A Friend from the Past


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"I'm so sorry Aliana, I had no right . . ."

"No John, please don't feel sorry. It felt so nice. It reminded me of the time I kissed you when you went away."

I leaned forward, put my arms around her, and kissed her again, very passionately.

"Sweetheart, I'm going to do everything I can to help you." I called her sweetheart, I don't know why.

"John, I can't involve you in this mess I made of my life. They'll kill you; I can't live with that on my conscience. Please just stay away, I'll manage."

I knew that I was now involved. My childhood pal, who would have ever believed we would even have seen each other again. Now, she was in big trouble and I would have to find a way to help her.

She gave me her parent's address and I told her I would be there to see her tomorrow. She hugged me and thanked me for just being there.

Damn, I couldn't believe that I could have feelings for her. Was I just feeling sorry for her, or were they genuine? All I knew was that I made her a promise and I was going to see it through.


That night I went home and had a heart to heart talk with my dad. The nice thing about dad was that he was a good listener and wouldn't try to pre-judge me. We'd had many man-to-man talks in the past.

He did tell me that I really had to watch my step. After all, Aliana was a married woman and I really might not know her that well since we hadn't even talked since we were kids.

"John, people change. I remember that sweet little girl that used to go places with us too. I trust your judgment. All I'm asking is that you be careful. You're out of your element in this situation."

"Dad, I understand. It's just that I know she's made some regrettable mistakes in the past and I want to help her. I guess what I'm saying is that I just can't walk away. I promise I'll be careful."

The following day I did go to her parent's house. Aliana came to the door and smiled after she saw me. She asked me in and re-introduced me to her mother and father. They greeted me but seemed hesitant about why I was there. All parents worry about there kids and I hadn't seen Aliana for over twenty years.

While I was talking to them, a miniature Aliana came up to me. It was her daughter Ashley.

"You must be Ashley. I'm so very glad to meet you," I said as I asked Aliana if it was all right to pick her up. After her approval, I reached down and picked up the four-year-old girl.

I gave here a big hug and she actually hugged me back. I set her back down and she asked me, "Are you John, mommy's friend. Are you going to take me and mommy someplace?"

"Ashley," said Aliana. "You don't ask people to take you places."

"But Mommy, you said maybe he would take us to the zoo. I was just asking him."

"Ashley, would you like your mom and I to take you to the zoo today?"

She shook her head yes while her mom shook hers back and forth but smiled.

"OK then, if it's all right with her, the two of you get your coats or whatever and we'll head out to the zoo."

When they went to get ready, Mr. Brown told me that he wasn't certain that I should be with Aliana, her being married, even though her husband was in jail. He told me that she'd had a very rough life and hoped it would improve.

He did say that my being white had nothing to do with it. Apparently, his father was white and his mother black, so he knew how hard it was for a mixed race person to find acceptance by either race.

"Mr. Brown, I'm not a racist. I do my best to treat all people the same. Aliana was never black or white to me. She was always just my friend while we were growing up.

"Sir, let me assure you of one thing. I would never do anything to harm or hurt either Aliana or Ashley. We're going to the zoo as old friends. They both deserve a day of having fun."

Aliana came back into the room and we said goodbye to her parents and headed out. The day was great. Aliana and Ashley wanted to see all the animals. We fed all the ones with signs allowing us to. Just to see the two of them laughing and smiling made my heart feel good.

Ashley wanted to stop at McDonald's on the way home. I had to admit, it was a pretty cheap date. It was just starting to get dark when we arrived back to her parent's house.

Ashley had fallen asleep on the back seat, so I picked her up, carried her into the house, into her room, and set her on the bed. I went and talked to Mr. and Mrs. Brown while Aliana got Ashley ready for bed.

"Thank you for taking them," said Mrs. Brown. "I could see by the smile on their faces that they had a wonderful time."

When Aliana came out, I told her it was time for me to head home. She walked me to the porch and we talked for a couple of minutes.

"John, thank you for everything. It was probably the best day I've had as far back as I can remember. It was nice to see you again."

"Aliana, it's not over. It's just the beginning for us. I'm going to help you with your problems. There is no way that I will turn my back on you or that sweet little girl. We will find a way out of this. Please, just trust me. By the way, tell Ashley that next Saturday we're going to the Aquarium," I said and smiled.

I leaned forward and gave her a light kiss goodnight. "I'll be by to see you at the lounge."

I could see tears running down her cheeks as I turned away.


I started organizing a plan. I figured I had three weeks before DJ would be returning home from prison. Till then I just had to worry about his two friends, Terrence and Lance.

I talked with my friend Matt who agreed to go to the lounge with me each night. I wanted to see Aliana even if it was for a few minutes as our waitress. Matt was more than happy to watch the girls dance.

We stopped in most every evening and had a couple of beers. I would see Terrence and Lance come in and pester Aliana. I wanted to go kick the shit out of them but that didn't work into my plans. I had to watch my temper right now.

Matt and I discussed the drug realty office. He told me that his brother in-law was a cop and was the one who made the bust on DJ. No one knew he and Matt were related. Jeff, Matt's brother in-law, had a big bust set up that would have sent DJ up for a long time.

"The cops hit the office too late in the day and they could only slap DJ with a charge of possession. Matt said Jeff was really pissed and wished they could have sent him away for a long time. He figured Terrence and Lance got wind of the bust and got the drugs out before the cops arrived. DJ's possession charge was for what he still had on his person," said Matt.

"Matt, would you like to get these bastards? I'm going to help out Aliana but I could use some help."

"John, my brother in-law is a cop. I can't do anything illegal. Buddy, these guys are into some serious shit. I wish I could help you and your girl out but I don't have any idea what I can do."

"Matt, she's not my girl, just an old friend."

"Look John, if you're going to help this woman out you'd better realize you more than just care for her. It's all over your face when you look at her. Face it good buddy, you're in love with her."

Matt was right. I guess I just didn't want to believe I could fall for a girl so easily. I guess that I should have realized that Aliana wasn't just any girl. I tried to avoid Matt's response and he just laughed.

"You're a bastard," I replied and laughed at Matt.

"Yeah! And you're in love with your old girlfriend and didn't even know it, you dumb ass."

He said it pretty loud and I'm almost certain Aliana overheard. She didn't look up but I could see she was smiling.

"All I need for you to do is make a couple of phone calls on a non-traceable phone to them when the time is right. Also, to keep me abreast of what if anything you might see. Nothing illegal. In the end, your brother in-law might get his man."

"I can do that for an old friend. What's your plan?"

"I can't tell you everything yet. The less you know the better, but I'm working on it. I'll tell you all you need to know by the weekend. I still need you to tell me what you can about Terrence, Lance and the business."

I found out that money was kind of tight for the two scumbags and they couldn't do any big scores. It seemed that DJ didn't trust them with the big funds. He wanted to make sure they didn't take over his business and figured when he got out he could hook up with his big scores again.

I talked as much as I could to Aliana and found out that DJ handled the money but never gave her any when he went to prison. She had to make ends meet on her waitress job. What a fucking creep he was. I should say that I ended each goodbye with a kiss but we didn't go any further.

I wanted to but she told me she couldn't but would always kiss me again. I wasn't going to push the issue. Her life was already full of turmoil and I didn't want to make it any worse.

The creeps Terrence and Lance would look at Matt and me whenever they came into the lounge. They never stayed long but made their passes at Aliana and even questioned her about Matt and me.

"How the hell do I know who they are? They're customers just like you, only nicer. Please, just leave me alone," she said to the two creeps.

On Saturday, I went to her parent's house where she had been spending her nights since DJ was in prison. When I knocked on the door, a grinning little Ashley opened it and asked if I was taking her to the aquarium.

I stooped down to talk to her. "Yes, pretty little girl and then we'll eat at the place of your choosing."

She gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Her grandparents even smiled when they saw her with me. I guess they decided that I wasn't out to take advantage of their daughter. We said our goodbyes, got in the car and headed to the aquarium.

We had another great time together. I told Ashley about where I lived in Florida and that I saw alligators and all kinds of other wildlife every day. She told me she wished she could live in Florida by the water. I looked over at Aliana looking for a reaction.

"Maybe someday sweetheart," she said to Ashley and then smiled at me.

After leaving the aquarium, we headed out for pizza. Ashley told me this was as good as having a birthday. "I like you John," she said and gave me a big hug.

Once I'd brought them home, I asked them if they wanted to come to my parents for a cookout the next day. Ashley jumped for joy. I think she just liked going places. I told them I would be by around noon to pick them up. Aliana walked me to my car, thanked me, and kissed me. She looked so sad though.

"Aliana, what's the matter?"

"The time we spend with you is the kind of life I have always dreamed of for Ashley and me. I just screwed my life up so damn bad. I'm sorry, I don't usually swear." She kissed me again and went back in the house.

On Sunday when we arrived at my parents, Aliana was a bit cautious till my mom came over and gave her a big hug. They greeted Ashley as though she was family. My sister and her family were there also. She had a son who was seven and a daughter who was six who took Ashley out in the yard to play.

Marie came out and gave Aliana a hug too. She told her she remembered way back when Aliana had a crush on me. I guess it was just a girl thing. It was a great day as everyone talked and caught up on family happenings. Everyone knew about DJ so his name wasn't mentioned.

I was talking to my brother-in-law and didn't realize that Aliana had something on her mind.

"Marie, this is kind of embarrassing, but since you're about my age, maybe you can help me with this problem I'm having."

"Sure Aliana, what is it?"

"Let's go over here, away from the others," Aliana said as she walked toward a shady spot several yards away.

When I saw my sister with Aliana, I just smiled. It made me feel good that they were getting along so well.

"I would like for you to give me tests for any HIV or other diseases. You see, I've lived a rather bad life. I made tons of mistakes and am paying for them now. My husband as you probably already know is a real asshole. He beat me and twice gave me to other men for a trade-off of dope. I wasn't willing but I just kept my mind blank till it was over.

"He has been locked up for a few months now and will be out within the month. I don't know what I'm going to do but I'm going to try and get away from him."

Marie didn't say anything, but she felt sick inside for the terror Aliana must have gone through.

"My problem is that I'm in love with John. I know it seems stupid since I've only seen him the last couple of weeks, but I'm sure of it. Ashley is crazy about him too. Just yesterday, she told me she wished that he was her dad.

"I know John wanted to make love to me and I told him not now. See, I don't want to give him any kind of disease that I might have caught. It's been five months since my husband shared me. He had sex with me the day before he went to prison. It was sex, not love. Anyway, can you test me? I haven't been with anyone else and I don't want to hurt John in any way."

"You know I'll help you any way I can. Come to my office first thing in the morning and I'll run some tests. We will have your answers in the next few days. Unfortunately it won't be before John goes home," Marie replied, laying her hand on Aliana's arm.

"Thank you, and whatever the results are, please don't tell John. He's the last person in the world I'd want to hurt."

"Aliana, it may seem funny, but he loves you too. That's the way love hits. I would suggest you tell him about the tests at some point. Knowing my brother, I'm sure he will understand. He should hear it from you."

"I'm so afraid for him. God, I pray that he won't get hurt," said Aliana.

"Believe me Aliana, John is one smart guy. I'm sure he'll be fine. Now you be sure to come in and see me tomorrow."

"Thank you, Marie. You're such a cool sister. John's lucky to have you in the family." We both just smiled.

After the cookout, I took Aliana and Ashley back home. My parents said they were welcome back anytime and I knew they really meant it.


I was to go home on Wednesday so I had to get my plans started. I told Aliana that whatever I did she would have to trust me and go along with it. She promised to do as I asked because she trusted me to make things right.

Matt and I were in the lounge as usual on Tuesday. I told Matt a little about my plan so he wouldn't be overly surprised. I saw Terrence and Lance come in and do their usual bullshit with Aliana. They stared back at me and laughed.

When Aliana came back to our table, I stood up and kissed her. She looked shocked because the two scumbags were staring at us. A bit rattled, she went back to work, and they began talking to each other before leaving the bar. Later Aliana came over and asked me what I was doing.

"I'm coming back two days before DJ gets out and taking you to Florida with me. I will talk with your parents tonight and tell them my plan, which is to say that we took Ashley with us, but I want them to watch over her for maybe a week. For now, the less you know the better, just in case it doesn't work out. Just trust me like you promised."

Though she looked a bit worried, Aliana nodded.

I told Matt that I was going to walk out of the bar alone but for him to come out a few minutes later, just in case I needed help.

When I stepped out to the side parking lot, there stood the two scumbags, each holding a knife. I didn't act scared because I knew I could handle them.

"So, what's up guys?"

"Hey white boy. What the fuck you trying to prove putting your hands on Aliana? You signed your own death warrant."

"Look guys, either we fight it out here with you two getting hurt or I give you a large sum of money to look the other way. Your choice."

"What the fuck are you talking about? That's DJ's wife. If he finds out about you, you're dead meat," Terrence said.

"I have ten thousand dollars to give you for turning the other way."

"What the fuck? You're going to give us ten thousand dollars because you kissed her? Do you think we're fucking morons?"

"The money is because I plan on taking her away from this rat hole and the ten thousand buys your silence."

"No, I don't think so white boy," Lance said as they came toward me.

It took all of ten seconds to disarm both of them and put them on the ground with my foot on Lance's throat.

"Now guys, I'll be back tomorrow and you tell me if we have a deal or not."

Matt came out and said, "What the fuck?"

"These two men tripped and fell and I was just helping them up."

After they got up and left Matt asked me, "What branch of the service were you in?"

"Special Forces," I replied and smiled.

We left and I gave Matt the next part of the plan. I told him to call DJ's cell phone number. Aliana told me that Terrence had it. I wanted him to say that he was working for Pedro Castro and wanted to speak to DJ. He was to say he wanted fifteen thousand dollars worth of crack and that their old supplier was in prison and they needed a new one. The agreement was that if their shit was good that he would be purchasing a minimum of fifteen grand a week.

Matt did a great sell job on the phone. When they told him they didn't have that much on hand, he just said he would look for a different supplier. Of course, they did everything they could to promise it to him. He agreed to call them back in three weeks, giving them the time to get the order together.

Before he hung up, he instructed them to have the first two orders ready and he would call them the day before to set up the buy. He repeated to them that they better not be pulling any shit over on him by wasting his time.

I read that there was a Pedro guy who was a big dope pusher down in the southern part of Ohio, and figured Lance and Terrence probably heard the name mentioned.

Ten grand could easily buy enough crack with a street value of well over thirty thousand. Of course, they would have to give Pedro some kind of deal or thin their powder down somehow. The first thing was they had to get the money and then the crack. DJ was always the leader and had made the same type of buys before.

I had to wonder if they thought about telling him about it but figured if they made the deal then they could reap all the profits. They probably also had to question if my offer still stood seeing I made fools out of them the day before.

The next evening I was at the table by myself. I didn't want to get Matt involved here. I really did go to the bank and withdrew the five thousand dollars. If my plan worked, it would be well worth the price.

The lounge was pretty empty and I was talking to Aliana when Terrence and Lance came in. They came up to my table and started to say something to Aliana then looked at me and thought better of it. Lance asked if they could sit down. I pointed to the chairs.

They asked Aliana to bring their usual. She looked over at them and then kissed me before leaving. They kept quiet but I could tell it bothered them.

"The name is Mr. Jones if you have something to say." I wanted them to know I wasn't afraid of them.

"Mr. Jones, does your offer still stand? You know, ten grand if we don't tell DJ about you and Aliana?"

"You guys know it would be easier to kill you, but then I'd have a mess to explain. I'll tell you what. I'll give you five grand now in good faith and five when I take Aliana with me in a couple of weeks. That way if I find out that you bothered her or didn't keep your promise, I'll rescind our agreement and deal with it accordingly."

They got up and walked away a bit where I assumed they talked it over. I figured they needed the money to buy the crack. This would at least make a down payment. When they came back, Lance told me they'd agree to my offer. I reached down and handed them the sports bag with the money in it. They knew better than to count it.