A Fool Stumbles Into Love


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As soon as Cal dropped Sandy off she called one of her other boyfriends, a fellow named Skip. There was a party at the club, and she didn't want to miss it. Besides all the fawning and mooning over Cal had left her horny, so she thought she'd give Skip a treat.

Of course, she called Maureen, and told her to meet her at the country club. Maureen asked about her date with Cal. Sandy said it was great, but he was her early boy, she needed a late night with somebody else.

Maureen was amazed at Sandy's cheek. She knew that 'Stupid' was all cow eyed over her. She only hoped Sandy would let him down easy. She got up, pulled herself together, and drove off to meet her girlfriend at the country club.

The girls met at the club, where they hunkered down over glasses of wine. Sandy wanted to keep Maureen informed about what she intended to do with the idiot Cal. Maureen thought the whole thing was a joke; not worth the time to tell the story.

Sandy explained, "Cal makes stuff. He makes boats, and chairs and shit like that, all very stupid. I don't really like him, but he's good for a few trips to the movies and some free dinners."

Maureen chuckled, "Sandy you're a bitch."

Sandy added, "You know what else is fun? He gets so excited every time I touch him. I wiggle my finger at his scrawny ass and he gets turned on. I don't think he's been with a girl in years. For all I know he might be virgin."

Maureen laughed at that, "A twenty something college educated virgin; that I'd like to see."

Sandy yawned, "You can have him when I'm done."

Maureen smiled, "He won't be a virgin then."

Sandy answered, "Oh yes he will."

Maureen, "You mean?"

Sandy, "Right, he'll get nothing from me."

Maureen laughed out loud, "You really are a bitch."

Sandy looked across the hall of the country club and saw Skip, "Look I've got to go now; kind of horny you know, and I owe Skip one."

Maureen smiled, "See you later." She watched as her friend walked off. She thought about 'Stupid'. She was almost certain he wasn't a virgin, but she bet he hadn't had much experience. Shit, neither had she; there had been the backseat of an Explorer in high school, and one time at her old boyfriend's Frat house when she got drunk. That was it.

She reflected on 'Stupid' a little longer. What was his real name, Cal something? He liked to fiddle with carpentry. Her father was out of town on business, and she'd wanted to surprise him with something. Maybe 'Stupid' could help her out.

Chapter Two

Part Thee:

Cal had just hung up from a short conversation with Sandy. She agreed to meet him at the tavern that evening. They'd plan to have a drink or two, and then slip out to the lake. The town was holding its annual fireworks display, and if they used his boat, they'd get a great view of the ground action from the water. It wasn't the Fourth of July or anything like that. It was August, but the anniversary of the town's first settlement was in August, and the American Legion always had a carnival and there was always a big fireworks display the first night.

He got to the Tavern at 5:30 just like they'd agreed. He walked in; the place was only about half full. He didn't expect to find a big crowd; he was only looking for Sandy. He sidled over to a group of her friends and ordered a coke, and he waited around till 6:00. She was late.

One of the guys asked, "You waiting for Sandy?"

Cal answered, "Yes, have you seen her?"

All the guys and girls around the bar had seen her. She'd stopped in a little ahead of Cal and met another boy called Skip. They'd left just before Cal got there, but no one told him any of that.

The guy who asked if he was there to see Sandy told him, "No, no one's seen her today."

All the others sitting around sort of looked back and forth or nodded their heads at each other, but no one had anything more to say.

Cal figured he'd wait a little while longer, "She said she'd meet me here. We have plans to watch the fireworks from my boat."

One of the other men said, "She's a great girl. You're lucky."

Call smiled, maybe he stuck his chest out a little, "Yeah, I like her a lot. We've been out several times."

A couple of the men chuckled. One said, "She talks about you all the time."

That made him feel even better, "Nice things I hope."

One of the girls said, "You'd be surprised."

Cal was glad to hear these things. It tended to confirm what he already thought, that maybe she was getting serious about him. He knew he was serious about her. Then, to his discomfiture Maureen walked in.

Maureen knew he'd be there. Sandy had stood him up for the chance to watch the fireworks with another guy. Sandy sent Maureen to make excuses. She walked over to where he was sitting, "Hi Cal. I have some bad news."

Cal knew. Here it comes, "What Sandy can't make it."

"No she's staying home with her mother."

He grew concerned, "Hope it's not serious" He overheard some of the other people laugh. Pretending not to hear he asked Maureen, "Maybe I should go over?"

Maureen put a stop to that, "No don't do that. She'll be too busy. Besides I have something I want to show you." She pulled out a couple scraps of paper, "Sandy said you're sort of a handyman, a do it yourselfer when it comes to carpentry."

"I've done some things. Why?"

Maureen showed him the little pile of papers, "My Dad's away on business, and I thought I'd make him something as a kind of surprise for when he came back."

Cal wasn't sure he especially liked Maureen. She'd taken him at pool, but this interested him, "Yeah, what have you got in mind?"

Maureen opened the wad of papers, "I thought I'd build him a gazebo."

Cal refused to take this seriously, "Like a model he could put on the mantle."

"No," answered Maureen, "like a real gazebo he could sit under in his back yard." She pushed the papers at him.

He took them and looked them over. He could see she or someone had taken some time to put it all together, but he could also tell the planner didn't have a clue what they really wanted. He didn't want to hurt this girl's feelings, but he had to be honest, "This looks like a good start, but to tell the truth, the way this is laid out the thing won't work."

Maureen had put some time in on the gazebo idea, and was a little put off, "What do you mean it won't work?"

Cal opened the papers out further, "Here see this, that's not right, look this here won't work, and that's wrong and needs to be changed." He saw the hurt on her face. He realized they were her plans, "Look let's sit down and reexamine what you've got." He wanted to be nice, "I think it's good as a kind of embryonic concept. With a little nip here and a tuck there I think we could come up with a pretty good plan."

Maureen had been on her way to telling him off, but maybe, by what he said, it wasn't all that bad an idea, "You think you could tidy it up a little."

"Sure," said Cal. He looked at the barmaid, "Could we have a couple sheets of computer paper and a pencil?"

The waitress brought over what he requested. Maureen and Cal walked over to a nearby booth where the light was better and sat down. For two hours all anyone could see from the bar was two people intensely discussing and arguing about how to build a gazebo.

Around 7:30 outside the sun was setting. Cal suggested, "Why don't we put this stuff aside for a while?"

Maureen was worn out, "Good idea."

He said, "I'm sorry Sandy couldn't make it, but you're here, if you don't have any plans maybe you would like to watch the fireworks from my boat?"

Maureen had nothing better to do, she felt guilty about robbing him the other day at the pool table, and she felt bad about lying to him about Sandy. He wasn't exactly her cup of tea, but she could write it off as her good deed for the day, "Sure, why not."

Cal looked her over. Immediately he knew he was being stupid. This woman was alert to that sort of thing, still he noticed her, how she looked, what she had on. She was pretty, prettier than Sandy in a lot of ways, and she had a better shape. Not only that, she was brainy. She was really into the gazebo thing, and she picked up on everything he said. She had a serious mind. He was crazy about Sandy, but she was a little flighty at times.

Maureen's antennae went up. She knew instinctively when she was being sized up, and Cal had about as much subtlety as an elephant. She stretched just enough to let her bosom press out against her blouse. She pulled her stomach in. Wait a minute she thought. She wasn't into showing off, and she certainly didn't want to give 'Stupid' here a show.

She got up and dropped a $5.00 on the table, "I'll pay. I owe you anyway."

Cal took her $5.00 and pushed it in her hand, "No you don't. I'm the man, it's my treat."

Maureen sighed thinking, stupid is as stupid does, "Suit yourself."

They walked out and got in his truck.

Cal and Maureen rode down to the put in where he worked to get his boat in the water. To his surprise she pitched in and helped.

He watched her work the hoist. The blouse she had on was navy blue, and she kept it outside her knee length shorts. She had shapely, muscular, legs, and overall a very well built frame. Comparing her to Sandy he knew was a mistake. Sandy was his girl, and he really liked her, but Maureen's shape certainly had it all over Sandy. Maureen had thick dark hair. He liked that. Shoot he thought, one girl at a time. Still he liked the idea that Maureen was somewhat intellectual.

He powered the boat to where they'd get the best view of the ground display and the pyrotechnis. He'd collected pillows and several blankets in order to make the boat as comfortable as possible.

They squatted down in the bottom and got ready for the show. It was a little tight, and Maureen found her best position was to lean up against Cal and rest her elbow and forearm on his lap. She was careful not to get too close to his crotch. Sandy had warned her about this guy's proclivity to get hard at the drop of a hat.

The ground display started, and they both had a good time watching the picturesque scenes made by the works. When the sky works started both were warmed to the idea of a good show.

Maureen was enjoying the displays. Cal didn't have a lot to say, but what he did say almost was always interesting, and he behaved like a gentleman. Still, she was tired, it had been a long day, and she was by nature an early riser. Some people she remembered were owls and some were larks. She guessed she was a lark. By 8:30 she was ready to go home, but she didn't want to spoil the evening for him. She figured it was the least she could do. Even so it was tough to keep her eyes open.

Cal could see she was tired, "Here let's relocate." He moved around a little, shuffling the pillows and blankets into a makeshift bed. He laid his body on the harder flooring of the boat, "Lay on top of me, it'll be more comfortable."

Maureen was pooped. She readily agreed. Together they lay in the boat, he in the hard wooden bottom, her a little atop and beside him.

Cal lay there feeling physically schizophrenic. Everything touching the floor of the boat was in agonizing pain, but everywhere he was touched by Maureen he was in a state of heavenly bliss. The damn boat was hard and uncomfortable, but she was so soft, warm, and wonderful. He kept his arm around her for support, and sucked up the pain for the joy of her warm presence.

Maureen snuggled in close to Cal. She figured he was a little uncomfortable, but didn't especially care. She was so relaxed and so at ease. She liked the situation. She rested her head on his chest. He was so comfortable to be with. For want of a better descriptor she thought she felt sort of kittenish. After a few minutes she dozed off to sleep.

Cal sat, or lay semi-prone, immobile, uncomfortable, stiff, and sore for nearly two hours. The fireworks display was stupendous, and if he wasn't so damned cramped up he might have enjoyed it. He dare not move, one false move might awaken Maureen, and he didn't want to do that. She might want to leave, and he liked being with her.

She looked so damned peaceful all curled up on him. Every now and then she squirmed. Damn she had some hard elbows! He discreetly brushed his hands through her hair. Wow was it thick, soft, and it smelled good too! Crap! Every time she moved he experienced a shaft of pain somewhere.

By the light of the exploding fireworks he could see her face. She was terrific! She had long eye lashes, and little round ears. Each ear had a tiny gem stone in it; they looked like little emeralds. She had a pretty little turned up nose, and a great heart shaped mouth. Her lips looked damned kissable, like they were all puckered up.

Cal swore he never saw a mouth that looked like hers before. That was definitely one kissable mouth. He did something stupid. He took his fingertips and touched her lips. She wriggled around. It must have tickled. He really liked it. He didn't do it again though, too dumb he thought.

Finally, close to 10:00 he decided he couldn't hold out any longer. He nudged her head slightly, "Maureen."

She didn't move.

He nudged her again, a little harder, "Maureen."

She grudgingly started to move, "What?" She nodded her head, "Where are we?"

Cal told her, "The fireworks are over."

Maureen stirred around. She fumbled around with her legs and arms, feeling stiff, she asked, "What fireworks?" Then she remembered, "Oh them, what time is it?"

Cal answered, "It's past 10:00."

Maureen was coming awake, "Oh shit. I'm supposed to meet Sandy at the club." Then crap she remembered; it had been her job to lie to Cal. She hoped she hadn't given anything away.

"Isn't Sandy with her mother?"

Maureen had to think of something, "She was, but a nurse was supposed to be on the way to relieve her. I was going to see her at the club to find out if she needed anything."

It sort of made sense to Cal, but only in that odd convoluted way things made sense to women, "I'll drive you over."

Cal wasn't a country club type of guy. He'd never been there, never been invited by anyone, never been asked to any of their dances, had little to do with most of the people who belonged, and fully understood why. He just wouldn't have fit in.

Maureen was sitting up and stretching, "No that's all right, just take me back to the tavern. I'll drive from there."

Cal asked, "You sure? Do you feel all right?"

Maureen answered, "Yeah, just get me to the tavern."

Cal got the motor going, powered back to the put in, helped Maureen out of the boat and into his truck. He could tell she was at least as stiff and sore as he was. As they drove to the tavern he asked, "You're sure you're all right?"

Maureen responded, "Oh yeah."

Once at the tavern she got out of his truck. He walked her to her car. Before she got in she put her hand on his neck, reached up and kissed him. Even in the dark she could see him blush. She thanked him for the fireworks, got in her car and drove off. As she left she recollected how Sandy said he acted like he was a virgin. Maureen wondered if Sandy wasn't right.

As she sped away he yelled, "My pleasure!" He decided he liked Maureen in spite of the pool hustle.

Cal decided to go in the tavern and get a beer before heading home. He was tired, but believed he needed something first. When he walked inside it was like everyone in the room stopped talking and turned to look at him.

There was some hushed laughter, and a few giggles. One of the girls asked if he'd had a good time. He told them he and Maureen had watched the fireworks from his boat. Someone said something about fireworks to come. He didn't understand what they meant, and paid it no attention. He got his beer, quaffed it down, and went home.

Part Four:

The next day Cal was off from work so he had some free time. He made two phone calls.

First he called Sandy. He wanted to find out about her mother, and to see when they could go out again. When he reached her he asked, "Hi how's your mom?"

Sandy answered, "About as well as can be expected."

Then Cal asked, "If its OK could we go out again?"

"Sure when," responded Sandy.

"How about tonight," asked Cal?

Sandy answered, "Tonight's not good, how about tomorrow night?"

Cal replied, "A movie sound good?"

Sandy answered," yeah sure, and hung up."

Sandy rolled back over in bed.

Skip, the guy with whom she spent the night asked, "Who was that?"

She answered, "Nobody just Cal. Go back to sleep."

Cal was satisfied; another date with Sandy, his new girlfriend. Now he had to make his second call. He dialed Maureen's number; after four rings Maureen picked it up. He asked, "Hello is this Maureen?"

She recognized Cal's voice, "Now who else would answer this line?"

Immediately flustered and on the defensive he replied, "Sorry, I just wondered, if you weren't busy, maybe we could look over your backyard to see where the gazebo could go."

Maureen asked, "You know how to get here?"

Cal answered, "Yes." He started to explain the route, but she cut him off.

"Just shut up and come on over."

Cal laughed, "Sure I'll be there in a jiffy."

Maureen scolded, "Cut out the jiffy. I stopped being a jiffy when I was eight. Just get over here." She didn't know what to do about Cal, or where she stood with Sandy. She'd had a good time the night before, but felt a little queasy about the lying.

Earlier that morning Sandy had called, and given her an earful. What Sandy was doing was becoming unconscionable. She didn't know whether to tell Cal or let him find out for himself.

Cal corrected himself, "Oops, I mean I'll be right there."

Maureen answered more gently over the phone, "That's better. I'll put some coffee on." Sandy was going to hurt this boy, she was becoming a part of it, and she felt guilty.

Cal was over about an hour later. It had taken longer than he planned. He ironed a clean T-shirt and had to load several tools in his truck. When he arrived he went up the front steps of Maureen's parent's home, which was where she was currently living, and rang the bell.

Maureen answered.

She opened the door and Cal stood there with his mouth agape. She was wearing a summer jumper; not exactly a sundress and not a romper either; more a loose fitting dress with attached shorts. Her hair was done up in loose pig tails, and she had on white tennis shoes with thick white socks. Cal saw her and thought she looked very fetching; a lot prettier and a lot more feminine than he'd remembered her.

The expression on his face was just what she wanted, "You to coming in, or just going to stand there all day?"

Cal walked in the front door, "You want to check on where we can build a gazebo?"

"Yeah, but let's talk first."


Maureen led the stupefied Cal back to the kitchen where she poured each of them a cup of coffee,

"Cream of sugar?"

Cal answered, "Yeah, OK."

"OK what?"

Cal recovered, "Oh just some cream thanks."

Maureen handed him a cup of coffee, "Let's get a couple things straight."

Cal was still staring at her dress, how it wrapped around her breasts and her hips, "Yeah."

She went on, "I'm not hiring you. I can't pay you anything. You're only doing this as sort of a friend. You're just here to help out. I can buy the wood, nails, and so forth, but you'll have to work for free."

Cal couldn't take his eyes off her. He was having a libidinous reaction. She was so pretty. He couldn't help himself. She had red lipstick on, and her eyes, the way they were made up, looked so exotic and so big. She had dark hazel eyes, and they were enormous, but beautiful enormous. He thought about the emerald studs she'd had on the night before, how they matched her eyes.

Maureen stopped, "What are you looking at?"