A Most Unusual Romance Pt. 01


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I poured myself another cup of coffee and smiled as the robin who lived in the garden came to say hello. He sat on the back of the chair beside me and was a regular visitor. This particular one was the veteran of three years and we'd come to an understanding. He let me share his garden and I shared my biscuits, I paid him his due and he offered me a chirp in acknowledgement of our places in our relationship.

I thought more about Mila. She's a great girl in so many ways, and I know that Sally likes and trusts her. But do I love her or is it just lust? No, I thought, it's not just lust; that was not fair on the girl. She's beautiful and has a great character, shit who am I trying to kid, she's spectacular in bed, and it would take very little to push me over the love edge with her too.

I don't know how long I sat there contemplating but I was startled by the sound of a chair scraping beside mine. Jane sat down beside me and filled a mug from the coffee pot.

She didn't look at me but just sat beside me sipping her coffee. Finally she said, "Thank you for what you said last night, we had a long talk after you left, then we went back to bed."

She turned to face me with a proud smile on her face, "I had sex with John for the first time!" Then she shook her head and said, "No, I didn't. We made love and Pauline held us while we did it and the feelings were so amazing, but I was still so scared. I trembled the whole time, but John was so patient and gentle with me. I know he cares about me."

She was crying and I held my hand out to her and she came and sat on my lap her head resting on my shoulder. I gently stroked her hair and she used my tee-shirt to dry her eyes.

"Please can you call your friend, I know I need help, and I don't want to hurt either of them anymore. I can't live this way anymore."

I picked up my mobile from the table and found Lucy's number. She picked up after the fifth tone.

"Michael, you know I love you but it's nine on a Sunday morning and Pete was working his kisses down my body and he'd only reached my belly button."

I laughed, "Liar, at nine on a Sunday morning Pete will be standing on the third tee. So who's the lover in your bed as if I didn't know?"

"Damn, you know me to well, Samantha say hi to your uncle Michael."

"Hi Uncle Mike," came the seven year old's voice.

"Hi Sam," I replied.

Lucy asked, "So what can I do for you, or have you finally decided to become my lover."

I heard an indignant 'Mummy' from the background as I laughed. "No, it's a bit more serious than that. I need you to see a friend of mine. She badly needs your professional help."

Lucy's voice went serious. "Just how serious and how urgent is it?"

I put my hand over the phone, and asked Jane, "How much can I say?"

She said, "I've got no secrets anymore."

I spoke back into the phone, "Urgent and serious; it's effecting several friends of mine. She was raped and abused and it's destroying her current relationship. She's never had any counselling about it, and it's eating her alive if I say so myself."

"Is she there, can I talk to her?"

"Yes to both questions, and Lucy, any bills come to me ok."

I offered the mobile to Jane, and she reluctantly took it. She stood up and went to move away but I pointed at the other chair and stood myself.

I said, "I'll be in the kitchen getting some breakfast together. Come and get something when you are ready."

I walked off to the kitchen and put a fresh pot of coffee on and raided the fridge for the food I'd need. I'd guessed that I would have some guests this morning so I'd stocked up on bacon, eggs, and all the other essentials for the great British fry up.

I think the aroma of frying bacon must have crept upstairs and teased the rest of my guests awake, as first John and Pauline appeared, followed fifteen minutes later by a rejuvenated and sexy looking Mila who wore one of my t-shirts again.

Pauline looked around and said, "Have you seen Jane, we woke up and she'd gone."

I nodded and pointed outside, but I put my hand on her shoulder when she went to go. "Wait," I said, "she's talking to Lucy - the therapist I talked about, and she'll come in when she's ready."

Pauline looked worried but she busied herself helping me, while John sat at the kitchen table. When Mila appeared she joined John at the table after she had given me a toe-curling kiss.

A few minutes later a tear streaked Jane walked in from the garden and came straight over to me and wrapped her arms round me in a tight hug. She sobbed in my arms and it took a while for her to calm down enough to realise that Pauline and John were standing beside her too.

She broke away from me with a kiss and looked at them. "Michael called his friend, Lucy and I've been talking to her. I'm going to see her tomorrow evening, can you both come with me, please?"

John held his arms out to her and said, "Of course we can, does she need to talk to us?"

She moved into his arms and Pauline held the pair of them. "Just to say hi this first time, so she knows who I'm talking about. But later she may want to talk to us together. She sounds so nice."

I carried plates of food over to the table and we all settled down for a late breakfast. Jane sat between John and Pauline and every now and again she would reach out and touch first one then the other and smile to herself. I could see she was trying to build her self-confidence about touching and being touched by John. We talked about nothing and everything and about ten o'clock John made their excuses and the trio left in a flurry of hugs and kisses.

Mila helped me clear up the kitchen and we took our coffee out to the patio. I sat down and she plunked herself down on my lap. She'd changed to wearing her LBD from last night but as I quickly discovered, she was going commando.

As my fingers brushed her clitoral piercing she grinned and said, "It's your en-tire fault, my nickers were still soaking from last night. I had to wash them and leave them drying in your shower. If I forget, please keep them as a souvenir the greatest night in my life." She kissed me and settled down in my arms, raising her face to bask in the sunlight.

We stayed like that until we heard a car pull up in the drive. We walked around the front of the house to see a taxi pulling away and Clive and Sally standing there. I'd forgotten that they had taken a taxi home last night so they needed to collect their cars, hers and the BMW I'd given, well sold to them last night. Clive put his golf clubs into the boot of the BMW and we said hello and goodbye. Sally told him she'd see him at home this evening and with a smile a mile wide and a throaty roar he disappeared down the drive. As soon as he'd gone she was in my arms, hugging and kissing me.

Then she turned to Mila and hugged her. "Was he as good as I told you he was?" She asked.

"Even better."

"Oh, I'm jealous."

I asked suspiciously, "Is there something the pair of you would like to tell me?"

Sally smiled and taking my hand, led me back to the kitchen, stifling any questions I tried to ask. They sat me down on a chair at the kitchen table with a view down the garden.

"You stay here, Mila and I need a little talk first, and then we will explain everything."

They went out to the garden and I watched as they sat down at the bench by the pond. Their conversation was quite animated with lots of arm movements, but they seemed very friendly and gave lots of smiles. This was one time I'd love to be able to read lips.

They stood up and hugged and kissed then they returned to me. Sally kissed me then sat down on the chair beside mine. Mila took the one on the other side. By this time I was beginning to get worried, and I was aware that they could see my apprehension mirrored in my face.

Sally started, "First things first," she pointed at Mila, "I know her a lot better that you think, we've even been lovers on a few occasions. We're not lesbians, I think we are just bi-curious."

Mila nodded, "I like pussy but I'm never going to give up a hard cock for it, and definitely not yours."

"Is that all I am to you," I said.

She jumped up and sat on my lap. "Ohhh, God no, you are so more than that, you are everything I've ever wanted." Mila squirmed around giving me her own idea of a sexy lap dance.

Sally reached round and tapped her on the shoulder, "Excuse me, that's my man's lap you are assaulting. If you weren't my niece I'd put you over my knee and smack you."

"Y...our niece," I spluttered.

"I'm afraid so, I know that this is a lot to take in, but her father is my oldest brother. I was the surprise result of my parents twenty-fifth wedding anniversary party, so I'm only eight years older than she is."

"Yep, she's my Aunty Sally, she used to babysit me. That's where she got the habit of smacking me if I was naughty." Mila grinned and poked her tongue out at her.

Mila added, "The sexy stuff came much later and more recently. It's much better than getting swatted ... well, depending ..."

Sally rolled her eyes.

I shook my head in bemused amazement. I lifted Mila off my lap and headed to the lounge via the drinks cabinet where I poured myself a large medicinal single malt. It was plucked out of my hand by Sally.

She stood in front of me, her finger poking me in the chest. "I didn't look after you for the past twelve years for you to use alcohol as a prop again."

"Enough," I said, "You sit there and you there," and I pointed at either end of the sofa. They sat down, they both sat with their knees pressed tight together and their hands clasped together in their laps trying to look all prim and prop-er.

"Now start talking," I said as I sat down in the armchair facing them. I retrieved my glass and sipped the whiskey. Sally looked disappointed in me but I promised it would be my only one.

They looked at each other, and then Sally spoke. "There's a couple of things I need to tell you, and I'd be grateful if you let me finish before you interrupt me."

She turned to Mila and added, "That goes for you too."

I nodded and she continued. "The first thing I need to tell you is that I love you, and that's never going to change. I think I have for as long as I've known you, probably even before Linda died. Clive and I ended up having a long talk last night. He's always known that I have had strong feelings for you. He married me knowing that, but I think he always hoped that I would grow out of them. He saw something last night that made him realise that I never will. We've agreed that we are going to stay together for the rest of the year and see if my feelings change after I've been away from you for the next six months. If they haven't we will separate and I will join you in Denver if you still want me."

"Of course I do," I said with emphasis.

Sally jumped up and sat down on my lap, smothering my face with kisses.

"Ok, that I understand, but what about Mila?" I shook my head in disbelief as I muttered, "Your niece!"

I didn't think we should be casting her aside just be-cause we'd each had feelings for her. My feelings were rather fresh, but I was empathetic to Mila's long-time feelings for me.

"My turn," Mila announced. "I've loved Sally for as long as I can remember. I was an only child and Sally was the big sister I could go to when I had a problem. The summer before I started university I'd just broken up with my boy-friend. Sally and Clive took me away on vacation to the south of France, and I became Sally's lover for the first time. I think we were both curious, and it was a fun way to spend the afternoons while Clive played golf. I've had lots of boy-friends since, but none were serious romances. I would keep coming back to Sally for comfort and reassurance."

She stood up and joined us, she sat on the arm of the chair and I put my arm round her.

"Ok, that's clear enough, but where does last night fit in?" I asked.

"Hmm, confession time I think," Mila said.

"I've known about you and Sally for a lot longer than I told you last night. I overheard a conversation between Sally and Clive on that first holiday, and I confronted her and she told me all about your relationship. I think that's why I slept with her and it's when I first began to fall in love with you."

I could see that this was going to take some time for me to get to the bottom of. So I suggested that we would be a lot more comfortable on the sofa. I sat in the middle and they curled up on either side of me.

"So why did the pair of you hide your relationship from me?"

Sally replied, "We didn't do it intentionally in the beginning. If you remember I used to tell you I had relatives visiting. You never asked who they were so it never came up in conversation. We kept the sex part quiet from everyone, not just you."

"So Clive doesn't know either?"

She nodded, "And we're not going to tell him. When Mila qualified I suggested she apply for a job in the department and to be honest I did pull a couple of strings to help her get it."

Mila looked at me proudly, "I trained at St George's."

I blinked a tear away, I'd trained there and that's where I'd met Linda during my residency.

Mila said, "You know most of the rest. What you don't know is that I've spent the past three years falling in love with you, but I never knew how to tell you, and I didn't want to come between you and her. She would tell me about your time together and I would get jealous and turned on at the same time."

Sally interrupted, "It sort of came to a head between Clive and me yesterday when I got home. He didn't say anything specific but he seemed to know that our Friday night was different. He told me that regardless of how much you may need me, I wasn't to stay with you anymore. Mind you, you completely threw him when you sold us your car for two pounds." Sally shook her head in disbelief at that.

"I knew how my niece felt about you. So if I couldn't keep an eye on you, I thought it was a good time for her to enjoy what I thought was her fantasy, and I didn't want any of those other floozies getting their claws into you."

Mila said, "When she told me she wanted me to sleep with you I flooded my panties in anticipation. It was like all my Christmases and birthdays came at the same time. Thank God I had a spare pair in my bag or everyone would have seen or smelled the evidence of my lust."

I smiled at her, "You were the best present any woman could give a man, and I just hope that this old man didn't disappoint you?"

They both looked at me in surprise. Sally said, "I don't care how old you think you are, you've never disappointed me." She added confirmation by kissing me.

She added, "It wasn't until after I'd made my request of her that Mila confessed to me that she was deeply and madly in love with you. I hadn't realized how she'd come to feel about you."

"And last night was the best sex I've ever had," Mila said, adding, "Not that I've had that much sex."

I grinned but then got serious, "So where does that leave us?" I said as at the two of them.

Sally looked at me seriously, "Basically right where we were before. You are still going to the states for two years, I love you but I'm not going to leave Clive ..." I went to interrupt but she stopped me with a gesture. "I know what you're going to say, so let me add, I'm not going to leave him right now. I promised Clive I'd give our marriage a chance for the next six months and see if my feelings about you change when you are not around. If I feel the same way at Christmas, I will leave him and if you still want me ..." She paused looking at me.

I said, "I've been falling in love with you for the past twelve years, I just wasn't bright enough to realise it that's all. Six months is not going to make me change my mind."

"There is one difference," Mila said, "Now I've found you too. I don't want to lose either of you. Is there enough room for me in your relationship? I want more of both of you."

I balked, "Why would you want to waste your life with me. It's hard enough that Sally's twenty-three years younger than me, you are thirty-two y...OUCH, that hurt."

Mila had punched me on the arm, not a playful tap but a full-blown punch with all her weight behind it. She shouted, "Don't you fucking dare suggest that you are too old for either of us."

She burst into tears and clutched at Sally across my lap. I looked at her in surprise.

"T..ell h..im, you tell him it doesn't matter how old he is. Tell him I...we both love him." Mila sobbed as she lay across me.

Sally said to me, "You are an idiot sometimes." I hung my head and she gently punched my other arm. "At least you're our idiot."

"Sally, I'm confused, I am an old man and I need you to explain things in words of one syllable."

She kissed me, "It's quite simple, you need to buy a second ticket, Mila is going to go to join you to Denver as soon as she can, and keep you safe from all those hungry pretty American girls." Mila looked very happy with the idea, and to be honest I was struggling to see the down side.

Mila recovered and sat up. "One month, it will take me one month. I will put my resignation in on Monday."

"Hang on a minute, do I get any say in this?"

They both looked at me in surprise, and Sally said, "Don't be silly, of course you don't get any choice. You are our man and my niece will look after you when I can't. For the time being, she will be the surrogate me."

They both stood up and took one of my hands and led me upstairs. Sally said, "What you are going to do now is take us both to bed and make love to us until I have to go home."

I stood at the end of the bed as they slowly undressed me, then each other with a familiarity that I was to come to recognise.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

To be continued

Oh and please vote. I enjoy reading your comments and e-mails; I'll try to respond to them. Many thanks for reading.

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WoodencavWoodencavabout 2 months ago

2 years ago I read this storey for the first time I gave it ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ then and I give it ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ again, such a loving storey.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Naaaa…just too weird. I can’t find any way to become interested in some old fart banging some other guy’s wife…just because he’s “lonely.” I could only take a few paragraphs…not sure I’ll try another story by this writer…

JordanFullerJordanFuller6 months ago

Not sure the author is aware that the reload time of a late 50’s male is more than 5 minutes.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Amazed at the skills and stamina of the MC.

Polyamory seems more sophisticated and accepted than slutty lust and rutting incest. Highly intelligent professionals that happen to be beautiful and healthy fit. Does Robert Guccione's Penthouse seem classier than Playboy? Age and experience added with networked professionals counsel trauma patients. OK

francemanfranceman11 months ago

Same as the last comments.

A good start to a story that turns into anything.

- adultery, cheating and lying, incest...

It's a shame because it looks more like swinging or cuckolding than polyamory.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Really liked the start. The love was based on more than the hot sex. The end was nothing but sex pretending to be love. Will keep reading for the first half.

Russ43ChandlerRuss43Chandlerover 1 year ago

Too much candy for a nickel. Best I can read from this is 3 stars. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

wait... u have fucked so many twats since linda died..even someone whom u keep calling..u r like my daughter.. and he wonders if he is hurting Linds memory... seriously? What a sanctimonous bastard the doctor character is???

WargamerWargameralmost 2 years ago

You really like polyamorous relationships don’t you. Plus you like the man to be a lot older than the women concerned and the women have to be bi’s.

A bit cliched to be honest. But it sells stories l suppose.

Every man’s dream is to be fucking two beautiful young women who will be fucking each other as well for his delight and edification.

A fantasy…..

Scores 4/5

Master_JonesMaster_Jonesalmost 2 years ago

Interesting story progression. Curious as to how it progresses. Not one for incestuous stories and I am not sure how I feel about the Sally/Mila dynamic. But, time will tell.

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