A Monster Life Ch. 37-39


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'Does that mean the chicken was hatched by her?' asked Ulric.

'Yes.' said Texia and laid her hand on Drya's shoulder. 'We had her absorb a chicken, then hatch a few from the mana stones you brought with you. There was a hint of herbal taste when we cooked the first one, but everyone liked it. We'll try a pig later while Drya gets used to hatching chickens.'

'I'm glad the whole thing turned out beneficial in the end.' said Elzbieta. 'For everyone.'

Texia nodded. 'Monster seeders were something we feared, but if they're like Drya we're happy to have one around.'


After stocking up on a bit more food and handy supplies, the party went on their way again and followed a little used road leading into the direction of the next ring piece. Ulric noticed the landscape became littered with small grassy hills with a few trees scattered between them. From atop one hill after leaving the road, he took a moment to take in the wide open view towards forests and distant mountains on either side.

'What is it, Wolfie?' asked Iphigenia.

He gave her a relaxed smile. 'Just admiring the view. In my world it's nearly impossible to find a view without seeing some evidence of human civilisation.'

She chuckled. 'You can spend your entire life here without ever encountering another human, or any other race, if you want to.'

Ulric walked on again. 'If anyone ever finds out a way to go between our worlds with little effort, this place would be swarmed with tourists.'

Valdys laughed. 'Maybe then even the demon territories will become tourist places and they'll have no time left to conquer the rest of the world.'

Ulric sniggered. 'I'm not sure if that would be better though.'


'What's that?' said Elzbieta some time later when the party reached the top of another hill.

Ulric peered at the group she pointed out on the side of the next hill. 'Grey orcs?' He growled when it became clear they were robbing a small group of humans. 'They're thieves!'

'Indeed.' said Elzbieta and looked at Iphigenia. 'Are you up for a quick fight?'

Iphigenia curled up one corner of her mouth. 'Taking down some thieves? With pleasure.' she said and the three ran off towards the scene.

'Be careful, all of you.' said Valdys. 'We'll follow you at our own pace.'

'See you when we've smashed them!' said Ulric.

The orcs were so focussed on harassing their victims, they paid no attention to the three figures approaching them swift but silently. At the sight of the victims bleeding, Ulric's blood boiled. 'End this quickly.' he said over the link.

They were nearly upon the rowdy orcs when the one with a red cloth band around his bald head shouted 'They're here!'. The orcs dropped the loot and one of the victims, pulled back into a defensive formation, and pointed their tattered swords towards Ulric and the girls. 'They knew we were coming!' said Iphigenia.

'Don't let that be an addvantage to them!' said Elzbieta and jabbed at the first orc while deflecting a cut from another orc grunting hard as it went for her.

Ulric dodged a slash, spun around it, and hit the burliest of the orcs square on the jaw. The follow up with a kick to the stomach sent the groaning orc flying back and he had to jump away from the next attack.

Iphigenia spun and danced around two more orcs while stabbing and cutting at every opening in their defences. 'They're experienced fighters but luckily more muscle than agility. We will win this.'

Cries from Kaui and Valdys startled Ulric and the girls. 'Kaui! Val!' he growled and jumped away from his enraged opponent to see where they were.

'Master!' said Kaui while an orc pushed her down on the ground with one foot on her back and pointed the arrow in his drawn bow at her.

Valdys held back another orc with her spell shield while a third orc pointed his sword at the fiercely growling Susi.. 'We were too careless! These guys jumped at us from behind!'

'Put down your weapons and surrender!' roared the orc leader. He bared his black teeth in a menacing grin. 'Otherwise the wench gets it.'

'Can we do something?' Iphigenia asked over the link.

'I could send a blast to that orc, but it'll probably mean Kaui will gett shot.'

'I can't think of anything right now.' grumbled Ulric. 'As long as you girls don't get hurt, I'll back off.'

Elzbieta and Iphigenia dropped their wepons.

The orcs sniggered and the large orc that Ulric knocked out earlier moved alongside the leader. 'Let me have that wolf.' he grunted while stroking his thick fist.

The leader grinned again. 'Why not? There's no real need to keep that one in one piece, or alive, so have fun, Kurro. We'll have fun with the wenches after.'

Ulric looked up at the orc, whose chin was at the same height as the top of his own head. 'Time to learn your place, filthy mutt.' Kurro grunted, and thrust his fist at Ulric.

Ulric dodged and stepped back. 'Is this going to be a fight, or a coward's excuse?'

'This is going to be your end.' Kurro sneered and thrust another fist at Ulric.

Ulric ducked and stepped aside.

'Keep still like an obedient dog, or the pig gets an arrow where it'll hurt but keep her alive!'

Ulric glanced at Kaui, still under threat from the orc keeping her pinned down. 'Master, don't mind me! Save yourself and the others!'

'Don't be an idiot!' said Ulric. 'I'm not going to risk your life!'

'Have faith in Wolfie.' said Iphigenia while she clenched her jaw. 'We'll pay them back for everything they do.'

'I survived minotaurs and a point blank explosion, that orc can't do-' Ulric said before the fist against his muzzle silenced him.

'Master!' cried Kaui when Ulric flew back, and tears rolled down her cheeks.

He wiped the blood from his muzzle. 'I hardened my fur for a moment.' he growled. 'It's not as bad as it seems.' He stood up. 'So, it's going to be a coward's forced win, eh?' he said to the orc throwing up his fists in victory.

The orc stepped up to him while the others egged him on, and landed another punch against Ulric's muzzle. 'No, it's just going to be some fun.' he said and punched down while Ulric was down on one knee.


Ulric shook his head. 'Still no problem.' he growled.

'Someone hold him up. He's so light I keep sending him back with each hit.' Kurro said, and two orcs grabbed Ulric by his arms and in his neck, and held him up. 'Now I'll show you what real orc power is.' He let loose and delivered a flurry of blows against Ulric's head, chest, and abdomen.

The girls called out to Ulric while restraining themselves with great effort. The orcs cheered Kurro on and he sent Ulric flying with a heavy blow to his chest. Ulric rolled over on the ground and spat out blood as he propped himself up on his paws. He glared at the orc from a bruised eye. 'Needing others to hold me down just proves how much of a weakling you are.' he growled.

Kurro moved closer to him. 'I'm the one who puts you out of your misery, that makes me the winner.' grunted the orc, and kicked Ulric in the side towards the other orcs. They roared and laughed and kicked Ulric in a frenzy.

'Master..' muttered Kaui while her vision blurred from the tears in her eyes, then cried out when a black shadow rushed over her and snatched the orc's bow from him.

The orc shouted and clutched his lower arm. Several deep cuts gushed blood. Valdys wasted no breath and hurled the orc next to her aside with a spell. Iphigenia and Elzbieta snatched their weapons from the ground and hew at the orcs at their sides.

'Attack!' shouted the leader and the orcs who were distracted with kicking Ulric went for their weapons. They shouted as they hurried towards the girls but their motivation was soon cut down when their high from the beating vanished and remembered how tough the girls were. The girls pushed them back with just a few well places thrusts and cuts, then stepped back and gave them ice cold smiles.

The orcs gripped their swords tight. 'Why are they smiling?' asked one orc with increasing anxiety.

'Because now it's my turn.' Ulric growled deep from behind them while spikes formed on his fists.

The blood in their veins froze and they would never feel it warm up again.

The leader cursed low at the first hit from Ulric against his men and he bolted. He took a few steps before the black shadow crossed him and sent him backwards as he cried out in pain from the cuts across his face. A rock helped him stumble onto his back and Iphigenia and Elzbieta pricked his throat with the tips of their swords. 'You just wait your turn right here.' said Elzbieta.

Ulric let go of the last orc. The body fell on the ground with a thud. His anger faded and he took a few breaths to calm down. Sniffing caught his attention and he rushed over to Kaui. She cried as she sat on the ground, while Valdys put her arm around her and Susi laid her head on her lap. 'Kaui! Are you hurt!?' he asked as he knelt in front of her.

'I'm sorry, Master..' she said. 'It's my fault you were hurt.'

He cupped her cheek. 'What are you talking about?'

She sniffed and wiped her cheeks. 'I'm so useless. They caught me so easily to get you to stand down.' Tears ran down again. 'I'm so sorry, Master. I'm so useless.. I'm so sorry..'

Ulric grabbed her cheeks in his paws. 'Kaui, shut up!'

The other girls gasped with her. The fierceness of his wounded gaze pierced her. 'I forbid you from ever saying or thinking you're useless.' he growled. 'You have done many things for us. For me. This was never your fault. I should have made sure you were not in danger. It's my fault for not noticing the trap.'

'Our fault.' said Iphigenia as she put her hand on his shoulder. 'This was not a good example of my experience in fighting.'

'Nor mine.' said Elzbieta. 'I neglected the basic rule of keeping everyone in the party safe.'

'Even I should have protected us from the start.' said Valdys.

'Susi was bad for not smelling orc.'

Kaui looked at everyone. 'But what good am I if I can't even fight to defend myself?'

Ulric wiped her cheeks again. 'You can fight, with your alchemy skills and at our backs. We don't have the time to throw grenades while we fight.' He poked her small snout. 'Understand? You fulfil a role we can't take when we fight together and you support us with your knowledge of healing medicine.'

'I think I understand how you feel.' said Valdys. 'When you've been put down for so long, you begin to believe it. You're now part of this party, so begin believing you're a valueble member because we say so.'

Kaui looked at Ulric again. 'She's right. I can only add that I'm very glad I met you and you had the lapse of reason to link with this ridiculous wolf and even become its lover.'

Kaui chukled once. 'I still think it's the best thing I ever did, Master.' she muttered.

'I'm going to be selfish and agree with you.'

She chuckled again and Ulric placed a kiss on her forehead. 'Now, prove how useful you are and give me the best treatment you have.' Ulric groaned and laid down on his back. 'I hardened my fur to lessen the kicks but it still hurts like a motherfucker.' He smiled up at Conchim, who stood at a little distance. 'From my undignified position on the dirt, I thank you for saving Kaui.'

She folded her arms. 'Don't make me doubt your strength, I didn't come here to be disappointed.'

'I do wonder why you're here.' said Iphigenia. 'The answer will have to wait though until we're done here.'

While Kaui took care of Ulric, the others tied up the orc leader and tended to the victims. 'They just grabbed you yesterday while you were travelling, and brought you here?' said Iphigenia after an explanation from one of the two women.

'A trap targetted at you specifically.' said Conchim to Iphigenia. 'I noticed one orc following you during the last two days.'

Elzbieta glared at the orc leader. 'Seems we have something to discuss with you.'

He sniggered once. 'As if a lowly elf wench can make me talk.'

Ulric held a half claw, half fingernail at the orc's eye. 'As the leader of a group, you have to take responsibility for what the group does.' he growled softly in his ear. 'Depending on your answers, your responsibility might not be as painful as I have in mind.'

The orc huffed. 'I've dealt with pain all my life, you do nothing new to me.'

'All right, we'll have to take it slow then.' said Ulric and grinned his sharp fangs at the orc while his eyes flared red. 'I don't mind.'

'Darling, plaease wait until we're away.' said Elzbieta and gazed in pity at the orc. 'I still feel sick from the last two warriors you questioned.'

Iphigenia groaned. 'Don't remind me.' she said. 'We have to get these people away from here as well before they see the carnage.'

'I'll prepare a large jar of soap for you, Master.' said Kaui. 'I just hope you're careful and the stench will get out of your fur sooner than a week.'

Valdys shook her head at the orc and sighed. 'I almost feel sorry for what your spirit will go through before it's pulverised.' She stroked Ulric's ear. 'Don't take too many days, my love.'

Sweat dripped from the orc's bald head at the slight smile Ulric gave him. 'Why are they leaving?'' he asked. 'Are they afraid of a little blood?'

Elzbieta pulled a blood covered knife from the belt of one orc and examined it for a moment, then thrust it in the orc's forehead. She looked at the leader. 'Oh, yes, that's correct. We can't handle the sight of blood. At least, not that sight.' She wiped her hands and helped the victims collect the few belongings they had left.

The orc's eyes flicked left and right at the girls collecting their packs, then at the steady stare from the burning eyes of the bloodwolf. 'All right! I'll talk.'

Ulric sighed. 'I hate it when they deny me my fun.'

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Redneck_390Redneck_39010 months ago

I realize I'm late to the party, but needed to comment on something something I keep noticing. Early on a big deal was made about how only the ladies bonded with him could understand him, but at random times that seems to fall by the wayside.

Still an enjoyable read though!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

This story is like a low budget B grade monster movie that they actually tried hard in. Like when the actors and directors both know that the premise is overused or terrible but damnit they’re still gonna give it their all!

That’s not to say this isn’t a good story, though! It’s a bit funny, a bit campy, at times predictable, action packed and the occasional cringe worthy dialogue but hey it’s a fresh idea sandwiched together with an old but very fun one. Who doesn’t love a good harem?

Although, just once I’d love to see a harem get invaded by a flamboyantly feminine gay dude but hey that’s just me😅

Sweet work mate!

Theother1gaterTheother1gaterover 4 years ago

Very enjoyable content. Even without the harem bits i would find this story to my liking. I wonder what other kind of creatures you will add to this world. I'm sure whatever it is ill enjoy it.

SciFurzSciFurzover 4 years agoAuthor


Have fun on your campaign. :-)


I do indeed, have a look at my profile to see where you can find a thankful me. ;-)

Oh, who knows what'll happen with Conchim. Even I don't. :-p

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Did I heard somewhere that you had a Patreon. I would gladly throw some money in that. That s a really good harem story, and Conchim character might add quite some fun into their relationship 😆 once she get used to it !

DominantYetServile22DominantYetServile22over 4 years ago

hmmm. supernatural plants that grow cloned humanoid monsters for protection. I'm stealing that for my D&D campaign world.

SciFurzSciFurzover 4 years agoAuthor


No worries. If I had to apologise for every spelling error, I'd never get any writing done to make them in the first place. *cough*Like this chapter*cough*


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Good work.

TJSkywindTJSkywindover 4 years ago

Sorry about misspelling your name. It was really late at night and I was typing with the lights out. My apologies.

SciFurzSciFurzover 4 years agoAuthor

@ TJSkywind

Thanks! She had to, what would a fantasy harem be without a harpy? :-p


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