A Most Unusual Romance Pt. 01


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The sense of urgency between us grew and I felt her soft warm passage harden and catch at me as her orgasm hit her. Mine followed hers and with a few hard thrusts my cum spurted into her welcoming cunt. She was shuddering as she shook with the intensity of her orgasm. She collapsed forward onto my chest gasping as she tried to get her breath back. My cock was still twitching and she gasped and groaned as she experienced a second, and then moments later a third orgasm.

Her fist clenched and she hit my shoulder. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, "You bastard, now you make love to me and you're leaving in a week. The best lover I've ever had and this is it. Fuck, fuck, fuck! God, I might follow you to the ends of the earth."

I kissed her and flexed my hips, and she tensed her muscles around my cock. "And don't you fucking dare pull out," she cried out.

She relaxed a bit, "Christ boss, I've just come more times in the past thirty minutes than the past year, the best I've ever had is three in an evening and I had to do one of those myself."

I grinned at her as I felt myself hardening at the challenge and filled her again. "So how many more would you like?"

She gasped and wriggled her hips. I rolled us over onto her back while we stayed connected. She wrapped her sweaty legs round my waist and used her heels to urge me into motion. I was thrusting long and hard into her and she was rolling her hips to meet me. Her groans became continuous whimpers of pleasure and I felt her cunt flutter as another orgasm worked its magic on her body.

"Ohh, ohhh, ohhh, Christ," she looked at me with wonder in her eyes, and then hunger as I continued to move, thrusting and twisting.

I don't know how long it took before I felt my balls tightening and the pressure building up. Time was only measured by the passing of Mila's orgasms. It was at least eight O'Mila when my cum filled her again, and I finally collapsed on the bed beside her, still buried deep inside her.

"Mother of God," I gasped. "Please tell me your ALS training is up to date. I think I'm about to have a coronary."

She lay on her back, panting getting her breath back. "Fully trained boss, I passed mouth to mouth top of the class."

"Thank God for that!"

She laughed and wriggled to get comfortable, my cock finally softening and sliding out of her. A large wet spot dominated the centre of the bed and I grabbed a couple of large soft towels to cover it. We curled up together, me spooning behind her. I pulled the covers over us and we drifted off to sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Problems in paradise:

A full bladder woke me; the room was still dark so it wasn't morning yet. There was a warm patch in front of me that was getting steadily colder. I assumed Mila had the same problem as me so I got up and padded into the bath-room. It was empty which surprised me but my needs were urgent and I dealt with them.

I hesitated on the landing at the top of the stairs and I could hear voices from downstairs. I slipped my jeans on and went downstairs and found Mila with Jane and Pauline on the sofa. Pauline was crying and Mila was holding her. Jane was looking upset but tight-lipped. The three of them looked at me with various degrees of annoyance and hopefulness.

As I sat down on the chair I asked, "What's the problem?"

Pauline and Jane initially shook their heads not wanting to talk but Mila turned to them and said forcefully. "Damn it; you need to tell him; he knows about your relationship. I've told him all about it."

"Why would you do that?" Jane cried.

"Because he saw the way the three of you were together this evening and guessed that something was happening."

I said, "So do you want to tell me why you're having this case conference in the wee hours of the morning."

Pauline looked at me and said, "I did something really stupid. I told John I needed to spend a few days alone with Jane. We'd just made love and everything felt so wonderful that I thought he would agree."

I looked surprised, "But I thought you loved him and your agreement was that you were always going to involve him in your sexual relationship with Pauline."

"I know that's what we agreed, what I wanted," she cried, "but she kept pushing me to spend some time alone with her, and I finally gave in and decided to ask John to give us some time."

Jane looked defiant and said, "I love you, and I need you just as much as John."

"I take it John isn't happy with the idea?"

Mila snorted, "That's an understatement."

Pauline said, "We had a row, no that's not true it wasn't a row, he was so dis-appointed with me. He said he loved me and always will, but we can't go on like this anymore. Then he gave me an ultimatum, if I did go away with her, he wouldn't be at home when we got back. He said I needed to make a decision. He can't go on sharing me with someone who doesn't care for him."

She turned to Jane and said, "I told you this would happen if I asked him, but no you had to keep pushing me and pushing me."

Jane started crying, "But I love you and I need you, I don't want to share you."

I asked Pauline, "Who's more important to you? John or Jane, because from what I understand you still love your husband, and he loves you enough to be willing to share you with Jane. But while I'm sure she loves you I don't get the impression that Jane wants to share you."

I sat back in the chair and thought for a moment. "Mila love, there are some bottles of water in the fridge, could you please get me one?" She jumped up and I realised that all she had on was one of my old tee-shirts. Christ she looked sexy as she walked to the kitchen. She returned with several bottles of water, which she placed on the table before handing one to me. She sat down on the arm of my chair and draped an arm round my shoulders.

I saw Pauline looking at me hopefully, while Jane looked nervous. I recalled an incident at last year's Christmas party when she and Pauline came over. I'd put my arms around both of them for a kiss under the mistletoe. Pauline had lent in and enjoyed the kiss. Jane on the other hand had shivered as I touched her and just pecked at my lips. In fact now that I think about it, other than last night, I couldn't recall any time I'd seen her close to a man. Even the goodnight kiss earlier had been a peck of the lips.

I said to Jane, "There's more to you just preferring women isn't there? It's not that you don't want to love men, you can't stand them touching you can you?" I paused for a moment, and then as it became clearer to me I continued. "I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess either you've been raped or you were abused when you were younger. Which one was it?"

Jane looked shocked and blustered, "I don't know what you mean."

Pauline snapped at her, "Damn, he's trying to help; you need to tell him the truth or I will!"

Jane shrank back into the corner of the sofa and wrapped her arms around her knees. She said softly as she started sobbing, "It was both, my father and my brother abused me for years until I went to university. Then in my second year I was raped at a party by two men."

Pauline moved to comfort her but I stopped her with a gesture and a shake of my head. I stood up and went over to her. "Can I sit down beside you please?"

Her head rose and after a moment she nodded. I sat down careful to keep a six-inch gap between us.

"Did you ever talk to anyone about this?" I asked softly. She shook her head.

I felt Pauline move closer to us, and she whispered in my ear, "She only told me and made me promise I'd never tell anybody, especially John. I thought that making her part of my love for John would show her that not all men are bastards."

I held out my hand to Jane and after a few moments she tentatively put hers on mine. I was desperately trying to remember all the conversations I'd had with Linda, my late wife. She'd been a psychiatrist who had specialised in treating abused women. She'd never broken patient confidentiality, but she'd often used me as a sounding board to discuss treatment plans. Further, in med school I'd done my rotation through psychiatry but ended up choosing radiology. One thing I did know was that Jane really needed professional help and I knew just the person.

I said softly to her, "I'm going to make a call in the morning to an old friend of mine. She's a psychiatrist who specialises in these types of cases. She used to work with my wife. You need to see her, and I know that she can help you."

Jane sobbed, "I'm not sure about this. You know if I go to an NHS psychiatrist there's a good chance everyone's going to find out about my past.

"Well that's not going to happen as Lucy doesn't see NHS patients; she's in private practice and helps out at a woman's crisis centre. Only the four of us and one other person ever need to know about this."

"Who's the fifth person," she asked.

I gestured around the room and said, "You need to tell John."

She didn't look happy, but finally she nodded and sniffed. Then she looked at me and said, "I can't afford a private psychiatrist."

"You won't need to, as I said she's a very old friend of mine and I promise you she won't charge you."

Pauline tapped me on the shoulder and I relinquished my place beside Jane to her.

I looked at them and said, "The problem isn't going to go away Pauline. You may have to make a choice between them. That is if it's not too late and John has already made it for you."

Pauline hugged Jane and then looked at her sadly, "There is no choice, as much as I love her, I love him even more. If Jane isn't willing to compromise, I can't go on like this anymore."

She addressed Jane as she hugged her, "I love you more than any other woman I've loved, but until you are willing to accept John as an equal partner in this relationship then I'm sorry, no more. I need John."

"Where's John," I asked, "You two really need to talk."

"I don't know," she sighed.

Mila said, "That's the other problem, he wanted an answer and when Pauline couldn't give him one straight away he got dressed and left."

I looked at the clock on the wall and it said it was six o'clock. "How long ago did he leave?"

"Maybe an hour ago."

"Christ, let me go and dressed and I'll see if I can find him. Did he take the car?" She shook her head.

As I stood up to get dressed and get my car keys, a male voice spoke from the hall. "You don't need to, I just needed to take a walk to clear my head. I've been listening to you for the past few minutes."

John walked into the room and Pauline jumped up and ran to him.

As he hugged her, Pauline cried and stuttered out, "I'm sss..orry, I'm sorry, please don't leave me."

"I'm not going to; I was hurt that you wanted to go away with Jane the week-end I'd planned to surprise you with an early anniversary getaway."

"Oh God, I didn't know. I forgot that time was coming."

He smiled, "What part of 'surprise getaway' didn't you understand," and he kissed her, but then looking serious he continued. "But we can't go on like this love; it's not fair on either of us. I love you, and I know you love me, but I can't go on sharing you with a woman who doesn't or can't love me. You know I've tried but it just seems she's trying to steal you away."

Pauline stood there, the tears streaming down her face.

"I've tried," said Jane softly breaking into the conversation, "But it's so hard to let a man touch me. I see the faces of the men who hurt me all the time and it makes me want to run away. It's only when Pauline's holding me that I don't get the nightmares."

He looked at her sadly, "I heard your story and I'm really sorry for you, but not sorry enough that I'd let you take my wife away from me. I wish you had told me about your past earlier."

Turning to his wife he asked, "I know you promised not to tell anybody, but I'm not just anybody, I'm you husband. Why didn't you trust me?"

"I couldn't, it wasn't my story to tell. I did tell her she needed to tell you but she couldn't."

Jane looked at John tearfully and said, "If I go to counselling, can I please stay with you, I love her so much and I do like you. It's just so hard to relax around you or any man. I know that you don't want to hurt me. I want you to touch me but just as I start to enjoy it I see their faces, my stomach goes into knots, and I want to throw up."

John held his arms out to Jane and after a moment she stood and let him hold her. I could see her stiffen then relax as he did nothing but wrap his arms around her. Pauline went to join them but I stopped her.

"Give them a moment," I said and we watched as Jane sobbed her heart out, her head buried in-to his chest. Her arms slowly crept up and around him and John gently caressed her back.

"I will try," she whispered, "I really will try. I promise. I'll go to the therapy and I pray it will help me."

"We will help you," he said and he held his arm out for his wife to join them.

I gathered Mila's hand in mine and we left the three of them as we went back up stairs. As Mila passed through the bedroom door she pulled the tee-shirt off over her head and walked to the bed naked. I stripped off my jeans and joined her on the bed.

"I'm sorry about that boss," she said. "You will call your friend in the morning won't you?"

"I will, don't you worry."

I ran my hand down her body as she curled up on her side against me, her butt pushing into my groin and she shivered. She turned her head and her lips sought mine and we kissed, my tongue playing with mine.

She looked at me and whispered, "Sally's so lucky, she's had you for all this time. I was so happy when she asked me to look after you for her. Do you love her?"

"I do love her. Did she explain why she stays with me, why she looks after me?" I carried on gently running my fingers over her body as I spoke.

She nodded, "I overheard her talking to her husband on the phone not long after I started working in the department. She was telling him how she wouldn't be home that night as she would be at your place. I was so shocked I must have made a noise and she saw me. She swore me to secrecy, and then she told me all about your wife and how you fell to pieces after she died."

"Yes, those were some of the worse days of my life," I whispered. "She came into my life; she kicked my ass back into gear, and comforted the girls."

"Why didn't you two get married? Oh shit, don't stop doing that." She groaned as my finger slipped between her legs, ran up and down her slit a few times, and then found her hard clit as it rose from its hiding place.

"It never came up in the early years. I was still too much in love with Linda to consider it. I kick myself now. When I was ready to think about it, Sally had met Clive, suddenly they were engaged and then married, and I was too late."

"Ohh fuck, that's good. So, Clive knows about you two?"

"Yes, she told him all about me and her commitment to me and my daughters on their first date. She gave him the option to walk away and he's never taken it. Our only agreement was that we would never rub his nose in it, and to be honest up until the last couple of days we've only been together twice this last year, since she got married."

"But something's changed hasn't it," she mused.

My hands stopped moving and she moaned disappointedly. She grasped my hand and pushed it against her clit and groaned again.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"It's more what Sally said when she asked me if I would stay with you last night."

"Ohh?" I said posing an unstated question.

"It was the first time she's ever told me she loves you, and she needed me to be with you so you didn't sleep alone."

"She said she loves me?" Mila nodded in reply. Her breath was coming quicker as my fingers slid into her sopping passage.

Then she asked, "What are the two of you going to do. Ohh fuck." And I felt the muscles in her cunt shiver as I found her G-spot with two fingers.

I sighed, "Nothing. I'm flying to the states in seven days and I honestly don't think that she will leave Clive for me."

She was panting now, "I... I think she might sss...surprise you. Ohhh, holy fuck don't you dare stop." Her hips were moving hard against my hand as she rocked back and forth. My erect cock was sliding between her ass cheeks as my fingers sawed back and forth across her sensitive interior.

"Shiiiiit," she cried out as she came, squirting on my fingers a warm coating of her precious girl juice.

As my fingers slid out she turned and faced me, her lips seeking mine. "God that was amazing, cumming and having a conversation at the same time. It actually made it more intense."

I laughed, "It just proves that men can multi-task if they put their mine to it."

She kissed me again happily then turned around and pulled my arms around her, resting my hand on her breast. She reached behind her and grasped my firm cock, easing it between her legs, sliding the head along her wet lips.

"Now fuck me with your cock," she groaned and I pushed myself forward seating Little Mike deep in her waiting passage. She was so warm and wet and for a few moments we didn't move as our bodies drank in all the sensations.

I moved my cock slowly in and out of her love tunnel; there was no need or wish to hurry this moment. We moved together for a long time it seemed. Twice I felt her shudder as her body betrayed her passion, before my own need grew to braking point.

"Christ, I'm close," I gasped into her neck.

"Oh God, come for me lover, come inside me again. I love the feel of you spurting deep within me."

And I did, filling her with the evidence of my passion, and my passion triggered hers again. She lay in the protective cradle of my arms shuddering and whimpering.

I slowly deflated and with a groan she eased off me and turned to face me again. She looked at me and I couldn't read her expression.

"Boss...Mike, if you ever need me, you just need to call and I'll come running." Then she buried her face in my chest and sobbed. After a while she looked up at me with her red rimmed eyes. "Do you think there's any chance Sally would share you with me - other than just tonight?"

"I don't know," I said, "We've only just accepted that we are in love and not best friends, and I don't want to do anything that hurts that." I looked at the naked woman in my arms and realised that there was a degree of hypocrisy in the statement. No, I thought, Mila was here because Sally wanted it.

"She's coming over in the morning, maybe you can talk to her then," I suggested. "I'll be there too if that's appropriate."

She smiled at me and rested her head on my chest, "Sleepy," she murmured.

I kissed the top of her head. "We've got a couple of hours before we need to get up."

"Good," she whispered and her breath slowed as she drifted off to sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thoughts at dawn:

I lay there pondering the changes in my life over the past few days. I know I love Sally and she loved me. Mila was a breath of fresh air but was my escalating relationship with her just an infatuation. Then there was Denver, and looming over everything was Linda, was I betraying her memory or was I sup-posed to put her behind me somehow?

I couldn't sleep so I eased myself out of bed; I paused as Mila stirred but she pulled my pillow to herself and sighed as she sank her head into it never really waking up.

I showered and dressed and headed downstairs. I brewed a pot of coffee and took it and a packet of biscuits out to the patio. I sat sipping the coffee and listened to the birds in the garden. The sun was peeking over the trees at the bot-tom of the garden, bathing the corner of the patio I sat in morning sunlight. I needed to make some decisions. Did I really want to go to Denver, yes but I couldn't have timed it any worse as it was turning out. It was only for two years, but I'd be leaving Sally behind and having just discovered the depth of our love I really didn't want to leave her. Then there was Clive, shit was I really thinking of breaking up their marriage. I sank back in my chair wondering what he would feel or do. Lastly, there was Mila and the potential for that relationship to grow into something significant, perhaps for all of us.