A Flirting Workshop with My Sister


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After a few pets, Bart jogged off to do his business. It was a brisk morning, so Bart wouldn't want to stay outside too long. He came back for some more pets, and then he went off to make sure the backyard smelled the same as yesterday. I smiled as I watched him. The autumn air smelled good to me.

Z came out and said to me, "So what did Dr. Harrington do to make you want to be a doctor?"

"It wasn't what he did. It's how everyone treats him. Everyone respects him and looks up to him. Dad's GPA as a pre-med major was just a little lower than his, and Dad doesn't get any professional respect in comparison. When I was a little kid, I could see the difference in how people treated Dr. Harrington and Dad. I want people to treat me like they treat Dr. Harrington."

Z walked over to the hot tub. "Did they drain the water before they left? Or might it freeze tonight?"

"I doubt they'd drain it for a week's vacation." I grabbed the top and started lifting it off. "The water is probably heated and kept circulating so it won't freeze." I eventually got the top off and stuck my hand in the water. "It's warm."

Z stuck her hand in too. "It is. Feels nice on a cool morning like this."

Bart came back. I gave him some more pets. "You ready to go inside, boy? Have you had enough fun outside for now?" I'd come back this evening and take him for a walk.

Bart walked to the kitchen door. I let him in, following behind. I looked up at the security camera. There was a camera inside at every door and several outside covering the door. There wasn't one on the covered porch. I turned on the alarm, went outside, and locked the door. I turned to see Z standing in front of the hot tub, looking at it.

I joined Z in front of the hot tub. "At night, Dr. And Mrs. Harrington like to wind down in the hot tub and then slip off to their bedroom."

"It looks inviting. Have you been in it before?"

"A few times with Rand." We had spent the whole time fantasizing about which babes we'd want in the hot tub with us. "Have you ever been in a hot tub?"


"They're nice for relaxing and talking. At least this one is. It's really big." It was about fifteen feet wide, eight feet across, and over four feet high. "It's a swim spa. Mrs. Harrington can use it for swimming workouts as it has jets that create a current strong enough that she swims in place. But it's also got seating and other hot tub features." I was curious as to what Z was going to do. We'd been taking care of Bart when the Harringtons were out of town since they got this three years ago, and she'd never exhibited any interest in it. Why now?

Z splashed her hand in the water a few times. "I'd like to go in," she said with a lot of longing in her voice. "It'd be nice to relax for a little bit before heading home to sleep, but I don't have a suit."

If she really wanted to go in, I wouldn't stop her. "You could get in naked. I wouldn't look."

"Is there some way we could talk comfortably without you seeing me naked? Maybe you could sit in a patio chair?"

"You could turn the jacuzzi jets on. They generate a lot of bubbles. I won't be able to see under the water." Z gave me a questioning look. "Try it. If you don't think the bubbles provide enough coverage, I'll sit in a patio chair. But I'd rather be close to the warmth of the hot tub."

"How do I turn on the jets?" I showed her the controls. "Okay. Turn your back."

I turned away from the hot tub. I heard Z shed her clothes, get into the hot tub, and start the jets. I asked, "What do you think?"

"I think this is fine."

I opened the duffel bag full of towels the Harringtons kept next to the hot tub. There was a padded bench on the sides of the hot tub next to the house so people could sit on the bench and dangle their feet in the water. Z's clothes were on that bench, and I tossed a towel on top of them. It would be chilly drying off and changing back into her clothes.

In the corners of the left side of the hot tub were two seats. Z was slouched down in one of the seats, so her boobs were underwater. I couldn't see them because of the bubbles. Z had her arms along the edge of the hot tub. She had a contented smile on her face. "This feels wonderful. Very relaxing." I was envious.

I stood next to the hot tub, close to Z but facing the far end. If she sat up suddenly, I shouldn't be able to see anything. I had never been with Z when she was naked before. I wouldn't try to see her naked, I didn't think she'd let me see her naked, but, honestly, I'd be fine with seeing her naked. I had seen her show off her body twice to Dimitri, and nothing awful had happened. After seeing her on the stairs last night, I wouldn't mind seeing more. Also, I was curious about what Z was going to do now that she was naked in the hot tub.

Z asked languidly, "Am I your best friend?"


"Am I your best friend?"

Her question was so out of the blue that I wasn't sure she had really asked it the first time. I thought it over and said, "You're my best female friend."

Z swept her hands through the water a couple of times. "I'd say you and Katharine are both my best friends, but in very different ways. You're the more relaxing one to be with. With Katharine, she's always pushing me. We're pushing each other, actually. With you, it's about having a good time. I learn a lot from you, but you never push me to learn. I feel safe doing daring things around you."

"Like getting naked in a hot tub?"

"Like getting naked in a hot tub. Now, I'm glad I did it. Am I your best friend of either gender?"

This question made me uncomfortable. I didn't want to think about whether my sister was my best friend or not. Sisters weren't supposed to be best friends. Still... "I'd say you're my best friend."

"Are you getting cold standing there?"

I shrugged. "It's not all that cold."

"It's a lot warmer in here. Why don't you join me?"

Z relaxing in the warm water had looked appealing. "Sure. Don't look."

Z put her hand over her eyes. I got another towel out of the duffel bag, stripped down, and got in. The hot tub had underwater ledges for sitting on the long sides, and I sat down on one on the far end from Z. I couldn't see Z's boobs as she was in the water up to her neck.

Z said, "Come closer."

I moved to the end of the ledge closest to Z and angled away from her. She asked, "You okay?"

"I'm fine. As you said, the water feels good."

We sat contentedly for a while. There was no rush - Mom and Dad wouldn't be home for hours, and I had nothing planned for the day. Maybe some Christmas shopping.

Z asked, "Do you ever get jealous when I flirt with your friends in front of you? Katharine once said that you complained about my flirting with them because you were jealous."

"No. It bothers me that you come over to see me and then barely talk to me."

"I was always talking to you when I flirted with your friends. I told them all the news I had. I didn't see any point in telling you too what I had told them."

I could see her point, but it still annoyed me that I had never been the person she had talked to. "Were you jealous last night?"

"In a way. I got angry when Valerie showed you her butt. I didn't like how aggressive she was with you. She was invited to learn how to flirt, and she was only invited because Giselle wanted company while learning how to flirt."

"So, you weren't jealous of Giselle, Laurie, or Katharine?"


"I did a lot more with Katharine than I did with Valerie."

Z laughed. I was tempted to look at her, but I was afraid I'd accidentally see her boobs, so I continued looking at the other end of the hot tub. "I knew Katharine wasn't serious. She'd talk with me before she did anything serious with you."

"And she didn't?"

"You're out of luck with Katharine."

I wasn't surprised. A little disappointed, but not much. "I groped Valerie and Laurie so they could practice handling those situations. Had you wanted me to grope you?" Had my sister wanted me to squeeze her tits or ass?

"Yes and no. I'd like to practice handling those types of situations, and if it had been just Katharine there, I would have asked you to. But not in front of the other girls."

"I don't know if I'd be comfortable doing it in front of Katharine. You trust her not to tell anyone I groped you?"

"Absolutely. She's a great best friend. One reason I've been slow to make friends at school is that I spend so much time communicating with her. The one time in our friendship we didn't have much to talk about was when I was dating Brett. I didn't want her talking me into doing anything crazy with him, and she seemed uncomfortable hearing about how happy Brett made me. Our conversations were very superficial during that time. But if I had a secret boyfriend like you suggested on the drive home, I think that wouldn't affect my friendship with Katharine. She could still talk me into doing crazy things with guys other than my secret boyfriend."

"Secret boyfriend? I wasn't serious when I suggested that."

I heard Z move off her seat. A few moments later, she was floating in front of me with the water at her neck. The bubbles did cover up her body below the surface, but I could faintly make out some skin. I knew her breasts were floating bare a few feet away from me. Z reached forward, grabbed my hand, and pulled me forward. I moved off the ledge and was now in the center of the hot tub with Z. The water was about four feet deep here. I bent my knees, so my head was just above the water. Z and I were now about two feet apart. I couldn't see anything, but I knew that we were so close and naked.

"Let's practice you groping my boob."

"We're naked!"

"So what? No one will know. And if we don't practice it now, we may well forget to practice it later."

I was torn. I knew I shouldn't do it. But Z had made a good point for doing it now. And even though it was wrong for me to feel up my sister, I did want her to have the practice of handling that situation. Was feeling her up while she was naked all that worse than feeling her up dressed?

"Okay. Let's do it."

Even though I couldn't see Z's boobs, I had a good idea of where they were. I extended my right hand and lightly cupped one.

Z raised her hands slightly out of the water. "Oh my," Z said in a bored tone as she moved her hands slowly back and forth, "Someone is squeezing my boob. What shall I do?"

I let go of Z's boob and rolled my eyes.

Z said over-enthusiastically, "How did I do?"

I shook my head. "That was not anywhere close to what Katharine taught you to say."

"You have to do it when I'm not expecting it. Back to you and Katharine. For someone uninterested in dating her, you spent a long time checking her out on the stairs last night."

Did Z know? She hadn't reacted to my presence. "I'm not sure what you mean."

"I heard someone coming down the back hallway and knew it had to be you. The girls would have walked across the front of the living room. And they would have said something instead of standing there silently. Why did you spend so long checking her out if you aren't interested in her? Or were you checking me out instead?"

I was busted. "I didn't know it was you. You were wearing a nightshirt I had never seen you in before, and you had nail polish on which I hadn't seen you use before."

"Who did you check out more, me or Katharine?"

"You. You were closer. I thought you were Laurie." I decided to change the subject. "I've never been in a hot tub naked with a girl before."

Z giggled. "Me neither. Or with a guy." We both laughed, but it felt kind of forced. Was there some sexual tension between us? "Another square punched on our lifetime achievement cards."

I nodded. "Twenty years from now, you'll be able to tell your friends at Bunco Night about it."

"I couldn't tell them it was my brother I was naked with."

"You could tell them it was your secret boyfriend."

Z smiled. "I could. How did you not know it was me on the stairs? Yeah, I was wearing something you hadn't seen before, but my hair was the same. How many times have you seen me from the bottom go up the stairs?"

I didn't want to answer that. I had to have known and had just suppressed the knowledge to make it okay for me to want Z so much. Instead, I asked, "Why did you stand there unmoving if you knew I was at the bottom of the stairs checking out you and Katharine?"

"If you wanted to ogle Katharine, I didn't want to stop you. And...this is going to sound terrible, but I'm very insecure. I wanted you to check me out and like what you saw. The whole time you were down there, I imagined you were looking at me and smiling at what you saw. That made me feel really good."

"I liked what I saw very much. You're beautiful, Z."

Z looked down bashfully. "Thanks."

I brought my hand forward and cupped her breast again. Z's head snapped up, and she stared at me, but she didn't say anything. Her boob had felt good in my hand - a nice size and shape, a decent heft with smooth skin. I could feel her hard nipple against the palm of my hand. Z continued to stare at me intently. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. We stared at each other for who knows how long; it seemed forever but when Z grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand away, it seemed not nearly long enough.

"I'm not ready for you to do that, Eli," said Z in a husky tone. She looked serious but not angry. "We aren't there in our relationship. Yet. Wait for me to tell you to touch me."

Then Z smiled, lighting up her face. She moved toward me. "Thanks for doing that with me." Z gave me a short thank-you kiss on the lips. She pulled back and gave me an impish grin. "Now, let's practice you grabbing my butt."

I couldn't answer Z. I was trying to tell myself that Z's kiss wasn't a big deal, just a little thank-you kiss. But my body had felt like lightning had struck it as we had kissed. Before the kiss, my heart was still pounding from feeling Z's tit. Now, it was pounding even harder in my chest.

Z moved to my right and turned her body, so it was at a right angle to mine to allow me to easily grab her butt. She turned her head to look at me and raised an eyebrow to remind me that I needed to answer her.

"Sure. It'd be good for us to practice that too."

Z gave me a pleased smile. "I love you, Eli. You make me feel so safe. There's no one else I'd practice with."

Z looked down slightly abashed. We didn't say anything for a few moments. It was like Z wanted what she had said to fully sink it with me.

"I love you too, Z." Z's silence had pressured me into saying that. I had told Z I love you several times before, typically when she was down, but this time felt very different.

Z said, "I enjoyed flirting with you last night. I had often wondered what it'd be like to flirt with you. I've never flirted with you like I flirt with my guys because you're my brother, but Katharine wanted me to demonstrate how to flirt and told me to pretend you weren't my brother. Did you enjoy flirting with me?"

"Yes." When I had gotten into the hot tub, it had been easy to block out that Z was naked. Now, I was very aware that my sister was naked under the water only a few feet away from me. "It has always made me mad when guys let you turn their brains to mush, but I now understand how hard it is to not be overwhelmed when you're pulling out all the stops. You know so many ways of pressing guys' buttons. Both you and Katharine. Both of you were driving me crazy. The other girls didn't come close to affecting me like you two did."

I grabbed Z's butt and squeezed. Z didn't show any surprise. Instead, she closed her eyes and tilted her head back a little as I continued to release and squeeze. Z's ass felt wonderful, so firm and full. My hand slipped around on her wet skin as I groped her.

Finally, Z opened her eyes, grabbed my hand, and pushed it away. "I'm not ready for you to do that, Eli. Maybe soon. Maybe very, very soon. But not right now."

Z's answer made me feel that we were drifting toward something. Everything so far I could rationalize as being acceptable for a close brother and sister to do. I had enjoyed the drift so far and was curious about how much farther Z wanted to go. But what were we drifting to?

Z moved to me and kissed me on the lips. This one was longer than the first thank-you kiss. Her warm lips felt wonderful on mine. This kiss was much more enticing, hinting at so much more we could do.

When Z pulled away, she said, "Thanks again, but I didn't respond well that time. I was much too slow to react. I think we need to practice some more. Use both hands next time."

Z moved directly in front of me and then turned around so her back was to me. She said over her shoulder, "I've given a lot of thought to your secret-boyfriend idea. At school, my secret boyfriend and I would continue to act as we always have. I'd tell my guys that I want to do their laundry to show them how much they mean to me and that I wasn't just toying with them. But doing their laundry would really be an excuse to spend more time in my secret boyfriend's dorm room. I'd start some laundry for one of my guys when I knew my secret boyfriend would be in his room without his roommate. That would be our time to be a couple. Even then, we'd mainly study with occasional hugs, kisses, and chatting about how much we loved each other. We'd play it very safe. No taking off clothes at school. We'd keep our passion burning at a low level until we could get safely alone."

Was Z proposing what I thought she was proposing? "Well, good luck finding a secret boyfriend."

Z stood and dove into the hot tub, flashing a bit of butt as she did. She swam down to the far end of the hot tub, popped up there, dove down under the water, and swam to the end of the hot tub to my left. When she got there, she climbed into one of the corner seats. She slumped down again, but not as much as before. I could see the top rise of her tits, with just how much depending on the bubbles of the jets.

Z said, "It'll be hard to find a secret boyfriend. He'll have to be a very special kind of guy. Someone who'll be able to accept that I was going to do what I wanted. Someone who trusted me completely. Someone who'd be totally committed to me, and I'd be committed to him. Someone who'd be my best friend, and I'd be theirs."

It really did sound like Z was proposing what I thought she was proposing.

Z dove into the hot tub again, swam to the far end, turned around, and headed back. As she did so, I thought over what she had said. It was a recapitulation of our discussion this morning. She was implying that I was her ideal boyfriend and she was my ideal girlfriend. I wanted to deny that, but it was what we had both said. I had certainly meant what I had said, and I felt she had meant what she had said.

When Z reached the end to my left, she turned to face me. She dropped down into the water before resurfacing close to in front of me with her head just above the water. She wiped the water away from her face and then moved toward me. I was still too stunned by her proposing we be secret boyfriend-girlfriend that all I could do was watch her. When her face was next to mine, she said, "I like kissing you." Z pressed her lips more firmly against mine this time. I could feel my resistance crumbling. This was our longest kiss yet. Kissing her felt so right, though I knew it was so wrong.

When the kiss ended, I said, "Z...We're--"

"You're already my secret boyfriend at school to a certain extent. We spend every Friday and Saturday night together. Our talks as we walk back to my dorm are the highlights of my week. All my good friends are your friends. When I flirt with your friends, I'm also flirting with you. When I stripped to half-naked after Dimitri gave me the bra, I was doing it for you as much as him. I wouldn't have put on those panties if you weren't out there. I wanted you to see me in them. I'm happy at school because of you. I want to change that only a small amount. It's only when we can get privacy like today that I want to change our relationship."
