A Love That Never Dies


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Sunday, December 11, 2011

I realized that we should get away from home and at least try to avoid the most obvious reminders of Connie's absence during the holidays in December. I suggested a ski trip to Colorado and Sally was reasonably excited about the idea. I booked a nice cabin with 2 bedrooms and an indoor hot tub near Telluride.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sally and I got up early, caught a flight to Atlanta and them made a connection to Denver. We rented a car to make the drive to Telluride. We would need to spend a night in a hotel somewhere along the way because I didn't want to be driving in the mountains, in the winter, at night.

We made it as far as Glenwood Springs and got a room in a nice but older motel. We put our suitcases in the room and then went out to find dinner. We settled on an Italian restaurant and had a good meal, then returned to the hotel.

Sally announced that she was going to take a shower and she disappeared into the bathroom while I began surfing through the channels on the television. After about 20 minutes, she emerged, dressed in her usual sleeping attire. The room had two queen beds and Sally took the bed closest to the bathroom while I took my turn sudsing and rinsing away the daily grime.

I pulled on a pair of boxers before stepping out of the bathroom. I settled into my bed and suggested that we needed to get to sleep so we could get an early start in the morning.

As soon as the lights were off, I felt Sally sliding into my bed and under the covers. I was lying on my back and Sally was lying on her side, facing me, somewhat draped over me so that her right knee was resting on the mattress between my two knees and her right arm was lying across my chest.

"Daddy, I know why we're here, I know how tough this has been for you, and I know how hard you've tried to make my life easier. You're not even my real daddy so I know you really don't have to do any of this at all. You could have sent me to live with my father or with grandma and grandpa . . . but you didn't. There's only one reason for you to do all of this, and that's because you love me. I get it . . . and I know how lucky I am to still have you in my life. I've been sort of lost the past few months but I feel myself pulling out of it and I'm going to try to do a better job of taking care of you, just like I promised Mom."

As soon as she finished saying that, she leaned over and kissed me on the lips. It was not a wet, slobbery, tongue probing kiss. It was a simple, chaste kiss, but it was on the lips. Sally had always kissed me on the cheek but I didn't want to make too much of a simple thing that may have meant absolutely nothing.

"I do love you, Sally. At one time, you and your mom together were my world. Now it's just you, and you - you alone - are my world. I know that'll end when you go off to college next fall, but, until then . . . you are everything to me."

"I love you, too, Daddy!" she responded, immediately followed by a quick and presumably platonic kiss on the lips. She then slid from beneath the covers and returned to her bed.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

When I woke up the next morning, Sally was in my bed and spooned up against me. I had my arm around her and I could smell the fragrance of her shampoo in her hair. It was the same shampoo that her mother had used and, before I opened my eyes, I had this momentary thought that Connie had come back to me. For a moment, I felt exhilarated. Then I opened my eyes and I realized that it was Sally in my arms, not Connie.

I quickly extricated myself from the bed and went to the bathroom to pee and to wash my face. My heart was still racing from having the thought that Connie had returned. I needed to calm down and I certainly couldn't let Sally know what she had caused. There was no need to have her feel guilty about what had happened.

A few minutes later, Sally woke up and got dressed. We packed up and got underway, arriving in Telluride around lunchtime.

After checking in at a main office, we drove another mile to the cabin. Like many of the other cabins in the area, it was an A-frame and it looked like it had been built recently. It was on the side of the mountain and the view was spectacular.

Inside, the cabin was immaculate. There was a kitchen, dining room, and great room downstairs and three bedrooms upstairs. The master bedroom had a private bathroom while the other bedrooms shared a common bath. The hot tub was in the master bathroom and it was large enough to easily accommodate 6 people.

We unloaded the car and got settled into our rooms. We agreed that it was probably too late to try to get on the ski slopes and decided to drive to the grocery store to stock up on provisions for the week. Since Sally was now 18 and would not be driving this week, I decided to allow her to have some wine at home, so I got a few bottles of a sweet wine which I thought she might like.

When we returned to the cabin, I put a bottle of wine in the refrigerator and started dinner. While I was preparing the salad, Sally stood in the kitchen to talk to me.

"What would you like to do tonight, my little princess?" I inquired.

"Well, I thought maybe we could have a few glasses of wine with dinner and then get in the hot tub," she responded.

"Okay," I said. "That sounds like a plan."

Our steaks were very good and Sally seemed to enjoy the sauterne. On the other hand, I preferred my scotch and had a few shots that I drank straight. We were both feeling a bit tipsy after dinner and decided to see if the dishes might clean themselves if we left them alone long enough.

"Ready for the hot tub?" Sally asked.

"Sure," I replied. "Just let me pour another scotch first. Do you want another glass of wine?"

"Why not?" was her response.

I poured us each another drink and we went upstairs. Sally went to her bedroom to change and I went into the master bedroom. I was pulling up my swim trunks when Sally walked in. I don't know if she saw anything of my body but, if she did, she didn't give me any clue that she had.

Sally was in a little bikini that barely made her legal. Initially, I said nothing about the bikini, and I just climbed into the hot tub. Sally followed and she sat next to me instead of across from me.

"Remind me to burn that bikini when we get home," I said.

"What's wrong, Daddy? Don't you like it?" she asked.

"I like it, but . . . I think any other guy that sees you in that will want to rip it off your body and do . . . who knows what?!" I exclaimed. "Well, I guess you do know what, don't you?"

"Well, I'm glad you like it, Daddy. I promise I'll wear it only when I'm around you, okay?"

"Okay, but . . .," I trailed off.

"But what, Daddy?" she asked.

"Honey, I don't want to make you feel bad, but . . . seeing you like that reminds me of your mother, because you look just like her, and . . . I'm really missing her now."

Sally swiveled around so that she was straddling my lap, facing me, and she placed her arms on my shoulders, bringing our faces close together.

"Daddy, Mom told me to take care of you after she was gone. Do you need me to . . . take care of you?" Sally asked so sweetly.

"Sweetie-pie, are you asking me . . . offering me what I think you're offering me?" I responded.

"Daddy, Mom told me to take care of you. She told me that several times in public and the last time was on her last day. Before that . . . a few times, she told me in private, and she was a bit more explicit. When she knew she was dying, Mom and I talked about sex. She told me that you had been a wonderful lover for her and that you satisfied her completely."

"I felt the same way about her," I said, "but I'm a little bit surprised that she had that conversation with you."

"She asked me if I was still a virgin, and I told her that I was. I don't have my hymen because I broke that myself a few years ago, but I've never had sex with a guy. Mom told me that my first time should be with somebody special, like you."

"I didn't know that you were . . . I mean, I kind of thought so, but . . . I didn't want to be a naïve dope, either, so . . ." I was a bit flustered talking to Sally about her virginity.

"It's okay to talk about it, Daddy. I'm still a virgin, but I think I'm ready, and I do want my first to be someone special . . . like you. In fact . . . not just like you . . . I want it to be you."

"Honey, you can't imagine how flattered I am, but . . . but I'm your Daddy," I said.

"Yes, of course you're my 'Daddy,' but you're not my biological father, and I'm over 18 now, and there's nothing illegal about it, or . . .."

"But what would your Mother say?" I asked.

"Here's what Mom said to me a few months before she . . . before she died. She said, 'Sally, you'll never find a better man than Tom. I know he's older than you but he can make you happy and, if you can make him happy, too, then . . . once you're 18, you have my blessings and I hope you two can be happy together.' Daddy, you know Mom would never say anything as explicit as, 'Sally, when I'm gone, fuck your Father real good, okay?' But she did tell me, in her own way, to try to be the woman you needed."

"I'm in shock!" I said. I didn't disbelieve Sally. I trusted her absolutely and, if she said that she and Connie had that conversation, then they must have had that conversation. Still, it was incredible that Connie would give her daughter permission to approach me in such a way.

"If you don't want me, tell me, Daddy. I'm not trying to force myself on you . . . but I do want you . . . to take my virginity."

As soon as those words left her lips, she reached behind her torso and found the clasp for the top of her bikini. In one quick movement, it was off of her and flying through the air, landing in the bathtub across the room.

I looked down at Sally's chest. It was beautiful. Like her mother, her breasts were small, but they were pert and firm. Her nipples were erect, confirming my assumption that Sally was sexually aroused. They stood out like little pencil erasers. Her areolas were about the size of a quarter, a light reddish-brown color, and smooth.

"I guess I inherited my tiny boobs from Mom," Sally said.

"Oh, honey, you don't have anything to apologize for. You're beautiful and your boobs are . . . wonderful, and . . . very arousing. The first time I saw your mother naked, she was very self-conscious about her boobs but I absolutely loved them and I spent a lot of time . . . well, I never let them feel neglected. I don't know if you ever saw your mom's boobs, you know, once you were old enough to remember, but . . . yeah, your boobs are little just like your mom's boobs and, in fact . . . they look just like your mother's . . . and they're just . . . perfect!"

"Mom told me that you liked to lick on her nipples and that it always made her feel real good down in her private area, you know," Sally confided. "Do you wanna lick on my nipples, Daddy?"

"Sweetie, you're beautiful, but . . . there's something about this that just doesn't . . . doesn't feel right."

Sally backed away from me and, for a moment, I thought she intended to get up and run away. Instead, she slowly stood up, put her thumbs inside the waist of her bikini bottom, and pushed it down until she could step out of it. She then bent over, retrieved it from the bottom of the hot tub, and threw it towards the bathtub.

When Sally stood up, the water line was even with the bottom of her cute little behind. She turned around and her naked, shaved pussy was less than two feet in front of me. Her pussy was a simple slit which hid the rest of her feminine downstairs apparatus. Her lips did not protrude and her crotch looked extremely smooth, extremely lickable. As my mind entertained that last thought, I could feel myself getting harder than I already was.

Sally then returned to her previous position, facing me while straddling my lap. "I want you to be my first, Daddy, and I want to make you happy. I want you to feel right with me and, if it doesn't happen now, I want it to happen soon. . . . And when it happens, I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy, I promise."

Sally leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. This time, it was not a borderline, questionable, friendly little kiss. It was a wet, probing tongue, filled-with-passion kiss.

I pushed her away. I was feeling a mix of emotions and I told her.

"I need you to listen to everything I have to say . . . no interruptions. When I'm done, you can say whatever you want, and I'll listen. First, there is a part of me that wants to give in to you and make love with you right now. Part of what's going on with me is I want to feel loved and part of it is just pure and simple animal lust. You are a beautiful girl and I would love to make love with you."

"I'm also feeling guilty about the fact that I do want you. It feels kind of disloyal to your mom for me to even feel this way so soon. I loved your mother and the thought of being disloyal to her hurts me. I just can't do that."

"I'm also thinking about you, honey. Your first time should be with somebody who you know wants you just because of you. Aren't you going to be wondering if I want you because of you or whether I want you because you remind me of your mother?"

"And I'm also wondering whether I'll lose you as my daughter if you take on a new role in my life. I can't handle any more losses now. I know you understand that. There's just so much going on in my head right now! . . . Okay, now you can say whatever you want."

"I love you, Daddy. I'll never stop loving you, Daddy. I want to give myself to you completely . . . and I don't feel guilty, because I'm doing what Mom told me to do, so . . . whenever you want me, I'm yours. And I know that you want me, because I can feel you're hard. I'm going to sleep in your bed tonight and I'm going to be naked. If you want to just sleep, then we'll just sleep. If you want to do more, then we'll do more. And I'll love you no matter what happens."

"Wow," I said. "It feels kind of weird to be saying this to the naked girl in my arms, but you're the best daughter ever! If it's what your mom wanted, then . . . when it feels right to me, you won't be able to keep me away from you."

"Let's go to bed, Daddy."

We got out of the hot tub and dried off. Sally, as she had hinted earlier, had no intention of putting on any clothes. She walked into the bedroom and began turning down the covers.

"I want to be on this side of the bed," she said, pointing to the left side, and she slid in. "When you take off that swim suit . . . I wouldn't feel quite so rejected if you'd get in bed naked with me."

"I don't know," I said.

Sally got out of bed, came over to me, wrapped her arms around my chest, and gave me a hug. "I'm going to take care of you, Daddy," she said. She knelt in front of me, untied the drawstring in my swim suit, and pulled it down until it was around my ankles. Without waiting for her request, I stepped out of it and she put it in the sink.

I was standing totally naked before my step-daughter and she was fully exposed to me. My member was getting hard again and, as Sally moved in to put her arms around me, my dick got stuck in the "up" position between us.

"Don't worry," she whispered in my ear, "I'm not going to rape you. But if you want to jump on me, your advances will be welcomed."

She took my hand and led me to the right side of the bed, then she pulled back the covers. I climbed in and she walked around to her side of the bed, joining me between the sheets. I was on my back and she snuggled up to me and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Whenever you're ready . . . I've been on birth control for the past 2 years, so don't worry about making babies, just worry about making love." She paused and then rolled over on her left side. "Snuggle up and put your arm around me," she told me.

I did what she requested and she then pulled my hand to her right boob. "Don't be afraid to feel, Daddy; it's all for you."

I cupped my hand around her cute little breast and said, "I used to think you were an amazing girl, but now I realize that you've become an amazing woman," I said. "By the way . . . your nipple's hard."

"Yeah, and . . . by the way, your dick's hard," she said.

"It's your fault. You're beautiful, you're in my bed naked, and you have my dick trapped between your buns."

"Wake me up if you want to do something about it," she replied. The tone of her voice suggested that she was through talking for the night.

"I love you, Sally. Good night."

My dick was as hard as it's ever been but I felt so . . . conflicted. I know that may not sound like a manly thing to say. You might be thinking, 'if he's a real man, he'd just fuck the shit out of her!' My wife - the wife who I truly, truly loved - had died just two months earlier. The hot looking teen in my arms was my daughter, not my biological daughter, but the girl who I had raised the past five years, the one who called me 'Daddy,' the one who trusted me to take care of her whenever she needed help or protection. Any man with a conscience would have felt conflicted.

Any man with testicles would have also felt extremely horny. My right hand was feeling a hard nipple sitting atop a magnificent little teenaged titty attached to a beautiful, naked little teenaged body. My dick was trapped between the tight buns of a little teenaged ass. That clean shaved little teen slit was just inches away from my purple invader and it had been months since I had enjoyed sex with another person.

I tried to convince myself that, if I did not make love with Sally, she would feel rejected; therefore, I would be doing her a big favor by taking her virginity. It didn't take long to realize how bogus that sounded. If Connie had told Sally to pursue me, maybe that was really what Connie wanted and maybe I shouldn't feel guilty about it. Maybe it was better for Sally to learn about love from me than from pimply-faced idiot who didn't know how to please, or how to even appreciate, a woman.

My thoughts continued to chase themselves like an ouroboros and, eventually, a simple organic compound called ethanol - simple alcohol - made the decision for me. I drifted off to sleep with my arms around a naked teen angel.

* * *

Everything was hazy, but I was in a large room which appeared to be constructed entirely of large stones. In the middle of the room was an altar, also made of stone. A young girl was tied to the altar, spread eagle, but covered in layers of sheer white silk. As I approached her, I could see that the girl on the altar was Connie. A figure emerged from the peripheral shadows and I could see that it was another female. She, also, was Connie. When I looked back at the girl on the altar, she was now Sally. The other figure approached and pulled back the silk coverings, exposing the naked virgin orifice between Sally's legs. "You must do it," Connie said. "She must make a sacrifice to you, and then she will be set free." I nodded my head in assent and I began to unbuckle my belt so that I could lower my pants. Connie waved her hand and suddenly I was naked. I placed the tip of my hard manliness at the entrance to the young nubile's love tunnel and I began to push inward.

I awoke with a start. I was still spooning with Sally and had started to thrust into her butt cheeks. I abruptly stopped and I heard Sally complain, "Why'd you stop? It was just getting started."

"I just woke up. I guess I was humping you in my dreams," I explained.

"Then go back to sleep and dream some more, 'cause it felt real good," Sally responded.

I backed away from Sally and tugged on her shoulder to get her to roll over. When she did, I put my arm around her and held her naked body tightly against me. My right hand was in the small of her back and my mouth found her lips. I immediately began giving her a passionate kiss. I broke away from kiss to tell her, "I want you. I need you . . . now."