A Fuck Toy Graduation Episode 03


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Word soon got around and adult women of all descriptions were pawing Taylor. At one point, just before fifth period, Karen Downy, a goth girl with studs in her lips wrenched Taylor lose from Ky's care and kissed her against the lockers. Ky let her, standing away while the woman ran her tongue into Taylor's mouth and rubbed a hand between her legs. Taylor's body responded immediately, her hips thrust against Karen's hand, longing for penetration but the hand tucked her dress between her legs. Ky let it go on so long that when Karen finally stepped away from Taylor, she left a large round wet spot on the front of Taylor's dress. Taylor was breathless, gasping with arousal, teased out of her mind. She wanted to come, her body throbbed with sexual need. She'd become a sexual object and no one saw her as a female or a person; she was meat, a sexual toy to be used for their amusement. That it meant her robust and bursting pleasure did not figure into their interest did not affect her or reduce the vaulting desire in her. They merely wanted to fondle her while the world watched. She wanted them to but more, to finish the job and make her climax. No one did.

By the time classes ended, Taylor was sex drunk. Her mind flitted across her body, touching each part of herself, feeling sensations such as she'd never experienced. Only when the last bell rang, however, did she become aware of what throbbed beneath the surface of her mind. Friday was over and the evening was before her, like a dark path luring her to a fate she both dreaded and desired. Ky and Nicole escorted her out onto the front steps of the main entrance. Ash lagged behind and ended up watching. Ky stopped Taylor at the stop of the steps and took her backpack from her and her purse and handed them to Ash. Ash looked like St. Stephen, her eyes dark with shame and lust. Moments later, Olson Roberts appeared and kissed Ash on the mouth, hard and fully French while he massaged her ass.

Taylor turned away from Ash to find Ky with two belts. Ky moved behind her and pulled her arms behind her. Taylor relaxed and let the woman handle her. Ky threaded the first belt around her arms just above her elbows and tightened them, pulling her arms tight behind her. Taylor was so flexible, there was little discomfort but it strained the buttons on her blouse. If she'd had full tits, they have been projected forwards but as it was, her chest held only the small dents of her conical breasts. Ky fastened the second belt around Taylor's wrists. Nicole moved in front of her. Taylor was taller than Nicole so the girl had to look up. She had a lip stick in her hand. She grasped Taylor by the chin and wrote on across Taylor's forehead.

People around her giggled and pointed. They whispered and their voices carried the word to Taylor's ears.




The word seemed to sizzle in the swoosh of the crowd as it eddied past them.

"Queen Taylor, its time for your coronation as the Her Majesty the Slut." Ky said. "Come along." Ky gestured to Nicole and Nicole gathered Taylor's hair off her neck and Ky affixed a dog collar around it. She then attached a plain silver dog leash. "Come along, slut, time to service the adult club." Ky's voice warbled.

Taylor tried to think but her avoidance of this moment, the time when she'd be offered to all comers had stayed out of her mind all day, but had insinuated itself into her body. She was so aroused, she felt lightheaded and weak, while also feeling the paradoxical tension as though she were a wound spring, waiting to release. Her body gnawed at her awareness, demanding and pleading for release.

Ky yanked on the collar and Taylor took a step down, feeling for her balance. She twisted to look at Ash. She was pinned against the wall, Olson's hand was between her legs. They kissed. Taylor's purse and backpack dangled in Ash's hand, forgotten. Seeing them like that sent a new flush of sensation through Taylor's body. She wanted someone to kiss her like that!

"Come along, slut." Ky said, "Time to do your service!"

"No, wait, I can't leave my mom's car here."

Ky stopped. She was wise enough not to want to get crosswise with Tara Dillon.

"Ash. Ash! Ashes!" She finally had to scream to get Ash to pay attention, twisting free from Olson's possession. "Drive Taylor's car to her house, will you?"

"She's got to fuck me first." Olson growled. "So, no. Let the cunt drive her own car...oh. Still, no. Ashes has a penalty to pay, don't you, you slithering little twat?"

Ash looked abashed, bitting her lip and staring at her feet, or her blouse, partially unbuttoned so her bra was clearly evident.

"Fuck. We'll have to drive it then. Nicole, you drive my car with the slut and follow me. Mrs. Dillon won't care if I drive it. Come one." Ky pulled Taylor down the stairs and out into the parking lot. It was warm, spring had sprung and so people lingered, couples necking against their car but most stopped what ever they were doing to watch Taylor as she was led past in her collar and leash.

"God, what a slut!"

"A collar and hole!"

"Three holes for filling. Shit, she's a delux donut."

"What a slimy skank. I bet she's still bubbling cum from yesterday!"

The comments rattled around her. Taylor let the whispers tantalize her, teasing her and amplifying the already high volume of arousal cavorting inside her.

At Ky's car, she stopped and stared at the door. Nicole had already gotten into the car. Ky had to go back and get Taylor's backpack and purse from Ash. Nicole peered out the window at Taylor and shook her head.

"Dumb cunt!" She growled as she came around the car to open the door for Taylor.

"Queen, to you, bitch." Taylor muttered. "That's Queen Cunt, to you!"

Nicole stopped, glaring up at her. Taylor stuck out her chin. Nicole's face clamped closed, like a door slammed shut cutting out the sunlight. She reached up and grasped the leash and pulled Taylor forward. Taylor gasped as she bent over. Nicole kissed her on the mouth, her tongue slithered past her lips and far into Taylor's mouth before Taylor could respond. She grunted as the kiss deepened, sending tendrils of new sensations down her back and in between her legs. She moaned with the intensity of it.

Nicole broke the kiss and leaned back.

"Jesus Crutches, you really are a slut, Taylor. God, does anything not turn you on? Are you just waiting to be used? Does everything arouse you?"

Taylor didn't know what to say. She just stared at Nicole, her mind a white blank of sizzling arousal. She had her answer but no words to express it and her hands were tied. She wanted to paw Nicole's breasts and push fingers into her pussy and make her howl. The frustration throbbed in Taylor.

Nicole opened the door and Taylor got into the car. She had to sit sideways to accommodate her bound arms. All day long, Ky had been asked, "When?" She told them all, "Taylor would be ready by seven or eight. She'll be at my house waiting to be used all weekend though. Come let her initiate you into adulthood!" The reality was fast approaching. Taylor's bouts of sex earlier in the week had been impromptu and surprising. This was planned, announced and promised. Ky was offering her to all comers. Taylor felt it, that raw need in her body. Her pussy twitched and itched, longing for something to be thrust inside of it. It seemed a being apart from her.

They drove to her house and then Ky got into the back seat and Nicole drove them to Ky's house.

"Taylor, you are going to initiate everyone this weekend, right? No one is part of the Adult club until they've made you come." Ky spoke softly into Taylor's ear. When she didn't respond, Ky grabbed a handful of her hair and twisted it into a tight knot. "Right, bitch? You know why, too, right?"

"Because I'm Queen Taylor!" Taylor responded tightly. The pain of having her hair pulled seemed to ignite the smoldering passion in her and it flamed to life, making her shake as it roared to life under her skin.

"No, cunt, because you fucked my father!" Ky growled. "You want the world to know about that and make this difficult. Otherwise, you'll do exactly as you're told! Understand?"

"Fuck you, Ky. I'm the Queen and I'm initiating the adults in the club. We should have done that to start with but you were too chicken shit to do it yourself!" Taylor spat the words at the windshield, since Ky held her by the hair.

"I'm not the overpowering slut you are, Taylor." Ky snarled back. "You'd fuck anything because you know no one wants a piece of that nasty cunt you wear between your spindly legs. You never tell anyone 'no' because you're afraid you'll never get another chance to have sex. Whatever they want, you'll get, you'll do it. Understand?"

"What about you? When do you initiate the adults?"

Ky snorted.

"You figure out a way to get a teacher into the club and I'll initiate him." She said.

Taylor knew Ky was thinking of Mr. G but she was thinking of Miss Rawlins. "Or her." Taylor whispered. She didn't think Ky heard her.

"Listen, Taylor, you are going to have to suck a lot of cock next week. I have arranged for people to vote for you. I have a bag of beads, glass with numbers in them. Whoever can get the most of these beads will get you as a sex slave for a week. You blow guys and they can trade the marbles you give them. Whoever gets the most, gets you. Olson has a guest house where you'll be used for a whole week by whoever wins you. You suck a cock and give them a marble. They will vote for your new slave owner by giving them beads."

Taylor was fascinated.

"How's that going to work? How will anyone get more beads than anyone else?"

Ky grunted.

"Don't know. Don't care. Not my problem. They are numbered and so whoever comes to the party next Friday with the most of your beads gets you. That's a week of sucking cock, Taylor. Even you should be able to learn something in that time. Okay."

"Fuck no, Ky. Are you crazy? Sex slave for a week? No and fuck no!"

Ky pulled hard on Taylor's hair, tilting her head back over the seat.

"Listen, you two bit cunt, you'll do this or I'll release the entire picture, of you fucking my father!"

"I was tied up!"

Ky grunted.

"Not the last time. You fucked him in my house on the couch. I have the pictures!"

Taylor groaned and fell silent. She wasn't sure if Nicole could hear their whispered conversations. Taylor was thankful that Ky gave her the perfect excuse to comply with her demands. No one else would understand. They'd just think she was a slut doing what a slut does, fucking everyone who asks for the chance. It was only much later that she asked herself how Ky had pictures of her doing David Carter but by that time, it no longer mattered.

At Ky's house, they got Taylor out of the car and led her into the house. The chain rattling from the collar around her neck made her quiver with excitement. Ky took her inside, had her shower and change into new clothes she had in her pack. She went to sleep until seven when Ky got her up and strapped her up again. She looked out the window.

Three cars were parked in the big circle drive. They got out and congregated at the front door. Ky led Taylor to the front door and opened it. Kam and Billy were there and so was Tim Stanton.

Inside the house, Ky pressed Taylor down onto her knees.

"Let her suck your cocks until I'm ready. I'm going to go shower and change and then we can get the Queen Slut ready for her initiation."

Taylor didn't point out that she wasn't being initiated but sat on her knees and waited. Billy opened his pants and presented his cock to her and she sucked it into her mouth. She had to stand up on her knees. He used a handful of her hair to steady her, moving her head back and forth on his cock. She slurped and sucked but failed to take it very deep without gagging. Once she choked and her teeth touched his cock and he smacked the side of her head.

"No bitting, bitch!" He murmured.

Ky appeared and told Billy to let Taylor alone. For a moment, Taylor thought about complaining, about holding onto his cock but passively let it slip out of her mouth, her lips slurping along his length before popping past her taut lips. Ky appeared.

"We have work to do. Taylor is going to be the orgasmic hole initiating the entire Adult club this weekend. She's going to be tied up and used by everyone."

Billy stared at Ky and Kam sort of smirked, shrugging his solid shoulders.

"Here, blindfold her." Ky said.

Taylor nearly objected, insisting she wanted to see everyone who used her but Ky's eyes dared her to speak and cowed her. Taylor bowed her head. She felt the oddness of not fighting back, the quivering thrill of being converted into a cum hole and feared if she fought back, Ky would relent or lose her nerve. Taylor wanted to be tied and fucked again. She simply didn't know what Ky had in mind.

"Strip her, then put the blindfold on her eyes."

While Billy and Kam released her arms and then removed her clothes, Ky covered the large blond wood dining table with two sleeping bags and then tied a fitted sheet over it, making it a fairly well padded platform. Taylor stared at it, understanding correctly that this was the alter she was going to sacrificed on, offered to the god Phallus and the tongue of the female lust goddess, Sappho, the poet of Lesbos. She felt the hands removing her blouse, her bra, unzipping the side of her skirt and then skimming her panties down her taut legs. She felt the shiver run through her. Billy thrust fingers into her pussy and frigged her for a minute until Ky saw him and snapped at him.

"We're going to try something. Taylor was unattainable until this last week, until she finally decided to preside over the Adult Club like the Queen slut she is. Blindfold her."

Taylor felt the rolled length of cloth pulled over her eyes and tied behind her head. It was full and soft and blackened her vision completely. She listened as Ky explained to the others in the room what was to be done with her.

"Here's what I have in mind. We'll lay her on the table and sit two chairs, one at each end of the table. We'll tie her down on the table, I have a harness that will fit on her shoulders and around her neck. Leave the doggy collar on her scrawny neck, it looks good. Once she's tied onto the table, you two each grab a leg and make a wish. See what I mean? She likes to show of how flexible she is, we're going to pull her legs apart until she's doing the splits, laying on the table. Then its cock and tongue, cock and tongue until everyone has made her come at least once."

"Jesus, Ky, that's be what, maybe forty people?" Nicole whispered the words, like she was cuing lines to someone on stage who forgot what she was saying.

"Fifty maybe sixty," Ky replied, "given that we're offering her to any adult. Who knows who'll show up to fuck Queen Taylor."

Taylor felt herself being lifted off the floor and carried to the table. She sat on the padded surface while they fitted a short harness of some sort onto her shoulders. It was canvas or really soft leather, consisting of just short sleeves extending only a couple inches down her arms, not quite to her biceps. It fit around her armpits with a strap across the back leaving her tits exposed with a strap crossing her chest right above them. It had metal loops through which they threaded rope and then lay her back onto the table. He head lay comfortably on the edge of the table. Someone propped it onto a pillow. Another strap was fastened around her waist and then tied around the table. She was fastened onto the padded surface without binding her tightly, the harness and the waist strap held her in place. They zipped supple cuffs onto her wrists and pulled her arms over her head.

"Shit, no place to tie her arms off." Ky muttered. "Here, you, hold her arms. Kam, you and Billy take her legs and split her, you know, pull them wide and make her do the splits." Ky chuckled. "Sit chairs there so it's easy to hold her legs wide that way. Position her ass right on the edge of the table. The guys can fuck her and the gals can pull up that chair and eat cum out of her until she comes. Ash, you have the list I gave you right? Whenever cunt Taylor climaxes, whoever is doing her gets a check mark and their are initiated. Dad has a white board. Maybe we'll use that later if enough people show to fuck Taylor Cunt Hole."

"Okay, Ky." Ash spoke, her voice feathery soft, like she was still asleep or something.

Taylor felt them take hold of her legs and pulled them to the side. Her body remained locked down onto the table top but her legs split wide. Her muscles pulled, stretching. She grunted and concentrated, relaxing into the position. The tension in her pelvic cradle made her body sing, even as she imagined being fucked in this position. A hand knotted in her hair.

"Bitch, ask for it. Beg for someone to fuck you." Ky's voice growled.

"Fuck off, Ky. Just get on with it."

The hand jerked at her hair. The pain was sharp and immediate. Taylor felt the response in her pussy. She shuddered, knowing that her arousal would soon bubble up out of her body. Ky shook her head again.

"Beg, cunt! You sloppy fuck hole! Beg to have a cock jammed into your pussy. Beg to be fucked, beg to be used like the fuck rack you are. Beg, cunt."

"Jesus, Ky..."

"Fuck off, Tim. Or do you want a piece of Taylor pie?"

"I do but do you have to be so nasty to her?"

"Oh, she loves it." Ky growled in that voice no one ever dared question. "She's such a cum slut, she wants to be fucked like this and used like this and described like this. She's so twisted, she enjoys having twenty cocks fuck her in a row. She's told us about it forever. She arranged the Adult Club because she wanted to be fucked en masse like this. Isn't that right, Ash?"

"Yes, Ky. Taylor always talked about fucking the football team or the basketball team. She fantasized about being in the locker room at halftime and letting the basketball team fuck her before they went out and won the game."

"Of course, no one would want to fuck this."

Taylor felt two fingers questing through the folds of her pussy. Ky's hand found her hole and thrust into her. She grunted, her body tried to coil up but the restraints held her fast.

"Don't let go of her legs, guys. I'm going to start her up. She can come all weekend." Ky muttered, even as her finger stabbed deep into Taylor's pussy and then withdrew. From the standing start, Ky pumped her fingers into Taylor's pussy faster and faster.

Taylor's hips began to pulse as the approaching climax took control of her body.

"Jesus, she's already into it!" Nicole's voice caressed Taylor's mind.

Taylor, suddenly aware in her private darkness that she was split onto the table and everyone in the room was watching Ky finger fuck her, suddenly spasmed, her body reacting to the realization that she was naked and ready to be fucked by the entire Adult Club. The orgasm struck her and she cried out, sucking spit so that she gurgled as she came. Whoever held her hands pulled back so she was bowed onto the table, flattened by the bindings and the tension on her arms. She was utterly stretched, her pussy wrenched into a tight slit that fought Ky's fingers even as the orgasm erupted. Taylor felt the fingers withdraw as the orgasm smacked into her. She gasped and bucked, utterly unable to move more than a couple inches, held on the table as she was, her legs pulled into straight lines and held onto the very edge of the table. Her hips jumped and jerked as she orgasmed.

"One." Ky said. "Mark me down. I'm in Taylor's fuck club. I made the wretched cunt come!"

Ash hummed a response.

"Who wants to be the first to cream in Taylor the Queen slut?"
