A Mother's Succubus, A Son's Confusion


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"Lick it! Lick from my clit to my butthole Christopher. Mommy likes it like that," The demon said.

I closed my mouth and refused. The demon using my mom's body pressed her ass back into my face harder. Then she sat back until my head was against the back of the chase. She started gyrating and grinding on my face. I could hear my mom in her own voice moaning.

She said, "Christopher, please lick my pussy. I am really horny. I loved what we did last night. I want to make love to you. Don't you love me? You know you owe this to me. If I hadn't stopped you earlier you would be dead and burning in hell right now. You know you have to pay the price for your father's sins. So please do what mommy asks sweetie." She said all of this in her own voice.

I started feeling euphoric again. Then like an obedient puppy I started licking. I licked her from her clit to her butthole just like the demon requested. She moaned loudly and ground her pussy into my face harder.

"I'm going to make love to you Christopher. I want to feel you inside me," Mom said. She got off of my face and turned around. She lowered herself onto my erect member. She eased down until I was all the way in. Then she started gyrating and grinding her clit into my pubic bone. She bounced up and down on my shaft. She called my name. Over and over.

"Christopher! Christopher! Oh god Christopher I love you! I love how you feel inside me. You're going to make me come Christopher. I'm going to come all over my beautiful son's glorious cock!" She yelled.

She had a massive orgasm that rocked her whole body. As she came down from her orgasm she started feeling more and more like herself. Then she suddenly realized that she was sitting impaled on her own son's cock. She jumped off of me and screamed.

"Christopher! What the hell is going on? Why was I just on your lap like that and how did I get there? Oh my god. Did we just have sex?" She asked.

I sat there dumbfounded. I couldn't believe her reaction after I told her everything that happened last night. She was obviously shocked, but I thought she would make the connection on her own. She didn't.

I said, "Mom, I told you what happened last night. Don't you remember? Well the same thing happened again today. You became possessed again and had sex with me."

She slapped me hard across my face. "Don't say that! Don't you ever say that again! Get up and put your clothes on!" She realized that she too was naked. She ran for her dress. As she covered herself she looked back at me and hissed, "Christopher get dressed."

"I can't mom look at my hands and feet." I said simply.

Then she noticed how I was merged to the floor and the lounge. Her hand went to her mouth as she gasped. "Oh my god, everything you told me was true. Oh my god. What are we going to do?"

I said. "Mom. Stop saying , oh my god. Then help me figure out how to extract myself from this predicament."

Then she asked in terror, "Son, Did you come inside me?"

"No mom, I did not come inside you. I did not come at all. I don't want to give the demons what they want," I explained.

"What do they want son? And how do you know what they want?" Mom queried.

I explained again what happened last night and everything that was said. "For some reason they want us, you and I, to breed. I don't know why. I really don't care. I just know that we don't want to give in to them. However they seem overly determined."

Mom came over to me after she got her dress back on. She grabbed a throw from the back of the arm chair and covered my still hard cock. She examined my hands and feet with a look of bewilderment on her face. She shrugged, "I just can't tell where the floor ends and you begin. I have no idea what to do. Do you have any ideas?"

I was at a loss. I needed more information. I said, "Can you look it up on your phone or laptop? We need to know more about what we're dealing with."

"Good idea, stay here, I'll be right back."

I gave her a look.

"Oh, right. Sorry." Mom rushed off to find her laptop. "I got it!" She yelled from her bed room.

I could hear her coming back.

"What do we look under first?" She wondered out loud. "Let's try demon possession."

"Too broad of a search mom. Try demon possession for breeding." I suggested.

She typed it in and the word succubus came up. "According to this, a succubus and an incubus often possess a mother and son in an effort to breed. Their goal is to produce a child that will carry some of their demon traits into the physical world. The only way to ward off the demons is to keep them from successfully producing offspring through their hosts. This could take years or weeks."

"Years? Oh Jesus! I don't think we can make it much longer mom." I said. "See if it has more to say."

"Ok how do I do that?" She asked.

"Just click on it and it will take you to the site." I told her. "Here let me do it.

"You can't remember. Your hands." She reminded me.

"Oh damn." I said irritated. "We need to find out about that next I guess."

"Ok I got it. Whatever these demons do to you in the night will be undone by the first morning light. So all we can do is wait for morning. Also down here a little further it says that often the subjects of possession suffer memory loss of the events of the preceding night. I guess that's why I didn't remember last night."

"Mom what are we going to do about this? We can't go years being possessed by demons. Does it say anything about exorcism or priests or anything like that?"

"No son it only mentions priests briefly and it says they are wholeheartedly ineffective in the removal of evil spirits. It seems they have problems of their own."

Mom got up and went to get some blankets and pillows. She was gone for quite awhile. I started to worry so I called out to her.

"Mom? Are you coming back?" I heard her from upstairs.

"I'll be down in a minute dear. I'm almost ready."

When she did return she was wearing a very sexy sheer night gown. I thought to myself she's possessed again. I watched her cautiously. She seemed normal so I relaxed.

"I had to get more comfortable if I'm going to spend the night down here with you. Is there something I can get you? Are you thirsty or hungry?"

"I could use a glass of water if it's not too much trouble mom."

"Don't be silly. I don't mind getting you some water." She dashed off to the kitchen and came back with the water. "Here you go son. Let me help you with it." Then she held the glass to my lips and tipped it up slowly as I drank.

We got settled in for the long night and soon were both asleep.

I woke to a raging hard on. Damn it I need to pee. "Mom. Mom. Mom! I have to pee." I said when she woke.

"Ok son let me get something. Look son you're free get up and go to the bathroom. We made it through until dawn."

I looked out the window and sure enough the sky was growing lighter. I was happy to be able to move again. I stood up and stretched. I hadn't given any thought to my nakedness. With me standing and my mom sitting up on the floor my hard cock was right in her face.

"Oh shit! Mom I'm sorry." I grabbed the throw and covered myself then hurried off to the bathroom. I got dressed and headed back down stairs. Mom was upstairs in her room getting dressed.

"I'm going to the library to do some more research on what we're dealing with, mom. Do you want to come with me?"

"No son I have a few things to do in town today. I'll see you back here this evening."

I headed out the door and into town to get armed with as much knowledge as I could get. At the library I was having a hard time finding anything on the subject. The cards had lots of books listed on the subject but they just weren't there. I finally gave up my search and decided to ask the librarian.

As I approached her desk she looked over her horn rimmed glasses at me. I got the feeling she was examining me like an entomologist examines a bug. She said in a reasonably pleasant tone.

"What can I do for you young man?"

I told her what I was trying to find out about and she held her hand up to silence me.

She hit a buzzer on her desk and very shortly a younger version of herself came out of the back somewhere. Candice Burnside (Her name plate on her desk) turned to the younger and said, "Bring the Harmon house books."

The younger's eyes got big. Then she just nodded obediently and retreated back into the bowels of the library.

I asked, "Is there anything you could tell me on the subject?"

She huffed. "It's too late for that now. Isn't it? The only thing I could have told you is don't buy the Harmon house."

I swallowed hard. I guess it was too late for that. I waited. The girl returned with four books. Candice gave them to me and said good luck.

I felt pretty uneasy leaving the library. I saw my mother across the street coming out of her doctors office. She saw me and crossed the street.

"I didn't know you had an appointment?"

"I didn't I went in to get a birth control shot. If those demons are going to have us fucking like rabbits, I am not going to give them the satisfaction of getting me pregnant by my own son."

I thought to myself smart move mom. I just smiled proudly. She was fighting back and so was I.

We stopped in at Jerry's diner for some chicken and dumplings before heading home. People looked at us oddly and I overheard one person telling another.

"That's the new Harmon house couple."

I guess everybody in Fairhaven knew more about the Harmon house than it's newest owners. I was determined to find out for myself.

Back at home I poured over the tombs searching for answers. I found out quite a lot from one book in particular. The book was titled Demon Confession. The author was a student of the occult. He somehow managed to find a demon trapped in a women. Because the demon was unable to leave the woman's body the author and a team of priests and scientists forced the demon to tell secrets that were never meant for mortal men to know. What I learned was that we could establish two way communication between us and our tormentors by trading what they want for dialogue.

I felt this would be useful to mom and I later. I also learned no demon possession could force any mortal to do something he or she had absolutely no desire to do. That means that mom and I were both guilty of harboring a secret desire for each other before we encountered the demons. This news was not going to set well with mom. I know because I didn't like it myself.

After reading about the demons limitations I was a little more confident we could handle things. I discussed my findings with mom and we made a plan of attack. Demons can't read our minds during possession. That was good news. However they could influence our thought patterns. Not so good. They could have limited influence on the physical world but it was fleeting.

Armed with new information mom and I prepared for or evening with our guests. Mom was upstairs putting on a new dress she bought just for the occasion. This dress was sexy as hell. You know how I said earlier how no one dresses like Elvira. Well this dress was close. Mom came down the stairs and my jaw dropped. The low cut, high slit, waist hugging dress fit her body like a glove. Everything about my mom tonight dripped sexual power.

"Are you ready for round three Christopher?" She asked in her own voice.

"You know it." I said with confidence.

"How do I look son?"

I swallowed hard. "Mom you are a vision of loveliness and sexual energy." I gushed.

"Then let's invite our guests."

After mom and I came to terms with our own culpability in our situation we decided to be honest with ourselves and each other about our own lusts and desires. So our attitude towards our sexual exploits with each other had changed drastically in the last two days.

We sat at the card table and summoned the spirits. "Are there any spirits with us here tonight?" My mom asked. Then she took her hands off the eye of the Ouija board. This is normally not done. That's how they get in. Mom blinked at me then smiled. "You ready for round three Christopher?" Mom asked in the strange voice.

"No. Not just yet. Let's talk first, then we can fuck." I said smugly. "What do I call you?"

"I am Septa." She said sounding confused.

"Well Septa, I want to know why you want me and my own mother to make a baby. Can you tell me that?"

"That's just what I do. I possess mothers and get them pregnant by their own sons. It's my job."

"That won't do Septa. I have to know more before I'll willingly get my mom pregnant. Can you help me understand what it's all about?"

"If you promise to fuck your mom and not hold back I think we can help you understand. Do you swear?"

"Who is we?" I asked without answering.

"Myself and my counterpart Tanse. We are a matched set we were built as a set."

"Is that the demon that possessed me two nights ago?"

"Do you swear?"

"First answer my question. You already know I like fucking my mother. You also know I want to fuck her some more. I just need to know she wont get hurt."

"Yes! He was in you two nights ago. He isn't here now. He is being punished for trying to force you to copulate with your mother. We can't force anyone to do anything. The whole free will thing. The boss and the Almighty have a pact."

I felt sorry for her she seemed alone. "Do you love him?" I asked naively.

"We don't love. I am worried for my own sake if they destroy him I too will be destroyed. We are a matched set."

"I see. Does he have to be here for this to work?"

"No. If you and your mom have sex willingly it will count for both of us. We are but separate halves of one whole."

"I want you and Tanse to leave us alone if we go along with you willingly. Can you do that?"

"I can't answer that. I think we will be reassigned if you get you mother pregnant."

"I need to talk to my mom. Can you let her come out and talk?"

"I'm here Christopher. I heard everything I think we should do it." Mom said in her own voice.

"Can you both hear me?" I asked.

I heard both my mom's and Septa's voice come out of my mom's mouth at the same time. "Yes. I hear you son/Christopher." Is what they said.

"Good if I am to have sex with my mom, I want it to be my mom not you Septa. You are just along for the ride. If I think you are taking over my mom's body I'll stop fucking her right then and there. You understand Septa?"

Septa answered through my mom's mouth. "I understand Christopher."

I stood up and began to undress. Mom stood and sauntered over to me. Her hips were swaying in an exaggerated fashion that looked damn good. She was smiling when she caressed my chest and said, "I'm going to enjoy making love to you Christopher. This time it will be all me. I will be able to remember every detail. I do want your cock in me son. Now that we are through pretending that we aren't attracted to each other it will be so much better."

I watched her as I pulled my pants and underwear off. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I was hard and my heart was pounding out of my chest. I couldn't believe how willing she was. I would have never dreamed that my mom would ever be willing to have sex with me. But we were about to do it. Albeit to get rid of the Demons but still.

Mom came into me from behind and wrapped her hands around my throbbing member. She gripped it firmly and stroked it up and down a few times. Then she came around in front of me, looked me in the eyes and said, "Take my dress off of me Christopher."

I was all thumbs as I tried to unwrap my early Christmas present. I finally caught the right string and pulled and mom's dress just rolled itself as it fell down her body to land in a neat circle at her feet.

There she stood the object of my heart's desire, in all her naked splendor. I took in a deep breath and I could smell her womanly smell. My mouth watered in anticipation of the coming delights.

Now that I was no longer denying my own lust for my mother, I felt liberated. I was more than excited by the idea of tasting the forbidden fruit. It was different now because we were in charge of our own bodies. We were doing this with each other willingly.

I reached for mom's pretty face. I pulled her to me and kissed her passionately. I put my other hand in the small of her back then I pressed our bodies together. My hard cock was sandwiched between us. Mom reached one hand in and grasped it. I moaned at her touch. I wanted to sixty nine my own mom. I told her to lay on the chase on her side. She did as directed. I laid down beside her with my head the opposite way. I pulled her over on top of me and pressed her ass down onto my face. I began licking and sucking on her clit.

Mom took my cock in her hand and licked it up and down. Then she took the head into her mouth. She moaned with my cock in her mouth. Her moaning made my whole cock vibrate. I moaned into her pussy. She moaned. We licked and sucked and moaned until we were close to the edge. I broke away from mom's pussy and told her it was time.

She released my aching cock and got up off of my face. I stood and guided mom back down on the chase. With mom on her back I knelt between her legs. I lined up my cock with mom's wet pussy. I gently entered her and slowly pressed all the way in. Her velvety soft pussy felt amazing wrapped around my hungry cock. I began a slow rhythmic thrusting in and out. I sucked and nibbled on her nipples. She moaned her approval.

Mom clung to me with her arms and legs. She dug her heels and fingernails into me. She gasped and moaned and even growled. I picked up the pace. She matched me thrusting up to my down thrust. Our bodies clapped together like the thunder of an approaching storm.

I raised mom's legs to my shoulders and gained greater penetration. I started pounding harder. Mom became vocal.

"Oh god! That's it son! Just like that! Oh Christopher! Oh Christopher!! She was shouting in ecstasy. "I'm so close. Don't stop. Don't stop. I'm going to come Christopher! You're making me come. Oh god I'm coming!

When she started her orgasm she grabbed my ass and held me in. I felt my cock swell and my nut sack draw up tight. I started shooting my potent sperm deep in my mom's fertile womb. I groaned as each spasm shot another mega load of come into my own mother. It felt good. It felt even better because it was taboo.

I stayed right there in my mom for quite a while. We caught our breath and my cock slowly became less engorged. I looked at mom and she looked at me. Both of us were smiling at each other. We both enjoyed what we just did. I had no regrets and no guilt. I think mom felt the same.

I finally got up off of my knees. I could see my come trying to drip out of my moms wonderful pussy. Mom raised her ass in the air and held her knees to her chest.

I asked, "What are you doing mom?"

"I'm trying to make sure I conceive. I want to have your baby Christopher."

"But mom we are trying to trick the demons into going away. We don't actually want to give them what they want," I said.

Septa answered, "Your mom and I tricked you Christopher. We wanted your seed. You have played into our hands beautifully."

I stood and stared in disbelief. Now my mom has conceived a child from our incestuous pairing. I was going to be a father and brother to a demon child. I felt defeated.

Mom said, "Come on son lets go up stairs to my room. I want you to fuck me again. When you get through you can fuck me some more. In fact you will be fucking me a lot more. You will pay for the sins of your father by fucking me from now on."

I couldn't tell who was talking, my mother or her demon. Did it really matter? I was condemned to a life of fucking my ultra hot mom. Poor me. How could I possibly cope with such a punishment. Well duty calls. I better go fuck my mom or there will be hell to pay.

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RanDog025RanDog0256 months ago

Nah, I know it's Fiction but just too far fetched but still gave it 4 stars.

HalloweensexHalloweensexabout 1 year ago

Awesome story! Please write a part 2

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Just don't feel right how could the demon be in two places at the same time it was in his mother and out talking to him HA HA 3 stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aalmost 3 years ago

This was a good story; however, it is not possible because I don't believe in spirits.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Birth control

This is a great story. Great job. U have a gift of writing. But one mistake was made. In the story the mother gets the shot for birth control so she dont get pregnant by her son. The ending makes no sense if she went to the doctor and got the shot. Unless she lied to him but he caught her coming out of the doctor so she had to be there for a reason. I love the story but always pay attention to your story and re read it to make sure it sounds correct. Just a suggestion.

ROCKY70ROCKY70over 4 years ago
Well !!!!!! what happened to the rewrite.

This was a very good story, with

a few flaws. Maybe those who read

your work would like that rewrite.

I know I would, it could be great.



BillyName99BillyName99over 4 years ago
Not horribly bad but...

You really need to learn about homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings and spelling.)

Example: "Her complexion is pail." The correct word is Pale, as in: 'Her complexion is pale.'

A Pail is a bucket, as in a pail of water.

'Her complexion is pale' means that her skin has little color or is very light in color.

Pore means to read a book or document very carefully.

Pour is what you do to empty a pail.

Poor means low-income(broke), or bad quality.

They all sound the same, but have completely different meanings.

Yes, homophones are confusing, but that's English.

I know. I sound like an asshole here, but words are important!

Nothing screams ignorance like using the wrong word in a sentence even if it sounds the same as the correct one. I am not insulting you here, I am pointing out something you need to know If you really want to write well.

Also, I agree with the other commenters; The ending was just lazy.

Either lean into the whole possession thing or get rid of it completely.

This tale of yours has the potential to be a good story, but this version is rough and messy.

linnearlinnearover 4 years ago

I enjoyed this one no matter what anyone else says. Mom was definitely devious but she knew what she wanted.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Please get an editor {available for free on Literotica}

1) It's a chaise lounge, not a chase.

2) One pores over a tome.

All in all the tale was good, Keep writing and posting, after an editor has cleaned it up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
re: You are right.

I think you have two options:


1) If you want to go with it was all a scam on her part to seduce him, tone down on the "possession" parts, such as his feet stuck to the floor.


2) Go all in on the possession, that they really encountered a demon or even that she conjured up a demon to force Chris to fuck her.

ChristopherAllanChristopherAllanover 4 years agoAuthor
You are right.

Guys you are right about the ending. It was lazy of me. I'll do a rewrite and fix it.

Luv2WatchHotwifeLuv2WatchHotwifeover 4 years ago
Good concept, poor execution

The fucking in the first half felt really silly and out of place. I think it was mostly due to the dialogue and how you didn't allow any real suspense or build up.

ROCKY70ROCKY70over 4 years ago
OK !!!! YOU GOT ME. ^*!^*!^*!

How did she do all these things ???. I understand her friends helping, but how did

she fuck up her son??. The floor, the noises, and his dreams ???. Well done,

nice job 5++*** .THANKS

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I hope more parts will be ut soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

how did Christopher become possessed?

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