A Little Revenge, at Last

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Terry gives Chase a goodbye he'll remember.
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A Little Revenge at Last


It took two full weeks before my cell rang again. I'd already met Terry and given her the edited film.

"I've changed my mind" Terry said right out of the box.

There were several directions this could go, I thought, "I've changed my mind and I don't ever want to see you again" being by far the most likely.

"Abooouttt....?" I asked hesitantly.

"Chase" she said "I want him out of my life completely. If I could, I'd have him out of the kid's life too, but that's probably not going to happen, I'm told."

"No, not likely. Unless he's hurting the kids directly in some tangible way the Court most likely won't restrict his visitation rights. It is most likely to give him joint custody in some way with you. What changed your mind?"

I could almost hear the wheels turning. "Me. I've changed. I don't want to be the lonely little work widow, wondering whether my man will come home, or when, or if he's seeing someone on the side and someday decides he likes her better than he does me. He'd always find a way to cheat. I have to face facts—it's the way he is. He had the girls all over him before he chose me. He always will. I don't want to live like that. I want a man who feels like he's won the lotto because he's got me, and I want to feel the same way. It may take years to find him if I ever can, but I've got to take that chance rather than live a half-life" she concluded.

"Well, bravo" I said, meaning it. "I always thought a patch-up would be very difficult to pull off. And I think I have more confidence in your ability to find Mr. Right than you do. You know what the first thing is on your to do list don't you?"

"Get rid of the tapes" she answered quickly.

"Get rid of the tapes" I responded. "I deleted all the base films right after I gave you the edits. If you want, you can look at my computers. I know how to clear my discs of any residual data. I'll call Cliff and tell him to meet you. He's going to know exactly what to do. He's got a computer forensics guy who'll be able to figure out how to wipe the phone and even the burner cell if you want him to. But he has to be absolutely thorough, both the files and all residual memory--no trace at all. You'll get heat from the court on the deletions if they ever figure out that you've made them, but if you preserve the rest of your communications and you're clean, you should survive."

"Do you want my recommendation for an attorney?" I asked.

"Yes, absolutely, someone like you" she responded.

"I consider that a high compliment. Unfortunately, there are not many that aren't wrapped up in income production. I was. But I've got two who are as good as you can get."

"Thank you" she said.

"I hate to do it" she said after a long pause.

"To file?" I asked.

"No, to get rid of the videos. I like them, especially the second one" She continued.

"I'm glad" I responded. "I thought maybe I was too rough, demanding, in the second go-round."

"I like them because of the way you are. Yeah, you're rough as hell, but it's because you're so into it. There isn't a second on either tape where you're not totally into me. I can see it in your face, your hands, your body. You were having a great time--getting your share. But every ounce of you is focused on me and how I'm feeling right up until you finally lose it. I love that. I don't think I've ever had that with Chase, ever."

I was disproportionately proud and happy. She wasn't talking about sex, she was talking about connection. When I had finally mastered my emotions, I responded "that is one of the best thing anyone has ever said to me."

"You're always asking questions that get me into trouble" she said lightly. "Now let me ask you one that could get you into trouble."

I thought to myself for a long while. There was really only one question that could cause this kind of consternation and I thought long and hard before I agreed to answer it. "Ask away" I answered.

"Do you love me?" she asked simply. Yep, that was the one.

"Yes, but it can't survive. I am drawn to you like a bee to honey. I think about you all the time, not just the bedroom time, but the other times. The way you look when you get the fire in your eyes, about conversations we've had, and yes, when I think about the sex, about you orgasming in the middle of the café, the conflict between the goody two-shoes housewife and this inner beast you let out. But it isn't just that. I find myself wishing I could see what you're like with your kids. If I could safely watch you with them from afar I would. I bet it's your best moment. When we don't talk, I wonder about where you are, what you're doing, how you're holding up. I want you to do well, even if it means I don't. I think that is at least a kind of love" I concluded.

"I do too" she answered quietly.

"But I also know it isn't going to work" I continued, "not in the long run. Electric sex isn't enough standing alone. I'm too old to start with a new family, too crabby, too set in my ways. I wouldn't be good with the kids even if you wanted to entrust me with the stepfather role. Plus, having me show up during your divorce would be an utter disaster for you. I'd be deposed and I wouldn't lie, so you'd lose all the leverage that years of his infidelity have given you. I need to be invisible as far as Chase is concerned."

"Does that sound like a cop-out?" I asked.

"No," she replied quickly, "It sounds like the truth, just like always."

I pulled the phone away, not trusting myself to speak. A few deep breaths later I responded more jovially than I felt: "now, that's the way to do it. If you're going to dump a guy, don't give him that "you're a great guy—it's my fault" bullshit, just give that hungry bastard one real compliment."

"Who said anything about dumping you?" Terry answered, laughing lightly.

"Not me" I answered hopefully.

"Not me either," she replied "but I don't think you're wrong either—about not being around."

"Agreed" I said. "So...how can I help the lovely Ms. Ryan? I've certainly enjoyed 'being helpful' so far. Maybe play '50 ways to leave your lover' over and over until you pick the right one?"

She chuckled at that. "I still want to give that bastard a sendoff that he'll never forget. Every time I think about 'well, I've gotten to sew my own wild oats,' then I realize he's been screwing the western world for the last ten years. What was the ten-penny word you used? Juxtaposition?"

"Juxtaposition" I responded "contrast."

"Yes, well, I want to set up the contrast between what he wants from me and what he'll get for the rest of his life, which is not a damn thing. The films would do it, but it would be awkward standing there watching a film of us having sex. Plus, it would immediately put him on the track of finding the films once the divorce papers hit him. No, we have to deliver the message personally, up close."

"Maybe I'm being dense. Why can't you just walk down the hall and tell him?" I asked.

"Now you're not thinking like a lawyer" she said. "This is about persuasion. I want his last memory of me as his wife to be a real-life enactment of what I'm going to get from other men after I leave him. I'd like him to see the bad-girl side of me that he could never bring out, the one he won't ever get to have. And, I'd like him to remember it for the rest of his miserable life.

Plus, if I'm being honest, I have to admit I'm a little bit scared. I'm afraid that if I just went there with the film I'd chicken out on the way and the whole thing would go down the drain. I don't want that."

"Personal" I said "as in, you, me and him?"

"More like as in 'you, me, him, and a couple of your bad-boy friends" she said, pausing for emphasis.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "One part of me says hooray, the sex would be hotter than hell, and, have I mentioned, I would like getting into your pants. You could be the baddest of the bad girls, just for one afternoon, and it would be something he'd never be able to get out of his head. I think there is a way we could do it and leave you with a clean slate that he'd run circles trying to prove once you filed for divorce. But it's like all things, there is risk, and it's bigger with more people."

"Ok, if you have a plan let me hear it" she said.

"Well, exactly how bad do you want to be? I asked.

"Filthy bad, dirty bad" she replied.

"Well then, put the phone in your left hand, reach down and start strumming that pretty clit of yours with your right, and I'll tell you what I had in mind." I heard the phone shift hands and the TV volume come up to mask Terry's moans.


Three days later we went back to the little Cuban place that Terry and I had been at before our second session. I asked her to wear the same outfit, remembering the impression it had left with me. I was at a table for four with my companions when she arrived at the maître d's station and looked around the patio. I waved and watched their reaction.

Leon and Carlos were two runners I had used while I was in the practice. Case runners are the actual ambulance chasers in the law business. Lawyers can't do it, so they set up plausible deniability through runners. Leon and Carlos were two all-star runners. Young, trim, athletic, handsome as hell and equipped with an ability to put women at ease. I paid them at $500 a clip for minor cases, $1,000 for major cases and $5,000 for solid death cases, along with a percentage of the take (also flatly prohibited by state bar rules). They were fabulous at what they did and made themselves tens of thousands while making me millions. Our female clients couldn't get enough of them. I had a pair of attractive, sharp women who worked the male side of the docket for me. It was like printing money, until I broke the press.

Their reaction is just what I'd thought it would be: awe. When I'd told Leon what I had in mind he was skeptical. An offer of free pussy is never to be fully ignored, but a couple of hours of "no holds barred" sex, for free, delivered by a spectacular blonde with a body to die for was too good to be believed. All disbelief was eradicated in the three seconds it took them to get a good look at her.

Terry nearly turned around and left. You could see the hitch in her step and read her thoughts: I can't go through with this! I can't I'm like David in the Lion's den. But she visibly gathered herself and walked proudly on to our corner table, swinging her hips in a mesmerizing subconscious rhythm. We all stood as she approached. Greetings were exchanged. If Terry had endured any doubts about how she would be received, they were wiped out in those first few seconds.

"Any trouble with traffic?" I asked, starting a safe conversation.

"No. Just fine" she answered nervously.'

We ordered our drinks and food and a remarkably normal conversation ensued. Terry was much closer in age to Leon and Carlos than I was to her. They had much more in common and were soon regaling one another in shared experiences. I had warned Terry not to give out personal identifying information and had not given Leon and Carlos anything other than her first name. Fewer witnesses, more limited memory.

Two margaritas into the meal, Terry had lost all focus on the fact that it was an interview to determine if she would fuck the assembled group. The boys began to lace sexual inuendo and messaging into the conversation and Terry responded, jokingly, in kind. I observed Terry's body language closely: at first, she was quite ill-at-ease, but she'd relaxed completely and was so tuned to the boys' attention that she all but gave off a detectable scent of pheromones. I wanted to seal the deal, to have the boys hot and ready by the time they entered that hotel room, so I broke into their conversation at one of the few gaps by turning on the vibe, which Terry had agreed to wear to the meeting. She shuddered in reaction and all eyes turned to her, like big guns on a ship's turret. For a moment there was dead silence, with the tiny audible hum of the vibrator alone giving away what was occurring among us. I hadn't told the guys a thing, but they immediately knew what was happening.

So, they waited patiently and politely for the device to do what it was designed to do, knowing that they would be its immediate beneficiaries.

Carlos, never the shy one, reached out to place his hand atop Terry's. She gripped it. Leon just looked on, wishing he'd had the good luck to sit by Terry in the first place. The little wonder ran on and on, sending its private chills through Terry's pussy to the farthest reaches of her body, to her toes, her nipples, even to her lips. A fine sweat broke out along her brow.

"Now fellas, Terry is, hands down, the most sensuous woman I've ever met. She puts my ex to shame, and Ruth was a wonder in the bed. We're going to watch Terry go off here, and, my guess is that it won't take long because she's been digging you guys for over an hour now and I'm betting her pretty little snatch was already wet before I even turned on the vibe. She and I agreed that you can't have her today, no matter how much you beg. I want you to save it for the party next week. But I also want her husband to sense that not only you know Terry, but that you were already 'friends' and for him to forever wonder how long you'd been fuck-buddies. Thus, our gathering today. What I'm going to let you do now while we watch Terry (who had by then shifted in her seat several times and held the knuckle of her right hand against her mouth to stifle her moans) cum right in front of us, is to ask Terry one question at a time, any question, until she blows her load or passes out."

"Terry, just answer the questions with complete honesty. Ok?" I asked.

She shakily nodded "yes."

Carlos asked "which one of us is the best looking?" which resulted in gales of laughter by the rest of the table.

"You" Terry replied quieting quickly the cat-calls.

Not to be outdone, Leon quickly asked "which one of us do you want to sleep with the most?"

"You" Terry replied in a husky voice. Leon preened like a Peacock, looking to his left and right to establish his dominance.

"Before you met John here, what was the most daring thing you and your husband did?" Don asked, ratcheting the conversation to a new level of intimacy.

"Before the kids, I used to let him finger me in our driveway" she replied breathily "and...I... ohhh...oohhh...went down on him once there."

"That's it?" Carlos asked "that's as wild as you got?"

"Yes" Terry answered.

"Well, what have you done with John here?" Leon asked, challenging her to speak openly of it in public.

Terry visibly flinched, knowing that the answer she was about to give would reveal her bad-girl side in 100% of its badness.

"I sucked him. He...came...on...shit...shit...my face and I...tasted him....I...let him tie me up and ....oh Jesus, Jesus H. Christ...fuck me in the ass and...and....I rimmed him, I licked him down there" she replied, nearly at the end of her rope.

"How would you handle all of us at once?" I intervened quickly, hoping to plant images of their upcoming gang bang into Terry's mind, to tease her into fantasizing about the upcoming event before she went off.

"I have a mouth...a...pu...pu...pussy...and...my....faaaack, my....asss" she responded directly.

"What one thing would you like us to do to humiliate the fuck out of your bastard cheating husband?" I asked, once again plumbing the depths of her imagination.

Terry lurched upright in her chair and lowered her head, focusing entirely on the mostly spent plate of food in front of her. "I want each of you to....to...aaaah, aahhh, or Lord... oh Goddddamnn...to bend me over the chair Chase is tied to...and fuck me...in the mouth, the pussy, the butt, where-ever, until....I .....CUMMMMM" she said breathlessly as she spent herself in a series of violent shakes. It did not hurt that my right big toe was planted firmly on the vibrator at her pussy, tapping it like a car pedal.

"Okay," I said after I had turned off the vibrator and she had come down from her cloud "ask us, the whole group, one question."

She did not answer right away, she was too far away. Finally, she came back to earth and fixed me with a hard, lustful stare. "I want to know if each of you are willing to sit next to me here and unzip your flies so that I can feel your cocks? I want to be thinking about 'em all this coming week."


She met Chase at the airport, something she hadn't done in years. She was there at the central terminal, through which all passengers passed on their way out. Chase was tired from the week and more than a little frustrated. The receptionist he'd been working on in Tampa for the last few months was a tougher nut to crack than he'd thought she would be, but he'd get her and when he did, she'd be fantastic. Now this. He and Cara were supposed to get together this evening, there was no telling how long whatever shit Terry had planned would take.

She looked like a million bucks though, like always, but there was something different about her. She wasn't wearing a bra! Holy shit, his little schoolmarm wife had gone out in public without a bra on. Who tilted the world off its axis this week?

"Wow, you look great" he said after she kissed him forcefully and he felt the fullness of her breasts and the hardness of her nipples against his chest.

"Thank you, kind sir" Terry said cheerfully. "We haven't had much time for ourselves in, like forever, so I thought I'd see if Eddie and Junie wanted to spend the night over at Steve and Cara's with Huie and Louie. Huie and Louie weren't the Zimmerman's kid's actual names, but Howard, the eldest, had always walked like a duck, and Len, the younger, followed him like one, so the name had stuck.

'Well, that's the end of that' Chase thought deflated. No relief tonight. I guess I might as well ride this thing out.

"I've arranged everything" Terry said. "We're going to go to a little restaurant on the bay and enjoy ourselves, maybe have a couple of drinks, then I've made us a reservation at a little specialty hotel on the South Beach called the Requenez Inn" she said.

"The Requenez? he asked, "that's on South Beach, it's ungodly expensive! Chase complained.

Terry quelled her initial reaction, which was to have him estimate how many tens of thousands of dollars he'd wasted chasing pussy. Too early. "Well" Terry said leaning in to whisper in his ear "it's the only one that advertised extra soundproofing between the rooms" raising her eyebrows to emphasize the point. Chase' cock twitched and he promptly forgot all about the cost.

"Oh...well...ok, great!" he responded "but there are already some charges on the card that we're going to need to talk about."

Terry flashed with anger again. This piece of shit, this lying two-timing cocksucker had spent thousands, maybe tens of thousands of dollars over the past five or six years wooing other women, giving them gifts, setting up hotel rooms so they could fuck like bunnies. She stilled her anger and put it in a box to bring out later.

"Oh, I think you're going to approve all my purchases when you see what they are, but I'm not spoiling the party just because you're being a sourpuss. You need a couple of drinks." Finally, something they could agree on Chase thought.

The restaurant was the perfect tonic for a frustrating week. Their table was out on the water and there was enough breeze this evening to move the flies and the mosquitos away. The beer was cold, the food delicious, the music loud and good, and the help friendly and responsive. Chase relaxed and was soon anxious to be on to the next phase of their evening. Terry looked fantastic in the late-afternoon sun. Her bright blonde hair blew back and forth fetchingly and when the wind hit her floral "senorita" styled top, it cooled her nipples and made them jut against the flimsy fabric. Terry was as turned on as he'd seen her in years and her hunger was contagious. He would do Cara tomorrow, or Sunday before he had to fly out to Atlanta, he thought, as images of Cara's cum-soaked tits from their tryst up in Jupiter flooded his mind.