All Comments on 'A Long Long Wait'

by iluvcreampie

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BobNbobbiBobNbobbialmost 14 years ago
Sounds real

Your story does have a reality ring to it, although I am sure much was glossed over. One general truism of these situations is the need for some (most?) women to feel that emotional attachment you have hinted at. That generally leads to a longer term involvement with one lover and a growing closeness between the two. The three legged triad relationship evolves. I hope you decide to write future stories about that evolution; you write well and the reality of relationships like yours could use some open and honest exposure.

size14shoesize14shoealmost 14 years ago
I'm with 'FIGURES'

I was enjoying the story until I had the thought, "Oh shit. This is just another 'Fuck-over the cuckhold husband' story." When the fact that he was black slipped in, I knew it. It was just a matter of time.


She showed disrespect for her husband from the first text message until she let him know it was an ongoing thing. Making him wait, spending all day getting herself all beautiful and hot for another man, not just for the sex she claimed it was about, meeting him at a party at 2:00 pm the day after, where the hell was she from checkout until she walked in the pool party late? Why not meet her husband at home? Did she take a bathing suit with her on her date? And the lies about loving her husband? So much bullshit. The dead give away was her, "me too" response to his telling her he loved her. What a lying bitch. She set him up from the gitgo.


Her wimpy, piece of shit husband showed his true colors, when he wanted to see her fucking another man 25 years ago. And are we supposed to think this was the first time she and Al talked about fucking -- if it hadn't happened already.


He should have stopped it when she came home at 2:30 in the morning the first time. It was clear then it wasn't about sex, it was about her relationship with Al. Was he just stupid not to see through Al's plans for his wife. If she wasn't out with Al to be with Al, she would have told him to fuck Friday night, she wasn't interested in it being the perfect romantic lovemaking Al clearly had in mind.


A disgusting ending to a good but deceptive start. This subject needs exploring, not trashing a marriage type ending. I only regret I voted already. My vote was way too high.

Candy9Candy9almost 14 years ago
I liked it

Some women can't enjoy sex without the emotional attachment. That rings true. But the question isn't, is this true? The question is, is it a good story? The answer is, it definitely is. We all know there are some people who for some unknown reason feel compelled to read stories in this category just to condemn the subject matter. Adding the interracial aspect (that did just slip in there quietly) brings out more bigots. Have a thick skin and keep writing. It's not the hardest thing you have to cope with. And it gives you something else to do while you wait for her to come home.

RealDocRealDocalmost 14 years ago
mmixed up start

"After having made love"..... then "cant get an erection"......thenhaving to masturbate". All in paragraph # 1. HEYcan he or can he not????? I quit the story reading right then. Might be a great story but I lost it right in the first pargraph. realdoc

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichalmost 14 years ago
It's a good thing Al doesn't live close and had to leave on Wednesday

She would probably be spending a lot of time with her old friend and new lover if he lived closer.

It's a damn shame that Tom didn't get to have his fantasy, she had what she wanted and poor old Tom was left with a hand job, that really sucks.

She tells her husband that she loves him, but has to have romance before she fucks a guy. She then tells her husband that her lover was the best fuck she has ever had, and how much bigger his black cock is compared to her husband's. She then tells her husband how much better her lover is at fucking her, much better than her husband and how her lover fucked her all night.

That would have been really humiliating to Tom, especially since he wants a good sex life, but can't because of health reasons.

It would take a special kind of man to live with that.

Mongo837Mongo837almost 14 years ago
doesn't look good

When you do that , you open the door to the possibility of you being pushed out of it which is what seems to be just what happened or soon will . At your age , starting over gets to be problematic . Put a stop to it now while you can , if she wont , you no longer have a marriage anyway and make your plans to protect yourself . Another thing , you dont know how many other women this guy is screwing besides your wife , I bet she doesn't know either , and sooner or later she going to get the gift that keeps on giving . Too bad people these days no longer seem to have any fear of HIV anymore . It just makes it spread faster , and the black community is the highest risk group . Seems the gays got the hint and still worry about it where the rest of us still dont care ........ until you get it !

Ducky7Ducky7almost 14 years ago
Alright I will give a middle of the road score

But it was already said, good thing Al lives far away and leaves on Wed. Your wife is in love and lust with him. You are now just a bed buddy to rub her back and feet and make sure the food is on the table. If Al moves closer your wife will disappear and she still may.

2275jr2275jralmost 14 years ago
Taking her first black cock to a cumming

Well i found this story so very hot and horny. great first story. hope you write more of this story to. great writing. carry on with it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Couple of key questions were not addressed. How come she totally left him out of the process. Hardly the way to start an "open marriage". What are her plans now and how does her husband fit in? What happens to the marriage? Is he officially now a wimp husband? It just seems as if it is all about her, and even in telling the story she is not in the least concerned, except superficially, about how her husband of all those years feels or where her affair leaves him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
No Chance

What I found interesting was not the fact that they wandered into this lifestyle with consideration, understanding and a comittment to never fall out of love - BUT - how she quickly took over! They talked about reviewing everything in advance of any activity and then, leaving Tom in a quandry - wondering, she with no mention to Tom goes out with Al and discusses the possibilities. She knows that Al has always liked her, kept his distance, friendship but now she was moving those courtesies out of the way. Did Al miss a chance - Hell No, he slowly and with some visible concern, took his time but he did set her up for him to go long as all were agreed - AND - he set her up to make Love, not just get together for some sex -0 and - she went right along with it. She carefully guided Tom along reassuring him of her love, their love, it was just sex and safe because Al was their friend. In actuality, after all these years she was offering Al a lover (just beginning) status and subconsciousely she knew it.

Al took her but letting her think she was in control but he cleverly moved her to a point where she now belonged to him and she wanted it.

Tom does sense the difference and subconsciously he isn;t really too happy about the amount of time they are together, how many times they make love (not sex) and having read a lot of stories in the past he knows she is holding out on a lot of what she said and agreed to with Al.

You really do need another chapter, she is not a Hot Wife, she is a closet slut pretending to be a happy wife with needs her husband consents to. In reality, she is a cheater, a slut and will become a whore and/or just start to spend more and more time away and with Al.

Tom meant well in cooperating but he needs, and probably will, come to grips with reality, see her for who she is and move her out or himself far away...he doesn't need to see her, feel the hurt, the betrayal, the cheater and try to see her as the woman he fell in love with, he knows she isn't that woman!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

This reminds me of personal stories I have read on genuine cuckold sites of real men like Tom who, due to aging, health, and medication issues, offer their wives an incredible gift but ask to be present.

But their wives ignore their requests. Oh, no! They would be too nervous to have their husbands watch them with another man! Hel-looooo! Your husband's generosity is the only reason another man is there! I think these women want the excitement of sex with another man without the guilt of a husband present. It seems to me that if the husband is willing to suffer the humiliation of being unable to perform for his wife and wants to be present while she takes another, it's the least she can do. Imagine his anguish, jealousy, and insecurity!

Not only that, but instead of spending time with their husbands, offering them affection and sex and reassuring their husbands of their love for them, these women selfishly explore the excitement of developing a romantic life with a new partner, with whom they often perform sexual activities they denied the husband. These women think that to ask their husband his opinion of how they should dress for their lover, to torture and humiliate them with the talk of the other man and his big cock, is supposed to somehow sexually satisfy the husband?

My heart aches for these men, and I despise their wives. We women put our husbands through enough for decades, withholding our sexual selves so we don't appear too slutty to a man we want to marry us, then withholding sex completely, due to our monthly cycles, child bearing, diminishing hormones, etc. We deny men frequent, fulfilling sexual variety for years, then, when the shoe is on the other foot and the men no longer have the capacity of their youth, these women think they are entitled to break their vows so they can get what THEY need. These women behave like schoolgirls with their first steady boyfriend, instead of caring partners in a long-term marriage. It makes me ashamed of my sex. I guess this is why I have no women friends, except one whose husband struggles to perform after prostate surgery.

I am a sixty-one year old woman who loves sex and loves to be penetrated. I am a fortunate woman; I have had forty years of orgasms off my husband's cock. He works hard to remain healthy in order to continue to give me those orgasms. Before being prescribed ED drugs, which assist us with our active sex life, my husband offered me the option of another man. I was shocked at such generosity, and told him I could not imagine doing such a thing. I really cannot imagine separating my emotions from the sex, and I would be afraid of losing intimacy in my marriage and love for my husband. I pray I am as unselfish as he has always been when the time comes that he can no longer perform to my satisfaction, as I used to behave like the women I mentioned above, and he never cheated on me.

Every once in a while, I read a story where the wife, while getting fucked with her husband in the room, looks at him with love and tells him she loves him. Sadly, I think that is fiction. I have read no accounts by real cuckolds of that happening. No, they are all sitting home, waiting "a long long wait", hoping to live vicariously off the crumbs from their wive's lips about her sexual exploits.

And don't even get me started on the lover in this story…that's another whole diatribe!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Somewhat the same

Similar situation I experienced when I got E.D. My 50-ish wife would never have gone with a black man as in the story, but she did decide to take a lover, a business associate with whom she worked. It always took place out of town when she and he were on business.

I later became acquainted with him at a social gathering of her company's, and though few words were ever spoken about it, it was a matter of "He knew that I knew," and "I knew that he knew." I found it very enjoyable and exciting to carry on ordinary cocktail party chit-chat with a man I knew was going to get his cock sucked and cum eaten by my wife in his car after the party when he would "volunteer" to drive her home, and have sex with her the next day when they were out of town.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Good Writing But....

Your writing is good and you are not describing your wife as drop dead gorgeous, that made your story realisitic. (You told us this is a true story)

I have read quite a few stories where wives did not turn into wanton sluts or husbands were not humiliated. However, there are a few questions you need to ask yourself. (And if I may ask, please share your answers with all of us.)

What do you think your wife's reactions would be if:

1. You are sick, having a fever one day. You are not so sick that you need to be waited on, yet it would be nice or convenient if someone would be there to get you some water to drink or medicine to take without having to go downstairs yourself, yet your wife had already made a plan to meet her lover weeks ago, her lover made dinner reservations, rented a car, bought tickets for concerts, etc. Would she cancel her date and stay with you? (Remember, you are sick but not so sick to be in emergency room...)

2. When your wife tells you her lover REALLY needs a new car to go to work and he is short of cash and ask her (or both of you) a ten thousnad dollar loan for a few months, and let's assmue you are not so well off that even though ten thousand dollars is not huge, but not very small amount of money either. In the meantime, you don't need to but would like to save for a vacation or add a car you really like with a nice discount. (Remember, he is not asking for a gift, but a short-term loan.)

3. What if your other old friends invited both of you to a party or a two weeks vacation and it conflicted with her plan to meet her lover, again, reservations made, rented a car, bought concert tickets. (Remember her lover only comes in infrequently)

All these scenarios present a conflict between you and her dated with her lover where your wife can pick either one but not both. And the more she is emotionally involved with her lover, the more these questions will bring light to how meaningful you really are to your wife after thirty years of marriage. She did tell you she loves you, didn't she?

But I guess these questions are a waste of time, your pen name says it all --- you love creampie. So, please write your follow on stories about how did you start to love creampie. Good luck. BTW, please tell me how to vote.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
good story

I really liked your story. The best of a loving cuckold. I hope there is a sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Another cuckold story and little else

At the end of this drivel the husband thinks to himself that he knows his wife's affair will continue but he justies it to himself that this makes her happy and if she is happy then they have a good marriage. Nor for reality, as long as she fucks other men they actually have NO marriage. What the sham they call a marriage has really become a room mate relationship where only one of the two room mates is having regular sex and it isn't the sap and door mat of a husband. His wife has demanded that he fufill an agreement that had over 25 years ago. She should have told to fuck herself and it save gas all around. When she announced she was continuing her sexual affairs, I would have made no comment and immediately packed and left. Then the best tactic is to grab a bunch of money, close all accounts, revised heirs on his will and changed insurance policies beneficiaries, resign from work and get the hell out of Dodge way the hell out and start using another identity. After the selfish bitch she has become is only thinking with her wornout pussy and she doesn't work and will lose the house and will soon find out that a woman with virtually no money, with a 50 year old body

and almost no chance of finding a good paying job her current sex partners will dump her faster than the arrival of menopause.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Gee. Surprise,surpris.Notonly cockholding in its truest form. But white3 woman with black man hung like a horse. Next chapter....wife leaves hubby for black cock. Gee thats surprising.... Its stories like this one that truely turns men into K.K.K. And then people wonder where bigitry comes fromA686

coigachboycoigachboyover 8 years ago

No fucking way would I let my wife fuck another man even if she hadedn had dick for years. Just saying.

bworth1943bworth1943about 7 years ago
stone cold

Racist bullshit

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

stupid wife and dumb husband just for aa black cock right

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Another cuckold crap story!

What a load of bullshit! Any man who wants to watch has wife screw other men needs significant psychological help. He obviously doesn't think that he is man enough to screw his wife so he has someone else do it. What a loser! If he can't get it up a husband can always eat her pussy to make her cum. It's good enough for long term lesbian marriages.

widowedidiotwidowedidiotabout 6 years ago
Loving wife?

I didn't particularly like this story much. It seemed to be all about her and what she wanted without regard for what the husband felt. It started out as a WE!! and then quickly changed into me only. Why couldn;t she have told him that first night that nothing had happened? No! She was to tired to talk. Bull!! Why did she make him wait until after the pool party? Why did she have to wait till Sunday to do anything with her husband? Because Al said? And why did she let him shave her without consulting hubby first? Terrible story or terrible wife. Another thing. Why does it have to be a black cock? I don't have anything against a black cock in a white pussy. But why insn't there ever a black pussy in this stories? And why do all black cocks in this stories have to be huge? Isn't there a normal black man out there? To be honest I didn't really like any of your stories. As it seems that in everyone of them, the first black man they meet has to have at least 12 inches. never a miss here. One thing for sure. I won't be reading anymore of your stories.

OGHMNWOGHMNWover 5 years ago

She sounds like every strong willed woman. I sorry but it stmore like she had this all planned out before hand. Yes I can understand her needs but she should have had you more involved. Thank you!

timrivtimrivover 5 years ago

Technically he was a cuckold but not really. He was unable to take care of business and they arranged for her to have a surrogate. To bad he was in town for a short time. Would have been a better story if he was local and they all got together as friends and hubby would drop his wife if after a date for her stud to finish the evening before bringing her home. It’s not cheating and helps their relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Never too old to get divorced.

Although with no love left who cares. Ugly story.

Anthony1965Anthony1965about 4 years ago
Wonderful Story

Absolutely loved it. Finally a story with people of my age and a story that sounds believable. Would love to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
It's just a fantasy, right?

Because just about any husband who agrees to go along to the kind of setup as presented here by the wife (i.e., "I've been dreaming about something . . .") and given the physical disability to perform might just as well call the lawyer and get the divorce paper work -- an amicable one, of course! -- started. I also can't quite get my mind around what has to be going on inside a husband's head to get sexually excited listening to his "long-suffering" wife recount in great detail and with obvious great excitement, the details of her night of nirvana with another man.

In this scenario, what's the next step? Come Wednesday and Al is leaving town, she announces that she and Al have made plans to take a Around the World cruise that'll take 6 months and she's leaving Friday -- BUT .. BUT ... she really loves her husband and when she gets back she'll make it all up to him. Etc.

iameaseliameaselabout 3 years ago

So why would he stay married to a worthless twat that didnt love or respect him?

Ive been married for 25 years and its the second for both of us and we arent ancient nor spring chickens but if my wife was a twat like that the divorce would happen so quickly the world would shudder.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Old whore decides to cuck her husband with the requisite cheap back dildo. Why Am? Was Jamal busy? In prison again?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I was curious when I came across this. I read your build-up, wondering where it would go. I’m at a loss. Given the addictive aspects of the kind of sexual experience the wife describes in such exciting detail it would seem she’s “hooked” on it. Any husband who agrees to such a “date night” is a fool and a masochist and might as well contact a lawyer. Such an arrangement is bound to change the marriage relationship to a relationship of convenience. Say joint tax returns or favorable insurance rates?

beretta84beretta84almost 2 years ago

a long time friend, Al, just happens to show up at the, most, opportune time. a long time friend of them both but he calls the wife instead of hubby.

not only that, he has a huge dick, & oh yeah, he, just, happens to be black.

true story, yeah, right.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I didn't like the basic premise of the whole plot line -- selfish wife, emotionally ungrounded husband. And a lot of disingenuous, indeed dishonest, posturing. A mutual agreement for a "friendly" divorce so she could recover her sexual youth without having to lie to herself and her nominal (actually her former) husband. AS it is they're both lying to themselves and one another, which is not good and toxic to any (formerly) intimate relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Reluctant 5. It is very well written and has good character development BUT since the main element was to be angst, adding that he had always wanted her to have sex with another man takes away from the plot, Also, telling the reader, Oh by the way my lover is black, has the stereotype big cock adds a contrived element that greatly diminishes the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Yeah, the whole Jamal cliché destroyed a pretty good story. LW writers do not understand subtlety, especially in a piece written to be enjoyed inside headspace.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

The plot line of your story is such that it slowly compresses the plot into a "no win" situation for both characters. The wife's euphoric relating of her never-before-experienced-sexual experience to a husband who is in a similar way being pushed into a place where he will lose his own self-respect at least. Then there's the racial component. What is the point of that element? It would be difficult -- approaching impossible -- to recover a healthy marriage, especially at the give time together they are. Ultimately unsatisfying.

FaceForRadioFaceForRadio6 months ago

Dreadful story; ending is even worse, if that’s possible. Because of his own shortcomings, he gives wifey a conditional hall pass. Sex only, no involvement; a stranger; husband gets to participate or at least watch, etc. She manages to break every condition. She’s evil, he’s pathetic!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Wife always violates conditions/rules. HIS fantasy was to watch her. Now she gets to watch he signs the divorce papers.

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