A Mate to Howl For Ch. 06

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Trial prep.
4.1k words

Part 6 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/11/2022
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All characters who engage in sex are to be considered over the age of eighteen years.


September 2009

"Who are you kidding? She will never come. I read her file," Timothy said, looking over the desk.

Salem leaned forward before standing at his full height of 6' 3" inches. His hand moved along the collar until a finger caught in his blue tie, pulling it away from his throat. He wasn't used to wearing suits and it showed. "I just want a chance at her. I think she would be an asset to the team."

"There is no doubt she would. Hell, I think we should have approached her while she was in recovery, but that was an error on Blake's behalf. He didn't see the potential in her. But someone who makes more money than you or I does. And she already has medical training, and it won't hurt. I will tell you what, you get her to come to an interview and I'll owe you one."

Owe you one...

The silent thought danced across Salem's features as he settled in the booth of a local Waffle House. The place was empty except for the wait staff and one cook. To the right side was a thin woman with blonde hair who was wearing too much eye makeup. The cook was leaning against the oak rail reading what looked to be the Herald. He was tall, pushing six feet, and robust. His ginger hair did seem to match the tattooed tan skin of his arms. Most likely the color came from a bottle, probably an attempt to be someone else in this tiny town. The third was still in the back room. He only noticed the missing person when the door swung close as he sat down.

Salem was in town to visit an old friend from the Corp, a woman who saved his hide more than once. She was a demolition expert back then and a true Marine. He hoped to convince the woman to interview for a new program he was himself joining. A bunch of veterans had all joined after the VA failed to help. Some were given new prosthetic limbs while others tried new medicines to help cope with PTSD and flashbacks. Personally, Salem was in the drug trials. Now instead of being up all night with panic attacks and reliving the explosion, he slept dreamlessly in a state of bliss. The FDA would be giving the go-ahead for new clinical trials in the next few months. With luck K-101 as it was named, for now, would be readily available for veterans who have been suffering since coming home.

The former Marine waved off the blonde as he checked his cell phone. It was only 8:00 am and his breakfast meeting was still thirty minutes away. Hope had told him that she worked the night shift and could make it by 8:30 am provided they had a slow night.

Slow night, the thought brought a smile. It was after all only Monday and not a full moon, so the odds were good, she would show up on time. There was one constant to all of his former chalk: they kept up with time, never being late or avoiding situations that could and would detain them. If he was right about Hope she would be entering the doors in a few minutes.

Glancing at the waitress once more he nodded, giving her the international signal he needed something.

"What can I get you, dear?" The young woman asked, slipping her hand to the table, and laying out the utensils. The name on her tag read Alice.

"Coffee, black with a side glass of ice, no water, just ice." He offered a slight smile.

"Coming right up," she turned on her heel and semi-bounced away.

Though her hair was up under the black hat, he could see a few spirals flopping down the middle of her back. Other than the eye makeup blunder she seemed to be an attractive female. If only he was here for personal reasons he might flirt with her.

By the time Alice returned, Salem could see a small blue Jeep Grand Cherokee pulling in, and he saw the telltale sign of wild unruly strawberry blonde hair. There could be only one driver-Hope. The tension he had been feeling eased as he watched his longtime friend cross the parking lot.

"Make that two," he said in Alice's direction. As the door opened Salem got to his feet to greet the woman he had not seen in over a year. "Staff Sergeant Mills," he said, bringing her into his open arms for a shoulder hug before taking her hand.

"Gunnery Sergeant Johnson," she returned his embrace. "Damn good to see you again." She hadn't seen him since she departed Germany to come home. She could still see him in the terminal with others as the overhead speaker announced her flight. They had been close those last 11 months, closer than brother and sister some might say. The bonds forged in fire were hard to break or ignore.

"I'm glad you called. It has been forever." Hope lost track of him a few months back. After Afghanistan she went to college and became a paramedic, deciding to save people here after all the death she had seen there. She tried to keep up with text messages and Skype calls but life became a blur of nightmares and booze, and old friends fell to the wayside. "And it's Howard now," she added, though she didn't wear a ring. She and Alex were mated and did the civil ceremony for the public.

"Congratulations?" He asked in a questioning tone. It wasn't like either of them to be married to anything but their respective jobs. The husky man motioned his hand to the booth and the two coffees Alice had brought. "I can't believe you settled for anyone."

"Not settled, not really, more like blindsided, but that is a story for another time. I'm certain you didn't ask me here to talk about my love life. So what's up? How the hell have you been? Your message was kind of vague."

Salem settled his large frame into the booth. He looked squished compared to his companion. As he added ice to his coffee, he made a huffing sound. "I wouldn't even know where to start. Hell, the last few months have been a whirlwind. When I got out I ended up in the VA hospital for treatment, but you and I both know that was a joke." He stirred the ice into the hot liquid and then pulled a medicine bottle from his pocket. There was a vial inside containing a clear liquid. Seconds later he dosed his beverage with it.

Looking at the vile he shrugged. "It helps with the ghosts," he confessed. "After I left the hospital I ran into Michael and Sarah." Two soldiers they had both known in country. Sarah was barely eighteen when she lost her right arm, and Michael was 22 when he lost both legs. He and Hope were with them when the IED went off. Hope had taken shrapnel to the chest blocking the debris from hitting Salem full force. He always knew he would have been dead if she had not been there.

"They told me about a program a private company was offering. Anyways they were paired with Mangadoom Pharmaceuticals and offered Vets help free of charge. So Michael and Sarah got new limbs and I got this." He nodded to the empty vial. "But I am getting ahead of myself." He sipped his coffee again. "Let me back up," Salem smiled. "You know as well as I do that the government won't do shit for us. It is like we are their dirty little secret. So I investigated this program and found out they were on the up and up. They are cutting-edge tech and damn reliable in my opinion. You should see what they are doing with prosthetics now. But that is only one part. They also understand that it is hard for us to find jobs. It's not like I can go back to teaching, and you, I'm sure you have your moments at work."

Hope nodded several times. "Hell yeah. There are nights I can't do shit. A strange noise or a scent triggers it and I'm toast. I'm right back there and it's a nightmare. Or worse, I can't sleep through the night. So," she used her chin to point to the empty vial. "What are you taking?"

"K-101," he said in a firm voice. "I signed up for the trials and now I am part of the next phase. It works, I'm not sure if the technical terms but it stop the dreams and the flashbacks. Hell, I sleep like a baby now." He looked her in the eyes. "It's kind of why I am here. They are officially opening up the clinical trials this month. I thought about you. You'd be perfect to try it. Now, I won't lie to you, there are some side effects with it. Mainly I get a headache every couple of weeks, but I can live with those."

It almost sounded too good to be true. The strawberry blonde sat quietly listening and wondering if this new drug would be worth a try. "Sounds tempting?" She finally said. Hope spent most of her nights on duty or alone, and often used alcohol to induce sleep on nights Alex wasn't around. More and more he spent his nights off with the Council, which didn't bother the woman as much as it used to. She was beginning to accept that her marriage would be a long and arduous journey given he was a council enforcer.

"I have to say it would be nice not to have dreams or hit the floor when a car backfires." That had happened on numerous occasions, she would be on a call, or at the market and a sudden loud noise had her on the ground surveying the area for insurgents. Even now in this diner, she was all too aware of her surroundings. It would be a novelty to not be on duty 24/7. "I might be interested in checking this out. What do I have to do?"

"I was hoping you would say that. I'm putting together a team so to speak. The way they want this to go is six member groups, some on K-101, some on a placebo," he explained. "The six of us will stay in contact through the trials and compare notes with one another. The trial lasts six months, but there is a catch. They are located in Dublin, Georgia, and would prefer all test subjects to be there in case there are unforeseen side effects. It means you would have to move there. And before you ask, they will be offering everyone a job while there." He reached across the table, placing his hand over hers before continuing. "I'm not asking you for an answer right now, just want you to think about it. You would be working for Mangadoom instead of running the streets. Think of all the good we could do together."

"When do you need an answer?" She said, thinking seriously about this opportunity. She knew the money would be better, but she wasn't sure if she could go without Alex for that long of a time. No, Hope would have to talk this over with him in the near future. She was certain he wouldn't mind the extra money or time away in he could devote to his duties. It wasn't like they were a normal couple, the type to cuddle half the night and have toast together in the morning. No, they were red hot embers when they were together or at each other's throats. She couldn't stand to be around him for more than a few hours, so perhaps Dublin would be a new beginning.

"I need to know in the next few weeks. I'm trying to get some of the old team back together for this."

"I'll let you know soon enough, so how about some food? I'm starving!"



Ivory stretched her arms over her head as her eyes fought against the encroaching light from a break in the curtains. There was a moment of confusion as her pre-awakening brain tried to justify the placement of the window. She ended up rolling on her side and that is when her brain became fully functional. It registered a hard but warm body in bed with her. Fear pumped through her veins as she skittered back and nearly tumbled off the bed. If Cullen hadn't reached out at the last second she would now be looking up at him from the hardwood floor.

"Are you okay, my love?" Cullen asked, bringing her to his chest and giving her a good looking over. He had been asleep when her frantic movement woke him. He saw her spilling over the edge of the bed and his wolf pushed forward. Now with her in his arms, he began to breathe and loosen his tight grip, much to his wolf's protest.

Ivory was a bright red color from her embarrassment. Her palm moved over her face and tried to rub the sleep from her features. "I'm fine. I woke up a little disoriented." She was fighting the blush as she looked over her mate. Cullen truly was a handsome man. She leaned her chin to his shoulder and smelled him, allowing his scent to wash over her and calm her.

Cullen moved his hand along her spine and settled cupping her ass cheek. He smiled once she settled on his chest. "Good morning my beautiful mate." He said with a content heart. The day before had been filled with trauma and anxiety, and he wanted to make Ivory feel better and protected.

She tensed with his words. Ivory was not used to compliments. For too many years she had only known harsh words from her father. But looking into Cullen's sexy eyes she could see he meant it before looking away. She felt her cheeks heat up into a nice morning sizzle, grateful that she was facing away from him. With a content sigh, she hadn't even realized she made it, she pulled away to look at him.

"When I first learned about mating and taking a mate, I was scared. My father's pack allowed forced claims. I know it was part of the reason he locked me away." Ivory touched his chest with a splayed hand. "He didn't want me to be forced into that life. I am truly glad he didn't. Though I never expected to be fated to someone like you." Ivory blushed. "I don't know much about you. I know you like ham-wrapped peppers and sweet tea. I know you are one of the strongest and most loyal alphas there are. And I think my wolf is in love with you. But I would like to know more. Tell me about your family?"

Cullen brought her neat white hair to his nose as she spoke, taking a deep inhale before sighing in a content manner. "My wolf loves yours and cannot wait to run with her again." He smiled. "And you can ask me anything you want. As to my family," his voice trailed off.

"My mom and dad are part of this pack. I took over 221 years ago after a vampire attack left our pack weakened. My dad stepped aside and he and my mom now live in North Georgia. I have three younger brothers and a sister. One of my brothers will be visiting later this week. His birth name is Darrius, but currently, he goes by Thomas Rhett. My other brothers are David and Jessie and they go by Luke Bryan and Cole Swindell." He grinned seeing her expression.

"Yes, they are country singers and from this area. A few years ago a friend from an Arizona pack did the same. I know him as Jonathan, but his stage name is Dierks Bentley. Our packs have always lived and blended in with the humans. And yes all of them and Jake, who goes by Jason Aldean will be visiting us this week. There is a festival in Jacksonville, Florida and since we are the closest pack and family they will visit."

Ivory was stunned. Her life had been sheltered; she never thought that a wolf could live in the human world as his family did. A lot of his world and pack were new to her. "I look forward to meeting them. What about your sister?"

"Cindy is in Atlanta at school. She's at Emory University studying pre-med. She wants to become our pack doctor." There was pride in his voice. "I will send her an invite as well. I'm sure my family will be excited to meet you." He leaned closer and kissed her cheek.

"Nothing like making me nervous," she whispered. Ivory accepted him, but she was still nervous about his family and pack accepting her as a future Luna. While she was of alpha blood, it did not mean she was Luna material. She gave a slight nod and pulled from his arms.

After forcing her body from the bed, she stretched her arms above her head and felt her soreness from yesterday. "Do you mind if I soak in the tub again?"

Before the last word was out of her mouth, Cullen had her back in his arms and carried her into the bathroom, setting her on the edge of the counter. "This is your room as well as mine. You don't need permission to do anything." He said as he started to fill the bathtub for her. He returned to her, lifting his shirt over her head and slipping the shorts from her hips. It took every ounce of control not to ravish her perfect breasts. Cullen again lifted her small frame in his arms and set her in the tub.

"Stay with me," Ivory said, reaching out to hold his forearm.

"Anything you wish, little wolf," Cullen said as he climbed in behind her. After settling Ivory on his chest he kissed her shoulder. "As my Luna and mate, I am going to assign warriors to protect you."

Ivory settled her nerves and calmed her heart before responding. "I understand," she said though her heart wasn't into accepting being his Luna. She was barely eighteen and inexperienced when it came to pack management. "You do know I'm not ready for this, so can I finish school before I become Luna?"

Cullen smiled, though she would not see it. "When you are ready, we will have the ceremony. I will not pressure you." He kissed behind her ear, softly biting her earlobe. Then he remembered the kids and the council.

"We will be hosting a trial here over the next couple of days. I will have you at my side as my mate and future Luna. I will have Carla continue in the daily tasks and have her work with you. I know it might seem like a lot so fast, but I have faith the Goddess chose you for your strength and understanding. With that said, I have several Council Fixers coming later today to provide security. I would like to have you meet with them. Do you feel up to it?"

Ivory was hesitant. She remained silent for several minutes while she thought of his request and her fears. What did she know about working with the council? How could she trust her instincts when it came to strangers? Only yesterday she had been kidnapped and assaulted. Was she ready to face these wolves? Could she handle the terror still seeping through her nerves? Finally, she turned around and straddled his lap. "I will be by your side." She leaned to his lips, branding her answer.


"Aaron," Cullen said as his beta walked into his office. "I heard from Alpha Brody James of the Crescent Moon Pack that Alpha Jerry Richards from the Davis Pack has been arrested. He will arrive here later this afternoon. I need you to get with Kyle and Charles to have the holding cell ready for him and make sure that Marcus' men are ready. I want the trial to begin at 8 AM tomorrow." He set a file on the corner of his desk.

"Carla and Ivory will be helping with the visiting Lunas and getting our guests settled in the pack house," Cullen added. "And let me know when Hope Howard arrives. I would like to speak to her in private."

Aaron nodded his understanding as he took a seat and grabbed the file. After withdrawing a small notebook and pen from his pocket he made several notes. His eyes lifted at the mention of Ivory. "How is Luna Ivory this morning?" His question held true concern.

"She is faring better than I could hope for. While she is young, she has a great understanding of life. She accepted me last night and we completed our claim. She even agreed to my protection detail." Cullen looked enthused as he spoke of his mate. "We agreed she would finish school and work with Carla before we do the official Luna ceremony. I would also like for her to begin warrior training with you, William, and Nate. I know she is strong and fast, but I want her to be able to fight and protect herself as well. After the trial see to it for me, please."

Wow. The silent thought rattled around Aaron's head as he listened. He had a new respect for Ivory. The young woman was strong. "I agree she needs the training. I will have her evaluated fully after our guests leave. I know some of her abilities, but I was waiting to see if she was joining the pack before putting her through the tests. Now that she is our Luna, I will see to her needs. William and Nate will as well. As to Hope," his voice trailed off for a few seconds. "Are you certain it's wise to have her here?"

Aaron seemed on edge. Alex Howard had been a longtime friend of Carla and his. They were former Council friends. He and Carla stayed with Cullen while Alex went with Nathan West and the Delna Pack in Nevada. Nathan was the Regional Council Chairman and Alex had been his lead enforcer before his death five years ago. Hope had been a satellite pack member ever since. Aaron had been made aware of her when she became employed in their territory thirteen years ago. She had come under watch when her mate died.