A Journey in the Amazon


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Shortly before Amanda's twenty-fifth birthday, she gave birth to another baby boy she named Michael, again, explaining the strong name and due to the fact the child again had lighter skin and looked more like her than the chieftain.

Exasperated and looking defeated, the chieftain left her alone for almost a month. I found out that each day he went deep into the jungle, he begged the gods to give him a daughter. The village elders also prayed every night, to beg the gods to bless their chieftain with a daughter.

The day he came to my hut, he looked haggard and older. I could see the despair in his eyes and the measured, almost humbled tone in his voice as he asked me if [white man] magic could get my wife to conceive him a daughter.

I never lied, it was something I was terrible at and it made me feel like crap. I closed my eyes and couldn't believe what I was about to say, but I told him the only way he would ever get a daughter was to keep trying.

"Why is it so important for you to have a daughter?" I asked him. "I thought sons were more important to pass the leadership to."

It was something I had been curious about, but really didn't know how to broach the subject. The chieftain looked at me, a hard deeply depressed expression on his face.

"I am chieftain. I rule the tribe because my mother was chieftess." His words confused me.

My eyebrows furrowed with ignorance. Tribal leadership was one thing I didn't know anything about. Even after almost four years with the Attanawa, I didn't know anything about the past chieftains and what happened back long ago.

"Your mother?" I asked curiously. "Your mother was leader of the tribe, before you?"

"Yes." He said with pride. "She lead tribe, then I was first born, my sister is o'pne, she I give my first born to raise, she cannot have children."

O'pne was the chieftain's sister! News to me. "So what happen to your father if your mother lead the tribe instead of him?"

Chieftain Ayuken shifted into a more comfortable position and related his family's connection with the tribe.

Nothing had happened to his father, his father died of old age and a happy man. His mother lead the tribe because it was a woman's place to rule the tribe. Then when it was time, she had to pass the tribe to her son, Ayuken to lead the tribe, because he was a boy, now he had to pass the tribe down to his daughter.

The proverbial lightbulb went on in my head. Every successor in the tribe, had to be of the opposite sex of the current leader. So in order for Ayuken to pass the tribe's leadership down, he had to bring a daughter into the tribe.

"What happens if you die without having a daughter to lead the tribe?" I let my curiosity get the better of me.

"The gods will forsake the tribe and all will perish." He said with much fear and reservation. "I am cursed to have sons, because I have somehow shamed the gods."

I didn't really believe in superstitions. "Why do you think you have shamed the gods? The tribe is strong and healthy."

"I take Kauya as slave, she give me only sons. I take your woman as slave, she too only give me sons." He said and I could have sworn he was about to cry.

Seeing him cry, despite my previous attitude about the whole fucked up culture and customs they followed, just didn't sit right with me. "Chieftain. You did what you feel you must for the tribe, the gods will see that."

"White woman give me sons. What do I do?" He said, his responses hard because he was choking back tears.

I closed my eyes and said what I had before. "You just have to keep trying. Amanda is young and strong, she will give you a child, just.... Play with her more before you try making any more babies."

Of course, I doubted the old man understood what I meant about 'Play with her more', so I ended up having to explain a few things about 'foreplay' with him. Actually, I ended up having to demonstrate by playing with Kauya for a good bit until he got the picture.

He accepted my council and within a few more days, he resumed fucking Amanda again. This time, she informed me that he was doing more foreplay and getting her more aroused before fucking her brains out for hours on end. Still, I had to tell her about what I said and how I felt about telling the old horny bastard to 'keep trying'.

Part 22

Amazingly, Amanda just laughed. "You told him to keep fucking me?", she said in mock annoyance.

"Well. I mean, yeah. I did.. Kinda." I stammered.

She just laughed and shook her head. "Dumbass. Whether or not you said that doesn't matter. That old motherfucker is gonna fuck me forever, even if I keep giving him boys."

Then I informed her that I taught him foreplay and she about jumped my bones to thank me for that, but, the chieftain was still quite possessive of my wife, so we broke it up before anything really happened.

Later that afternoon, he must have really gotten her worked up good, because I could hear her calling for him to fuck her brains out, which she had not done before.

The chieftain continued to fuck her brains out and she fucked him like a rented mule. She happily let him get her pregnant this time, and for the first time, she actually had some problems during the pregnancy.

In the beginning, Amanda got sick and kept throwing up, losing a lot of weight. She'd had morning sickness before, during the other pregnancies, but this time was a lot worse. I almost thought she wasn't going to make it, but, she got over the illness and as the months went by she regained some weight and her belly began to grow very large, larger than any other time. They kept the oil spread all over her body and the chieftain didn't fuck her at all anymore.

Finally, the day came for Amanda to give the chieftain his fifth child with her. Her belly had swelled larger than it had with the first four and I was surprised she didn't explode. Because she was so large, Kauya and I expected a very long labor and delivery, but having already given birth to four babies, must have had some effect. Less than two hours after her first contraction, Amanda had the baby.

She had finally given the chieftain a daughter that the chieftain named this time. 'Tao-ya". The tribe went crazy and my exhausted wife was brought out for the first time and celebrated for finally bearing the chieftain a baby girl. She was dazed and confused, still trying to recover from the labor.

The chieftain was too busy with the huge celebration, that he must not have noticed that I was holding and kissing my beautiful wife. If he had noticed, he didn't say or do anything to stop us. No one did. Amanda, Kauya and I were left alone while the village celebrated.

It was a very joyous occasion for the Attanawa. For the first time, the chieftain had a baby daughter, and could finally pass the leadership of the tribe to a rightful heir.

Once the festivities died down, he let my wife stay with me and Kauya for the night. He sat outside my hut to make sure I didn't try and screw Amanda, but she'd just given birth and all I wanted was to hold her in my arms again. Luckily, I got to hold both of them in my arms long into the late morning of the next day. Then, Kauya and I reluctantly brought my wife back to the chieftain's hut.

Afterwards, Kauya and I went to the river to bathe. It was getting late and she just wanted to sit in the water and relax.

But one look at her and all I could think about was putting my cock, deep inside her tight sexy body and fucking her right then and there. The look on Kauya's face told me she had other, more serious thoughts in her mind.

"What's wrong, Kauya?" I asked her when the silence was only broken by the chirp of a few birds and the gurgling of the clear cool water of the river.

She looked up at me and smiled, brief. "You asked me about white magic, if it could fix me, would I want to have your babies."

"Yes. I did. That is if white magic can fix that." I answered.

"I want to fix it, I want you to have children. Like me, your wife does too." She looked upset though she was talking about things that would make her happy.

"So why the sad face?" I asked.

"Because, we're not leaving here. There is no way the chieftain will let your wife go and me, what will I do when you get Amanda back?"

"You are mine now, Kauya. Amanda is mine by our ways. So you are both mine. And, I belong to both of you as well." I said. "When we go, you know you come with us."

I grabbed her gorgeous butt with determination, picked her up and carried her in my arms all the way to our hut and for the rest of the night I let her screw my brains out as much as she wanted. She loved being on top, and I loved watching her tits go up and down as her tight pussy gripped my cock. She could cum as much as she wanted and I just held myself back, letting my arousal build up inside me until I couldn't bear to hold back anymore.

Kauya had learned my sexual buildup by now and would reluctantly pull herself off my raging hard cock and get on all fours, wiggling her gorgeous tan ass at me enticingly. I was feral by that time and grabbed her sexy body and fucked her with everything I had. She had developed her own 'signature' big O and the normally quiet Kauya would scream as I filled her pussy with my seed, begging me to keep pumping more and more into her. And without any reservation, I made sure I filled her hot, sexy body up with every last drop.

Part 23

A few weeks after Amanda had given birth to the chieftain's first daughter, the chieftain woke her up and she let him fuck her like there was no tomorrow. Things had pretty much returned to what had become 'normal'. Though they had three children to raise, the old man still kept banging Amanda without reservation.

Then, one day, Kauya came running to me after taking her morning bath in the river saying that she had something important to tell me. Once we were alone, she told me that she had seen an Akashi tribesman on the other side of the river.

Kauya whispered to me that without anyone seeing her go, she swam over to the other side, but by the time she got there, he was gone. She left a sign on a tree, that if he ever returned, to come back and leave a message.

I was so excited. After all this time, a plan formed in my head of how we were going to get out of this mess.

I woke up very early and stirred Kauya's sleeping form. The night before, we'd had a lot of terrific sex and she was still naked when my eyes roamed over her body. Without any thought about it, my arousal immediately grew and the happy smile when she noticed it prompted my desire to fuck her right then.

After eating her delicious pussy a few times and just before I plowed my cock into her tightness, we heard Amanda's all too familiar groan of reluctance. The chieftain was awake and up early as well. Normally, he would wake my wife just before sunrise to have his pleasure with her, but for some reason he'd woken up way early and wanted her right now.

As always, her groans became grunts as the old man fucked her harder and harder. And again, as all the times before, it was not long until I heard his satisfied gasps of pleasure as he released his cum into Amanda's core. Then I heard her groaning in displeasure at his continued thrusts as he filled her womb with every drop of his seed.

Kauya and I tried to fuck at the same time as the chieftain was fucking my wife, playing our own little perverted game by trying to orgasm in sync with what was going on in the other hut. The old chieftain was particularly vigorous that morning, fucking Amanda again and again, pumping his sperm into her and only resting a little while before he was ready to fuck the hell out of her some more.

Kauya and I were having a very difficult, but fun, time trying to keep up and were becoming quite exhausted. Somehow the old man managed to keep fucking Amanda over and over again. We finally gave up and lay together in a sweaty heap, listening as my wife's grunts and groans continued.

After several long hours of listening to him fucking Amanda, the sun, though it wasn't completely up yet, had already begun to shine light into the morning sky.

The chieftain stepped from the hut and motioned for another man to come. After a brief conversation, the tribesmen entered the hut and came out with my wife, limply in his arms. I moved to get to her, but Kauya placed a hand on me, shaking her head, her other hand covered my mouth.

"Wait, David." She whispered. "Wait."

Amanda stirred a little and I let out my breath that I hadn't realized I was holding. The chieftain told the tribesman to carefully take my wife to the river and gently bathe her.

Once the man was gone, the chieftain walked right over to Kauya and me. I wanted to kill him right then and there, but a warning look from Kauya made me back down.

She growled, for the first time since I had met her, Kauya literally growled when the chieftain came to our hut. He stopped the instant he heard it, just a few feet away. After several long hours of listening to him fucking Amanda, the sun, though it wasn't completely up yet, had already begun to shine light into the morning sky.

Kauya spoke low, anger in her voice. "What have you done? What did you do to his wife?"

He seemed to take offense at her demanding questions, but one look at her and then at me, reconsidered his thoughts. "I am the chieftain; I do what I wish with my slaves. I only answer the gods, not you." He said.

Kauya growled again, "The gods tell you wrong things, Ayuken." She stated plainly, unafraid.

The chieftain huffed in annoyance. "The gods say [white slave] leave soon." He paused and stared daggers at me. "So I take her much, and make sure she is with child before she go."

Before I could say anything, the chieftain looked at me and spoke. "Juka take wife to river. You take Kauya, get wife at river and leave with Akashi man when he come for you."

Kauya looked at me with shock. "He knows." She said in English so the chieftain wouldn't know.

Chief Ayuken took a deep breath. "I know about signs and I watch the river much." He said softly. "When I go to jungle, pray to gods to give me a daughter, I hear sounds from other side of the river. I see Akashi man, standing there."

Something clicked in my mind, but I didn't interrupt the chief. "Later, I find sign for Akashi to come back, I send Juka to Akashi."

Now things were changing rapidly.

He came right up to me. "Akashi send man, today, to take you and wife back to white man world." Then he looked at Kauya. "You belong to white man now, you must go too."

Kauya didn't pause for a second and immediately ran out of the hut. She was still naked and the chieftain gave her a very appreciative smile as he watched her go toward the river. I grabbed our clothes and followed Kauya.

As I walked past the chieftain, he smiled. "Enjoy your two wives, David." He said to me with a laugh.

I stopped and gave him a smile. "I will chief. I will. Good luck. Thank You." And ran after Kauya.

Part 24

After that, everything went by in a blur. We travelled long and hard to reach the Akashi, where we were greeted with friendly faces that remembered our short visit years ago. I couldn't describe the feelings I had as both Amanda and Kauya slept in my arms together, for the first time.

A month later, we were back at our home resting comfortably. Kauya was with us and though our excited families wanted to hear about our adventures in the Amazon jungle, all we wanted was to be left alone for a while.

They didn't understand at first but kept their distance until we were ready. We didn't tell them anything about what Amanda had been through, by her request, and made up a story that she had taken ill just before we were leaving and wanted to wait until she was better before having a bunch of people over.

When our families came to finally hear of our tales from the Amazon, we didn't even mention Amanda's ordeal. We talked about all the other things we did and learned. We told them about the people, the food, the day to day hard work and all the wonderful things we encountered. A lot of it came from my personal experience; the rest came from what Kauya told Amanda what she had done.

Kauya's story was simpler, we just said that we found a kindred spirit in her and how well she learned our language and things we did, we had to bring her with us.

Our families were amazed at how well Kauya spoke and understood everything, but I could tell from a few of their faces that they knew something more was going on between the three of us. Janice, she knew right away, the moment we got to the house. But, she never said anything to us, just gave me a wink or two when it was 'bed time'.

A lot of the stories Amanda and Kauya had come up with, just so we wouldn't have to tell about what had happened to both of them.

After a long day of catching up, telling stories, eating tons of modern food and after everyone helped clean up, we said our goodbyes and everyone left.

After the reunion with our families and everyone had gone home, Amanda, Me and Kauya sat there alone, huddled together on our big couch. I sat there with my back against the cushions with two of the most beautiful women in my life, laying their sleepy heads on my chest while they held each other's hands.

We had already known that Amada was pregnant within that first month of our freedom. Obviously from that one last fuck filled morning with Chieftain Ayuken.

Thankfully, the baby girl she would give birth to months later, had more of my wife's genes and features than the chieftain's, so it was easy enough for me to claim the child as mine and fully accepted her as my daughter, whom we named Destiny.

Kauya, it turned out, could be fixed by modern medicine. A few months after we were home, the doctors determined that Kauya's ovaries had a lot of scar tissue formed around them but they were able to repair them.

About that time, Amanda and Kauya had begun experimenting with having sex with each other, much to my great pleasure. I watched as they each pleasured each other for many long hours, leaving me to wait until I was barely able to control myself.

Then, they would let me fuck their brains out until we all three passed out from pure, satisfied oblivion.

I never thought I'd ever be in a situation like this. Within a few months after having Destiny, Amanda became pregnant and days later, Kauya also informed us that she too was pregnant.

Nine months later, my wife gave me a healthy, strong, baby boy that we named Mark and two weeks later, Kauya gave birth to twin baby girls, that we named Cindy and Jana.

Along with Destiny, our family of four had suddenly and happily grown to seven.

Janice stayed with us, learned of the secret we wanted to keep and happily helped us raise her wonderful grand-children.

What had begun as an epic journey-turned-nightmare was now a dream, and it didn't end there.

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Et2bruttusEt2bruttusover 1 year ago

I wish Dinomagick would get back to writing again, especially since they said they would be writing a sequel to this. It's one of my favorite erotic stories on the internet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I really found what I was looking for with this one I haven’t found anything this good anywhere else I really wish I could see more stories like this one

Dinomagick is a true artist.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story! This author has real talent and I hope they keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What a great story, well written for enjoyment! Thank you ! Dinomagick

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This is by far my favourite story on litrotica I really wish there were similar stories but this comes closest to what I’m looking for.

I hope the artist keeps writing

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Started off really hot and exciting 10/10 as it went on dropped in excitement a bit for me but was well written

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Captured by Goblins?

Like others, I too found it to be a little long-winded.

I'm not sure of the overall appeal to this type of story. A driving point in cuckold fantasy is being dominated by a superior male. When the MC is described as athletic, capable, and standing quite tall among the runty tribesmen (even the chief is described as beneath his stature) it's hard to get into it.

A bunch of little men held a spear to the MC's throat while a slightly larger man had his way with his wife. Why the little "goblins" didn't have their heads crushed after the first day, I'll never know.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I saw on another site that you were writing a longer version of this story. When will it be published?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

The artist cheese-ter did commissioned comic pages to go along with this story. See below:




AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
enjoyable story

This is the second time l have read this story. I find it well written and creative.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
well done

like another commented above, would like to this from the wife's perspective

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Ch. 2

Thank you for posting this story. It was the kind of wife sharing story that I go for. Very hot situation and premise with the wife and chief, though I for one am glad that the husband made it out ok despite the predicament as well.

I hope you feel inspired to write a chapter 2. I would love to read it!

smartmalksmartmalkover 10 years ago
amazing story!

The best story what I found to read ever. Thanks a lot!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Loved it. write more stories....and write this one from the wife's viewpoint!!

whiteboywhiteboyalmost 11 years ago
wifes viewpoint

I was thinking you should make the same story, etc but all in the wife's point of view.

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