A Learning Experience Ch. 01


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In between my little bites and pinches I paused to ask, "Still wanna know me better?"

To which she quickly replied, "Hell yeah!"

So I fired back with, "then its time you met Peter." My hands left her breasts to grab her waist and I lifted her hips up by about a foot.

"Whoa... Peter? Who's Peter?" she asked.

"My Peter," I said, while nodding down at my 7-inch cock standing to attention underneath her. While I couldn't claim that my cock was anything other than average in length, it's always been fatter than the average cock's girth, at around 6 inches in circumference. As she dropped her head down to see for herself, she gasped at her first glance of my fully erect cock.

"Does he need a condom?" I asked as sexily as that phrase allowed.

"Hell no! I'm on the pill," she said, and laughed back at me.

I smiled and then dropped her straight down on top of me, producing a loud yelp as she felt all of my cock fully embedded inside of her. It brought out a pretty loud moan from me as well, as her hot wet pussy was incredibly wild to be suddenly inside of. I paused for just a couple seconds and kissed her as she got used to the feeling, then gradually started rocking her back and forth, in and out. Once she seemed used to me, I quickly rolled us over so I was on top and began fucking her, slowly at first and then faster, a small amount at a time, until finally her hips were bucking up to try and meet my thrusts, like someone possessed. At this point my thrusts were getting so wild, and her cunt was so wet, that it took all my concentration to keep from slipping out.

Along with the sound of my balls slapping against her butt, she kept up a steady stream of comments, "Oh baby... y-yeah, that's it... fuck me sweetie, fuck me hard... please... harder... Ooooh... yeeesssss!"

With all that stimulation, I wasn't going to last very much longer, especially as Andy was right, much of the reason for my crappy mood was because I hadn't had sex for weeks. I managed to hang in there for about 10 minutes or so before Mel decided to tweak one of my nipples, sending me over the edge. The resulting orgasm was a total stunner, definitely altering my state of mind, and causing a huge release of pent-up seed. Clutching one of her cute ass cheeks in each hand, I again pulled Mel as close to me as possible. I could feel myself pump into her a couple times before she screamed from her own orgasm, raking my chest with her nails as it hit.

I was frozen in time, and yet each muscle in my body seemed to ripple with its own electrical energy, spasming several times before the waves of pleasure gradually faded. Then I finally lost control, falling over next to Mel on the futon, both of us completely spent, we cuddled together closely. Only the sound of two people panting hard remained, looking at each other in that post-coital glow that always seemed to be just too beautiful to even try to describe.

"That... was fucking incredible!" I huffed, at which point she laughed and said, "No... that was incredible fucking!" then we both laughed for a while.

"So... now I'm intrigued, you've been telling Andy you want to know me better, why didn't you say anything to me?" I asked.

"Well, I couldn't be sure... so I thought I would ask Andy, he seemed like a close friend and maybe he could even help me get to know you," she said.

"Couldn't be sure of...?" I pressed, what she said then, hit me like a ton of bricks, "If you were gay."

She immediately saw my look of concern and started backtracking, "Well, of course you're not, but I guess you were so busy with everything, you just didn't notice my advances and so, ya know, it occurred to me that maybe I should find out if I was wasting my time."

My head had dropped as I took all this in, until she put one of her well manicured fingers under my chin to bring my eyes to hers, and said, "So I just had to find another way... to... get... through." touching the tip of my nose with her index finger on each of the last four words for extra impact.

Then after still getting a slightly concerned look, finished with, "you ok with it?"

I had to laugh at that, the whole situation was a pretty wild way to 'get through' to me I had to admit, so I finally said, "I'm just sorry I seemed to be ignoring you, I guess I have been pretty distracted lately!" although I knew that I could never tell her what the real distraction was.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, quickly trying to change the subject, "Lets see if Andy and Cindy want to party a little, ok?" to which she enthusiastically replied with her usual, "Hell yeah!" then jumping up, she added, "Lemme run to the little girls room for a sec, I'll be right back!"

It took her a couple minutes just to find enough of her clothes so that she could do that without causing a major incident in the hallway, then unlocked the door and left. In the meantime, I too, had to search for the remnants of my clothes, gradually finding, and then putting on, each piece.

I then straightened up the front office a little, snatched up my backpack and went into my office and flipped on the lights. Andy had been nice enough to make sure I had an office too, although mine had been a storage room before. He felt as long as I was doing all the real work running the club that I should have someplace to work in private, and therefore allow him to continue to play around and impress his friends, without being bothered. Actually this worked out really well, as he acted as a 'front' for me, and allowed me to do what I needed to without a lot of interruptions. If a problem came up, I could let Andy take the heat, while I worked in the background fixing whatever it was, and then making it look like he'd actually done all the work. For all intents and purposes, I was running things, and Andy had no problem with that. I really loved my job, especially the fringe benefits, so it was a unique symbiotic relationship!

I quickly checked my messages to see if there was anything urgent, and by the time I was done, in walked Mel, looking like she'd just stepped out of a magazine cover shoot. "So whaddaya think of the club so far?" I asked in my best Groucho Marx imitation, bouncing my eyebrows up and down. This got the giggle I was hoping for, and then I added, "Can I chase you around my desk too?"

She leaned over my desk, kissed me, and said, "It wouldn't be much of a chase, 'cause I'd always let you catch me!"

At this point I rolled my eyes, giving a little cat-like growl, and said, "But that's the fun part... ha, ha! Lets see if Andy and Cindy are... available, shall we?" With my phone still in hands-free mode from listening to messages, I stabbed the intercom button, and waited for a response.

"Hey Jack, what's up?" Andy asked, in a somewhat cautious tone, as he knew his 'plan' may or may not have had the intended effect.

"Listen, thanks for setting me up like that pal, I know I've been a little moody lately and, um..." I said, trying to explain.

He jumped in saying, "Just tell me if it helped."

So I answered while looking into Mel's eyes, "Boy, did it ever!"

Which seemed to be all he wanted to hear, replying, "Well great, you need to take it easy big guy, I literally wouldn't know what to do around here without you, so you're very welcome."

"Well, Mel and I don't have any classes until 9:30, so we've got some time to kill, do you have anything to party with over there?" I asked, as I already knew Mel's schedule was similar to my own, and that we shared the same first class on Mondays in accounting.

"I have a little left..." he began.

"Ok, no problem, I just scored with my buds on Saturday, I'll bring some with me, we'll be in, in a minute, ok?" I said quickly, then Andy replied, "Cool, we be waitin' bro!"

I shut off the phone and dug into the bottom of my backpack, retrieving a small bag filled with marijuana, "Malawi Gold darlin,'" I said, showing the bag to Mel and giving her my best evil smile. "I tried a little last night, its incredible!" I continued.

Considering we had all just seen each other naked, I went ahead and walked into Andy's office without knocking. Cindy and Andy were on his huge 'L' shaped black leather couch, in a semi-clothed state, with Andy as usual, on Cindy's lap. Mel and I sat on the opposite end of the couch from them.

Earlier this month, I'd set up all the club's offices with dimmable lighting, something made easier with the basic electronics course I had last term. I know, I'm a nerd, and typical considering my background I suppose. Andy had dimmed the lights and turned on his black light, which made all of his posters on the walls luminess, giving a more relaxed mood to the room. Then the final piece, as usual, the music! After cranking up the turntable with an LP of the latest Heart tunes, I loaded up his bong and we each started taking hits, and passing it around.

"Oh... my... god!" Cindy managed to barely rasp out, "that's some wild shit, where'd you get it?"

I had to use a little care here, as the person I bought it from would probably kill me if I went around telling where I got it, so I just replied, "some guys from my old neighborhood, a motorcycle club called the pagans."

This got raised eyebrows, with Andy saying, "Be careful with those guys Jack, how do you know them?"

To which I tried to just get out of the conversation with, "Friend of a friend kinda thing, no big deal, anyway they just happened to have this Malawi Gold, so I scored it!"

After a few hits around the room, the mood had seriously mellowed. So I asked a fairly simple, at least I thought it a simple, question, "Andy, how come almost every time I walk in here, you're on Cindy's lap?"

Which got laughs and giggles from everyone, even Mel, which I hadn't expected. "Weeeelll..." Andy started to answer.

But then Cindy jumped in, "Because he's my bitch!" which got hilarious guffaws all around.

"Actually Jack," Andy continued, "Cindy and I, and I think Mel too, are bisexual."

This brought about a very perplexed face from me, so I asked, "Wait... bisex... isn't that like, when you have the sex organs of both genders?" now I'd brought about a serious laugh riot, but I was still totally confused, and eventually everyone calmed down when they realized that I wasn't joking.

"No, that's an hermaphrodite," Cindy declared, only slightly frustrated, "bisexual means we're attracted to both males and females."

"Sometimes it also means..." Andy then added, "that we switch roles a little bit. And Cindy kinda takes control in our love making." Everyone waited to see if this would sink in as I rolled the concept around in my clouded brain.

Finally I looked at Mel and quietly asked, "Are you bisexual?"

To which she shrugged and replied, "Yeah, I like girls too, just not as much as boys."

"Whoa, two girls, that's like every guys fantasy isn't it Andy, heh, heh!" I tried to say as sexily as I could, being as stoned as I was. Now Mel gave me a quick punch to the shoulder in fun, which brought about another round of laughter. But at this point Mel seemed to turn very serious.

"Jack?" she asked softly, "did you really not know what bisexual means?"

I thought as carefully as I could before replying, "I'm sorry darlin', ya see we never had any sex-ed classes in our school system, so I've ended up a bit ignorant of some sex topics. In fact, the only reason I know enough to use a condom is from real-life experience."

Her grin seemed to mean I could relax a little bit, but Mel was still wanting answers and then asked, "Hmm, ok... so what about you Jack, have you ever been attracted to men?"

Now I was very sure of this answer so I quickly replied, "Nope, no attraction to men, I love women," then I blurted out, "if anything I love 'em too much!"

This got some laughs, before Andy shot back, "What do you mean... too much?"

Now here, gentle reader, is where my life started to change, and as it turned out, no torture was necessary to drag this secret out of me. All that had been required was good sex, good company, and a small bong of very good weed, to make me lose all of my inhibitions and say, "Ha, ha! Well, sometimes I almost wish I could be one."


At first I hoped they misunderstood, perhaps nobody even heard me. I kept my eyes down, concentrating on relighting the bong, but as I slowly brought them up, the full enormity of what I'd just said started to burn into me. All three of my friends, who had been engaged in happy banter only a few seconds before, were now inching up straighter in their seats, their eyes narrowing, even with their dilated pupils you could see the concentration in their faces.

So I tried to downplay it for all I was worth, I brought out my best poker face, and said, "Yeah, funny huh? ...Oofuh!" Mel's hand, which had been resting on my thigh, now quickly moved, slamming into my crotch. Andy had gotten up and rolled his desk chair over in front of me, and Cindy moved to sit on my right side, since Mel was on my left.

Again I tried to downplay by saying, "What... guys? Its just a little fantasy, you have fantasies too, right?" I was talking very fast, but whether it was from the weed, or the location of Mel's hand, I couldn't tell.

"Its ok Jack," Cindy said soothingly, "we would never tell anyone about your um, fantasy, would we?" she finished, then nodded at Mel and Andy.

Mel joined in saying, "Of course not!"

My poker face melted, as I said, "Huh... What do you mean?"

Mel then put her right hand down inside my pants and underwear, grabbing my cock in her smooth grasp, resulting in a loud groan from me. Cindy then slipped her left hand down that same path, but taking a firm grip on my family jewels.

The girls then started massaging my balls and stroking my cock, with Cindy saying, "As long as you answer all of our questions honestly, no one will have to know, and we'll make you feel really good, won't we?" to which Mel nodded pleasantly, then Cindy changed her easy tone with, "But if you lie to us..."

I suddenly felt a pinch in my privates, which brought pain and a few stars in front of my eyes, "Yeee-ow!" I screamed out.

To which they both giggled and Cindy went back to her easy tone, and gentle massage of my genitals, saying, "So now Jaaaa-ck, what have you been hiding from us, hmm?"

Bewildered by what was happening, I stuttered, "N-Nothing, really, it-its just a silly fantasy I have sometimes a-about... umm, about... Ouch! Being a woman, ok?"

Now finally, Andy seemed to have whatever he was looking for and nodded for my 'interrogators' to let me go, which Cindy did, but Mel continued to stroke me, then unzipped my fly and kneeled down in front of me.

Apparently unable to resist her urges, she said, "I think Jack desperately needs some relief at this point," then looking at Andy and Cindy said, "and me too, sorry kids, this won't take long!"

After pulling my very hard cock out of my jeans, little more was needed, and I exploded after only a few sucks from her lovely mouth. As I came, she pulled my cock out just enough so that the head was sitting on her bottom lip. I moaned as she took everything I gave her, swallowing every drop. Then I fell back into the couch, completely and utterly spent.

As I regained my composure, Mel climbed back up next to me on my left side, all the time keeping me in a tight embrace, and then kissed me deeply. I could taste the salty texture of my cum that was still in her mouth, which turned me on more than it grossed me out. Somehow I also felt good about Mel knowing my secret, I felt... protected, as if I always knew I would be able to count on her. But I could feel Cindy staring right through me, and I was scared beyond words that somehow she wanted to hurt me. I tried to give her a look that said 'if you ever touch me again, it won't be me that gets hurt', but I decided to stay quiet until I knew better what she had in mind.

But now it was Andy asking the questions, "Does anyone else know about these... um, fantasies Jack?"

To which I glumly answered, "No, I can't believe I've told you."

As he studied me, Andy continued, "All I want to do is help you bro, although it does bring up some interesting scenarios." After a quick glance at the two girls sitting next to me, he asked, "Have you ever tried to do anything about it, you know, tried to dress as a girl or anything?"

To which I blushed at least 3 or 4 shades of red, finally feeling the heat from my face and sweat dripping off my brow, I stuttered back, "W-well I've, I mean..." I sighed as I realized my 'secret' was out now, scanning each of the people around me, all I saw were intensely caring faces. I only had one option, I'd appeal to their mercy, show them all the suffering I've been through over this, and somehow, make them understand.

So I just started talking them through my life. I began back at my first day of first grade, and being told by my Mother I was perverted. Gradually I talked my way through to junior high with the taunting and fights. Then described puberty, where strange erotic dreams began clouding my thoughts. After making it to high school I recounted even more taunting and more fights, along with my double life of being the macho male 'car guy' only to be overwhelmed by the need to express my femininity, and finally, I brought them to my current level of distress trying to deal with my cross-dressing. As I was reciting all of my travails, I noticed Mel's hand never left mine and she held it even tighter as the full weight of my problem was revealed. When I was finished my story, the bong had gone out, as no one was using it, they had been in rapt attention. The record player had shut off, and it was literally so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

As I looked at Mel, my water filled eyes met hers, and when we both embraced even harder the tears fell from us both, mixing on our touching cheeks. I felt a hand on the back of my neck, softly stroking my hair, and I turned to see both Cindy and Andy in much the same manner of tearfulness. As Cindy continued to stroke my neck, she whispered, "I'm so sorry."

Andy had one arm around Cindy, but put his other hand gently on my leg and shook his head in empathy. We sat like that in total silence until suddenly an alarm on someone's watch erupted into a staccato of beeping.

"Oh crap! We gotta get to class," Cindy exclaimed. She was right, although her class was at 9:15, so Mel and I still had a few minutes. Cindy went flying around Andy's office while sniffing away her tears, grabbing pieces of clothing, and cursing while putting them on, sometimes even the right way. Then she gave Andy a quick kiss goodbye and disappeared.

"Geez, I'm glad I don't have morning classes on Mondays," Andy retorted, then after giving me another long look said, "Jack, I want you to talk with my father."

"Your dad?" I replied puzzled, "Why would you want me to do that?"

Andy began to explain his thoughts to me, "My dad's a psychiatrist, and he deals with these types of gender identity issues all the time. At least go to see him, it can't do any harm, and you might be surprised at what it could help you with"

I looked at Andy, then back to Mel and after she nodded to me, I said, "Alright Andy, maybe you could talk to him for me and, um... do you think he'd see me at your house, since I know where that is?"

Andy grinned and said, "His office is in our home, so I'm sure he'll see you there."

I smiled and said, "Thanks Andy, you've been a good friend, I'm glad we met."

He seemed a little embarrassed, even though replying, "No problemo!"

I tried to give him a quick hug, which turned into a long one as it seemed hard for him to want to release me, then finally I turned back and gave Mel a long kiss and said, "We better get to accounting darlin'," to which she groaned at the thought of a 2 hour accounting class, but we both started gathering up all of our stuff and left for class.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Top notch story. True soul revealing style

LisaBrooksLisaBrooksover 5 years ago

An interesting group of friends that were there for Jack! The three friends set up Jack in a great way that included Mel to finally meet Jack in an intimate way! I enjoyed the revelation about Jack's hidden desires wondering what will transpire in future stories!

p1967kup1967kualmost 10 years ago

That is a great beginning. I knew anything written by you will be very good.

Joscelyn2tgJoscelyn2tgover 10 years agoAuthor
Thanks Matthew!

If you keep reading, in ch03 you'll eventually know why Cindy "let me go", she had originally intended on making that last a LOT longer, especially because I'd seen her doing something she didn't want me to and wanted to make me pay for it, lol! It was a very new experience for me, and being (as I learned later) a switch, not necessarily a bad thing.

MatthewVettMatthewVettover 10 years ago

I really enjoyed it. I do wish that the interrogation scene had lasted longer, but I suppose if you're keeping it autobiographical, there's only so much you can control. Nevertheless, the thought of two women holding my cock and balls hostage while they ask me about my deepest, darkest secrets is quite erotic... The loss of control, the promise of pleasure and fear of pain, just having yourself be in someone else's hands...mmm...

tonyl65tonyl65almost 11 years ago

A deep confession nicely drawn out. Beautiful.

DesireeFoxDesireeFoxalmost 11 years ago
I loved this the first time

I read it, but regret I did not comment then. It iss a wonderful story, Jack is so easy to care about and his friends are more than one could expect.

Checkmate215Checkmate215almost 11 years ago
Loved it

Very nicely written. Loved the flow and detail.

griffin57griffin57about 11 years ago
Where do I start?

The scenes were so descriptive that I could almost hear everything as it took place. The writing was smooth and was all very realistic. So many layers above the slam bam, thank you Ma'am that is usually seen here. I Look so forward to more.

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