A Gift in Disguise Ch. 07


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You prefer women who are sexually aggressive and vocal during sex. You like clear sexual signals without ambiguity. For emotionally strong, self-assured women, your willingness to let them take charge initiating the sexual contact between you is an aphrodisiac. But after letting us initiate the encounter, your male dominance in the session brings us to exceedingly strong orgasms every time. Your partners likely find your change to be a compliment to our abilities to arouse you sexually. In our minds we probably see that it was our sexuality that brought out the latent animal sexual instinct in you.

And you prefer natural women, women who do not enhance our body parts with chemical injections, and we are unashamed or uninhibited by our body hair and allow it to grow. Your willingness and even eagerness to accept us exactly as we are just reinforces your attractiveness to us.

All of your preferences describe Lorraine, Kim, Amanda, Marta, and Emily to a tee."

"And you, too?" I interjected. It came out as an unintended question.

"Yes, Tom, me too. So don't be surprised that Emily and Marta are as sexually attracted to you and deeply aroused by you as Lorraine, Kim, Amanda, and I are. We all share the traits that you seek in a sexual partner. You and they could not have known what effect your material would have on either or both of them.

But getting back to Emily's reaction in the conference room -- you've never seen Emily wearing anything other than loose-fitting casual clothes that cover her up, have you Tom? So you may not have thought much about what might be underneath them?"

"No, I guess I just wasn't paying attention to her."

"Well, Tom, maybe you weren't doing it consciously, however I suspect your brain was picking up cues in much the same way Emily picked up sexual information about you from all Lorraine's material.

To most men, men without your 'gift,' Emily comes across as a real plain Jane with no flair, no style, no sexuality. And that's exactly the image -- sexual minimization bordering on suppression -- she works to project when she's working in Marta's law practice. She doesn't want to be a distraction either in the office or when she's helping Marta in court. You might be surprised at how hard she has to work to not be attractive to men or women."

"How do you know so much about her?" I asked.

"I've gotten to know her quite well, Tom. What you've seen most of the times we've met with her is not the real Emily, at least not her sexual side. The real Emily slipped and almost revealed herself with the phallus in the lab."

I thought back to Emily's face, really the only part of her body I had ever seen not clothed. She has very fair skin but with a healthy glow. She always wears eyeglasses with thin gold wire frames but bigger lenses. The glasses and her fair skin emphasize her dark and rather thick eyebrows, neatly kept but not the pencil line-thin sculpted ones so many women seem to want. And there is that faint, easily overlooked line of darkness of hair just above her upper lip. Since she doesn't wear makeup, and has perfect white teeth and a lovely smile, she would certainly qualify as natural. She keeps her black curly hair short, and it always seems to need a brush or comb. Some would probably describe her as nerdy-looking. Yes, Jamie was probably right. It's entirely possible that Emily may even have to consciously work at not being sexually attractive.

Jamie continued.

"I'm not sure what we'll hear when we interview Lorraine and Emily after they have sex while Lorraine was wearing her new phallus. We might hear very scientific, objective, and frankly, almost boring responses. Both Lorraine and Emily are consummate professionals, and even though they're both bisexual, their approach to this test of the new phallus could well turn out to be more clinically detailed than sexually fulfilling.

Or one and maybe both of them might be so consumed by the sexual experience that neither of them remembers much about it -- at least not much of technical interest to us in improving the phallus. Then again, that would be a meaningful comment itself, wouldn't it?

If anything, it may be Lorraine who succumbs to the sexual experience. Remember, at first she said she had really never given any thought to what it would be like to experience sex as a man. But then, after her first experience with our version one phallus, she said she might have to rethink that. I think we'll probably discern that Lorraine will experience more pleasure than she might have expected.

Emily, on the other hand, well... She has cultivated her external appearance of immunity to sex. That may be so embedded in her psyche, I don't know how much she will be able to let go enough during her sex session with Lorraine. And since we really don't know how the phallus on Lorraine is going to feel to her, it's entirely possible that Emily may end up just going through the motions but without much pleasure with Lorraine.

But the materials we used to construct the phallus were be as close to human-feeling as possible. The outer 'skin' has remarkably similar elasticity, texture, and other qualities so that it feels and behaves like a real human penis. It's not difficult to understand why Emily was aroused by its feel even though it was clearly a model.

Then too, it's also possible that Lorraine's phallus might be so perfectly tuned to her own body and brain that Emily will fuck like a rabbit rather than a scientist."

I tried to process what Jamie had just explained.

"What about Kim and Marta?" I asked. "Kim is a medical doctor and Marta is an attorney. Won't their responses be even more professional and observational?"

"Ah, that would be a logical assumption, but I think that's much less likely." Jamie responded thoughtfully. "Kim and Marta are, each in her own way, already borderline hypersexuals.

Remember, for a long time Kim has actually wanted to feel what it would be like to have sex as a man. For her, that desire is considerably stronger than the benign curiosity some women and men feel when they wonder what it would be like to have sex as the other gender. On top of that, Kim was unable to orgasm for about 20 years until you came along with your 'gift' and restored her ability to cum. And she eagerly committed adultery with you to do it.

As Kim said she told you, she has fantasized about having sex with her own son. Though she hasn't mentioned it, it would not be too surprising if sometime she also acknowledges a latent sexual attraction to her daughter, Sarah. So couple her unconcealed desire to fuck as a man does with the sensations of the prosthetic phallus and with her recently renewed orgasm-ability, and voila! You have a woman with diminished inhibitions and a supercharged sex drive.

Marta's intense sexuality comes from her learning and refining shifuku from her Japanese mother."

"But how did she learn it without..." I started to ask.

"...without engaging in it ... and being brought to orgasm by her own mother?" Jamie laughed a little.

"Tom, both Marta and her mother enjoyed it very much. And it wasn't like here in the US where parent-offspring sexual contact would land someone in jail. Marta said her father knew. He even spied on them. He didn't know they had seen him jerking off while he watched. Eventually, Marta and her mother allowed themselves to fondle and finger and overtly sexually satisfy each other. They knew Marta's father could never do or say anything about what his wife and daughter were doing -- it would have humiliated him and brought question upon his own manhood. Their insurance policy against him exposing their forbidden sexual pleasure with each other was that they had seen Marta's father jerking off while watching Marta and her mother. Marta is sure that her mother privately and discretely told her father they had seen him jerking off while watching them. Given her mother's prominence on the stage, it is likely he was persuaded to keep his mouth shut -- and probably allowed to keep watching them.

Of course in modern times, to the liberated Asian women like Marta, sexual freedom is limited pretty much only by their own self-imposed restrictions rather than by dominating men. Many of them have been westernized to the point that they are completely free. Those like Marta who were taught shifuku and who are also sexually liberated are quite often almost too sexual for male partners. If you've ever watched Japanese porn, the women are quite often portrayed as whiny submissives engaging in sex with men. That's because the porn is made by men for men in order to culturally reinforce the men's imagined sexual superiority. In the real world, nothing could be further from the truth.

The women like Marta who were initiated into shifuku but who now are culturally free and able to completely display their sexuality tend to sexually overpower their male partners. As much as these women know every one of their partner's sexual nerve centers and exploit that knowledge to its fullest, they are also mistresses of manipulation to induce their lust-blinded partners to respond in kind."

An odd look crossed Jamie's face, almost as if she were briefly somewhere else.

When she looked back at me and noticed my expression, she read it perfectly.

"Yes, Tom. Marta and I have had sex. In fact the first time we did it, I almost collapsed after experiencing one of her shifuku foreplay-induced orgasms when I fucked her." Jamie paused briefly and looked deeply into my eyes before she continued. "But in spite of Marta's truly indescribable talent and skill, even she wasn't able to make Kim cum. Only you were able to to that.

In fact, I was observing Marta and Kim together before you were in the picture, and Marta actually lost control and drove herself to orgasm while trying unsuccessfully to induce one in Kim. Marta's shifuku focuses every conceivable part of her mind on bringing her partner to orgasm, and when she was unable to that with Kim, Marta's own brain appeared to have gone into sexual feedback -- almost like Marta's own sexual stimulation directed at Kim was being reflected back at her -- and she orgasmed very explosively. Marta's response to that was the same response we've all had -- except Marta and Emily of course -- to sex with you: We all descend into a very pleasurable post-orgasmic coma. That's just how strong your 'gift' is; its effect defies adequate description.

And that is also why Marta is convinced that your 'gift' may be a variant of her shifuku. It fascinates her, because none of the admittedly little literature about shifuku ever mentions it being manifested in males -- only females."

"So you think that both Kim and Marta will be so enveloped by their own pleasure that neither may be able to remember much about the phallus's performance?" I asked.

"I think that's a real possibility. Fortunately, the four of them have agreed to record their sessions together, so the recordings' images and words may tell us more that their own recollection," Jamie answered. "But Tom, Lorraine and then Emily and Kim and Marta may not have sex together for a week or two, maybe even longer."

"Why not?" My voice may have revealed my disappointment.

"Because, Tom, remember that I had probably set the output level on Lorraine's phallus too high. It was producing more stimulation than it needed to for Lorraine to experience maximum pleasure, and that had some undesirable side effects on her. Consequently, we've made both Lorraine's and Kim's phalluses adjustable. I've already shown Lorraine how to decrement the intensity setting with her computer. Lorraine is going to ratchet down the output before she begins masturbating. She'll keep reducing the output until the side effects disappear while the intensity and duration of orgasm remains the same.

Now, Kim hasn't come to pick her phallus up yet. I expect her to do that Tuesday. But in her case, we're starting her phallus at the opposite end of the orgasm scale from Lorraine's. Each time Kim masturbates using the phallus, she will increment the power until she achieves maximum orgasm intensity without any undesired side effects like Lorraine experienced with the version one phallus.

If we assume that neither Lorraine nor Kim will masturbate more than once per day, it could take a lot of adjustment by both of them to reach the desired operating point for their respective phalluses. So, I'm speculating that it could be a couple weeks before either Lorraine or Kim is ready to have sex with Emily and Marta."

"Aren't you making a phallus for Amanda, too?" I asked.

"Yes, but she won't be part of the test. At least not yet. She will come in Wednesday so I can get all the measurements and do the calculations to make her phallus. Of course, I have no idea what level of output will be appropriate for her, so I'll start her's at the midrange and then show her how to use her computer to adjust the orgasm intensity herself. Actually, Amanda may come as close as can be expected to being a valid control in the prosthetic phallus tests.

Remember, she had to be persuaded to even try one of the new models. And with her being both an OB-GYN and a urologist, I think her initial focus will be on some of the more mundane but important functions such as sanitation, comfort, and so on."

My mind had begun to drift a bit to forming mental pictures of Lorraine, Kim, and Amanda wearing their artificial phalluses. I also was thinking about what it would be like to have sex with each of them wearing her phallus.

And then, for some unexplained reason, my mind locked onto a picture of Emily and Jamie together, both kissing and fondling each other passionately, then ending in Jamie fucking Emily.

It had been less than an hour after my experiencing an orgasm at the "hand" of Jamie's computer-driven sleeve, yet I felt my cock beginning to quickly and uncontrollably harden again. Not surprisingly, I found my eyes unavoidably drawn to the obviously enlarging bulge in Jamie's very short tight white shorts while still being conscious of my own erection.

I reluctantly decided I'd better change the subject quickly to something more clinical and less hard-on inducing in both of us.

"Okay, Jamie, but how does your theory about my 'gift' explain the signs of age regression in Lorraine? Why did her atrial fibrillation disappear? How does it explain the physical changes in Kim -- not the least of which was her restored ability to orgasm? Why haven't there been physical changes in you and Amanda?"

"Tom, I can't begin to understand, let alone explain, any of the therapeutic benefits that seem to follow having sex with you -- even just once. For that matter, we really can't be absolutely sure what has caused them. I happen to believe that your 'gift' is a major contributor if not the exclusive cause to everything you've described, but we really do need more evidence. I suspect we all believe that your 'gift' is a manifestation of something far greater, far more cerebral, than your just being able to induce intense, prolonged orgasms in your partner.

Lorraine and I have speculated -- and it's really nothing more than that -- that just like parts of a person's conscious memories are apparently archived in their brain for life and are sometimes brought forth years later by some traumatic event, it may be that some of our bodily control signals are similarly stored. We wonder if the intensity of the orgasms you induced in her might not have resurrected an earlier and more healthy heart rhythm control long stored in Lorraine's brain.

Of course, Tom, there have been changes in Amanda and me. Some have been physical, others ... well...

We've both noticed dramatically increased mental acuity. We can both focus more intently on our professional work, so we use our time more productively and accomplish much more. You'll recall that both Lorraine and Kim have made the same observation.

Amanda has also noticed that her body is beginning to trim up though she hasn't changed her diet or exercise regimen. Right now, the changes are subtle, really obvious only to her. Her breasts have begun uplifting on their own. Her legs, waist, hips, and arms have begun to slender down. It's amazing, but her reductions are in proportion and tend to coincide with what they were in earlier years. She notices that when she wears slacks -- they're not as snug in the thighs and calves and butt. She also notices it in the mirror when she's nude. Overall, Tom, Amanda says she feels younger -- that she's an emotionally mature woman in her own years-younger body. The term she uses to describe what's happening to her body is 'reverting.'

And Tom, yes, I have noticed some physical changes in me. My body hair has become darker, thicker, and finer, and it grows more quickly. I was borderline hypertensive before, but since we've had sex, my blood pressure has dropped and other significant hypertensive indicators have diminished. It was Kim who observed that and has been watching it.

My breasts have become more shapely and firm, and they are more sensitive to touch. Like Lorraine, I can now experience nipple orgasms.

Kim's nipples have become more sensitive, but possibly because she's had children, whereas Lorraine and I have not, she still cannot orgasm from only nipple stimulation. But she's eager to let you try and change that if you can.

I've found that my sex drive is much stronger, and my erections are more frequent. They seem harder, and they last longer. I masturbate daily again, sometimes two or even three times daily. My masturbation orgasms seem to be more intense and last longer as well."

She hesitated, appearing to be genuinely conflicted about going further. Finally, she continued.

"There's something else, Tom -- something that Lorraine, Kim, Amanda, and I have all seen in ourselves.

First, we've all noticed that since having sex with you, we've all begun to orgasm sooner. Not surprisingly, Lorraine noticed it first. She's the oldest in the group, and as she approached 50, she noticed that it was taking longer and longer for her to orgasm -- when she was able to orgasm at all.

Kim, of course, was an unusual case, because of her complete inability to orgasm until you came along -- pun intended. But once you had apparently restored her ability to cum, she too noticed that she was orgasming sooner than she ever had. Amanda is about Kim's age, and like Kim and Lorraine, her ability to orgasm after only a very few minutes of stimulation became more obvious to her.

I've noticed the same thing in myself."

"Maybe I should apologize to all of you for reducing your pleasure time," I said honestly.

"No, don't even think of it that way, Tom. Remember, what we've also noticed is that each of us now orgasms much more consistently, and our orgasms are longer in duration and intensity. I think each of us would also agree that while our time between initial arousal to orgasm has decreased dramatically, that orgasm's intensity and duration has definitely increased. The net effect is that our sexual pleasure, whether during intercourse or masturbation, has exponentially increased.

But let me continue my train of thought.

The second second thing all four of us have noticed is this. Since having sex with you, each of us has also begun experiencing an uncharacteristic and, frankly, somewhat unsettling desire to display our sexuality more openly, to have others see us as being more sexually attractive."

"But you're all four extremely attractive and sexy women. You can't help but be what you already are -- and show what you have."

I can be very dense at times, and this was undoubtedly one of them.

"No, Tom," Jamie said patiently. "That's not exactly what I meant, but thank you for the very discreet compliment. No, what I mean is that each of us at some level has become aroused by the thought of others watching us while we are having sex.