A Monster Life Ch. 34-36


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'A horse doesn't walk much faster than us, so there's only advantage in short distances when running.' said Elzbieta.

'It also depends on the terrain.' said Iphigenia. 'In a bit rougher terrain they can't run any faster than Elz or I.' She looked back at Kaui and Valdys. 'I'm guessing you have no experience running some distance?'

Kaui shook her head. 'It's only thanks to Master that I can now walk all day easily, but running is still not my thing.'

'I haven't run since I was a kid and I doubt my current condition improved it.' said Valdys. 'Having a mount would be an advantage for us if we needed to move fast for a while.'

'If we had a lot of luggage it would be another advantage, but after Valdys used her powers to increase the capacity of our packs we have no shortage on that or need to lug around the weight.' said Iphigenia.

Ulric pondered. 'In other words, only transportation that will allow us to move faster all day long would be beneficial.'

'Those carts you mentioned in your world.'

Ulric hummed. 'Except those use fuel you don't have here, and they might have trouble with some of the terrain here.' He looked up at a flock of birds flying in the distance. 'Only flying would be better than relying on our own feet.'

Iphigenia stroked his ear. 'Anything in your world that would aid us in flying?'

He shook his head. 'Nothing I can think of that doesn't have the same disadvantage as the carts.'

Elzbieta stroked his ear. 'Don't worry about it, darling, journeys of a few or many days are normal.'

He smiled up at Elzbieta. 'Yeah, I should just enjoy the time getting to the next destination and enjoy the sights instead of feeling the urge to be there in the shortest time possible, like in my world. Especially because I have such wonderful company.'

She blushed a little. 'You'll get used to it soon enough.'

'I hope not.'

She raised her eyebrows at him. 'Why not?'

'Because I want you girls to always amaze me as my company.'

She grabbed his ear gently. 'I was talking about the distances.'

He batted his eyes innocently. 'Oh, was that what you meant?'

Iphigenia grabbed the fur in the back of his neck and shook it. 'Susi, your daddy is a bad mutt.'

Susi looked up at him. 'Bad mutt?'

Ulric chuckled. 'Don't teach her weird things!'

'Then don't be such an incorrigible flirt, Wolfie!' laughed Iphigenia.

'I don't mind if you keep it up, love.' said Valdys.

'I don't think it's bad either, Master.' said Kaui and blushed.

He chuckled. 'Oh dear, what should I do now?'

Iphigenia scritched him underneath his jaw. 'Keep us amazed with your abilities, then we will do the same.'

He smiled. 'No better reason for me to do my best.'

Elzbieta peered into the distance. 'You can begin by catching a nice boar for our next meal.'

He looked at Susi. 'Want to go hunting with me?'

She wagged her tail enthusiastically. 'Yes!'


Susi snoozed on Ulric's lap after a filling meal, and Kaui and Valdys were looking for useful books in their minds while Iphigenia and Elzbieta cleaned their weapons and checked their gear. They made camp at a large rock sheltering them from the wind, and the cooking fire burned low with the branches crackling softly and an occasional smouldering spark drifting up and fading slowly. Ulric smiled softly at the peaceful scene and thought he was very fortunate to experience it. He stroked Susi's head gently. "You're right, Susi, we're a new family, even to me." he thought. "I've been avoiding the decision I already subconsciously made, but now I think I can admit that I don't want to be separated from any of you. Enough to think I'll give up on returning home. As much as I liked my old life, I'll gladly give it up to stay here. Home is where the heart is and my heart is here with my loved ones, the girls I want to stand beside with whatever comes our way until the end. I won't see any of my friends or the family again, the people I worked with, the pretty woman next door with her stubborn Shiba Inu. The friendly elder Suneli's running the local store. Antonio making his great pizzas and pastas down the street. Strolling through the park lit up by festival lights. The old rock and roll coming from The King's Mug."


Ulric blinked his eyes and his vision focused back to the present, and he noticed Susi and the girls looking worried at him.

'Are you hurt, daddy?'

He gave her a warm smile. 'Why do you ask?'

She placed one paw on his chest. 'You're crying.'

He wiped his cheek, gazed at his wet finger, and noticed the tears in his eyes. 'I think I was saying goodbye to my old life.' he said softly.

'What do you mean, Master?' asked Kaui as she crawled closer to him with the others.

'We set out on a quest to get my life back, but now I can finally admit that I no longer care about returning to my world. I'd still like to find the demon lord to get my own body back though, and to keep this world safe as I stay here with you, the girls I love. When I collared each of you, I could only think I took you as my wives.' he said. Iphigenia sniffed and wiped tears from her cheek. 'Iphi, what's wrong?'

Her smile for him trembled. 'I've been telling myself you'd leave one day, but I really kept wishing I could stay with you from the moment when I saw your paws bleeding after you climbed up to that goblin that poisoned me.'

He reached out to her and caressed her moist cheek. 'I'm staying, my love. As long as I can.'

She shot forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, and hugged him tight as she sniffed in his neck. 'I love you, Wolfie, I love you.'

He smiled and stroked her back. 'I love you to, Iphi.' he said softly and smiled at the other girls. 'I really love all of you.'

Elzbieta, Kaui, and Valdys moved closer and kissed his muzzle as they joined in the hug. 'I'll hate you if you ever dare to leave anyway.' muttered Elzbieta.

Valdys giggled. 'I'll add the most horrible curse to that.'

'I'll still love you, Master, even if you don't want me near you.' whispered Kaui.

Ulric chuckled. 'Fear and love will keep me where I belong, right here with all of you.'

Susi wedged her nose between the girls. 'Daddy is Susi's daddy now and can not go away.'

He stroked her head. 'Yes, I can't abandon my dear family.'

Iphigenia kissed him and nuzzled his muzzle. 'I want you, Wolfie.' she breathed.

He swallowed. 'I'd love to, but the kids.'

Valdys stroked Susi's head, and her eyelids grew heavier until she closed them and fell asleep. 'She'll sleep soundly now.' she said and lifted the young bloodwolf in her arms. 'And I'm sure she'll have pleasant dreams of her daddy.'

Ulric chuckled. 'All right.' he said and smiled softly at the girls. 'I did have something to make up for.' He kissed Iphigenia while his paws slid along her curves, undid the loops fastening the front of her dress at the side, and slipped it from her body. She sat back and he untied the string at Elzbieta's chest as he kissed her, and slipped his paws underneath her dress to lift it over her head. Kaui hummed softly during the kiss while Ulric's paws slid back and forth over her ample curves, before slipping her tight dress over her head. Valdys giggled a little when he looked at Trixy peeking over her shoulder from the hood. She stroked Trixy's nose. 'You'll have to snuggle up with Susi.'

Trixy chittered in a little amusement and hopped from Valdys's shoulder, and curled up against Susi.

Ulric chuckled and kissed Valdys while he loosened her skirt, then lifted up her top, and pulled down her skirt as she stood up and stepped out of it. He growled softly and kissed her soft, silvery tuft before she sat down giggling and blushing on her knees. He smiled at the four naked and blushing women sitting in a half circle in front of him. Kaui fiddled with her fingers in her lap and glanced up at him as she blushed. Elzbieta blushed just as hard but her nipples stood erect in anticipation. Valdys smiled as she enjoyed his gaze upon her, and Iphigenia smiled wide, happy she no longer needed to hold back her feelings.

Ulric smiled softly. 'I wish we could forget about the whole saving the world quest so we could stay here and I could feast my eyes on you forever.'

Iphigenia giggled. 'You'd only look at us?'

Valdys grinned. 'I can't sit still long enough for that. I'll need some action.'

Elzbieta coughed lightly. 'If you think we'd be satisfied with only looking at you, it would seem you haven't been paying attention.'

Kaui hid her face in her hands. 'Even if it's Master, I'd die of embarrassment to be looked at for a long time.' She peeked through her fingers. 'But I would still die happily.'

Ulric chuckled. 'Okay, I admit I'd do a lot more than watch.' he said and stroked their thighs with his fingers. 'But that should be obvious, of course.'

The girls moved up against him on their knees and he alternated kissing between them while his strong paws slowly found their way all over their bodies and his soft fingers caressed every bit of skin they could touch, and his tongue danced intimately with theirs. Valdys and Elzbieta used their fingers to gently probe every bit of his hard flesh while Iphigenia and Kaui ran their fingers through the fur on his back and his balls. 'How do you want us?' breathed Iphigenia in his ear.

He kissed her. 'All at once.'

She giggled quickly. 'That would be a bit difficult.'

He smiled and kissed Valdys. 'It's like seeing all my favourite dishes in front of me, I want to eat you all at the same time.'

Valdys looked at Iphigenia. 'You can't eat us all at once, but maybe you can eat two of us.'

Iphigenia smiled. 'I'm curious and in.'

Valdys chuckled, and pulled Iphigenia with her as she lay down on her back, and spread her legs. 'How's this, my love?'

Ulric growled hungry. 'Double yummy goodness.' he said and guided Elzbieta and Kaui to sit at each side. 'Let's see if I can pull off this bit of magic.' He laid down, slid his paws up the inside of Elzbieta's and Kaui's thigh, caressed their mounds with his fingertips, and nuzzled Iphigenia's and Valdys's mounds.

The girls hummed and closed their eyes when his gentle attention multiplied by their shared sensations and warmed them up inside. Stroking the length of Elzbieta's and Kaui's slits increased the tingles inside their lower abdomens and the girls' hums, the touch of his tongue along Iphigenia's and Valdys's slits set of the first sparks and they all moaned softly while they surrendered themselves to the arousal growing inside them.

Ulric set off more tingles with his growl and warm breath against their moist lips, and ran his nose up and down the length, inhaling the scents of their flesh. 'Your smells make me so hungry.' he said and licked from Valdys's slit to Iphigenia's and back.

The four girls shared a quick moan at the electric pulse from their clits and Ulric stroked Elzbieta's and Kaui's clits, triggering another moan, then licked slowly along cold and warm flesh from Iphigenia's and Valdys's lips while his fingers slid along and pulled gently on more. Iphigenia wriggled a little against Valdys, and she grabbed her tight behind. 'I feel like all my time as an undead is slowly being made up for.'

Ulric smiled, and licked her and Iphigenia's clit at the same time. 'If I can make things completely right for you this way, I will for as long as it takes.'

Valdys smiled and hummed in pleasure at the touch of his tongue and fingers. 'You're definitely on the right path.'

The shared heat in their abdomen increased as he licked more and they took a collective breath, and sighed when he slid his fingers inside Elzbieta and Kaui. 'Ahhh, Master..' moaned Kaui and stroked his paw. 'I wish you could touch me all over.'

'I'd love that, my cutie.' he growled softly and slid his tongue first inside Iphigenia, then Valdys, and returned to lick Iphigenia's insides. 'Oh, Wolfie.. Your fingers and tongue at the same time feels so good..'

Elzbieta clenched around his fingers. 'I can't tell what you're doing to whom, darling..' she moaned.

'Then I really am eating you all at the same time in a way.' he growled and slipped his tongue out of Iphigenia and into Valdys.

Iphigenia looked at Valdys. 'He feels so much hotter when he does you.' she breathed. 'It almost makes me want to be undead like you.'

Valdys giggled half in her heavy breathing. 'I think I might be happy I didn't fully return to life because of this.'

Ulric kept going with licking and sucking, and rubbing the girls' clits with his thumbs while his fingers massaged their insides. Iphigenia and Valdys ground their bodies against each other's and clasped their fingers, while Elzbieta and Kaui pressed their mounds against his paws and their moaning increased with their urge for more. He licked hard across Iphigenia and Valdys and pinched Elzbieta and Kaui at the same time, and the girls moaned out loud at the shock through their bodies and their shared climax.

Iphigenia panted in Valdys's neck until her head cleared up, and looked back at Ulric. 'More, Wolfie. We want more.'

He smiled and sat up on his knees. 'I'm going to give you girls plenty more.' he said. 'I feel so fired up.' He pulled them both up by their hips and stuffed blankets underneath them for support, then looked at Elzbieta and Kaui. 'Your fine behinds, if you please.'

Elzbieta chuckled as Kaui giggled, and they both rolled over and stuck up their behinds. he stroked his paws over their round flesh. 'Such delicious pieces of meat.' he chuckled.

Kaui moaned softly. 'Eat all you want, Master. It's all yours.'

'I surely will.' he growled softly and slid his hard flesh against the two soaking slits before him, then rocked his hips and slid it deep inside Valdys. The girls moaned at the hot flash rushing through them, then moaned deeper as he slid up and down inside her, and slid his fingers once more inside Elzbieta and Kaui and massaged their mounds with his paws. He ground against Valdys once, then slipped out of her and triggered new moans as he slid deep inside Iphigenia's hot depths.

'You're fucking us at the same time, my love?' moaned Valdys.

'Yes.' growled Ulric and thrust deep in Iphigenia. 'Until I've come in both of you. Then I'm going to do Elz and Kaui.'

Elzbieta and Kaui clenched around his fingers. 'You have to come a lot, darling.' moaned Elzbieta. 'It's a husband's duty to his wives.'

'Yes, Master.' moaned Kaui. 'Please do..'

Ulric thrust in Valdys again and sensed the increased drive and hunger from the girls increasing his own, and knew he'd be taking each of them multiple times before they were satiated. 'Then I'll fulfil that duty with all I have.' he growled and his balls itched to release their first load.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Somewhat hard to tell when they're speaking telepathically vs out loud. And Ulric pretending in town before but not with the mayor and woman later was weird.

Otherwise a normal nice chapter

RazzakelRazzakelalmost 4 years ago

Hoping that Ulric gets together with Queen Sawea and her daughter Conchim someday because its always amazing when the MC gets a Mother and her Daughter in his harem!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Simply brilliant

Read from the start and I cannot say enough good things. The addition of Trixie, Valdys and Susi is awesome. You have an amazing imagination and I’m salivating for the next chapters

TJSkywindTJSkywindover 4 years ago

Love the series. I know this just posted, but I'm ready for the next chapter! :D

SciFurz has a Patreon page, and his fiction is available on Amazon, too. I think I own nearly all the Amazon offerings.

Thanks for sharing! 5* Slainté

skippersdadskippersdadover 4 years ago
Oh my

I have just binged all this story now I am pissed, I want more keep them coming .

DominantYetServile22DominantYetServile22over 4 years ago

I wonder how long it takes before it dawns on him that he's better off staying in that

demon wolf body, or at most merely trying to find a way to be able to shapeshift into human form when needed but remaining a bloodwolf for all intents and purposes. With his puny normal unremarkable, probably quasi-sedentary human body back, he won't be able to keep 4 women satisfied daily and he will go from a unique, powerful combatant to a normal dude who doesn't know how to fight with melee weapons and doesn't know how to perform any useful jobs in that world (hunter, mason, carpenter, blacksmith, fletcher, tailor, leatherworker, etc.).

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Another 5 star chapter.

I am actually glad you chose NOT to add Conchim to the harem.

Too many other writers developed a 10++ women group which equal zero character development and long term interest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Keep it coming my friend.

Covert43Covert43over 4 years ago

can’t wait for the next part

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