Book 01: A Match Made Ch. 05


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My god she was the hottest of the hot! Okay, I know she is. Friday night Chicago was finding out what I already knew. That's the simplest way I can put it. Kara was whirled, twirled, groped, pawed, kissed... you name it, you got it. I loved it all. Oh, I got asked to dance now and then too. Wanna know how that went?

"She's cute. Is she your daughter?" Eyeroll.

"Is you daughter home from college? It's so cute you're clubbing with her." Gag me!

"Is your daughter seeing anyone?" Sigh!

So let's talk about this while Ms. Popular is on the dance floor again. There's a part of me that's chest puffing proud that the woman of my heart is so fabulously attractive that she's attracting the attention of other women. And there's the part of me that wanted to have a hidden carry permit (not that I'd know where to 'hidden' it) to smite the infidels.

I was at the bar when I heard a voice.

"Oh my god, Mom! We didn't see Kara." This just isn't possible! Oh stop it; of course it is. I turned.

"Hello gorgeous." I leaned and kissed June on the lips. Why not right? Her eyes showed her surprise.

"Are you two having fun?" Yeah well. My eyes flicked to my honey who was being 'handled' by another blonde.

"She's out there in a red dress." I pointed. "See?" I watched my daughter's girlfriend follow my finger.

"Holy crap, that dress is gorgeous!!" Her head came back to me. She smiled. "You two are so cute!!" Mom had to.

"Where's Rach?" Big brown eyes smiled.

"Ladies room. She'll be looking for me." She had taken her eyes off of me and was texting at twice the speed of light.

Radar 'Mom' eyes scanned where I remembered the ladies room was and found my blonde. My baby blonde. Rachel.

Blue eyes found her honey's, scooted to mine and got real wide. She stopped walking. I smiled. They moved to her browns and she came toward us. I stood and kissed my daughter.

"Let me say it first. What are you doing here? Mom." On impulse, I grabbed her hand and dragged her on to the dance floor. I saw her look over her shoulder. I had no clue where Kara was. I prayed I was tall enough that she'd see me and see that I was with my kid. We danced; well my kid danced.

"This is the second time we've been here, honey." I kinda screamed it over the din of the crowd and the music. "We were at dinner when we talked about what to do. We both changed. Do you like my outfit?"

It was nowhere near as cute or as daring as what Kara wore, but I wore a summery lavender dress with a string tie from the top of the dress that looped around the back of my neck. Below the bust to above the waist was gathered; at the waist was as well but not as sharply. It didn't hug me nearly as tight as Kara's did and it fell just above my knees. With no bra and commando I felt nearly naked as my daughter eyed me.

"You look adorable Mom." I dare not ask for clarification but does that sound like she thinks it's hot? Does it matter that my achy breaky heart... what do hearts get and why do I care. "Like really hot." Hey, my kid said she thinks I look hot!

"Well looky here! Looks like Momma and baby found each other." Scrumptious kissed me and June kissed my kid. What a world huh!! And we danced.

Back at the table to take a break, catch our breaths, sip our drinks and chat.

"Okay, so I told Rach that this is our second time here. What about the two of you?" June took it.

"We come here fairly often, sometimes as much as twice a month. It's nice, the floor is big, the place gets super busy late and it's fun. They rock music too; real good dance stuff."

"Like Lissy said, it's only our second time but I agree. This place is pretty nice." I leaned and kissed the freckle that's just below your right ear. Kara squeaked like she does when I do. I looked at the girls and said, "Kara loves it when I play the 'connect the freckles' game don't you precious?"

Rachel turned all kinds of red and screeched, "MOM!" June was grinning like a cheshire cat and holding a clearly mortified blonde on her shoulder. I looked at Kara, who was looking at the two of them.

"Oh, you do too?" She nodded. I looked at my blonde and said, "Oops." She thwacked my shoulder. "What's that for?"

"You embarrassed your daughter and kinda embarrassed me." I saw Kara turn to me, scoot forward a little on her chair, and open her legs. I gave no indication of what she was going to do other than widen my eyes. She grinned broadly. June was sitting across from me and looked at me with questions in her eyes when I stood. I saw her eyes dart to Kara and saw them widen. She must be doing it. I used my peripheral vision. Kara was beet red and not from embarrassment.

"Do you two have plans for the weekend?" Rach was watching June and looked at me. Neither of them spoke.

Finally, Rach poked June, who jumped and said, "We have parties to go to tomorrow night and Sunday. Blondie was supposed to work both days." Blondie rolled her eyes.

"I switched with someone. Working seven days is too much. I'm... we're taking Sunday off." Oh?

"Do you bartend on weekends?" June shrugged.

"Not all the time but yeah. I'll miss tonight and tomorrow but work Sunday. It's not as busy but I work the next two weekends all three days." I looked at Rachel, who was all starry eyed looking at her honey. They're adorable.

"If June's working and you're working are you going to stay at the house on the weekends?" She looked embarrassed.

"I'm interviewing at the restaurant June bartends for a server job. And I'm looking for places to interview downtown and near north. With school back I'm hoping. It was nice having both jobs but not fun commuting. It's okay money but gas and trains... well you know."

Yeah I do. She might get lucky and get a train that doesn't make every stop for her dinner shift but going home by train is a grind. And you know how expensive gas is. Well I do actually. She has a debit card that ties into my account that she uses strictly for the car. I help her out where I can.

"Well, Kara has that meeting tomorrow morning, which is why we stayed downtown tonight. But let me know your plans so I can get groceries that I know you like."

"Anyone wanna dance?" Kara is so not into blah stuff. *** With Barb coming at ten we didn't stay out too late. We'd said our goodbyes to the youngsters; there was little doubt they had no intention of leaving. We were in bed cuddling.

"Tell me about your flashing. I saw how flushed you were." You put my hand between your legs. Oh I knew you were wet! I wanted to hear it from you though. I tried again after your hot, wild kiss. "Out with it."

"I felt so naughty, so sexy. I don't know if anyone looked. I think June noticed but no way could she see anything." Your grays blazed as you said, "Honest to god, Lissy, I wanted to take you into the bathroom and just tear you apart."

Several minutes later I was able to get this out. "I knew you were hugely turned on by the way you danced. And not just with me; you were just as delicious and wild with the girls." I smiled. "I think Rach was afraid you were going to attack her!!" You laughed.

"By the way, you were out dancing when June showed up. Rach was still in the ladies. I gave her a kiss." You blinked. "Don't worry blondie. It wasn't one of these." I gave you what you call my 'rock your world' kiss. Several breathless minutes later I wound up on top of you. We were both gasping as more than our mouths and tongues had been busy.

"Well good; I'm glad to hear it wasn't one of those. I wonder if she'll tell Rach." You pulled me to you and we did that kiss thing again; with the same result I should add. There are variations on the theme. Maybe if I was a writer I could do a story just about the kinds of kisses. I told you when we'd finished.

"That would be hysterical actually. That list of kisses you found on Tumblr was great but whoever did it left out a ton of other kisses. Maybe you should try your hand at this writing thing." I smacked you.

"I have no time. I'm too busy adding to the list." I wiggled my eyebrows. You laughed crazily. And that was about all.

Okay well it really wasn't, but that kissing thing turned into a whole lotta something more that included kissing. Night! *** The meeting was at 10. The doorbell rang; we both screamed. Blondie flew out of bed and into the bathroom.

"Put on a robe or something and go answer the door please. Goddammit, we forgot to set the alarm."

Fuck it; let her wait. Maybe I'll greet her naked since that's how she greeted me in the shower. I put the robe on.

"Come on in Barb; Kara's in the bathroom. We forgot to set the alarm; we were... up late." She smiled; she got it.

"Sleeping in late is a wonderful thing on a weekend. How've you been, Lissy?" I bought a wonderful knife sharpener!

"We've been keeping busy. We were out dancing last night and ran into my youngest and her girlfriend. We were as surprised to see them as they were us. It was lots of fun. Sit down; I'll get coffee started."

Right on cue, out came blondie. I walked and gave you a long, deep kiss. Barb didn't see me open my robe but you did. I wrapped you in it as we kissed. It seems you weren't amused as you slugged my shoulder as we kissed.

I went straight to the bedroom, not bothering to close it again, and closed the door. Honest to god, I thought of lying in bed and masturbating with the loudest toy I could find. I know it was all very childish and my anger, such as it is, should have been focused on (directed at?) Kara. But I love her; I have little or no use for the other one.

I settled on taking a bath, which included doing what a lot of women do when they take one. I let the warm running water give me a fabulous orgasm. Kitty needed that; trust me.

I dressed in your tube top and the shortest shorts I could find -- and went commando! And wore the only pair of fuck me heels I own -- at the time. If I'm gonna be over-the-top why not be over the top! Am I right?

I flounced out of the bedroom and almost broke a goddamn ankle but caught myself in time. Kara watched with amused eyes as I settled somewhat gingerly on the chair.

"That was quite the graceful entrance, baby." I smiled daggers; she knew and looked away.

"I need coffee. Anyone else care for some?" I made a point of bending over to push off the chair. I heard the growl.

"Kara, I think we're all set here. I have another appointment on the other end of the Loop and should get going." The two of you kissed cheeks. I air kissed. Period.

Kara locked the door and spun to face me with rage in her eyes.

"You bitch! That was uncalled for. If you want to be mad, be mad at me." Oh god! She really IS mad! "Everything from the robe to the outfit... oh god, I'm so angry with you!!" You stormed toward me, step by step, as you spoke. "Why would you embarrass me, let alone you, in front of my friend like that!!" Any and all resentment slunk away and was replaced by shame... also known as toxic guilt. I took a step forward. You folded your arms and did that thing women do with our hips... putting a foot next to the other on an angle. I'd done it -- it was my 'you'll sleep on the couch' pose.

"I have no explanation. I knew it was wrong and did it anyway. It was juvenile and wrong and I'm sorry. Forgive me?"

There was fury in those eyes. I'd seen it once or twice and it's the only other time the blues turn gray.

She came, grabbed my face with both hands, kissed me, turned, headed to the bedroom, slammed the door and locked it. Every bit of that left me stunned and somewhat breathless. And wet. No, I don't know why.

What do I do now? Go hom... to the house? And do what exactly? And why did I change it from home to the house? I know why. That's when the tears started. We're a couple. If there was ever a doubt this ended it -- at least for me. I'm not sure when it goes from being a crush to ... I put my head on the table and cried.

I have no idea how long I cried or when I fell asleep. I realized I had when I felt a hand on my face. Still sleepy, I lifted my head. Kara kissed me. I swallowed my sob as I kissed her. Her blue eyes were soft when she lifted from me.

"You did what I did -- sleep." She shrugged. "I don't think having... um; it would have been easy enough to do this much later." She shook her head. "Do we need to talk about her and me and you more?" I shook my head.

"No; you're absolutely right. I was a jerk; no other way to say it. She's cute. I can see why the two of you were an item." I shrugged. "I'm a jealous jerk. There's no other way to put it, Kara." I might as well confess to the obvious!!


"There is one thing though. I know I'm the one who suggested that you have her as your realtor, but I'm really not comfortable being around her. I'd rather you get someone else." I think she was surprised. "What I'm not sure of is whether it's unreasonable to feel about her and this the way I do." If today's the day that this gets dealt with then get it all out there. Leave nothing unsaid. And don't cry.

Kara turned and walked away from me. I shivered. She sat on the couch and curled her legs under her. She looked up as she fixed her top, then looked away and stared out the window. What's going on in there?

There was nothing for me to say, so I was quiet. She was as well. I got up, got some more coffee, and sat down -- not on the couch. It was quiet for a while as blondie continued to stare.

Her eyes came back to me and said, "Do you know what I wanted to do last night?" I had no idea so I shook my head.


"I wanted to take off my dress before we came in the building." Oh my! I'm sure my face showed my shock and surprise. She nodded. "I wanted you to take a picture of me with your phone." She smiled and said, "You already know what I look like naked but this is the pose I wanted." Kara stood as she talked. She raised both arms over her head and lifted her left leg behind her butt. Her face had a gorgeous ear-to-ear grin and she was flushed, bright red. She lowered everything, walked to me, and shoved my hand up the leg of her shorts. She was absolutely soaked.

"Wow, this really turns you on huh?" She nodded. "Is it that somebody might see you?" My lover smiled.

"Can I fuck you?" Wow, that was direct! Gray eyes were hot and wild. Kitty told me it sounded like a great idea to her. My heart thudded rapidly in my chest. I couldn't take my eyes off of hers. Her mouth was open; she was in full pant mode and pushed your hips against my hand. Gawd! It's like she's in heat! I had to say it.

"Yes of course, but we have to talk about that thing." Your eyes went from gray to blue in the instant it took you to close your mouth. Smooth Lissy; total buzz kill. I had to though. And I wanted exactly what she said -- badly. Gray eyes widened in surprise as I pushed two fingers into my girl.

"We can talk while I do this." Half lidded eyes in that fabulous blonde head nodded. The squishy sound was obscene and erotic. Kara rocked against me, begging me to use my palm to help. Not so fast blondie! "Go ahead." You blinked.

"How am I supposed to keep a train of thought while you're doing that to me?" I shrugged. She shook her head. I put my hand under her top and teased a nipple. Gray eyes closed; Kara shook her head and bit her lip.

"You're impossible." She bent and kissed me. "We've talked about this before but I guess we're not as done with it as I thought." Seems that's the case. "Barb being my realtor is neither here nor there, but I suppose it's her being here that's at the heart of your problem." I nodded. I started to move my hand from her breast; she put hers over it and smiled.

"Yeah it is. I know I told you to use her. When the knock on the door... I can't explain it." I know what I want to say but not how to say it. And I'm not sure I can without making things worse. I know one thing I have to do! I slipped my fingers from my lover to her groan. "It was a terrible decision on my part; just terrible." She let go of my other hand, her eyes showing both disappointment and understanding. It hasn't been a very good Saturday so far.

What I really wanted to do was have Kara sit on my lap. But after what I'd just done, I didn't protest when she went back to the couch. Besides, she hadn't taken me with her or invited me to join her. Something popped into my head.

"Just this second I had a thought -- Barb represents that day." Yup, that was it. I nodded; she did too. "It's probably stupid but it's about emotions, and my brain reminds me of all the conflicting emotions of that day. You and I just about live together. That keeps the other at bay; for some reason seeing her brings it all back." That's enough I think. "Does that make sense, lover?" It wasn't the thousand watt smile but it was gorgeous nonetheless.

"Yeah, it does. Okay, I'll get someone else. I signed the listing agreement; I'll have her tear it up." I started to protest. "No, don't." Kara looked down, shook her head, and looked at me. "I'm not sure how or if this will affect my friendship with the two of them." A shrug. "You're more important." There was a long pause. "That's the bottom line."

"I guess that's part of it; maybe the biggest part. Thank you by the way." She smiled brightly this time. "You're more important too, Kara. Yes it happened. Yes I'll get over it. We're building a life together." Enough already. "I think we've said all we need to about this." She laughed. "What?" Kara came, plopped herself on my lap and kissed me.

"You're the most adorable idiot I've ever loved." My turn to laugh.

"I know high praise when I hear it, blondie." More kisses. "Now tell me more about this exhibition..." You smothered the end of the word with your mouth. Oh dear, I think this is the end of one thing and the beginning of the other.

The kiss didn't end but a few minutes later you started to undress me. I have to laugh. That involved taking the tube top off, which involved us breaking the kiss. Your tank came off, then we resumed kissing. As if by magic we wound up on the floor, naked, you on top, my legs around your butt. You were doing the most wonderful things to my breast.

"How did we get here?"

"Cab." I groaned; you giggled but never stopped your suckling. What else could I do but shiver. I actually loved nursing my kids. Their breast feeding wasn't sexual; your 'feeding' was -- and wonderfully so. Mmm!

"Is this you making good on your earlier request, lover?" My nipple came out of your mouth with a 'pop.' Dark grays scalded me as you smiled. As if to emphasize the point, you squirmed your hips side to side. I moaned. "Please don't hurry." You laughed.

"We may never leave the condo today, Lissy." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. That would be interesting!


"Okay what... pet!" My eyes flew open, my nipples tightened and kitty shivered.

"Okay miss." Your eyes demanded more. "Okay miss, pet would enjoy not leaving the condo today." My heart was pounding. You'd ignited a roaring flame deep inside me. I fucked you, pulling you to my pussy, grinding, arching my back against you, moaning when you bit my neck, screaming when you moved to my breast and tore at my nipple with your teeth.

"Oh my god! Give it to me, bitch. Fuck me. Oh god yes... oh god oh god ooohhhhh!!" It had been slow for a while and it had just exploded inside me out of nowhere. It was gloriously warm, spine tingling and toe curling. I heard your cry, smiled, and kept pushing, kept my fingers in your hair, kept your mouth on my breast. You were biting it now, taking huge chunks of it in your teeth. It hurt like a mother and god it was stupendous. The lights behind my eyes began to fade. I felt my body loosen. We were pressed tightly to each other. You shivered, groaned and moved your head to the valley.
