A Most Unusual Romance Pt. 01


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She laughed at me and borrowed a pen from one of the waitresses. She wrote a word on a napkin and showed it to me. Crap it was my signature, I signed be-low it. Christ I couldn't tell the difference.

"How... when?" I stuttered.

"Ever since you weren't yourself, how else was I supposed to keep the department running?"

"Sally Fox, you are the most devious and beautiful secretary a man could ever hope to know."

"I know I am." Then she looked at me seriously and said, "I need you to do something, I want you to pay no real attention to me tonight. In fact there are going to be some very pretty women here and I want you to flirt with them. There's one in particular I'm going to introduce you to. I'm going to take Clive home fairly early and make love to him."

I looked surprised at her statement, "But why?" I asked.

"Because I love you and I'm not sure I will be able to hide it from him, and I don't want to hurt him."

It seemed wrong but she was adamant so I agreed. We shared a kiss that was wrapped in love beyond my comprehension.

We heard Clive returning so we weren't able to say anything else. He looked like a cat that had got the cream. We sat down talking waiting for the first guests to arrive. Regardless of my evolving relationship with Sally, the three of us had always got on well, and it was pleasant to talk to them.

At five the first of the guests arrived, and by six at least one hundred people had turned up. The caterers were doing a fine job, which left me free to circulate. When I'd decided to throw this party, as much to say thank you as to say goodbye, I'd really only thought that maybe twenty or thirty would want to come. Sally had shocked me with the numbers after I'd asked her to find out who was coming.

A pair of hands covered my eyes and a female body ground into my back. Lips kissed the back of my neck. I turned and stared into a pair of the bluest eyes.

"Mila?" I managed to get out before her arms were round my neck and her lips were attached to mine. She threw her whole body behind the kiss. She eased back a tad and I was able to get a good look at her. And yes it was Mila the radiographer from the Angio suite, and she was looking beautiful. Her slightly curled chestnut brown hair framed her face and flowed over her shoulders. She'd only worked in the department for the last couple of years; I don't think she could be more the twenty-three or four.

She was wearing a classic LBD that fell to mid-thigh and black tights, or it could be stockings, I couldn't tell.

She looked up at me, "Hi Dr. Fitzpatrick."

"Mila, I think after that magnificent kiss you can call me Mike."

She giggled, "I've worked with you for nearly three years and that's how long I've wanted to do that to you." Then she pulled my head down and whispered in my ear, "and there's a lot more I want to do! Maybe later."

And then she blushed and ran off. I watched her disappear into the middle of a group of radiographers and collect a drink from one of them. She saw me watching her and smiled and blew me a kiss. Several of the other female radiographers smiled at her and me, and at least one also blew me a kiss.

I saw Clive and Sally by the bar, and joined them and collected a glass of wine.

"I've just had the weirdest experience," I told them.

Clive said, "We saw, how do you know our Mila?"

"She's the really cute radiographer from the Angio suite." I replied.

Sally laughed and told her husband, "That's our Mila, she's very pretty." She turned to me and said, "Don't be surprised if it happens to you a lot tonight. You've been the main topic of conversation at work for the past few weeks. There is a lot of unrequited love for you in that department."

I said, "In that case I suppose I better mingle," I winked at Clive, "You never know I might just get lucky tonight."

He laughed but a sad expression fleetingly flitted across Sally's face, before disappearing behind a dark smile. I left them looking like the happy couple they should be. Later, I saw Sally and Mila with their heads close together in deep discussion; Mila was hugging Sally with a happy expression on her face. They stopped talking when I drew near.

I spent the next couple of hours meeting and greeting. I had more women hug and kiss me than I had in the past ten years. It seemed that once the protection of my position had gone I was fair game for every available, and a few unavailable women present.

Every now and again Mila or one of the other female Radiographers would seek me out and give me a hug and a noteworthy kiss then disappear leaving me breathless.

It was about eleven o'clock and Mila was standing beside me with her arm round my waist, when I felt a familiar hand take hold of mine. I turned to face Sally; Clive was standing behind her on the other side of the room.

She whispered in my ear, "We are going to go soon, I told Clive I need twenty minutes to say my goodbyes. Is there somewhere private we can go?"

I gave Mila a kiss on the top of her head and said I'd be back. I led Sally to my study on the first floor, and locked the door behind us. As soon as the door was closed she had her arms round me. I had my head buried in her soft red locks, breathing in her heavenly scent.

"Christ Sally, tonight's been hard. Trying to ignore you and playing up to the rest of them."

She whimpered, "I know I'm sorry, but it was hard for me too. Just hold me for the next few minutes please."

We sat down on the sofa and she tucked her legs up and curled into me. I wrapped my arms round her and gently stroked her hair. Mutually we under-stood that we needed comfort not sex and for the next few minutes we gained strength from our contact.

Finally, she said, "Clive is playing golf tomorrow at twelve so I told him I would come over and help you tidy up."

I kissed her and said, "Thank you."

"We are going to take a taxi home tonight. So he will come with me tomorrow to collect the BMW and my car. He really wants to show it off to his mates at the club."

I had to smile at his boyish enthusiasm.

Then she looked at me, "Thank you for trusting me with the Porsche. I know how much it means to you."

"I've trusted you with my life and my sanity for the past twelve years, why wouldn't I trust you with my car," I said.

She started crying and stood up. "I need to find Clive and go. I'll see you to-morrow."

I unlocked the door for her and walked to the top of the stairs with her. Sally paused at the top and turned back to me saying. "There is something I want you to do tonight. Mila is going to ask you if she can stay the night with you. It's important to me that you say yes to her; you need someone with you to-night and it can't be me."

My mouth opened in surprise, but she stopped me saying anything with a kiss.

She continued, "She knows about us but she promised never to say anything. She's wanted to sleep with you for such a long time but wouldn't do anything in case it upset me. I told her earlier that you were my gift to her this evening. Please let her stay, I think you both need each other tonight, and I'll be much happier knowing you won't be on your own."

She turned away without saying another word and walked downstairs and I had to admit there were tears rolling down my face as I saw her disappear from view. She loved me so much she was willing to share me to keep our secret from Clive. Should I say yes or no, I don't think I have a choice to be honest.

The rest of the party passed in a blur. That tends to the problem when the majority of your guests work in a hospital. You work hard and party even harder, it's been the same for as long as I could remember.

The caterers started to wrap up and they were gone by midnight. By one-thirty most of the guests had left. The last of the hold outs and I settled down in the lounge. I wasn't surprised that Mila was by my side. I selected a Katie Melua album and the sound of her voice was a nice way to round off the evening. Having only sipped at the occasional drink all evening I felt I deserved a real nightcap. I took a bottle of my prized twenty-one year old single malt and poured myself a glass.

Mila was curled up beside me; she'd kicked off her shoes and tucked her legs up. She tilted her head up to me seeking a kiss, she murmured, "I'm yours if you want me." On the other sofa Jane and Pauline, both radiographers I worked with, were curled up against John, Pauline's husband. I detected a threesome in the making.

Mila stole a sip from my glass and spluttered. "God, how can you drink that boss, it tastes like medicine?"

"Best medicine ever," I replied. Then I got a bottle of Grand Marnier and poured the girls a glass each. John happily accepted a glass of the whiskey.

"Try this," I said to Mila and I took a sip of her drink and held it in my mouth. I kissed her and as I did so I squirted the Grand Marnier into her mouth in a deep French kiss. She recoiled slightly in surprise. Then swallowed the mouthful and laughed.

"My God, that was a different kiss. That was fun, can you do it again?"

I took a second sip and kissed her again, and saw her toes curl as the alcohol jetted into her mouth.

She whispered, "That was amazing," and she sighed happily as I put my arm round her, tucking her head into my chest. She whispered to me, "You're making me wet in a most welcome place."

I said, "I've always been intrigued by your name Mila, where did it come from? Is it a family name?"

"I was going to be named after my grandmother, Millicent. But my mother shortened it to Mila. She said it wasn't fair to make anyone go through child-hood with a name like Millicent." She looked somewhat surprised at the question, and she said, "I'd thought that Sally would have told you that story."

Why would Sally have told me I thought, but my attention was distracted by what was happening on the other sofa. John had pulled his wife's dress up to the top of her thighs, and his hand was moving rhythmically between her open legs. His other hand was resting on the top of Jane's dress and was caressing one of her breasts. Both were fully aware of what he was doing to the other woman. As I watched they lent forward and kissed each other passionately. Then Pauline and her husband were kissing passionately. He went to kiss Jane but she shied away from him.

I must have started as Mila turned her head to see what I was looking at.

She grinned and whispered, "Pauline and John got married last year. Jane has been Pauline's friend and lover for a long time and she's recently moved in with them. She's not really into men but she sort of accepts John. Pauline's bi and she's completely in love with John and loves Jane."

"And what about John?" I asked.

"He loves his wife and is happy to share her with Jane if that keeps her happy. The fly in the ointment is that Pauline only lets Jane fuck her if John's there or has given his permission."

I raised my eyebrows in a mute question.

Mila said, "Pauline said it's only fair. Jane won't let John screw her. Sometimes she'll let him touch her and make her cum with his fingers and mouth but never his cock. Pauline loves John too much to risk losing him, so the no sex if John's not included was her solution."

"So how long has it been going on for?"

"Almost a year I think."

"Do you think it's going to last?"

She waggled her hand, "I hope so for all their sakes." She looked up me sadly, "But boss I have my doubts. I'm not sure that Pauline is convinced either. She told me that Jane keeps pushing her for more, wanting to spend time alone with her. She wants them to set a sleeping rota. Pauline loves John too much to agree to that."

I could see the cluster fuck appearing on the horizon and I was grateful that it was no longer my problem. Things were progressing on the other sofa and I thought it was time they took it to bed. I don't think any of them were sober enough to drive.

"Mila, do you want to tell them they can stay the night. In fact I insist they do, they are not driving. The spare bedroom has a nice large bed and a big ensuite bathroom. It's the second door on the left at the top of the stairs."

"I'll tell them; does that mean I can stay too?"

"If you'd like to, of course you can."

She raised her face and whispered, "Can I stay with you please, boss? Sally said she'd spoken to you." She saw me looking at her, "I know you're leaving soon, but I've wanted this for a long time. Please, just for tonight?"

I'm only human; a beautiful young woman wants my old body. Who am I to say no, and as I understood the situation Sally had already gift-wrapped me. "Ok, I'd like that," I whispered.

She kissed me, her tongue teasing mine. She got up and whispered to Pauline who smiled at me and nodded gratefully. The three of them adjusted their clothes and stood up. Pauline and Jane came over and murmured their thanks. Both of them gave me a kiss, they collected John and made their way upstairs.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Quiet settled on the house. I went around locking up and blowing all the candles out. Mila's eyes followed my every move until I was finished. I held out my hand to her and she came to me and we walked up stairs to my room.

She shivered as she stood at the bottom of my bed, not from the cold but from anticipation and nerves. I wrapped my arms around her, reassuring her. Our lips met in a long sensuous kiss. If this was to be my only time with this angel, I was going to do my damnedest to make it great for both of us.

I let my fingertips slide over her dress, constantly moving, and never lingering in one place too long. Her skin shivered and her kisses became more intense and desperate.

She broke away from me and stood still, her hands on my shoulders, her chest heaving. "Christ, boss, do you know what you're doing to me? I'm so wet my nickers are soaking."

"I'm doing what any red blooded man should do, worshiping the woman he's about to make love to - and you are 'all' the woman I'm going to worship to-night."

"Shit, where have you been all my life; why the fuck didn't I jump your bones earlier." She looked up at me sadly, "Three wasted years, let's not waste any-more, please take me to bed. Sally's a lucky woman." She kissed me again, her tongue playing with mine.

She turned round and asked, "Would you unzip my dress please." I unzipped it and pulling her hair to one side I kissed the back of her neck. I worked my way down her back to her bra strap. She whimpered and shrugged the dress forward so it fell to her waist. I undid her bra and she turned to face me.

Her hands were across her chest holding the bra in place. She took a deep breath and moved her hands, letting the bra fall forward. Her breasts were a perfect C cup, with light brown areole surmounted by full enticing nipples. I bent forward and ran my tongue around her nipple. Sucking it into my mouth and nibbling gently caused her to moan.

I dropped to my knees in front of her as I pulled her dress down over her hips. It pooled at her feet and she stepped out of the black circle in her heels. She stood still inspecting my face of signs of approval or disappointment. She did-n't need to worry. Her shapely legs were encased in silky black, lace topped stay up stockings. I could see the fuzz of her trimmed pussy through the shear fabric of her black lacy knickers. There was the glint of gold at the top of her legs. Her skin was lightly tanned, and I saw no evidence of tan lines.

I whispered, "You are beautiful, Mila." I hooked my fingers in the waistband of her nickers and eased them down her pliant thighs. Her pussy hair was trimmed into a landing strip leading to the top of her slit. There was a small gold hoop piercing through clitoral hood. I leant forward and kissed her pussy and ran my tongue along the edges of her slit. She groaned as my tongue found the hard nub of her clit, and then I gently pulled on the gold hoop with my lips.

She sat down on the end of the bed, and eased her high heels off. She went to roll her stockings down but I stopped her.

"Allow an old man his fantasies will you please?"

"I wore them for you," she whispered as she unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off. Her fingers caressed the hair on my chest just before she planted several kisses there, including on my nipples.

I stood and she undid my belt and jeans, and pulled them down with my boxers. My cock sprang free from his confines, the head glistening with pre-cum. She licked the glans and swallowed the head, and I gasped.

She looked up at me, but allowed me to pull away. I knelt down again between her thighs and kissed the inside of her legs, and then I looked at her questioningly.

"Yes, ohh God, please kiss me there." I kissed the wet lips of her labia, and she placed her thighs on my shoulders, resting her legs on my back. She obviously wanted to make sure I was as close to her pussy as I could be.

My tongue moved in languid motions across her vulva. I alternated licking with sucking. My tongue roamed from the puckered pink rose of her anus to the tantalising ring in the hood. Her fingers ran through my hair giving me unconscious signals when I was in the right places. I lapped at the trickle of girl juice and pushed my tongue past her lips into her passage seeking the source. Gently I pulled on her clitoral ring making her writhe and groan.

I played with her piercing. I pushed two fingers inside her, seeking and finding her G spot. Her response was immediate and satisfying. She threw her head back with a cry, arching her back as an orgasm washed over her. My fingers and lips didn't stop moving and a few moments later her legs tightened round my head as a second more violent orgasm racked her body. There was a long drawn out cry as she squirted over my hand and face, her legs shaking.

She gasped, "Please, stop for a moment, I'm too sensitive," as she pulled my lips from her clit. She was panting and gasping for air; apparently she'd been holding her breath through her orgasms and some of my cunnilingus.

She scooted up the bed holding her arms out to me. She curled up in my arms, her blue eyes locked on mine. Her tongue came out tentatively at first, licked at her juice streaking my face. I kissed her, tasting the girl cum on her tongue, sweet honey with a hint of spice.

"Christ, Mike, I knew I should have looked for older men sooner, no one's gone down on me like that before - ever."

I laughed, "There's nothing like the taste and aroma of an aroused woman." Then I gasped as she squeezed my turgid cock.

"And there's nothing like a full pussy, and mine's empty," she joked.

"Well we can't allow that, can we?"

I rolled onto my back, and she was lying on me seconds later, sliding her body against mine. We kissed and then she rose up on her knees moving so the head of my cock slid along her slit until it was pushing against her lubricated labia.

She sank down slowly, gasping as I filled her until her ringed clit ground against my pubic bone and my glans touched her cervix.

"Christ, it's full now," she gasped. "I'm not sure anyone's ever been so deep in-side me. You're ... [gasp] ... touching me in a place no one's been."

I wasn't concentrating on her words; I was basking in the sensations as her tight cunt enveloped me. Then the pleasure increased as she started to ride me. As she moved down she would twist her pelvis and both of us would gasp in pleasure. Our movements increased in pace and vigour and soon we were racing to a mutual conclusion. Her grunts were coming fast and loud and her eyes were staring down at me.

I felt my balls tightening and knew I was close. "I'm going to cum do you want me to pull out?"

"Fuck no, don't you dare. I want every drop."