A Girl, A Boy and A Boat Pt. 04

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Can two desperate people find love despite everything.....
8.1k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/16/2023
Created 08/16/2023
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Somewhat darker and a little more sinister than most of my other stories this one has elements of many genres; erotic couplings, interracial, nonconsent/reluctance to name a few, however overall, I think it is more of a romance than anything else.

But given the length of it, the story consists of 6 parts (all written), I decided the best place to put it was in Novels & Novellas.

As always constructive comments and criticism are welcome but please remember it is just a story, like the Marvel films it isn't actually real.

I hope you enjoy.


Chapter 04 - Secrets are Revealed

Laying on her side looking at the outline of the figure alongside her Samantha waited until his breathing slowed and he was very obviously asleep. Then, and only then, did she slip out of bed, making every effort not to wake him.

Standing naked she gazed down at Rob, wanting more than anything to stay with him but knowing that she couldn't.

Running away from her life in England to a new beginning here on the island she had been rudderless, simply surviving, when Valentine D'Souza had happened.

Sleeping with the much older black gangster simply because she hadn't been with a man in quite a while, she had allowed herself to be drawn in by the money she could earn working for him.

The truth of the matter was that almost from the beginning she knew she had made a mistake. While the money had been very welcome and the sex had been bearable she had wanted to stop almost as soon as she started. That was when Valentine had started to blackmail her; telling her he had made a recording of the two of them and threatening to make it public.

She wasn't sure that he had any video but on an island as small as Saint Martin she couldn't take a chance and so she had reluctantly succumbed to his demands.

Consoling herself with the thought that once she had made enough she would somehow run away again, she just tried to make the best of things. What she hadn't expected was to meet someone and to fall in love with them.

Fighting back the tears that threatened to fall she didn't take her eyes of the sleeping figure as she dressed, all the time praying that he wouldn't wake up.

As much as she wanted to stay in his bed she knew she couldn't. Valentine would never let her go and why would Rob Davenport want her when he found out what she was.

For a minute or two she stared down at him, watching him sleep, feeling like throwing up as her heart shattered into a million tiny pieces at the thought that she could never be with him.

Unable to bear it any longer she quietly closed the bedroom door and stepped into the galley, the tears starting to trickle down her cheeks with every step she took.

That was when she stopped.

'What if he came looking for her?'

A sense of panic overcame her and she wondered what to do.

'If Valentine found out about him he might...'

The thought of Rob being hurt because of her didn't even bear thinking about and she knew she had to try to deter the former Royal Marine from coming after her.

Searching in the half-light she rummaged through the various cupboards and drawers until she found some paper and a pen, then she started to write.

It didn't take long and just a few minutes later she was done.

Placing her note where he would find it she climbed onto the quayside and began walking miserably away from the Pegasus and Robert Davenport.

The tears were flowing freely down her face now, glistening in the moonlight, and she made no attempt to wipe them away as she went back to a life she despised.

'Perhaps she could just run away again.'

'Would Valentine come after her if she did?'

Barely noticing the silent empty streets around her she tried to think of any way she could escape her situation as she despondently trudged slowly home.

The sun was just over the horizon when Rob awoke on the Saturday morning and found himself alone in the bed.

He looked blankly at the rumpled sheets for a couple of minutes, his heart thudding against his ribs as he listened for any sound from the rest of the boat; a shower running, the kettle boiling. Anything that would tell him she was still there but, as he expected, there was only silence and the faint scent of her on the pillow.

She had gone.

Laying back he looked up at the ceiling and thought about Samantha Miller. That was when he started to realise the true depth of his feelings for her.

While there had been other girls in his past she had aroused something in him that no one else had done. Stephanie Atwood and more recently Melissa Richards had come close but when he thought about it there was really no comparison.

Even though he had only met her the day before it had been love at first sight for him, he knew that now, and the events of last night had just confirmed it to him.

'Had he been just a passing fancy to her?'

'Perhaps she was with someone or maybe even married?'

Somehow he didn't think so. It had all been so natural between them and he was convinced she wasn't the sort of girl to lie to him.

Taking a deep breath and with an aching heart, he reluctantly slid out of bed, leaving her scent behind. Grabbing his shorts, he made his way to the head to relieve the pressure on his bladder, all the while thinking about how he might find her.

The galley was next and Rob had just put the coffee on to brew when he noticed the note on the table and for a moment his heart leapt, perhaps she hadn't just disappeared into the night.

Snatching it up he scanned it frantically searching for a glimmer of hope in what she had written.



Last night was so very wonderful for me and I desperately wanted to wake up in your arms this morning but I knew I couldn't stay.

I'm so very sorry but I'm not the person you think I am. If you really knew me you wouldn't want anything to do with me and that would break my heart.

It's better I have this one wonderful memory of you to treasure.

Please don't try to find me.

I'm not worth the effort.




Slumping onto the bench he read the note several times, his stomach clenching into a knot as he tried to comprehend what she meant by not being the person he thought she was.

'Was she married?'

'How could she think he wouldn't want anything to do with her?'

'She had ended the note with the word LOVE.'

Numerous conflicting thoughts flitted through his brain, confusing him, and it took him a while to make some sort of sense of everything before he finally decided he was going to try to find her no matter what she had written.


It was then that he remembered who she had been with the first time he had met her in the bar, the night he had asked her to have dinner with him. Surely she would know where he could find Sam.

He was just about to get dressed and rush off when he stopped.

The bar where she worked would be closed and he had no idea where she lived.

Resigning himself to having to wait he poured a coffee and sat down, he could have breakfast and shower first then catch up on a few things that needed doing before Samuel's opened at 10.

Nothing much could possibly happen in the next couple of hours and then, with a little luck, he would find her and sort this mess out.

Reaching home Samantha turned on her phone and saw she had two missed calls and two voicemails from Valentine.

With a sinking feeling she called the number and listened to her pimp, she now realised that was what he was, as he ranted at her.

The first message was to tell her he had a client for her, the second was him angrily fuming into his phone about why he couldn't reach her when he needed to. The customer specifically wanted her and she was nowhere to be found, she needed to call him and she needed to quit her bar job so she was always available.

Finishing listening, she deleted both the voicemails and then typed in a text to him telling him she was feeling unwell and would be unavailable for a while. She wasn't sure how long it would hold him at bay but it might give her a few days to try to forget about Rob Davenport.

With that done she turned the device off and curled up in a ball on her bed, sobbing for what she had lost, until she eventually drifted off to sleep.

It was a while later that the soft tapping on her door roused her and she sat up rubbing her bloodshot, puffy eyes.

"Sam? You there?"

"Yeah I'm here. You can come in."

The door tentatively opened and Francine poked her head into the room before taking one look at the red-eyed mess her friend was in and, hurrying over to her, took her in her arms.

"What's up girl. What happened?"

"I... I've... oh shit what a fucking mess I've made of everything..."

Samantha tried to continue speaking but just dissolved into a bawling heap again as her friend hugged her tightly, stroking her hair and not speaking as she let her cry it out.

"Hey, hey, what is it? What happened with Rob?" Francine finally asked as Sam calmed down.

Sniffling she pulled herself together, "I... I... I think... no I know.... I'm in love with him."

"You and half the girls on the island." Francine chuckled, "And what did he say to this revelation?"

Sam shook her head, wiping her eyes, "I... I didn't tell him. I... I left him asleep and came home."

"You slept with him?" Her friend exclaimed wide eyed.


"Girl you now have some serious street cred getting Rob Davenport into bed."

"W... why?" Puzzled she wiped her eyes and looked at the other girl questioningly.

"Because ever since Stephanie Atwood he has avoided any sort of connection with a girl from here. Tourists are fair game but locals, no way."

"Oh, I... I didn't know."

"So why the tears?" Francine brought the conversation back to the state Sam was in and in doing so tore another piece of her heart away.

"I can't be with him Frankie. I belong to Valentine. He's never going to let me go and even if he did why would someone like Rob Davenport want a girl like me? A whore."

"You'd have to ask him that question hon."

Sam shook her head again, "I can't. What if he rejects me. What if Valentine...."

Stopping mid-sentence, she shuddered at the thought of what her gangster pimp might do if she left him for Rob. She knew Valentine had a nasty vicious streak and he always had a couple of low-life's hanging around him.

The idea didn't bear thinking about.

"Oh shit, you're right it's a total fucking mess. What are you going to do babe?" Francine quietly agreed with her.

The tears started again as Sam stared at her friend. She knew the conflict raging inside her had only one possible outcome and it wasn't the one she wanted.

"What can I do? Valentine has even told me to quit working in the bar."

Francine checked her watch, "I have to go hon, Errol needs me to open up. Will you be ok?"

"I guess so." Sam tried to smile, "I'm gonna stay here and hope that I die."

"Ok, I'll see you when I get back." The other girl snickered.

"Frankie." She called out as her friend got to the door, "Tell Errol... tell him I'm not well and if Rob comes to find me don't... don't tell him anything. Please. I can't face him."

Francine frowned, "If that's what you want but I think you need to talk to him."

"I... I can't." Sam buried her face in her hands and wept, "I couldn't stand to see the look of disgust in his eyes."

"Ok, if that's the way you want it. I won't say a word to him."

It was barely forty-five minutes later that she was doing exactly what Samantha had asked.

"Please. Where is she Frankie? I need to find her."

"She said she doesn't want to see you." Francine sighed as she repeated the same sentence for the third time to an irate Rob Davenport.

"So, you have seen her?"

The girl nodded, "Yeah I spoke to her."

"Why? Why did she run out on me?" He was almost on his knees begging her now.

"I can't say. You'll have to ask her that, if or when you actually get to speak to her."

Please Frankie, I need to talk to her. To sort this out."

Her heart went out to the former Royal Marine. She had known him since they were teenagers and she had never seen him like this, not even when Stephanie had dumped him.

"Why Rob? She's just a girl... what's so special about her?"

Eyeing him with curiosity she wondered what had happened to him.

"I... I'm in love with her. I know it sounds stupid but I am."

Her mouth opened but she couldn't think of a single thing to say as she stared at him in utter shock.

"Will you at least tell her I want to see her. Please." He continued trying to get some crumb of hope from their conversation.

"Sure, I'll tell her Rob." She finally managed to answer, still reeling from what he had just said to her.

"Thanks." Looking thoroughly forlorn he turned and left.

Standing and watching his back as he walked away she wiped a tear from the corner of her eye, wondering how two people who love each other could find themselves in such a messed-up situation.

Walking despondently back to the boat Rob tried to put Samantha to the back of his mind. There was nothing else he could think of doing and he needed to occupy his time or he would go insane worrying about her.

The days that followed dragged interminably by for him. Aside from a couple of family charters for him to take out and some boat maintenance there was little to take his mind off the misery he felt. Even spending a little time with his parents didn't helps as Rob slipped even further into a deep hole of misery and dejection.

Across town Samantha remained in her bed, alone and miserable for two days only getting up to use the bathroom and nibble at a little food.

It was midday on the Tuesday when she turned her phone back on to find a number of missed calls and messages from Rob. Not wanting to hear his voice or read them she was in the process of deleting them when she received the message from Valentine.

Get yourself to my house, now!

Her heart sank the moment she read it realising that the respite she hoped for was over. The loathsome human being who now controlled her life had given her his orders and she was well aware that any failure to do as she was told would have dire consequences.

Stoically getting out of her bed she unenthusiastically went through the motions of showering and washing her hair before slipping into a dress and putting on a little make-up.

Despite her deep misgivings she was superficially ready and took a taxi to his property, a feeling of dread sitting in the pit of her stomach at what she knew he wanted from her.

She didn't even get a hello when she came through the front door.

"Get in the bedroom, now." His first words were curt and devoid of any feeling.

Her whole body tensed and a feeling of nausea almost overcame her as, with a sense of the inevitable, she let him lead her up the stairs. She knew he was going to use her whatever she said and she just hoped it would be over quickly.

"I've missed you baby, so why don't you get undressed and then we can make up for lost time."

His cruel smirk belied his belated attempt to charm her and she resignedly peeled off her sundress before easing the thong she wore beneath it down her legs and laying back on the bed.

"Good girl." His words fell on unappreciative ears as, stripping off his own clothes, he stroked his hard cock and climbed on to her using his knees to prise her legs apart.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh." Was the only sound she made as he thrust into her without any foreplay.

From the first stroke it was immediately clear that he was only interested in his own satisfaction and Sam turned her head aside, staring at the wall, as he used her.

The sound of the steady squeak of the bedsprings, mixed with his grunts, filled the air as he fucked her, his hips slapping loudly against hers with every stroke of his hardness into her pussy.

"Unghhhhhhhhh.... fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk!"

It seemed like hours to her but it was little more than a few minutes before Valentine buried his prick in her one last time and, with a groan, emptied his balls into her belly.

"Fuck, I really needed that." He laughed as he rolled off her.

Sam didn't reply. She had felt nothing but disgust with herself and was simply relieved it was over.

Getting up off the bed she jammed her hand between her legs, catching the ejaculate that had started to drip out of her gaping slit, and set off for the bathroom.

"You have a special on Friday." Her pimp shouted as he started to dress.


Coming back into the room Samantha asked him. She knew he was done with her for the moment and picked up her clothes to put them on.

"This guy's a business associate and a big spender. He wants you all day Friday, then he'll take you to dinner before you go up to his room for the night."

"I... I can't do that." She started to protest, her stomach twisting into a knot at the thought of it.

"You'll do what your told or else...." Valentine grabbed her face, squeezing her cheeks painfully, "... I might have to make an example out of your boyfriend."

"How did he know about Rob?'

'He would do it if he had to, she was certain of that.'

"How? I mean he's... he's not.... I... I don't have...."

Blustering, she could feel her heart start to beat faster as she began to panic. The thought of something happening to Rob was too awful to contemplate.

Shoving her roughly away from him Valentine snorted, "I make it my business to know what my bitches are doing. So, if you don't want him to have an accident you better do as you're told."

The sense of fear at what he might do to Rob, even though they weren't together, was enough to make her agree to his instructions.

"Sure... just... just send me the details about Friday."

"And did you quit that job like I told you to?"

"No, I haven't been in to the bar to talk to Errol yet."

"Just make sure you do. I need you to be available."

"I... I will, don't worry about it."

"Good girl." He threw back over his shoulder as he walked out of the room and left her alone.

Slumping on to the bed she felt herself start to cry even though she thought she had used up all her tears over Rob Davenport.

'Could her situation get any worse?'

'Even if there was no sex tape, Valentine knew about Rob.'

'How? How did he know?'

Eventually she stopped crying and wiping her face she stood up. Pulling on her clothes she headed downstairs to call for a cab, the tears starting again as, not for the first time, she wished her life was over.


The days dragged interminably by for Rob, with only a couple of hires and most of the maintenance up to date he had nothing other than his concern over Samantha to keep him occupied.

Apart from a couple of evenings spent with Henry in The Harbourmaster bar he had simply waited, hoping that Sam would contact him, but she hadn't. There had been nothing but a void.

He had asked his friend if he could help but there was nothing he could do. She wasn't a missing person, other than to him, and as he wasn't a relative and there was no evidence of a crime the policeman had been forced to let his friend down.

That was when the phone had rung.

The caller had been a little vague about what his requirements were, saying that he wanted to do a little fishing and that Rob had been recommended as being very discrete and broad minded.

Because of that he had been reluctant to take the charter but when he had been offered double his normal fee he had accepted, albeit reluctantly.