A Girl on the Train

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He discovers a girl reading his erotica, and watches.
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Just a little voyeuristic tale for those so inclined. Apologies to Paula Hawkins... I couldn't think of a better title. I hope you enjoy it! ~ Lily

It was her face that drew him in first.

He loved to watch a woman read, and she clearly loved to read. She was completely engrossed as she turned the final pages of her novel, her legs crossed, her coat and a water bottle slung carelessly on the seat beside her.

The train was almost empty. The girl was in the middle of the car, he was in a backwards-facing seat at the end.

There was a sweet, grey-haired couple at the other end, and the elderly woman's head lolled rhythmically towards her husband's shoulder as she snoozed, rocked to sleep by the relentless thrum of the train.

Mark was only a visitor in this car. He had a comfortable private cabin at the other end of the train. But, as an observer of life, of people, a man who made his very living on the back of such observances, he was tired of the chatter and social climbing of the private dining car.

He had endured it for two nights already, and had three to go before he reached his final destination on the other side of the mountains. He didn't want to be approached by heavily-mascaraed women, choking in the fog their perfumes as they asked "and what do YOU do?" which was inevitably followed by the shriek "Oh, an AUTHOR! What have you written?"

That was the bore, then, of the pen name. You could introduce yourself by your real name, and never be recognized again. Or you could introduce yourself by your pen name and then be hounded by questions about your writing. The work was heaven, the public life a chore.

Mark sighed. This was better, this nearly empty car, with three companions, two near sleep and one immersed in her book.

He shifted his eyes back to the girl now. She had long, wavy auburn hair and hazel eyes with thick, dark lashes. She was dressed in soft, worn jeans and a cosy grey sweater. Her beauty was effortless, he thought, and her grace and casual warmth made one want to look and look and look.

She was on the final page of her book, her eyes glued to the page, her lips pressed together. After a few moments, she closed the book gently and ran her fingers over the cover, as if she could stroke and comfort it. Mark knew that feeling well, that pang of saying goodbye to a story and characters you have loved, and yet to to be fully satisfied with the conclusion.

The girl closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the headrest, holding the book in her lap.

Mark was touched. What a darling, he thought, to be so moved by words. She hadn't taken out her phone once since he had been watching her, and he was struck by how rare that was, these days, at least.

Finally, she opened her eyes, shifted in her seat. She reached down to the backpack at her feet and pulled it on to her lap, carefully tucking the book inside and pulling out another.

He couldn't help but smile. Clever girl, he thought. She packed for this long journey.

But her demeanour was different now, somehow furtive, a gentle pink flush appearing above her sweater.

She handled this book differently, not like a friend, but like a secret, grasping it more tightly, her eyes flicking around the car. Mark looked out the window for a count of five, and then back.

She was handling this book differently, curling the cover around so it would mask the information on the spine. But the book was new, stiff, and the cover slipped out of her hand for a brief moment and flipped towards Mark.

And that's when he saw his name on the cover. His pen name, of course, but his name, peeking out from between her fingers.

He felt a thrill flooding his chest.

She was reading his collection of short stories. His words. His erotica.

She was going to immerse herself in sensual, dripping, flowing words, while he watched her take them in.

Did she realise, sweet girl, the kinds of things he wrote? The line he walked between art and filth?

But she must, he thought, given her care to conceal the cover and title. The cover was innocuous, really, you wouldn't know that it was erotica to look at it.

She must have known.

Had she read his earlier volumes before this one?

She turned the first page, and he watched her body shift, relax into his words. There was something about watching a woman get pulled into a story, develop an interest in the characters, to find her way in. Her face relaxed, and she casually crossed one leg over the other, the rocking of the train making her breasts sway ever so slightly under her sweater.

Mark watched her meet his characters. The first story told the tale of a younger woman and an older man. Not on a train, but still.

What would be her first tell, he wondered?

Four minutes passed, then five. She must be close to that spot in the first story, where Amanda is overcome with her lust for David. Where she lies on her bed, alone, and runs her hands over her body, thinking about the mysterious older man who has filled her thoughts all day.

And there it was, the first hint of arousal. Not much, just two fingers reading up to pull and stroke a lock of hair. An unconscious movement, but hot and blatant in Mark's eyes.

He knew what it meant. And he knew what it meant when her fingers left her hair and dipped just into the soft neckline of her sweater, to stroke the ridge of her collarbone.

He felt his cock thicken as her colour rose in her cheeks. The tip of her tongue slipped across her upper lip.

She seemed to suddenly come to an awareness, and moved to uncross her legs. Mark knew that she would use her shifting body as an excuse to look around, to make sure no one was watching.

He turned his head to the window, to save her the embarrassment of his gaze.

Poor girl, maybe she didn't know what kind of book she had picked up after all.

It took all of his restraint to keep his eyes focused on the passing scenery in the deepening twilight. He slowed his breath and willed his cock to soften. She was probably putting the book away right now, straightening her top.

He wondered if her pussy was wet, if her arousal was beginning to dampen the gusset of her panties.

When he finally allowed himself to glance back at her, however, the book was still in her hand. All was the same except now, her jacket, previously thrown aside, was covering her lap.

Her lap and the lower half of her right arm.

A surging weight flowed into his cock, into his balls, and his abdominal muscles tightened involuntarily. Heat bloomed in his belly.

He struggled to keep his eyes from glazing, and focused on her right elbow.

It took a moment, but then he saw it, tiny, slow, almost imperceptible movement. The kind of movement that you'd see just from the smallest swipe of a middle finger over a hotly swollen clit.

His eyes darted to her face. Her colour had grown deeper. He watched her eyes move across the page. He thought he could tell when she had found a particular sentence or phrase that moved her.

The signs were tiny. First, she caught just the corner of her lower lip between her lips, and then released it with a long exhale. He couldn't hear it, but he could see her breasts lower as the air left her chest. Then the tongue, just darting out to the corner of her mouth.

And her elbow, moving constantly, the same slow, insistent pace, as she teased herself.

Time was standing still, and flying. He had no idea how long he watched her tiny flexes, the stutter of sudden breaths, the fluttering of eyelashes as she fucked herself with his words.

Then, something else. Her legs moved further apart. Just a few centimetres, really, but in his eyes the change was sudden and enormous and he gasped. The sound echoed in his ears like a thunderclap and he whipped his gaze back to the window.

He was sure, heart hammering, that he had been discovered. Watching her.

But when he chanced to glance back again, she was in her own world, lost in a sea of pleasure, and her eyes didn't move from the page.

Was she breathing more quickly? Were the movements of her elbow more pronounced?


A thought slipped into his mind.

I wonder if she's getting close.

As his mind formed the words, the intimacy, the immediacy of this moment swelled in his chest and warmth flooded down his spine.

He looked back at her. Her lips were parted now.

She's going to come, he breathed to himself. She's going to come, on this train, on her fingers and on my words. She's stroking her clit and she's going to come on my words.

His cock throbbed painfully.

Then she spread her legs again and, so quickly he wasn't sure he saw it, she used her planted feet to lift her hips off the seat.

It was just for a second, half of a second, even. But when she settled on her seat again, her arm was further under her jacket.

Fuck. He knew.

She had pushed her fingers into her pussy.

His eyes fluttered closed for a second, and he saw it, two fingers buried up to the knuckle inside her slick cunt, the pad of her thumb gliding over her thick, hot clit. He could see it. He knew.

He wrenched his eyes open and pressed his palm against his cock again. Fuck, he wanted to take it out, to stroke himself here on the train. He wanted to trail his fingers down the thick vein and then fuck his hand while she watched him. He wanted to jet his come through the air, toward this girl.

He watched as her arm moved faster now. Her breasts were rising and falling more rapidly. Her eyes were on the book, but he could see that they were unfocused, glazed, no longer taking in the words, she was untethered, lost in her dreamy fuck.

Her jaw slackened more. He strained his ears but he couldn't hear her gasps, her silent moans, but fuuucck, yes he could, in his mind, watching her face, he could hear her little whimpers, feel her breath in his ear, as she begged him to fuck her. Please, yes, fuck me, fuck, it's so good, I need you, I need your cock, please fuck me, take me, take me, take me...

Nothing could have prepared him for this intimacy. Her pleasure was only evident in her face and the tiny movements of her arm, but she was now his beloved, making love to him. She had no idea he was there, but he was lost in the fantasy of her, and she was lost in the fantasy of his words. He watched her fuck herself faster, more desperately...

And suddenly, her eyes snapped to his face.

She looked right into his eyes, and froze.

Mark froze too, his hand over his bulge, and for a moment, he was locked in her gaze, acutely aware of her fingers, buried deep in her cunt.

His mind skittered frantically.

She'll be so embarrassed, he thought, I should not have watched. I should have looked away. I should have left the car. She'll think I'm perverted, for watching...

But she didn't whip her hand out of her jeans, or pretend that nothing was happening.

Another moment passed.

And then her hand started to move again.

But this time, she held his gaze.

She looked deep into his eyes as resumed her earlier speed. She was still silent, but now she was letting her face give away her desire. She planted her feet on the floor and fucked her hips up into her hand. She dropped the book on the seat next to her and slowly moved the jacket off her hips.

He still couldn't see anything except her unbuttoned jeans and the flash of the lace at the top of the burgundy panties that covered her hand, an undulating, fabric covered bulge that was moving, moving, moving.

Then, with her free hand, she pushed down into the seat, giving her move leverage to move.

Mark willfully stopped a groan that was threatening to erupt from this throat.

The girl's hips snapped back and forth faster now, and her jaw dropped open further. Mark wanted to take his cock out and stroke it, fuck so badly, he needed it so badly, but he knew when he came he'd close his eyes, and he didn't want to miss a second of this girl's orgasm, this beautiful girl, his reader, his girl.

As if she could read his mind, she bit her lip and her gaze grew more intense. She was angling her hips toward him, to tell him that it was his cock inside her now, that it was his hot shaft that was fuelling her deep fuck fantasies.

He thought he could hear the occasional tiny whimper now.

He thought he could smell her cunt.

Suddenly, her head lolled back on the headrest and her eyes closed. Her mouth opened in a silent cry. Her hips jerked up hard once, twice, three, four times, and she strained in the air for a moment, prolonging each moment of her come.

He watched her body, imagining, no seeing it buried deep in her cunt, up to her navel, and his hips moved, too, straining for friction for pleasure, God please, this girl...

Eventually, her hips dropped back to the seat, her hand still buried between her legs. Her mouth formed wordless, soundless gasps as her body twitched again and again, riding its way through her aftershocks until she finally shuddered her way into stillness and closed her mouth, licking her lips.

After what seemed to be both an instant and an eternity, she lifted her head off of the seat, looked into Mark's eyes and smiled, dreamily.

Then, and all at once, she seemed to remember where she was. She flicked her eyes away from him, and pulled her hand out of her pants, wiping her glistening fingers on her stomach under the line of her sweater. Colour rose in her cheeks as she quickly gathered her things.

Mark opened his mouth as if to call to her, but what to say to say? His mind was sluggish, addled, as he looked into the eyes of his beautiful reader.

Then she was gone, book under her arm, backpack still open, vanishing between the cars.

Mark was stunned, motionless, save for the insistent, almost painful throbbing in his cock.

After a moment, he pulled off his sweater. He shivered as the cool air wafted through his thin t-shirt, but no matter. He needed something to hold in front of him as he made his way back to the cabin. It was in the opposite direction that the girl, his girl, his beloved reader, had fled.

But it would still be three days until the train reached the other side of the mountains...

© Lily Waters, August 2022

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Tequila8meTequila8me7 months ago

Hot as fuck! No better topics than female masturbation and public sex. This is a wonderful combination of the two!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Marvellous. Just simply marvellous. That's how to establish a strong connection, and everything is so kindly written. But through the care and almost intangable entering of the trancelike focusing state, this flows out so strong. Loud, but never loudly. Always balanced, yet strong. Wonderful. You are a great teacher.

Helen1899Helen189911 months ago

Wow! So hot, so well written, great characters, wonderful erotica. I find it hard to believe, that the girl wasn't lily, this wasn't imagination, this was reality. Well deserving of many more stars than I can give. I could easily be that person, on a train, a bus, anywhere. I have favourite authors, at the moment Electricblue66, I can't finish any of his stories without masturbating to an orgasm. Finish reading Lily's stories and then give yourself another treat and try him, you won't be disappointed

naughtyandy4unaughtyandy4uover 1 year ago

What a thrill, to know your words have aroused someone to the point they need to cum, no matter where they are. You do that Lily. Thank you, cheers, Andy

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fuuuuuck this is was such a delicious read omg

kikosukikosualmost 2 years ago

god damn. Probably one of the hottest pieces of erotica ive ever read.

MaydaypilotMaydaypilotalmost 2 years ago

Wonderfully imagined and exquisitely written. The erotic pleasure of an author physically seeing his words find their way into his reader and touch her deep inside. Wow.

And now, three more days…

DansilverDansilveralmost 2 years ago

Lily… I love it. But you knew I would.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Perfectly described. Eroticism at its best.

Paul4playPaul4playalmost 2 years ago

Excellent erotic tension.

Creative premise and very well written.

Three more days on the train…..

zooliciouszooliciousalmost 2 years ago

Looking forward to three more glorious days for these two stalk the other. Should be amazing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A simple story but beautifully written.

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