A Lost Daughter Ch. 24

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Breaking the news has unexpected consequences.
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Part 24 of the 25 part series

Updated 04/02/2024
Created 05/16/2018
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Everything had gone just as Sienna had anticipated. The day after she had revealed her pregnancy and we had gotten 'married' we drove over to Julia and Ben's house to share the news. The story was that she had met a boy at the library who had invited her to a party that she had snuck out to attend. That night she had drank too much and slept with him without protection and ended up pregnant. We had an entire explanation about how Sienna didn't know who he was and didn't have his contact information, but we ended up not even needing to get into it.

Apparently, they had already been suspicious that Sienna was 'going back to her ungodly roots' after leaving their home and staying with us and were quite poised to cut her off. This pretty much confirmed how they really viewed Amber and I, and despite them being dead-on accurate it kind of pissed me off for some reason. I also got the impression that they expected Sienna to make a huge mistake that would necessitate them swooping in and saving her, giving them control over her life again. They held firm, and despite moments where I worried they were going to crack, their 'tough love' approach remained intact.

She would be welcomed back into the family if and when she found her way back to God and agreed to live under the rules of their house. Sienna pretended to be upset and remorseful and even consider their offer, but ultimately, we left under the pretense that she was 'exiled' from the family while she lived in sin. After the discussion Sienna was permitted to say goodbye to her two 'sisters' who I hadn't even met before. Watching them cry and hug was honestly pretty difficult, as it was obvious that they were very close. I learned that her sisters were Judith, 14, and Hannah, 17. It was clear to me that Sienna was the 'big sister' that her younger adoptive siblings idolized. They agreed to stay in touch, however realistic that was, and parted tearfully.

The drive home was far less celebratory that I was expecting, and perhaps as a result of the heartfelt goodbye from her sisters, the mood in the car was fairly somber. Once home Sienna asked plainly if we could have a quiet night of cuddling and watching stupid TV, and I happily obliged. Upon waking the next day, she was more or less back to her old self, but I held onto the memory of the emotional impact the previous day had on her and vowed to be extra loving and supportive. When I went back to work on Monday, I made an agreement with Amber and Kayla to take care of her and try to avoid tempting her with drugs as Sienna was very adamant about remaining clean while she was pregnant.

This was a totally different scenario than it had been for Amber, and I was once again reminded of how their kinks diverged from one another. It no doubt had a severe impact on Sienna also to know that Amber's reckless drug use while pregnant with her was ultimately the reason she hadn't been in our lives for the last 18-years. Perhaps I shouldn't have found it so surprising that she would have been so vehement about her sobriety while pregnant. The only thing she allowed herself, much to my delight, was unfettered indulgence of nicotine. At first, she expressed interest in possibly switching to vaping while pregnant, but Amber reassured her that it wasn't necessary, and the side-effects smoking had on a pregnancy were massively overblown.

Perhaps it was the fact that she was a nurse, her mother, or simply because Sienna didn't want to give up her beloved Newports, but she accepted Amber's words as gospel and immediately discarded the idea of vaping. In truth, with how devious Amber was I didn't know if she believed what she was saying or not. There didn't seem to be an end to the depths of her depravity, which both terrified and excited me on a regular basis. I wasn't about to break out any research papers from the American Lung Association however, I was more than happy to enjoy the next nine months of a pregnant, chain-smoking Sienna in relative ignorance.

One thing that had occurred to me while sitting at my desk, failing to get anything done, was how this was going to change Sienna's body. I had long been anticipating the erosion of her toned, athletic figure as the drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol ravaged her body. This would undoubtedly erase any possibility of seeing that transformation via those means, and instead would come as a result of the pregnancy. I was conflicted about this, of course, as there were some obvious positives as well.

I had been fantasizing about seeing Sienna with a swollen belly, full with my offspring, since shortly after our whirlwind incestuous love-affair had begun. But for most of that time I also expected her to be strung-out on drugs, resulting in a combined assault on her youthful vitality that would be a marvel to behold. With her adamance at sobriety through her pregnancy, this was not going to come to pass. I was thankful that our baby would be healthy, but the dark inner shadow of my innermost fantasies felt somewhat betrayed. I could certainly insist that she use while pregnant and I had no doubt that she would readily comply, but that wasn't the kind of dominance I wanted to exert over any of my beloved angels.

This left me with one remaining option if I wanted to scratch this itch, and her name was Kayla. She had already expressed, quite passionately in fact, her desire for me to breed her. At the time it was a fantasy that promoted a particularly powerful orgasm but ultimately resulted in my recommending she get back on birth control. The implications of living with two hormonally charged pregnant teenagers, followed by two newborn babies perhaps only months apart from one another wasn't lost on me. But my desire to enjoy another strung-out junkie mom was too strong to ignore.

When I got home that Monday, I found Kayla smoking a bowl of weed from her small glass pipe on the couch, still in her pajama pants and a tank top with no bra. It was clear that she was having a 'stoner day' to deal with a sharp decline of her other drug use. Her blonde hair was scrunched atop her head messily and it didn't appear that she had showered. Even still, being a beautiful teenage girl meant that she was still stunning, and her unkempt appearance softened her look to make her appear particularly cute.

"Hey babe," she said, holding in a lungful of smoke.

"Hey, I wanted to talk to you a minute actually," I replied.

Her eyebrows raised in surprise as she finally exhaled a thick stream of smoke and fought back a cough. Once she had emptied her lungs she nodded and pat the couch cushion next to her.

"So, this might sound like weird timing considering what happened this past weekend, but I have a sort of proposition for you," I began.

"Ooo, sounds fun," the stoned teen replied.

"I still have to talk it over with Amber before any final decision is made, but I was thinking of how happy I am that Sienna is pregnant and remembering what you had said a couple of weeks ago," I continued.

Kayla's bright blue eyes went wide in excitement, and she seemed to anticipate what was coming next.

"I want to get you pregnant too if that's still something you want," I said.

No verbal response was needed, Kayla simply threw her arms around me in a firm embrace that communicated her response clearly.

"I'm guessing that's a yes?" I asked.

She pulled back almost violently, placing a hand on my shoulders and giving me an incredulous look.

"You know that's what I wanted," she said plainly.

I smiled at her, and she cracked a grin right back at me, leading to a series of soft, cannabis-flavored kisses from her massive lips. Those puffy pillows of flesh felt like warm silk as they accosted me and stirred my loins. I allowed the kissing to progress until I felt Kayla begin to paw at my crotch, when I decided to cut her off.

"I want to go chat with Amber first, while my head is clear," I said.

She answered me by leaning in and kissing me again, to which I was mentally unable to resist.

"I'll be back," I said after another delicious kiss.

I put my finger up in front of my face, indicating a 'just a moment' gesture, which seemed to stymie her attempts at further seduction using her irresistibly plump mouth. She pouted, which resulted in her lips pursing in a beckoning display of enticement that took Herculean levels of determination to defy. I stood and made my way to the bedroom still salivating from the memory of Kayla's kisses, intent on making good on the plan I'd hatched that had quickly grown into an infatuation.

I half expected to enter the room to find my beautiful wife pinned, awash in the delightful effects of opiates, despite her earlier proclamations of solidarity with Sienna while taking a tolerance break. To my somewhat surprise she wasn't in bed when I opened the door, and I was greeted by the wafting scents of soap combined with a heaviness in the air indicating a recent shower. I could hear clicking and clacking noises coming from the bathroom as things were picked up and placed back down onto the hard counter.

I walked over to the attached master bath and found Amber standing in front of the mirror, hair spun into a towel atop her head and another pastel pink bath towel wrapped around her naked body. Her eyes were trained on her reflection as she carefully applied black liquid eyeliner, tracing her trademark 'cat eye' points that had driven me wild since we were teenagers.

"Hello, my love," she said without breaking her concentration.

"Hi, baby," I said.

I noticed her large crystal ashtray overflowing with Newport 100's, so much so that some of the ash had splashed onto the counter around it. Predictably there was a lit cigarette perched smoldering on the beveled edge, a steady ribbon of smoke twirling up endlessly and creating a lovely ambiance. There had always been something magical to me about a beautiful woman's beauty routine, applying makeup with a cigarette accompaniment, skin still dewy and scented from the shower. It was so innately feminine and elegant, that my original reason for being there jockeyed with my libido for dominance within the mental landscape of my consciousness.

I watched in silence as Amber finished her eyeliner, placing the cap back on with a soft 'clink' and setting it back down on the counter. As she turned her face from side-to-side to scrutinize her work, her right hand reached down mechanically to allow her fingers to slip around the cigarette and extract it from the ashtray. Without looking, she lifted it up to her bee-stung lips and slipped the filter between them just to the right of her philtrum. Immediately her clips clamped down on the filter and her fingers parted in a 'V' as she pulled hard on the Newport, cheeks collapsing in to accentuate her already pronounced high cheekbones.

She continued to look at herself in the mirror, squinting ever so slightly to prevent smoke from trailing into her eyes while she continued applying dreadful suction to the filter and causing the tobacco to singe and the tip to illuminate a bright orange. The ash seemed to double in size, a testament to the need she communicated through her ravenous consumption. Amber relaxed her lips and closed her fingers around the filter once more, withdrawing it from her mouth and savoring the taste of her bounty before a soft 'pop' coincided with a tight ball of smoke appearing briefly between her lips before getting snapped down the back of her throat and into her waiting lungs.

"Kiss me before I put lipstick on," she said, turning to me with her chest full.

I leaned into her, wrapping my left arm around her waist, and reaching my right hand up to cradle her head as our lips met. A series of soft, wet, nibbling kisses followed, smoke cascading from her throughout and imbuing the entire experience with the intoxicating taste and aroma of pure bliss. My length unfurled down the leg of my boxer shorts as we continued, her warm body pressing against me as the passion of our kisses intensified. She instinctively unclasped the tuck of her towel and let it fall to the floor, now completely nude.

I reached down and immediately unhooked my belt, undid my fly, and yanked my slacks and boxers down in one ragged motion. I placed my hands on Amber's shoulders and turned her towards the mirror, stepping up behind her. She placed her palms on the countertop and turned her head to the side as I leaned into her and kissed her neck and nibbled at her ear from behind. I gripped my shaft and guided the head of my prick to her entrance, her thick folds parting easily to beckon me further. As I pressed myself inside, the warm embrace of her canal caused me to shudder as a tremor of delight raced through me.

When I had sheathed myself to the hilt, I allowed a deliberate pace to guide my thrusts, enjoying the sensation of each individual plunge as she swallowed me up over and over. Her soft moans and softer skin heightened the experience, providing a banquet of sensual stimuli that anchored me squarely in the present moment. I could literally hear how wet she was for me as I continually entered her, settling my hands on her hips as I continued my slow, deep penetrations. A clicking sound drew my attention away from the view of my rod sliding into her and back to Amber's reflection in the mirror.

Perhaps predictably she hadn't been satisfied simply allowing me the honor of experiencing the majesty of her womanly form, she longed to satiate my boundless appetite for the fetish that had started it all. It was, of course, an utterly futile endeavor by its very definition but I would never turn away another feast as it was continually served to me by any of my three beloved angels. Watching Amber snap balls of smoke down her throat and moan through smokey exhalations while I fucked her compelled an increase in my fervor. The soft slaps of her ass on my pelvis ricocheted audibly in my ears as I increased the pace and power of my thrusts.

The soft flesh of her hips seemed to melt within my tightened grasp as I worked our bodies together, simultaneously ramming myself into her while pulling her towards me rhythmically. I knew I was drawing close to an orgasm as my balls tingled and my lower abdomen fluttered, so I picked up my pace.

"Cum in my mouth," Amber moaned.

"I'm close," I gritted.

I pulled myself out of her and my dutiful wife spun around, dropping to her knees to receive her seminal sacrament. I reached my hand down to jerk myself off and my hand was batted away, Amber gripping my pole and doing it for me. The left hand of her silky soft palm stroked me feverishly as the right brought her dwindling Newport 100 to her lips for a final drag. A powerful pull and monstrous snap inhale preceded her opening her mouth wide while she positioned the head of my cock to rest on the tip of her outstretched tongue.

She looked up at me with her deep brown eyes as my body went rigid and my breath hitched in anticipation of my release. The first jet of my semen exploded from the head of my cock and splashed on the back of her throat as smoke began to stream from her mouth. She continued stroking me madly as a series of bountiful ejaculations shot into her smokey mouth and painted the length of her beckoning tongue. My cum was thick and pearly white and Amber welcomed my voluminous deposits with ravenous glee.

It delighted me further to see it disappear into the fog of her smoke-filled mouth, coaxing my climax to even greater heights. As my orgasm reached its zenith, Amber's lungs expelled the final wisps of smoke to reveal an unobscured view of my climactic donation. A shimmering sea of sparkling sperm bridged the space between her teeth and coated nearly every inch of her tongue. Amber wiggled her coated tongue and smiled, her eyes gleaming at me with pride and devotion. I smiled back, which seemed to signal my approval and prompted her to swallow.

It was almost anti-climactic as every trace of my ample emission disappeared in a mere moment, affirmed by a proud display and a broad smile by the ardent beauty at my feet. Next, she lifted her cigarette close to her face and inspected it. Nearly an inch of ash clung to the filter, flickering in defiance of its approaching extinguishment. In a final testament to her boundless devotion to me, Amber opened her mouth and splayed her tongue once more. It glistened pink and unblemished as she raised the cigarette above it. With one tap the integrity broke and a column of ash broke off to rest helplessly on the bed of Amber's tongue.

A quick singe followed as she briefly touched the end of the cigarette to the tip of her tongue to completely snuff it out before tossing it to the floor. It left a tiny black circle where it had made contact but would pale in comparison to what came next. Amber reached her right hand up to her tongue and ground the column of ash into her previously unblemished tongue with her pointer finger. The glistening pink disappeared in a haze of ashy blacks and greys, a defilement that pleased me to no end. Removing her finger allowed me a wondrous view of her handiwork and I nodded and smiled in approval.

She completed the ritual by closing her mouth once more and swallowing several times, presenting a clean palate as proof of her diligence. She stood up and we kissed, thankfully her tongue still retained a strong flavor of ash that would've spawned a second round of lovemaking if it were a decade earlier. In the present, however, it simply reminded me of why I loved and appreciated this incredible woman. Upon finally breaking free she tapped my nose with her finger and smiled playfully.

"I love you so much," she purred.

"I love you too," I replied.

One more soft kiss concluded our interlude before she turned back to her reflection and lit another cigarette. I allowed her to pop another ball of smoke into her lungs before breaking into the original reason I had sought her out.

I explained my recent rumination and conflicting ideas about Sienna's pregnancy and then went on to describe how Kayla had brazenly expressed her desire for me to impregnate her. There was really no hiding from the naked truth about the lion's share of my motivation, so I stated it plainly and painted myself as self-serving in an effort to elicit Amber to give it to me straight. I knew I was thinking primarily with my dick, so running it by my beautifully dickless wife seemed like the most prudent course of action.

"What about the baby," she asked after I had laid it all out.

I was sort of lost as to what she was referring to and my quizzical expression seemed to clue her in to the fact that I needed her to expand her meaning.

"You've expressed a lot of excitement about the gestation of the baby and what that could give us in terms of fun and debauchery, which you know I also love," she paused to give me a devious smile, "but really nothing about the reality that at the end of it all there will be a newborn child who needs to be taken care of and loved," she explained.

I knew this, obviously, but how much of that reality had I really envisioned in my fever dream of fantasy-fulfillment? If I were honest with myself, it hadn't been nearly enough.

"Look, both Kayla and of course Sienna want to satisfy you and they more than love you, they almost worship you, which means that they aren't going to think about these things until perhaps it's too late. They will be focused on how good it feels to give you what you want, and they're still kids, they aren't considering the long-term here. Part of being in a relationship with submissive partners who feed off the satisfaction they bring to their more dominant partner is protecting them from making decisions that will have challenging repercussions," Amber continued.

This was honestly the frankest conversation I had been in with my wife since before Sienna arrived. It had been a whirlwind of wanton pleasure-seeking that had spun us up in its ferocity of hedonism and left little time for paltry considerations like long-term planning and the like.