A Lesson for the Teacher

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A pretty new teacher has a few things to teach her mentor.
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Chapter One

The mid-August sun was glaring boldly through the windshield as Kayla Redmond maneuvered her way through the morning traffic on the first day of her new job. Today was the day for teachers to get ready for the upcoming school year; however, preparation time was precariously short. The next day, the school would be full of students, and Kayla would face the challenge of teaching math to groups of sixth graders who most likely would prefer to still be hanging out at the local pool. She felt a nervous feeling deep in the pit of her stomach and hoped she was up to the challenge. Student teaching had gone well, but there had been another teacher in the classroom to offer guidance, and now she would be completely on her own. Kayla sighed as the school came into sight, swerved her red Honda Civic into the parking lot and sat for a moment collecting her thoughts before heading into the mellowed brick building that was Jefferson Middle School.

At barely twenty-two years old, Kayla was a mature and responsible young woman, a fact which must have been obvious when she met with personnel. She came across as very competent and intelligent, but she was also free-spirited and sparkling with vitality------a very intriguing combination. Kayla was tall and slender with long blonde hair with honey-colored highlights and enormous green eyes fringed with long lashes. She had a delicate bone structure with high cheek bones and a very infectious smile consisting of perfect white teeth. Her breasts were firm and high, and her legs were long, almost appearing to go on endlessly when she wore short shorts. Today, she was dressed professionally in khaki slacks and a green summer sweater that still managed to emphasize her perfect, round breasts. Her hair was gathered in a clasp at the nape of her neck and fell in soft waves.

Kayla inhaled deeply, grabbed her new Coach briefcase (a gift from her parents) and headed into the school. She blinked when she entered the somewhat dim interior after being in the bright sunlight and made her way to the principal's office.

Mr. Gibson, the principal, was a slightly rotund man with thinning gray hair and had been a principal for almost his entire adult life. He was kind and fair and well-respected by the faculty. He smiled benignly when Kayla entered his office and waved her into a chair opposite his large, cluttered desk.

"We are so happy to have you join us this school year, Kayla," he said warmly. "I have a folder here detailing your schedule. You will have five math classes throughout the day and a free period for grading papers and lesson planning. Your classroom is waiting for you-----its room 212. Melissa Martin is in room 214, right next to you, and I've asked her to show you around and be your mentor. I think you two will get along famously----she can answer any questions you may have."

Kayla thanked Mr. Gibson and shook his hand before navigating her way through the school hallways in search of her classroom. Fortunately, it was relatively easy to find, and Kayla spent the next two hours arranging the desks the way she had planned, stacking books neatly on the shelf and making a simple, yet colorful, math bulletin board. Finally, she sat down to rest, stretching her long slim legs in front of her and looking around her classroom with pride.

Chapter Two

In room 214, Melissa Martin sat sorting math worksheets she had just Xeroxed. She felt stimulated by the start of a new school year. It always reminded her of a fresh box of Crayola crayons----fully sharpened and ready to take on a blank canvas. Melissa was intelligent and conscientious and loved teaching. At 25, this was the start of her fourth year teaching. She was a natural-born teacher and was well-liked by her students. Melissa took her career very seriously, and it was the center of her existence. Studious, serious, and a bit shy, she needed to unwind some, but never seemed to be able to loosen up. Even her boyfriend, Glen, was a serious type and certainly not a help in that area.

Melissa was around 5'5" and had a beautiful figure which she barely seemed to notice or emphasize. Her breasts were very large and full, 36 D, her waist small and her curves very enticing. She had beautiful, shiny light blonde hair which she always wore tightly tied back in a pony tail or chignon, and she wore wire-rimmed glasses. Beyond her lenses were bright blue eyes with thick dark lashes. Mascara and lip gloss were the only concessions she made to her appearance, and her clothes were always conservative and loosely cut, hiding her attractive figure.

Melissa looked up when she heard a knock at her door, and smiled as a lovely young woman almost floated into the room. For some reason, she couldn't take her eyes off the beautiful girl. She was so graceful and lithe, and there was magnetism about her----a zest for living that was readily apparent.

Melissa cleared her throat and forced herself to look away. "You must be Kayla Redmond. I'm Melissa Martin, and I've been waiting for you to show up. I have been appointed to show you the ropes," Melissa said with a husky chuckle which unbeknownst to her, sounded very sexy. Melissa extended her hand to Kayla.

Kayla glided forward and took Melissa's soft hand in hers and gave it a friendly shake. She felt a little chill run through her when she touched the other teacher's hand. Kayla lowered her eyes to see that Melissa had neat nails, filed just above the tips of her fingers and buffed shiny. Kayla liked to wear her nails long and polished, often experimenting with unusual shades which matched her flamboyant personality.

Kayla let go of Melissa's hand and looked around the classroom. "It looks great," she said honestly. "I just got done setting mine up, and now I'm ready for my tour of the building."

"Well, then, let's get to it," Melissa said as she stood and came out from behind her desk.

Kayla's eyes grew round as she looked at the other teacher. Melissa had a knock-out figure. Her full, lush breasts were not easy to conceal----- although her blouse was loose. A brown leather belt circled her slim waist and her hips curved attractively in her dark slacks. For some reason, Kayla was surprised. She hadn't expected this somewhat plain young woman to have a body like that. She also realized she was surprised that she was checking out the other woman's body. She shook her head and chalked it up to first-day jitters as she followed Melissa into the hallway.

With the tour completed, Kayla sank into a chair opposite Melissa's desk and sighed. She was excited and nervous about the first day of school and almost wished it would just hurry up and arrive.

"Oh, wait, I forgot to show you the most important thing," Melissa said, "Come here."

She walked over to what appeared to be a closet and opened the door. Inside was a small office containing two desks, a file cabinet and a small bookshelf. As Kayla walked over to get a better look, she noticed a loveseat covered in chintz fabric, an end table with a white wicker lamp. A crotched, floral rug graced the floor.

Before she could speak, Melissa explained, "This is our shared office. It opens into your classroom as well, but it is locked. I need to give you your key. It is so nice having your own space like this. I just love it."

Kayla agreed with Melissa that it was preferable to grading papers or calling parents in the teachers' lounge and happily took the key and attached it to her ring. She would have to make sure and bring some things to make her desk look as homey as the other teacher's she thought, noting the vase of fresh flowers, the small framed watercolor print and the attractive desk set that Melissa's desk sported.

The two young women locked their classrooms and walked out into the parking lot together, squinting into the hot August sun. "Well, I will see you tomorrow," Melissa said stopping at a shiny, light blue BMW. "Remember; don't hesitate to ask me for anything you need."

Kayla smiled. "Thanks, I hope I don't need to ask you for some Valium," Kayla laughed. Melissa gave one of her husky chuckles and climbed into her car. Kayla stood there for a moment, just staring at her. She noticed the soft curve of Melissa's hip as she climbed into her car. As Kayla walked to her Civic she wondered how the other teacher could afford such an expensive car.

Chapter Three

The first day of school dawned hot and bright and Kayla was nervous but performed well as she taught her first two classes. She felt a sense of relief when she finished the second class and could retreat to the privacy of her office and her shared planning period with Melissa Martin. Melissa was already at her desk, and as Kayla entered the office she noticed a vase of pink roses on her own desk. Surprised, she walked over to it and found a small envelope lying next to the vase. Kayla opened the envelope and looked at the small parchment card. It said: "I hope your first day is going well. Your new friend and colleague, Melissa"

Melissa had stood up to go to the bookshelf, and Kayla strode over to her. "Melissa, this was so nice of you. Thank you very much."

Kayla had a huge smile on her face and she thrust her arms around Melissa to thank her. Melissa was not nearly as demonstrative and was startled at first, then relaxed into Kayla's hug. Kayla couldn't help but notice Melissa's large, full breasts pressing against hers, and her own nipples almost hardened just from the slight contact. She let go, distracted from that observation when Melissa asked her how the first two classes had gone.

"Pretty well, actually, and I think I'm over some of my nerves. There was one student in the first period that seems like he might be a behavior problem, but other than that, I feel great about everything so far."

"Well, there's always unfortunately one or two of those, but you develop skills for dealing with it. If you're really lucky, he'll be the only one you see all day." Melissa smiled at Kayla, and her blue eyes sparkled behind her lenses.

Kayla looked at Melissa's face, pretty really, behind the glasses and certainly not enhanced by the tightly pulled back hair. She found herself wondering again about Melissa and what her story was, but Kayla had work to do and soon all thoughts were on teaching math and making her way through the rest of the first day.

The rest of the week passed quickly for Kayla and she found herself settling into the intricacies of dealing with students, co-workers, administrators and parents. On Friday, she felt like celebrating her success so she asked Melissa to join her that evening for a drink.

"Well, I suppose I could," Melissa said still studying her lesson plans. "I usually go out with my boyfriend every Friday night, but I suppose I can just meet him a little bit later. Where would you like to go?"

"How about that new Irish Pub that opened------Dunnegans, I believe it's called. Say 7:00?"

"That works for me," Melissa replied. "I'll look forward to it."

Chapter Four

Kayla found that she was really looking forward to going to the pub.....almost excited about seeing her new friend outside of work. As she ate a light dinner in her small apartment, she found herself wondering how Melissa dressed when she wasn't teaching school. Kayla was very social and was very interested in making new friends and knowing all about people. Still, she was a little surprised at her interest in Melissa. She was intrigued by the other teacher for some reason and really wanted to know what made her tick.

Kayla dressed in tight jeans that hugged her long legs alluringly and a soft, loose, sleeveless baby doll-style top that showed just the tops of her firm breasts. She loved fashion and following trends and had the body to pull it off. She slipped into her jewel-studded high heeled sandals and was on her way to meet her friend.

Kayla arrived at the pub first and secured a booth and ordered one of their house ales. Then as she sipped her beer, she scanned the room, looking for Melissa. Five minutes later, Melissa entered the pub. She was dressed in a conservative and classy ensemble: a cable-stitch twin-set, a khaki skirt that fell just above her knees and dark leather sandals with a small chunk heel. She still wore her glasses and her pale blonde hair was swept up with a large clasp, a few soft curls falling around her ears. She noticed Kayla and made her way to the table.

"Hi there," she said with a shy smile. "I see you're already celebrating making it through the first week."

Kayla watched her slide into the booth. "Yep, you'll have to order quickly to catch up with me."

"Well, I can't drink much and still drive myself comfortably. But I will join you for one," Melissa answered setting her classy Dooney & Bourke bag on the leather seat of the booth.

The waitress came, and they ordered a light appetizer, second ale for Kayla and a glass of Cabernet for Melissa.

"I'm really a wine kind of girl," Melissa said, but you make that beer look good. She watched Kayla lick some foam off her pink lips, gazing into her new friend's pretty face as she spoke.

The two women spent a lot of time talking and getting to know each other beyond their shared school environment. Kayla told Melissa how her family lived about an hour and a half away and how she was really alone in a new place. Melissa explained how she had come back home to this relatively small Midwestern town after attending college in New England and had sought a job near family. She explained how she was the only child of a surgeon and a lawyer, but that she had always had a desire to teach.

"My parents are happy with my choice as long as I am happy and successful, which I am. They do tend to spoil me though by lavishing me with things I couldn't afford on my own," Melissa chuckled. "But I guess I don't mind. I appreciate the finer things in life, and it makes them happy, so why not?"

"Why not, indeed?" Kayla said with a smile. "My parents bought me a Coach briefcase for work, but my Dad's a teacher too, so I don't think I'll be getting a BMW anytime soon."

Melissa flushed. "Sometimes I'm embarrassed by all I have," she said quietly.

"Don't be.....you're a nice person, so what difference does it make......you know; you're not a bratty rich-girl type."

"Thanks. You're Dad's a teacher, though? That's great. Did he inspire you to go into education?"

"He really did," Kayla replied, "And he's very proud of me, and that makes me feel good."

Speaking of feeling good, Kayla thought, the beers were starting to make her feel good. She loved to drink and dance and unwind. She would have to loosen Melissa up to join her, but she knew it wasn't going to be tonight. She looked at Melissa beneath her long lashes. Melissa had removed her cardigan and her breasts looked enormous in the sleeveless camisole she wore underneath.

Kayla found her eyes wandering to the large mounds as she started on her third beer. She got Melissa talking about her boyfriend who was a research scientist and worked at a nearby university. They had met in high school, but he was a few years older than Melissa and they hadn't dated then. They became reacquainted at a country club function they had both attended with their parents a few years ago.

"So is it love?" Kayla asked.

Melissa sipped her wine. "Kayla, I don't know. I care about him, but beyond that I'm just not sure."

Kayla found herself wanting to know if they had sex. She wanted to know if this conservative young woman let loose with her clothes off.....had to know for some reason.

"What about the sex? Is it good with him?" she asked boldly, aided by the ale.

Melissa blushed to the roots of her pale hair. "No, it probably isn't," Melissa answered honestly. "I just don't have those feelings for him, so we don't actually do that much. I've wondered if that was normal, but I really don't have anyone to discuss that kind of thing with.....until you. There's something very comfortable about you, Kayla."

Kayla was inwardly thrilled by all parts of that answer. "I don't know how to classify it as normal or not, but if you aren't that attracted to him, then I can see why you wouldn't do much with him. Trust me, when you are attracted to someone in that way it will be different."

"I suppose that's true," Melissa said. "I just don't think about the physical stuff that much and I don't feel that way about Glen, so I try not to concern myself with it. What about you? Did you have a boyfriend in college?"

"Oh, God, several," Kayla laughed. "I love having a good time, so I dated a lot without ever getting serious about anyone really. It made it easier just to have fun."

"I understand," Melissa replied. "Glen and I aren't serious, so when we go out on the weekends we can just have a relaxing, good time."

"Yes, true," Kayla said, "But I love sex, so I always dated guys I was really attracted to so I could enjoy that as well. I guess that is the difference in the situations."

"I guess so," Melissa said, staring into her half-full wine glass. "Kayla, this has been so nice, but I guess I better go meet Glen. He is waiting for me at the restaurant. I'll see you Monday. Oh, and call me Missy, all my friends and family do." She smiled as she slid out of the booth, and Kayla watched her rounded backside as she walked away from the table.

Melissa had slipped a $20 bill onto the table without Kayla even noticing, so she used it to pay the check and walked out into the muggy night. It was just starting to get dark and the sky was streaked with orange, pink and lavender.

Kayla would not attempt to drive far after drinking, but she knew from her college days that if she went slowly, she could drive a few blocks. Fortunately, her apartment was just a few blocks away. She stepped inside her apartment with relief and began undressing. The leggy blonde slipped out of her shoes and jeans and then carefully set her top on a chair. She reached around to unhook her push-up bra and let it dangle from her fingers for a moment before dropping it to the floor. She was then clad only in her pale pink silky panties. Kayla was feeling the effects from the beer, but she was also feeling incredibly horny. She opened the drawer of her nightstand and pulled out a large pink vibrator. It was the type that was soft and jelly-like and hard at the same time.

She climbed onto the brightly-colored quilt that covered her bed and set the vibrator beside her. Kayla's hands went to her breasts. She squeezed the round, firm mounds and then rolled her nipples between her fingers. They became long and hard instantly. Kayla had originally never cared for self sex play or vibrators and had usually had enough boyfriends to negate the need for it, but she had found out that when she didn't have a boyfriend, she loved to touch herself and bring herself to a climax or two. She was very multi-orgasmic. Kayla's long nails tickled down her own stomach, and she slowly stuck a hand inside her panties. They were soaking wet, which surprised her a little. She teased herself with a finger stroking up her wet slit but avoiding her clit and then touched herself gently through the wet panties.

She was getting more and more turned on as she played and she began to think about one of the most exciting sexual experiences she had ever had in college-----and one that she rarely, if ever, revisited. One night, she and a friend had been drinking whiskey and had gotten completely wasted. They had both had fights with their boyfriends during the week and were drowning their sorrows together. The talk had turned to sex and suddenly, inexplicably, they had begun to have sex with each other. It had been mind-blowing for Kayla, but in the sober light of the next day she had decided it was a drunken interlude and neither she nor the other girl had ever spoken of it again.