A Few Good Girls Ch. 03-02


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"Well, this one is pretty gross, the top all came off, but this one seems okay." He set the bad one aside and opened up the good one. "Shall we?" He picked up a piece and smiled at the three mostly naked girls standing around him.

"The top came off? Happens to me all the time..." Jess grabbed one and started eating. I joined them, deciding to let my robe hang loosely open as I ate, and smiling as John's eyes rested on my own bare skin rather than his girlfriend's. Even baring as much as I was, I was still the modest one next to a bottomless Jess and a naked Wanda.

"I think I'm gonna go put something on." Wanda started toward the bedroom, but Jess grabbed her wrist with her free hand.

"C'mon, Wanda, we've all already seen everything," She said, "At least, I'm sure John has seen your body plenty, and Cindy and I hardly mind. Just stay naked." Jess smiled and chomped on some more pizza. I nodded in agreement, and John was obviously supportive of the idea.

"Well, I dunno, I don't feel comfortable just hanging out totally nude in front of all of you like this." She wasn't walking away, but she still had her arms crossed over her tits. She'd clearly done a pretty good job touching up her thin, red landing strip, and her otherwise bald crotch looked as smooth as mine. She certainly wasn't hiding that.

Jess wrinkled her nose at me and I looked over at John. Then an idea struck me.

"How about this: John can give you his shirt," I suggested, to Jess's happy agreement through a mouthful, "It's pretty hot tonight, anyway. Too hot to stay in all those clothes!"

"Definitely. John, take off all your clothes," Jess swallowed, putting down her food as she fell to her knees to start working on his pants zipper, "You're horribly over dressed for this soiree!"

"I thought we were just giving her my shirt?" He set down his pizza, but didn't stop Jess, who was now tugging at his belt.

"Well, okay, I'll take his shirt." Wanda came back to the table, "He is wearing considerably more than us. That should be fixed!" Now she was smiling. I grinned, happy that Wanda had decided to join our little game. Jess smiled too as she pulled John's belt off and set it on the floor behind her. This was fun!

He took off his shirt and handed it to Wanda to put on. He was somewhat muscular underneath, like his arms were, but not over-defined. He was definitely better without the shirt. Of course, Wanda'd never said he had a great personality.

"Well, this shirt doesn't do too much for me," She pulled down on it, but even stretched out it still only barely made it to her landing strip. Her tits were covered now, but she her lower half was out in the open. "I guess I can stay like this." She shrugged, apparently starting to feel a little more adventurous.

"No, us three can hide everything if we wanted to," Jess reasoned, gesturing to her own barely-covered crotch as she straightened up on her knees in front of John, "It's only fair that you should be able to, too." She unbuttoned John's pants now, having undone the belt and zipper, and pulled them down with a grin. I was a little surprised that she hadn't pulled off his boxers, too, especially since she was close enough to get poked in the face if she did. I guess that would have undermined her argument, though.

"I can live with that." John nodded, stepping out of his pants. His erection was only covered by loose cloth now, and I could get a pretty good picture of his cock. Jess prolly had a better eye for this sort of thing, but I'd say he was around seven or eight inches. And very hard.

"Here you go!" Jess handed John's pants up to Wanda grinning, apparently happy to be at face level with John's barely-covered cock. Wanda took them and pulled them on. She may have been bigger than Jess and I, and her large tits did make her chest a little bigger than John's, but she was still smaller than him otherwise. The pants were much too big around the waist, and she had to prop them up on her ass to keep them from falling off.

"Just a bit big, but I guess we're all on even footing," Wanda smiled, looking sidelong at John's cock and biting her lip. It seemed clear that we were all enjoying the evening now.

"Well, I'm all done stuffing my face with... stuff... for now. How about you guys?" Jess had John help her up, and she pressed against his body, smiling up at him as his cock pressed into her. That one piece was plenty pizza for me, and it looked like John and Wanda weren't too hungry. We headed into the living room.

"Okay, Cindy had just trounced me when you got out, so it's your turn against the champ, Wanda," Jess handed us the controllers and sat down on the couch, patting the spot next to her for John.

"I thought you beat her right when I got out of the shower?" Wanda raised her eyebrows at me, seemingly puzzled.

I glanced over at Jess, who gave me a knowing look. She was planning something, so I covered for her. "No, that was our third match. I'd already won two, that one was just for fun." I looked at John, who shrugged and sat down next to Jess. She smiled knowingly at me and I grinned back, glancing at John's tent.

"We play to three, right?" Wanda said, starting up the game. I nodded and she served. I easily returned it, my robe in little danger. She clumsily hit it back again, her large breasts visibly swaying under her shirt, and grabbing her slipping pants as she did. "Well now, these pants are going to be trouble..." She said off-handedly as she swung again, holding them up with her free hand, and missed as they slid part way down her butt anyway.

"Jeez, poor Wanda. Gonna lose just cause she decided to wear pants," Jess shook her head sadly, "Her ass just keeps sliding right out of them." She said to John, and twisted to look around to Wanda's front.

"And her boobs are bouncing all around in your shirt, John. She really needs to be wearing some kind of bra if she's gonna bounce around like this," I hazarded a glance at John's cock as I served. It twitched noticeably in the thin material of his boxers. "And those pants just can't seem to stay up, see how they're sliding down her nice, round ass? Her crack is slipping out right in front of us, geez!" Wanda scowled at this and pulled her pants up in a futile effort to cover herself. The back slid partly down her ass again when she hit the ball.

"Cindy isn't covered too much better," Jess started describing me for him, "Her robe isn't really doing her a lot of good." She was right, it wasn't. But then, I wasn't really trying to keep it closed, since it was hardly falling off as much as last time. Wanda didn't seem to warrant the same aggressive play style as Jess.

"Look at her tits, they're just freely bouncing around in front of her, can you see? Oh, and I don't know if you noticed, but she just shaved her pussy earlier. It's pretty smooth. I just shaved mine, and it's super soft, see?" I looked back and Jess had John's hand in hers, and was making him run his fingers between her thighs. "I bet Wanda's is just as smooth... Maybe we can do a comparison later?"

"Ug, these stupid pants," Wanda reached down and tugged up John's pants again, which then immediately slid back down a few inches. I scored again and she frowned, looking back to see John's hand on Jess's pussy.

"Fuck, Jess. I'm surprised you aren't sucking him off already," She glared at her errant boyfriend, "Get your hand out of there, dumbass." She turned back to the game, frowning, as he pulled his hand away and I served again.

I was 2 to 0, and it was a 3 point game. I was pretty much safe, so I was watching the couch more than the game at this point. Jess put a finger to her lips, and John gave her a funny look. I watched in awkward intervals, holding even against Wanda as Jess opened up the front of John's boxers and reached inside. He just coughed, watching his girlfriend right in front of him, but she was too occupied with not losing and trying to keep her pants up. I raised my eyebrows as Jess deftly pulled his cock out of its cage and smiled.

"This sure is a hard one!" Jess commented, gripping it in her hand and starting to stroke. I stifled a laugh.

"You're telling me!" Wanda said, still not scoring against my half-hearted swings. There wasn't much longer on the game timer, so I decided to let it play out. Jess gave John a few slow strokes and bent over him. She licked gently at the head of his cock before sliding her mouth all the way down its shaft. She pulled back up, leaving his cock glistening with her saliva, her tongue darting in and out of her mouth as she moved. She pumped his length again before pulling off. His eyes were closed now, and I could tell he was holding back from groaning with pleasure. As Jess started stroking him again, she looked at me and pointed up at the game. I looked back at the screen and saw that Wanda had somehow gotten it tied up.

"Ack!" Wanda served and I jumped to return it sharply, my robe jumping as well. I was fairly unconcerned with getting naked in front of John by this point, and when it slid down my arms on the next swing, I just wanted to take it off. The fact that Wanda's boyfriend was probably staring at my bare tits bouncing with my movements while getting a hand job from Jess was actually much less disconcerting than it should have been. In fact, as this passed through my mind, I smiled with a pleasant warmth.

I looked over at Wanda. She was swinging like crazy. She was clearly having a hard time against my A game, and her pants had almost totally fallen off her ass. Her legs were in a wide stance to keep them from falling further, but they weren't covering much of anything, so it was really kind of pointless. I paused the game. "Hey Wanda, I'm gonna take off my robe real quick, it's getting in the way."

"Ya?" She looked at me as I slipped the robe off, my naked body now totally bared right there in the living room. I tossed it onto the couch next to Jess and smiled to John as she stroked him. His eyes were glued to my tight little Asian body, and I had the sudden, irresistible urge to smack my nice, firm ass. He bit back a moan as I did, and I giggled quietly.

"Well, I guess I can lose these pants..." Wanda said, too preoccupied with them to notice my ass slap. She let them fall the rest of the way down her legs and kicked them off to the side, ready to get back to the game. She didn't even notice Jess giving her boyfriend a hand job a foot or two behind her now totally naked, nice, round ass.

"Here we go," I unpaused the game before Wanda got curious about what might be happening behind her. Now that her legs were free, she was a little more capable and sent me a speedy return. I easily got it without the robe blocking my movement. I smiled, my bare breasts bouncing as I moved, and watched Wanda's tits do the same.

I glanced at the timer and discovered I only had 4 seconds to prevent a draw. I hit it back to Wanda with a curve, and it soared to the left as her little character jumped to the right. I won and looked back at Jess, who was stroking John off fairly rapidly now.

Wanda groaned a little, stepping back and bending over double when she lost, her wide stance giving John a rear view of her freshly shaven pussy, only a foot or so in front of him. She just hung there, defeated, her round ass and bare pussy on display for her boyfriend as Jess continued to pump at his cock. This last sight must have pushed him over the edge, because he came with a grunt, and spurted right onto her butt cheeks.

"What the heck?" Wanda said, turning around to see Jess pumping the last few drops out of John's cock. Jess smiled at her and laughed, a string of sticky cum dangling between her hand and his cock as she pulled away. She licked it off her fingers, actually making John blush, which was kinda cute. You know, in the "your friend just gave my a hand job" kind of way.

"Okay, enough of that, then. Let's go to bed," Wanda glared at Jess and grabbed John's hand, leading him off to the bedroom, his cock still hanging out and fairly firm, cum dripping from both it and Wanda's ass. "You're paying for that one, bub." I heard her say as they closed the bedroom door.

"Nice," I started to laugh and sat down on the couch with Jess, who started laughing as well.

"That was a fun evening!" Jess smiled at my naked body, wiping her hand off on the side of the couch, "Wanna play some more Wii? I bet I'll beat you this time." Jess nodded at the glowing screen.

"Nah, I think I'm done for the night. Wanna pull out the bed?" I got up and turned off the TV.

"Sure." Jess stood up and we took off the cushions and pulled out the bed. She took off her shirt and tossed it on the recliner. I followed suit, picking up my robe and throwing over the arm. We climbed into bed naked.

We both curled up under the one blanket, but not together. After a while I was pretty sure Jess wasn't awake anymore, but I couldn't fall asleep. I looked at the moon out the window, thinking of our crazy day. Jess practically naked at the theme park, and Wanda's tits bursting her buttons. Jess always showing off her smooth crotch, and it laying so close now.

I heard the low hum of the electric heat kicking in. I listened to it for a while and started to gently toy with my very warm pussy lips. I hadn't came all day, and it seemed like a great way to finish off the night. I heard a quiet murmur from Jess. Maybe she was still awake after all.

"Hey, Jess, do you, um, happen to know where that vibrator got to?" I whispered to her, one hand gently working between my legs.

"Mmm... don't you hear it humming?" The noise I'd assumed was the heater got louder with a wet sound. I almost involuntarily pushed my fingers into my suddenly pulsating hole as my spine tingled with sensation. I bit my lip, stifling a quiet moan.

"John was pretty hot, ya?" Jess said, making awkward conversation as we both pleasured ourselves under the covers in the dim moonlight of the living room

"I don't know, you whacked him off." I smiled, picturing it. Jess softly moaned beside me. God, she really was getting herself off right next to me. I started pressing into myself more quickly. It felt so good with her so close.

"Well sometimes... mmm... sometimes you have to make your own crisis if you... ooooh... if you want an opportunity... oh... John..." Jess squirmed a little next to me. "Mmm!" She moaned. I could hear a squelching noise as she pumped the vibrator in and out faster now. She moaned more loudly, and started to arch her back. She was cumming right next to me, and it was so, so hot!

I started moving my fingers in and out faster now. I was almost there... "Oh Jess..." I whispered as my legs tightened and I fingered myself as fast as I could. "Oh god, Jess..." I shivered as I came, and it felt incredible with her still moaning softly next to me.

Shivering with sensation, I curled up against her as she lay on her back. She embraced me, both of our hearts pounding against each other.

After a few moments, she was asleep in my arms, and I wondered if she had heard me say her name. Soon, I was asleep in hers.

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cbexhibcbexhibalmost 13 years ago
looking forward to your next, as always

The teasing in this one was really hot! I definitely enjoyed it. Can't wait to see your next.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I love your stories! Write more

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