the both of you..."


"But nothing," he declared firmly. "I mean I will be honest and say that when I first heard that the two of you were seeing each other -- well I had concerns; but at work Dean is always all about business... However... he has been giving me more responsibilities recently... and, well I can't help wondering if that was about me and his seeing my ability -- or was it more about you?"

"Don't you dare sell yourself short like that -- or Dean for that matter!" Shelly said hotly. "You just said yourself that he is always all about the business; I really can't believe that you would think he would do something that was not good for his company -- the one that he has built up from scratch -- just because of me!"

"All right all right!" Brian said anxiously as Shelly looked to go on to a full-on tirade, complete with flashing eyes and heated voice. "I'm sorry, you are right of course!"

She instantly calmed down and after a moment she gave him a rueful little smile.

"Sorry about blowing up like that." she apologised more quietly. "It's just that I hate for you to think like that -- about you or Dean."

She paused for a moment and then leaned a little closer.

"But if you do have concerns, then perhaps you should speak to Dean?"

Brain looked uncomfortable. "I so do not want to get involved in yours and his -- involvement."

"You wouldn't be," Shelly said carefully. "You would be asking why he was suddenly giving you more responsibility... perhaps where your role is heading, because surely more responsibility deserves some sort of reward... by promotion and -- or salary increase... or a bonus perhaps? Make it a formal meeting -- about whether you are satisfactory in your job, and your feelings?"

"I am due for my annual review soon," Brian said thoughtfully. "Perhaps I can bring it forward a little bit..."

"Yes, give you a chance to clear the air and know where you stand?"

"Okay," he nodded suddenly in a decisive sort of way. "I'll talk to him first thing in the morning."

"Good I am glad that that is sorted," Kelly said with a grin, "Now back to the original question -- of how are things going between the two of you?" she looked at Shelly expectantly.

Shelly thought of the last few nights with Dean, and the colour came and went to her cheeks, her smile was wide however "Well... we are still going, from strength to strength, actually!"


Dean had been sat in his office for less than five minutes when Brian knocked and then entered.

"Am I disturbing you?" he asked a little awkwardly.

"No, not at all... what can I do for you, Brian?"

Brian stepped fully into the room and closed the door, and Dean has the impression that he was nervous -- or uncertain.

"Take a seat, Brian," Dean put his best employer head on and smiled encouragingly.

"I know... I realise that I am not quite due for my review just yet," Brian began as he tried to get his thoughts in order. "But... well some things have changed recently, and... well I just wanted to know why you were suddenly handing over more and more of the meetings?"

"Ah, I am sorry Brian -- I thought -- I assumed that that was what you wanted... a chance to finish out some of your quotes and dealings, rather than just handing over to me to do it -- and take all the glory."

"It was -- it is," Brian said quickly and nodded enthusiastically. "I really have enjoyed doing it -- it is exactly what I was hoping to get to do -- but I didn't expect it to happen quite so quickly and well so wholeheartedly."

"What do you mean?" Dean frowned.

"Well... you seem to have pretty much handed all of the meetings over to me, and well what with you... er... dating my cousin... well I was just wondering if that was a coincidence or..."

Dean's eyes flickered as he realised where Brian thoughts were going. "I am sorry if you felt like that; but no, Shelly is nothing to do with this." he stopped as he realised that that was not entirely true, but Brian did not seem to notice.

"Then can I ask..." Brian cut in as he decided to just say what he had come in here to say. "What are your plans for me? Where is the job going?"

Dean sat back in his chair. "When I went to that family function with you -- before I even met your cousin; I had made a couple of decisions, and I just wanted to see you in a more relaxed environment before I approached you with them..."

Brian sat up a little straighter but just waited expectantly.

"I was considering promoting you to my personal assistant, then I thought senior logistics... but having seen you dealing with customers and handling quotes and problems alike..."

Brian's face fell and his shoulders tensed and he waited for the disappointment to sink in.

"Instead, I have decided to offer you... junior partner -- if you are interested?"

He looked at him blankly for a moment and then a wide grin, split his face and his eyes lit up with pleasure, excitement, gratitude.

Brian nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, yes, oh yes I would indeed be interested!"

"Good," Dean smiled and sat back in his chair. "I will arrange to meet with the solicitors in the new year, and we can talk about you buying some of the shares and then we can make a start on formalising things a little bit."

"Very well," Brian stood up and reached out his hand which Dean clasped in a vigorous handshake. "Thank you, boss -- for this opportunity, I won't let you down -- I promise."

"No, I do not believe that you will, Brian... this company is in a state of expansion and I began to realise that it was getting too much for me to handle it all -- you came along at just the right time -- for both of us I guess."

"Yes, it was almost as if this was all fated to be," Brian grinned.

Once more, Shelly invaded Dean's consciousness, and Brian was quick to see the change.

He sat back down and a guarded look crossed his face.

"Now, since we have resolved the business side of things," he said carefully. "Can I ask you something on a more personal level... what are your intentions towards my cousin?"

Chapter Twenty-Three

"Shelley!" The three children bounded into the kitchen and launched themselves at Shelley, who laughed in delight at the exuberance.

"Hello you lot!"

Patsy grinned, "They knew that you were calling round today, and have been waiting impatiently for you all morning."

"I'm honoured." Shelly laughed again as she looked at the three of them, and then reached out to hug them all.

She handed the bag across and they snatched it up eagerly.

"Wait!" Patsy said firmly.

The three children stopped immediately and looked at their mother. "Let me get the cards out; then you lot are free to go and hang your treats on the tree."

The oldest of the three -- Lisa, handed over the bag, and then took it back from her mother and led the other two into the living room, using her big sister bossy tone to tell the other two that she would hang the decorations if they wanted her too -- or she would lift them up to place them their selves -- but absolutely no climbing.

"Lisa is certainly growing up fast now," Shelly grinned at Patsy.

"Yes," Patsy rolled her eyes but they shone with pride. "Fourteen next birthday, and she mentioned a boy the other day that she quite liked."

"Ahh," Shelly sympathised. "But she has always been sensible, and I know that she takes her school work seriously -- so I am sure she will be fine."

"Yes, I think -- hope so too," Patsy sighed and then her eyes slid past Shelly to Dean who was standing in the kitchen doorway with a half-smile on his face.

"It's very nice to meet you too -- I was not able to make Aunt Mary's do, but someone mentioned that you were there as well, with Brian and Kelly and our Shelly here... but no one seemed to know who you were quite with."

Dean gave a light laugh. "Well, I went there with Brian, but left -- sort of with Shelly."

"Ahh that's nice -- and just in time for Christmas too!"


Shelly and Dean, spent the Saturday morning delivering Christmas cards and gift bags, and it was the most entertainment he'd had in a while, as he met young families, young couples, older couples and the odd single relative as well -- all preparing for Christmas with an air of excitement about them.

Shelly's family was big and extended and not shy about poking their noses into everyone else's business!

They stopped by at 'Aunt Lorraine's - a middle aged lady who confirmed that Shelly was attending her upcoming birthday -- and also that she would be bringing 'her good friend, Dean' with her; as the older lady discretely put it.

As she was seeing them off, she gave Shelly a warm hug, and then turned to Dean to do the same.

As he returned her hug she whispered into his ear. "You just be good to our Shelly, here; she has had a rotten time of things lately and could use a little tender loving care."

"I will," he promised solemnly, and she smiled up at him approvingly, even as she mentally reviewed her top shelf of hats.

Next summer, she thought to herself. Summer is always such a nice time for a wedding.

Shelly's last visit of the morning, was to another cousin, by the name of Pauline, a round rather plain looking woman, but with a warm smile and soft brown eyes, and real world of mumsy about her; reinforced by the four children whose ages ranged from four to twelve according to their mother.

She was a placid woman in her early to mid-thirties, he guessed and he wondered when the last time was, that she had thought to get her hair done, or buy a new dress, paint her nails -- anything to remind her that she was still a young attractive woman.

He noticed that Shelly's cheerful chatter, was cautiously searching, and he watched in silent fascination as she gently probed her cousin on her health, her children and anything that she might need help with.

By the time they left, he could see that Shelly was plotting and planning.

"What's the score?" he asked with a half laugh as he switched the car engine on.

"What, oh that was the last one, we are all done now and thank you for driving me around and giving up your morning like this."

"That was not quite what I meant but I would not have missed this for the world so do not feel the need to thank me... No, I meant with your cousin Pauline, what's the score there -- what am I missing?"

Shelly sighed. "Oh, it's nothing really, just that... well Pauline has never really had good taste in men;" she cut off with a harsh laugh. "I guess it's in the genes," she muttered under her breath. "Any way Pauline is the softest kindest gentlest person that you might ever meet, and that is mostly her problem. She can't see when someone is taking advantage of her, or treating her badly, and she always ends up being hurt by the way they just leave her."

"Oh," he said softly. "And is that where she is at the moment -- with the latest one just leaving her?"

"I think so, but I do not believe that it has dawned on her yet... not yet."

"But soon?"

Shelly sighed again and stared out of the window for a moment.

"Robert is her latest -- disaster to be; he has been living with her for almost twelve months; taking all her money and never giving back, and when she had nothing left to give; well, he's moved out; a few days ago, I guess, and left her and the kids with nothing until the new year."

"And what will you all do about that?"

She smiled a little sadly. "Pauline and the kids will be fine, she always is -- eventually, Aunt Lorrain will have them all in hand and they will spend Christmas at her house as they do every year anyway. "And at some point, Pauline will realise what a... 'dog' Robert was and her heart will break and Aunt Lorraine will be there to pick her up again, and then she will begin to rebuild -- again.

"Aunt Lorraine is Pauline's mum?"

"Yes, sorry I thought I had mentioned that," she laughed apologetically, but there was an edge to it.

"No, but I am glad that she is; that Pauline and her children have someone like that in their lives."

Shelly nodded and as she settled into the car seat, she became lost in thought.

It was a more subdued Shelly he took home, and as she let them into her mum's house, she looked up at him. "Do you mind if we don't go back to your place tonight?" she asked hesitantly.

"No, of course; whatever you want -- whatever you need, Shelly."

"Thank you," she smiled gratefully at him.


They spent the afternoon at her mum's house and Dean helped Shelly put up her Christmas tree and decorations and then to wrap her Christmas gifts. By the time they were finished, she seemed to have regained her sparkle and enthusiasm.

They cooked a simple meal together and sat at the table chatting about Christmas's past, present and even a hint of the hopes for the future as they ate, and afterwards they cleared up together, before settling down in the living room.

"I know that you said that you did not want to go back to my place tonight," Dean said as he gently stroked her cheek. "But is that because of the way it is set up? I mean I can easily and quickly remove the restraints and any other items, and we can just enjoy a good night's sleep together?"

Once again Shelly smiled at him gratefully that he seemed to understand her mood, without her having to explain it all.

"I would like that very much," she whispered.

They spent the rest of the weekend together which was what they had been doing pretty much since first meeting, but the major difference with this weekend was that it was not about sex -- not at all.

They spent the time together simply enjoying each other's company and Dean found it the nicest time that he had spent with her to date.

He enjoyed being with Shelly the person, she was pleasant to be around, and this time added whole new levels to their blossoming relationship.


Monday morning began pretty much as usual for Dean.

He dropped Shelly off with a gentle kiss and drove to work feeling a little introspective -- almost as though he was waiting for something.

Brian rattled on his door five minutes after he had sat down at his desk, and strode in with a broad smile.

"Good morning, boss -- how was your weekend?"

Dean returned the smile. "It was good thank you... I helped Shelly to deliver some Christmas cards and gifts, on Saturday."

Brian chuckled sympathetically. "It's a chore and a half that one, and I guess you got the pleasure of meeting some more of the relatives."

"It was a pleasure, actually... I met your Aunt Lorraine and was formally -- well almost formally invited to her birthday celebrations... I also met her daughter Pauline, and her children."

"Pauline." Brian sat up a little straighter. "How was she -- how did she seem?"

Dean shrugged. "It was the first time, that I had met her, so I had nothing to compare to... she seemed nice really nice, but somehow a little lost -- I would talk to Shelly if you want more though, because I got the feeling she was more than a little worried about her."

"I'll do that." Brian said decisively.

"You are fond of this other cousin? You both seem to be overly protective about her welfare?"

Brian sighed thoughtfully. "It's just the way that Pauline is -- has always been. She was several years older than us three when we were kids growing up, and never seemed to quite fit in with the age groups -- not a child not and adult quite yet... but she always had time for us, a kind word, and a kind smile, it made an impression on all of us I think." He shrugged as he tried and failed to explain.

"As I said she seemed nice -- but a little lost."

The conversation moved on to business, and Brian sketched out a problem with a client along with what he thought would be a good solution.

Dean smiled and nodded. "That's sounds like an excellent course of action, Mr Frazer will bite your hand off when you offer it -- I am sure of it." "My hand? I thought that you might want to talk to him about it."

"No, I have not had any dealings with him this season, you know everything there is to know and since it's your solution -- you should see it done."

Brian beamed at him even as he nodded enthusiastically. "I'll give him a call right away."

"Yes, by all mean ring him, but arrange a meeting... take the trouble of going and talking to him face to face -- he will appreciate it that much more."

Half an hour later Brian stuck his head around the door again. "I'm just off to see Mr Frazer."

"Good, I'll see you when you get back then."


It was a quiet morning for Dean, until about ten thirty, when there was a sudden rapping on his door and a tall dark-haired solemn looking man strode in.

"Chris!" Dean was out of his chair and around his desk in short order as he warmly embraced the other man.

"Dean - nose to the grindstone as usual I see." Chris laughed and his face opened up as his bright green eyes twinkled with humour.

"How long have you been back -- how long are you staying for?"

"Well now..." Chris sat down across from him. I came back a couple of weeks ago -- but only for a couple of days whilst I thought some things over."

"You never said -- what things -- why didn't you let me know?" Dean was all hurt and worried and curious all at the same time, and Chris chuckled.

"I wanted to decide what I would do next with my life, whether I would reenlist or come back to the civilised world."


"I finished my second tour of duty and have been given my release papers."

"So, you're back for good then?" Dean asked in delight.

"Yes," Chris grinned.

"What made you decide to leave? I thought that you were a career soldier through and through?"

Chris shrugged. "Things change -- I changed. I found that it held nothing for me anymore, and I needed something more."

He smiled a rather sad smile. "I even thought that fate was giving me a nudge at one point."


"Yes, when I came here to have a think to see if I could manage in the real world, well the last thing I expected was to fall in love..."

"Really? Who? Where?"

"I met this vision with dark laughing eyes and a body to tempt saints and sinners alike -- with a smile to cheer the darkest of days, and legs that went on forever."

"And?" Dean asked with real interest.

Chris sighed. "She wasn't having any of it -- it took her fair angelic friend for me to just get her name."


"Yeah Kelly -- the one that could have been, but got away."

"Really!" Dean kept his immediate suspicions to himself as a conversation with Shelly surfaced... 'Kelly was hit on by a man with bright green eyes and a brooding air about him -- but she was not interested and all he managed was her name.' Really, what were the odds?