A Holiday With Kelly Ch. 04

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A wet t-shirt contest....but how far will Kelly go for Rob.
7.1k words

Part 5 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/03/2021
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"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know anyone was in that room." A surprised Kelly looked over at the two men that were sitting, drinking beer, at the outside table on the adjacent balcony.

Kelly immediately assumed they were English judging by their accent and guessed that both were somewhere in their late forties or early fifties, certainly they were a fair bit older than her. One was taller, he was the one that had spoken and seemed more outgoing while the other, shorter fatter man, simply stared at her standing in front of them in her skimpy bikini.

"We just got here today. I'm Tom, this is Frank." The taller of the two men stood up and held out his hand, stretching over across the low narrow wall separating the two balconies.

"Hi, I'm Kelly..." she smiled at them then turned back as she heard Rob stepping out behind her holding the two coffees, "....and err... this Rob."

Introductions over Kelly and Rob sat down, exchanging the odd word with Tom as they sipped their drinks, both of them very aware that the two newcomers were quite unashamedly eyeing up Kelly's scantily covered body.

"So, are you two...." Tom enquired looking between them, obviously trying to work out the relationship between the younger Rob and his older mother.

"Oh we're..." Rob started to say.

"Together!" Kelly interrupted him quickly, "We're together."

"Ah right." He responded drawing whatever conclusion he wanted to from her prompt interjection.

"So, what's the nightlife like then? Much going on?" Tom asked them changing the subject.

Kelly shrugged, "It's pretty quiet to be honest. There's a few restaurants and bars along the street a bit. That's about it really."

"Not a lot goes on then?" Frank finally entered into the conversation.

His comment made Kelly wonder what sort nightlife the two middle-aged deviants were looking for.

"Well if you're interested there's a wet t-shirt contest at the Epic bar tonight." Rob informed them, butting into the discussion, "Kelly here is one of the contestants."

Both of the men looked up with interest at this piece of news, their eyes ogling her and making Rob's mother squirm in her seat.

"Really, is that so? What sort of time?" Tom leered lasciviously at Kelly making her colour up, "We'll have to come along and cheer you on won't we Frank."

"We certainly will." Frank agreed, his beady eyes also never leaving her nearly nude form.

"It starts about nine doesn't it, mu.... Kell." Rob added, correcting himself just in time.

Looking a little flustered his mother blushed and mumbled, "Err... yeah, yeah I think so. At nine o'clock."

"Great, I'm sure we'll see you there." Tom smirked, the sexual innuendo in his words not lost on Kelly.

"Well guys if you'll excuse me. I need to take a shower." Wanting to get away from the two lechers she made her apologies, "I expect we'll possibly see you later."

With that she stood up and stepped back into the room followed, almost immediately, by her son who closed the balcony doors behind him.

"God what a pair of perverts." Kelly declared as soon as they were alone.

Rob laughed, "They did make it pretty obvious, didn't they?"

"Any more obvious and they would have had me stripped off and stark naked on the balcony." She sighed, "And then you went and told them about the contest."

"Yeah, sorry about that, it slipped out." He sat down on the bed looking suitably chastised.

Kelly started giggling at his apparent dismay and slid onto his lap, wrapping her arms about his neck.

"Don't be silly Rob, I'm teasing you. I've spent the day naked on the beach, had sex in public in the sea and I'm going to be gawped at by a bar full of men tonight. Two more looking at me won't make any difference."

He gave her a look of relief and, grinning, rolled her onto her back on the bed and climbed on top of her pinning her down by her arms, "That was mean. I thought I'd really upset you."

She lay looking up at him, her eyes shining mischievously, "Yes it was mean of me but I couldn't resist it. Sorry honey."

Lowering his mouth onto hers he kissed her fervently, letting go of her wrists allowing her to wrap her arms about his neck and accept his tongue as it probed between her soft lips.

"Now I do need to shower if we are going to get an early dinner before my debut on stage." She told her son trying to ease herself out from under him.

Letting his mother up Rob rolled onto his back and sighed, watching as she stood and stripped off her bikini before disappearing into the tiny bathroom. Listening to the water running he lay for a minute considering everything that had happened since they had come away on holiday.

He had fantasised about his mother for as long as he could remember, she was gorgeous and he had always found his friends saying how hot she was a real turn on. But now everything had changed, she wasn't just his mother anymore, she was also his porn star fantasy girlfriend, and he had feelings for her that he knew he shouldn't have.

Just then Kelly appeared out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, "You didn't come to join me?"

"Oh... I... err... yeah." He mumbled, embarrassed at the thoughts that were going through his mind.

She giggled and sat down on the bed next to him, "Have you gone off me already?"

"What... no, no way... I..." Rob sat up more than a little alarmed by her statement.

Before he could say more his mother leant across and kissed him, lightly at first, her lips just brushing his, but it quickly developed into a long and passionate embrace as he pulled her down to lay alongside him.

"Mum... Kelly I mean... I..." he started to say, gazing into his mother's blue eyes.

"Shhhhsh..." she put a finger to his lips, "Don't say something you don't really mean."


His mother shook her head, "We're on holiday. You might feel differently once we go home. Just enjoy the fantasy for now."

With that Kelly ended the conversation and got up to dry her hair leaving her son to use the shower.

She had a good idea what her son had been going to say to her and she knew she felt the same way. But was it just the situation they found themselves in? She had no regrets over what they were doing even though it was wrong but she needed to be sure they weren't just getting carried away with the moment before she let her feelings take over.

By the time Rob returned with a towel wrapped around his waist she had just finished drying and brushing out her hair.

Standing in the bathroom doorway he watched his mother, remembering how he had done the same thing when he was only six or seven, fascinated by her putting on her make-up.

Gluing on her false eyelashes was always the first thing she did followed by the application of her eye liner pencil before the mascara and eye shadow went on. With her eyes done she nearly always finished with a little foundation and then her lip gloss, usually pink or red.

"How do I look?" she asked him as she finished.

"Absolutely fabulous." He said, meaning it.

Dropping her towel onto the floor Kelly went to choose her outfit for the night as her son gazed at her naked figure, his cock quickly hardening under his towel. Stepping up behind her Rob's arms slipped around her petite figure, his broad hands cupping and playing with her modest breasts.

"Hmmmm... that's very nice but we have to go and eat." She sighed leaning back against him.

Reluctantly Rob let go of his mother, "Yeah you're right."

Kelly turned and kissed him before slipping on the white thong she had decided to wear under the very short, 3 layered, white skirt that barely covered her bottom. Going braless, she pulled on a pink strappy vest next while her 3" heeled white sandals completed her outfit.

Hurrying to catch her up Rob quickly dressed in his customary shorts and a t-shirt so that they could head out to eat.

It was a few minutes past seven when the two of them left the hotel to stroll down to the local restaurants for dinner. The sun was setting and the majority of the people about were still wearing their daywear in the warm evening air, presumably heading back to their apartment or hotel to shower and change for the night.

As it was fairly early all the restaurants were still reasonably quiet so Rob and his mother easily found somewhere to eat and were quickly handed menus and shown to a table.

Kelly was both nervous and excited about the wet t-shirt contest and, possibly, having her drink with Del so she picked at her dinner as she fretted about the upcoming evening and what might happen.

"Are you sure you're ok about tonight?" Rob asked her quietly as they finished their meal.

She smiled "Yes, I guess so. What about you? Are you ok with what might happen?"

Blushing he nodded, his answer barely audible, "Yes, as long as you are?"

"I told you I would be exactly what you wanted and I will be. Just like your fantasy girl Mandy." She smiled and squeezed his hand across the table.

"You're always my fantasy girl mum. You always were."

Giggling Kelly reached for his hand, "Then I had better try especially hard to live up to your expectations tonight, hadn't I?"

He grinned at her sheepishly.

With about an hour to kill before the contest the two of them took a brief stroll along the beach before they headed across to the Epic bar where Kelly ordered a tequila sunrise and Rob a San Miguel.

They were just waiting for their drinks to be served when Del suddenly appeared next to them, bottle of beer in hand.

"Let me get those, I said I'd buy you a cocktail." He grinned, looking her up and down.

"Oh hi Del." Kelly smiled at him, "Thanks. This is Rob. My... err.... my boyfriend."

The two men said a wary hello to each other before Del turned to Kelly, ignoring Rob, and taking charge of the conversation "You all set for tonight then babe?"

She blushed and nodded, "Mmhhmm, guess so, as much as I can be anyway."

Standing to the side of them she could see her son becoming a little annoyed at Del's monopolising of her and wondered if he still wanted her to continue with his fantasy.

There wasn't time to ask him however as just then the DJ announced that anyone who had signed up for the wet t-shirt contest should come backstage so they could get the competition started. With some trepidation Kelly told Rob and Del she would see them later and made her way through the curtains with the other girls who had put their names down.

Most of the dozen entrants in the small changing area were a lot younger than Kelly, and she was feeling a bit out of place when an overweight man in his mid-fifties, with silver-grey hair, handed her a cheap feeling white t-shirt, with the club logo on the back, to wear.

"Hi beautiful, I'm sure you're gonna show these kids how to do it." he winked at her, lifting her spirits a little, before moving on.

With the tops handed out the man stepped up onto a small platform and addressed the girls, "Hello everyone, my name's Miguel. I'm the owner and manager of this place and I'll be hosting the contest."

Almost together they all stopped talking and turned to listen.

"Basically, there is only one rule, you have to wear the Epic bar t-shirt I've given you and you have to be braless under it. Apart from that you can wear as much or as little as you want. Ok?"

There was a murmur from the group as they all considered what to take off and what to keep on.

"Once the contest begins, I'll call your name and you then step forward onto the stage. You'll get hosed down and then have a few minutes to do whatever you want. There is just the one round and we have a decibel meter on stage so the winners will be determined on how loud the crowd is."

He surveyed the faces of the twelve women before continuing.

"The prizes for tonight are 75 euros and a 25-euro gift certificate to one of the bikini shops on Duval Street for first place, 50 euros and a 25-euro voucher for second place and another 25 euros and a 10-euro voucher for third. I think that's about it. Any questions?"

Looking around at the other contestants, Kelly saw that most of them looked about as nervous as she felt. Apart from a brunette who she guessed to be in her early thirties like her everyone else was about her son's age.

"Alright, if there aren't any questions you have ten minutes to get yourselves ready and then we can get this competition going!" Miguel informed them before he left them alone to make their preparations.

Kelly pulled off her vest and slid on the rather tight white t-shirt she'd been given. It just about came down to her hips and her nipples were already pushing out visibly through the thin material. She immediately guessed that when it was wet the flimsy top would become virtually transparent.

Ready to go on stage she, on a sudden impulse, slipped off her skirt leaving her in just her thong which was completely visible at the bottom of the short t-shirt.

The wait for things to get going was the worst part for Kelly and she took the opportunity to peek through the curtains. Almost the whole bar was filled with men and, much to her surprise, she saw Rob and Del amongst them chatting like they were old friends. Curious about it she made a mental note to ask him what had occurred between them.

She didn't have much time to think about it however because Miguel interrupted her viewing and appeared out the front to announce the start of the contest. After giving the packed bar a run-down of how the competition would work, he called out a name and the first girl stepped onto the stage.

Really cute, the opening contestant looked totally overwhelmed as one of Miguel's assistants held up a soda syphon to the audience, which went wild when they saw it. Turning back to the girl he aimed at her front and everyone heard her loud gasp of shock as the cascade of cold water hit her.

The crowd roared even louder now as the soaked girl began dancing around on stage. As she spun around Kelly saw why the t-shirts were so tight and thin, when they were wet they looked like they weren't even there, the material clinging snugly around the girls boobs just like clingfilm.

A couple more contestants took their turn on stage and then suddenly, before she knew it, Miguel was calling her name out.

"Gentlemen please welcome our next contestant, the hottest MILF here tonight.... the absolutely gorgeous Kelly."

There was a lot of screaming as she stepped through the curtains and onto the stage area. Her eyes widening when the assistant held the syphon up before squirting her with it and she saw why the other girls had shrieked, it was filled to the top with ice cubes floating in the water!

"Aaaaahhhhhh.... Shiiiiiiiitttttttttttt!" the freezing spray hit Kelly's chest and she inhaled breathlessly before shrieking out loud.

The icy water immediately soaked through the material making her nipples harden instantly as the wet t-shirt moulded itself to her tits like a second skin. The fabric of the shirt was so lightweight that it became completely transparent when wet, and now the whole crowd could see her pert B-cup breasts and hard, erect teats as she stood there, looking like all she had on was her now semi-transparent white thong.

All she could hear were men yelling for her and, as she looked around, she saw Rob and Del near the front also screaming. While close by them the two new guys from the hotel, Tom and Frank, were smiling and joining in shouting for her.

Cupping her hands underneath her breasts Kelly pressed them together, showing off her hard buds as she started to gyrate as erotically as she could to the background music. Flaunting herself at the crowd she danced around the stage lifting her arms up and twirling around enjoying the applause and the shouts of encouragement.

Wanting to give the crowd even more of a show she stopped dancing and slowly turned around before bending over, legs apart, offering the audience a perfect view of her bottom and barely covered slit. Lost in the moment she reached a hand back between her thighs and stroked a finger back and forth along the length of her pussy pushing the wet material between her puffy lips.

All the mob of watchers could see was the outline of her hand moving but they could all imagine what she was doing, and they loved it! Their yelling echoing even louder around the crowded bar as Kelly wiggled her bottom in response.

With her time almost up she stood up and turned to face the audience again, hooking her fingers in the bottom of her top and, to a deafening crescendo of cheers, she peeled it off over her head, cheekily posing topless as her turn ended.

Breathless she disappeared behind the curtain, her face flushed and her chest heaving now her time on stage was over.

The remaining girls each took their turn's at showing off for the crowd. A couple of them also taking off the shirts just as Kelly had and eliciting huge shouts of approval from the men there.

When they had all finished Miguel called all the girls up, one-by-one, for the crowd to cheer and vote for their favourite.

Still in her wet t-shirt Kelly stood on the stage, her tits clearly on show, in a line with all the other contestants. Waiting for the result she looked out around the audience smiling at her son, noting that he was still drinking with Del.

Miguel took up the mike, "Ok gentlemen the results are in and in third place we have the lovely.... Daisy!"

A cute nineteen-year-old brunette with large breasts stepped up to collect her prize to a huge cheer from everyone.

"And a big cheer for our second place tonight, our very own hot MILF, the gorgeous.... Kelly!"

The crowd started yelling again and several chanted out her name as the girl next to her nudged her forwards, "Go on, it's you."

"What.... I... I...!" She looked around totally stunned before she stepped up to collect the runner-up prize from the club manager.

"Well done gorgeous." He leant closer to her as he handed over the cash and the gift voucher, "Next time you're in let me know and we can have quiet drink together darling."

"Oh well... umm... I... err... sure." She stammered.

Kelly didn't hear who the winner was, she was too shocked with coming second to pay much attention, however she did see she was a young blonde with what looked like a large 36DD chest.

Then with the presentation over the girls trooped off the stage back behind the curtain, getting one last ovation from the appreciative crowd, to get changed back into their clothes.

"Wow you were amazing." Rob greeted his mother with a kiss when she returned to the bar, now dressed normally, "Runner up that's brilliant."

"You think so?" Kelly beamed, pleased with his comments.

"Absolutely. You were the best-looking girl up there."

She pouted at him, "But they had bigger tits."

"Yeah, but yours are perfect." Del stepped between them and interrupted their conversation, "Now let me get you another drink babe."

As Del went to the bar she turned to her son with a questioning look.

"So, what's with the buddy act? You know what he wants."

Rob frowned, "Yeah I know he wants to fuck you but he came on all pally to me so what was I supposed to do."

"Not a lot I guess." She replied quietly.

"He even told me he was going to have you tonight."

"And what did you say to that." Kelly looked at him questioningly.

Stunned by Del's bluntness she looked at her son waiting for his answer but before he could respond the young black man reappeared with another round of drinks.

"Here we go." He grinned.

Handing Rob a beer and passing Kelly another tequila sunrise he slipped his arm about her waist.

Unsurprised by his forwardness she glanced at her son again waiting for him to say something.

"That's two drinks now." Del pulled her closer against him, "I hope you're the appreciative type darlin."