A Monster Life Ch. 40-42


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The thought of a threat to him triggered Malovick's defensive nerves. 'Who!? Where are they!?'

Tarrence stepped a little closer while holding out his hands with a shrug. 'Unfortunately I don't know where they are, but we're talking about a group of four women with two bloodwolves. I suspect they could be collaborating with others to stay hidden.'

Malovick gazed in disbelief at him. 'Women and bloodwolves!?'

'Yes. They're cunning and strong, so it's best to use great force to catch them and set an example.'

Malovick frowned in thought. 'Indeed, I can't have anyone think they can get away with opposing me as the rightful ruler.' He slammed his fist on the desk. 'I will find them and crush them!' He turned to the door of his chamber. 'Herford! Get me the captain!'

The door opened a moment later and a young man's head popped up behind it. 'At once, milord.' he said and disappeared again.

'Don't underestimate them.' said Tarrence. 'They're a grave danger to you and the current peace of the country.'

'I'll make sure-' Malovick said as he turned to Tarrence, but the canine demon was already gone. He huffed. 'Doesn't matter. No one will undermine my right.' he muttered and pondered where to begin the search.


'You again?'

Iphigenia gave the guard the most innocent smile she could muster. 'I'm sorry, I was just dumping the kitchen waste on the compost heap and when I saw this golem here I was a little curious but then I bumped into the barrels as I stepped back and-'

'All right! All right!' said the guard as he held up his hand. 'I get it already.' He looked at the mess of barrels, planks, crates, and drapes around and over the golem standing under the overhang. He pondered asking why there was a pair of stockings hanging from its large nose, but decided he didn't want to know.

'I'll clean it up right away.' Iphigenia said, and reached out to a barrel but the guard grabbed her lower arm at once.

He cleared his throat. 'No need, I'll just have the golem do the heavy lifting.' he said and pulled her gently back as he looked up at the golem. 'Golem, stack the barrels, crates, planks, and return the drapes to their chest. And, return the stockings to wherever they came from.'

Iphigenia grabbed the guard's arm as she looked at the golem coming to life and begin his tasks. She turned her gaze in awe at the guard. 'You can control the golem? That is so great!'

He blushed and grinned a little. 'Ah, it's really nothing. We can only give regular orders to the golems.'

She pressed her chest against his arm. 'Really? But isn't that already impressive?'

He cleared his throat. 'It's the lord who has final control over all the golems.'

Iphigenia gazed at him with large eyes. 'How is that even possible? Can he use magic?'

The guard chuckled. 'No, he controls them through his rings. The constructor imbued them with magic.'

'Ooohhh..' said Iphigenia and watched the golem stack the crates. 'But still, to think you can give orders to such a strong thing.' She let go of the guard's arm. 'I have to go now. What's your name?'

'Oh, eh, Vitro.'

Iphigenia gave him a bright smile and Vitro's heart skipped a beat. She stepped back. 'See you around, Vitro.' she said and went off towards the kitchen.

Vitro stared at her back until she disappeared into the kitchen, then sighed as he wondered if she was worth the trouble he'd inevitably have to face.


'Confirmed, it's his rings and he really never takes them off.' said Iphigenia back at Royle's home. She had used the rest of the time at the castle to ask casual questions before returning with Mantia to her home, then sneak to the others. 'The guards can give casual orders to the golems, the captain and vice captain can give more important fighting commands, but Malovick has the final say.'

Ulric fingered his cup while he and the girls, Hubero, and Royle sat around a long table with two nearly spent, thick candles lighting the dark, and Wiliamy fixing a meal at the stove with Kaui giving her a hand. The party decided to share their supplies and the family was delighted at the luxurious ingredients. Iphigenia continued. 'As for the mana to power the golems with, I suspect it has something to do with amulets worn by the guards. They have to wear them all the time but it seems they're not the only ones. I saw a shackle used for prisoners which had runes on the inside that were mostly the same as on the amulet.'

'That would explain why everyone forced to work on the lands is easily tired.' said Hubero as he looked from Iphigenia to Ulric. 'They also have to wear a bracelet as proof they've been working to receive their meals.'

'So Malovick is sapping the mana from everyone to power his golems.' said Elzbieta. 'Just how much do they need?'

'Nothing specific is mentioned in the books.' said Valdys. 'It depends on the type of golem and how active it is. It doesn't seem as if one needs that much but the mana can be drained so much that it leads to the death of the one providing it.'

Ulric looked at Valdys. 'So, in worst case scenario, a huge fight involving the golems could kill people indirectly.'

She nodded.

Iphigenia drummed her fingers on the table once. 'It just became more troublesome.'

Ulric hummed. 'There's only the one option, we have to get those rings from him.'

'He is under constant guard.' said Iphigenia. 'I haven't seen an opportunity where he's alone.'

'You'll have to keep him under observation as much as possible for now.' said Elzbieta.

Iphigenia nodded. 'I'll also try to find out more about the constructor. He's one very elusive character.'

Wiliamy and Kaui placed roast meats, vegetables, breads, and cheese on the table. 'But now we eat and are grateful for what you're sharing with us.' she said. 'It feels as if it's a feast day from when I was little.'


'What's the commotion?' asked Iphigenia when she arrived at the castle at first light for the next shift with Mantia. All guards were fully armed and moving out with golems trudging in their wake. She spotted Vitro preparing his crossbow and collecting bolts in the guard house and went over to him. 'Hey, what's happening? Is there a fight somewhere?'

Vitro looked up at her and thought there was at least one good thing happening. 'There's a dangerous group hiding somewhere.' he said while he continued his inspection of his crossbow. 'They're supposed to have several tamed monsters and are planning on attacking us and destroying our country. We're doing a search in all villages to flush out them and the traitors collaborating with them. Every guard and golem is called upon.'

Iphigenia's stomach turned. 'What're you going to do with them?'

Vitro slung his bow and the belt with bolts over his shoulders. 'Capture, trial, sentence them. They'll likely be hanged.' His name was shouted from outside and he grabbed Iphigenia by her arm. 'If you see anyone suspicious coming, stay away from them.'

She watched him hurry off and focused on the others. 'You all need to escape at once! The guard is looking for you!'

Ulric peered out from a window towards guards and two golems in the middle of the village, kicking in doors if the weren't opened quick enough and entering the houses there. 'We just noticed. They're already here.'

'The way out back is no good.' said Elzbieta. 'There's a golem stationed there.'

'Fuck!' growled Ulric.

'I could lure them away.' said Conchim.

'I don't think that's wise. They're all armed with bows and crossbows and I don't want you to risk getting shot if we can't attack them at the same time.' He looked back at Wiliamy holding Emileo and Royle in fear. Kaui sat with them to comfort them. 'We also have to think of what will happen to the family if we try to run. They might be killed in the ensuing fight.' He sighed as he watched the ruckus and the rough treatment of the villagers again. 'We might need to surrender to avoid bloodshed.'

Iphigenia spotted Hubero in a group of people at the side of the castle. 'We can say we took Hubero's family hostage to silence him. Let him warn the guard to keep them safe. Vitro said there'd be a trial first, so we have time to escape or attack from the inside.'

Ulric looked at the other girls. They nodded reluctantly in agreement. 'All right. Tell Hubero.'

Iphigenia hurried over to the back of the group and pulled on the back of Hubero's tunic to grab his attention. He turned to look back and she gestured to keep silent and step back. They retreated to a tree and Iphigenia made sure no one was watching them. 'Go tell the guard the ones they're looking for are at your house.' she whispered.

His eyes went wide. 'That's betraying you!?' he said and Iphigenia hushed him at once.

'Yes, you're going to tell them you had to keep it secret because otherwise your family would be murdered.' she said and glanced around again. 'It's the only way to prevent you and them being sentenced as traitors. I hope.'

'But what about you?'

'Don't worry about us. It seems they're not suspecting me and we still have some time before they might kill us.' She gave him a shove. 'Now hurry before it's too late to make the plan work.'

He gazed in doubt at her for a moment, then nodded and hurried towards the village. 'Let's hope this works.' said Iphigenia.

'Indeed.' said Ulric and looked at Conchim. 'If I see an opportunity to create a safe distraction, you fly away.'

She nodded. 'Don't do it if there's any lethal risk to you.'

He grinned. 'No worries, I need to stay alive to protect my dear party members.'

By the time the door came crashing inside with the hit of a golem, everyone put up enough of a fight to mask their voluntary surrender. Ulric and Susi growled as they were driven into a corner by shielded guards. Elzbieta whacked a guard with the broad side of her sword while Kaui did the same using a frying pan. Valdys just took her time chanting to give her captors ample time to draw their swords at her. Conchim slapped another guard with her wings until she surprised him with her surrender. He kept spitting out feathers while tying a rope around her.

Hubero rushed inside and embraced his family. 'Thank goodness you're safe!' he said and turned to the captain when he stepped inside. 'Thank you so much for saving them, captain.'

The captain twirled one end of his thin, black moustache, and puffed up his chest in pride. 'Of course. Capturing a few enemies of the state is no problem for me.' He watched his captives with disdain. 'You'll regret trying to attack our country.' With a dismissive gesture, he swayed his arm. 'Take them to the dungeon!'

Ulric glanced around while he and Susi were muzzled and led outside, but saw no opportunity to help Conchim escape while many guards had their crossbows at hand. 'We're coming your way, Iphi.'

She stirred a stew firmly in the kitchen while gripping the ladle. 'Are you all safe?'

'We are. No one was hurt except for the guards who received a few bruises.'

Iphigenia let out a relieved chuckle. 'Good.' She sighed. 'Now what?'

'See where they take us, keep our eyes open for ways to escape, think of a way to get to Malovick and grab his rings.'

'All right, I'll keep scouting the place.'

One of the guards leered at Elzbieta and leaned closer to a fellow guard. 'A shame that such a pretty elf has to be thrown in the dungeon. I know a better place for her to stay.'

His friend sniggered. 'I think I know the place. Plenty of room and no unwanted visitors.'

'Just us and some nice goods.' the first one said and reached out to grab Elzbieta's behind. A snarl from Ulric behind him startled him and he looked back with a pounding heart. 'Shut that beast up! Does it think it can do anything to us?'

'He's warning you.' said Elzbieta and the guards looked at her. Her glare sent freezing shivers down their spines. 'What he'll do is nothing compared to what I'll do to you if you don't keep your hands to yourself.'

The guards distanced themselves from her and she turned her attention back to the front. The second guard leaned closer to the first. 'They say elves are overrated anyway.' he whispered, and the first nodded.

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Jedi_KhanJedi_Khanabout 4 years ago
I've been wondering...

I just binged this series on a whim and it's a decent read. Kinda sad that I now have to wait for the next installment. Hate it when that happens.

But I've been wondering about something. How are the girls talking with Ulric? The lack of visual differentiation (i.e. italics vs. no italics) between verbal dialogue and talking via the familiar bond is throwing me off a little, at least when it's not explicitly stated that he's sending across the familiar bond. Are they always talking to him with their minds, never speaking out loud unless they're talking to someone else, or do they actually speak to him and all others hear back from him is some grunts and growls?

And on that same thread, how has Ulric been talking to other people since bonding with Val? I figure the ability he got from her bond, Parrot, allows him to understand the spirits and whatnot, but is it a passive ability that actually allows him to vocalize in more than growls and barks? Is he actually speaking in the human language or is he perhaps broadcasting his thoughts like with the familiar bond, but on a general frequency that others can pick up?

And while I'm think about it. The harpy, Conchim. Does she have wings for arms like the more traditional style of harpy, or does she have arms and wings both? It's been hinted that she has both arms and wings, but not explicitly stated.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Great story and writing. Looking forward to future chapters. Has Uric bonded with the harpy yet, they have communications like the rest but everyone else is through the link?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Looking forward to the next installment and hoping you are staying safe in all this

SciFurzSciFurzover 4 years agoAuthor

@ TJSkywind

And the nominee for best weirdest fan goes to.. :-p

*feeds scraps of drafts to the visitor* Don't tell anyone, but I have the draft volume 3 of DLwFG open to continue chapter 26.

*slides another beer* Slainté!

TJSkywindTJSkywindover 4 years ago

On checking my Kindle for PC, I found I have 56 listings for this guy who writes under the name SciFurz. I see I will check the Zon for new offerings. I may fuss with is punctuation, but I continue to be amazed at his seemingly effortless ability to write good stories and create entertaining and unique characters. If you run into SciFurz and he sees someone gobsmacked in the corner, let him know the visitor is harmless; he's just here to say hi.

I'm continuing to enjoy this series. As well as hoping fervently that he will take pity and make new episodes of Daily Life with Furry Girls, Abandoned with the Enemy (and Meeting the New Enemy), and Penumbrials.

Thanks for sharing! 5* Slainté

SciFurzSciFurzover 4 years agoAuthor

@ anonymous

See the end of chapter 27. :-)

I made it more clear in chapter 28 in the published volume.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Ulric gained a new ability when he bonded with the mage(?)... A "parrot" icon for the ability to speak with others.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

What happened to Ulric only being able to talk to those bonded with him? Suddenly he's talking to Conchim and Royle and they're responding when there's no bonded girl near him to translate.

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